996 resultados para Information Attacks


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This report examines important issues pertaining to the different ways of affecting the information security of file objects under information attacks through methods of compression. Accordingly, the report analyzes the three-way relationships which may exist among a selected set of attacks, methods and objects. Thus, a methodology is proposed for evaluation of information security, and a coefficient of information security is created. With respects to this coefficient, using different criteria and methods for evaluation and selection of alternatives, the lowest-risk methods of compression are selected.


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Possibilities for investigations of 43 varieties of file formats (objects), joined in 10 groups; 89 information attacks, joined in 33 groups and 73 methods of compression, joined in 10 groups are described in the paper. Experimental, expert, possible and real relations between attacks’ groups, method’ groups and objects’ groups are determined by means of matrix transformations and the respective maximum and potential sets are defined. At the end assessments and conclusions for future investigation are proposed.


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In this paper a possibility for quantitative measuring of information security of objects, exposed to information attacks and processed with methods of compression, is represented. A co-efficient of information security, which reflects the influence of the level of compression obtained after applying methods of compression to objects and the time, required by the attack to get access to the corresponding object, is proposed. Methods’ groups with the highest and respectively the lowest values of the co-efficient of information security for all methods’ groups in relation to all attacks’ groups are determined. Assessments and conclusions for future investigations are proposed.


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In this paper a methodology for evaluation of information security of objects under attacks, processed by methods of compression, is represented. Two basic parameters for evaluation of information security of objects – TIME and SIZE – are chosen and the characteristics, which reflect on their evaluation, are analyzed and estimated. A co-efficient of information security of object is proposed as a mean of the coefficients of the parameter TIME and SIZE. From the simulation experiments which were carried out methods with the highest co-efficient of information security had been determined. Assessments and conclusions for future investigations are proposed.


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Евгений Николов, Димитрина Полимирова - Докладът представя текущото състояние на “облачните изчисления” и “облачните информационни атаки” в светлината на компютърната вирусология и информационната сигурност. Обсъдени са категориите “облачни възможни информационни атаки” и “облачни успешни информационни атаки”. Коментирана е архитектурата на “облачните изчисления” и основните компоненти, които изграждат тяхната инфраструктура, съответно “клиенти” (“clients”), „центрове за съхранение на данни“ (“datacenters”) и „разпределени сървъри“ (“dirstributed servers”). Коментирани са и услугите, които се предлагат от “облачните изчисления” – SaaS, HaaS и PaaS. Посочени са предимствата и недостатъците на компонентите и услугите по отношение на “облачните информационни атаки”. Направен е анализ на текущото състояние на “облачните информационни атаки” на територията на България, Балканския полуостров и Югоизточна Европа по отношение на компонентите и на услугите. Резултатите са представени под формата на 3D графични обекти. На края са направени съответните изводи и препоръки под формата на заключение.


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In the developing digital economy, the notion of traditional attack on enterprises of national significance or interest has transcended into different modes of electronic attack, surpassing accepted traditional forms of physical attack upon a target. The terrorist attacks that took place in the United States on September 11, 2001 demonstrated the physical devastation that could occur if any nation were the target of a large-scale terrorist attack. Therefore, there is a need to protect criticalnational infrastructure and critical information infrastructure. In particular,this protection is crucial for the proper functioning of a modern society and for a government to fulfill one of its most important prerogatives – namely, the protection of its people. Computer networks have many benefits that governments, corporations, and individuals alike take advantage of in order to promote and perform their duties and roles. Today, there is almost complete dependence on private sector telecommunication infrastructures and the associated computer hardware and software systems.1 These infrastructures and systems even support government and defense activity.2 This Article discusses possible attacks on critical information infrastructures and the government reactions to these attacks.


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Nowadays Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have made one of the most serious threats to the information infrastructure. In this paper we firstly present a new filtering approach, Mark-Aided Distributed Filtering (MADF), which is to find the network anomalies by using a back-propagation neural network, deploy the defense system at distributed routers, identify and filtering the attack packets before they can reach the victim; and secondly propose an analytical model for the interactions between DDoS attack party and defense party, which allows us to have a deep insight of the interactions between the attack and defense parties. According to the experimental results, we find that MADF can detect and filter DDoS attack packets with high sensitivity and accuracy, thus provide high legitimate traffic throughput and low attack traffic throughput. Through the comparison between experiments and numerical results, we also demonstrate the validity of the analytical model that can precisely estimate the effectiveness of a DDoS defense system before it encounters different attacks.


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DDoS is a spy-on-spy game between attackers and detectors. Attackers are mimicking network traffic patterns to disable the detection algorithms which are based on these features. It is an open problem of discriminating the mimicking DDoS attacks from massive legitimate network accessing. We observed that the zombies use controlled function(s) to pump attack packages to the victim, therefore, the attack flows to the victim are always share some properties, e.g. packages distribution behaviors, which are not possessed by legitimate flows in a short time period. Based on this observation, once there appear suspicious flows to a server, we start to calculate the distance of the package distribution behavior among the suspicious flows. If the distance is less than a given threshold, then it is a DDoS attack, otherwise, it is a legitimate accessing. Our analysis and the preliminary experiments indicate that the proposed method- can discriminate mimicking flooding attacks from legitimate accessing efficiently and effectively.


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The Brussels terrorist attacks of 22 March 2016 provoked widespread political condemnation and public outrage. The events have brought to the fore past discussions regarding the limits of member states’ counterterrorism policies and the extent to which the EU could play a role in shaping more effective responses to these acts of violence.