889 resultados para Industry-School Partnerships


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The study is an objective analysis of the importance of the economics of rubber plantation industry in Kerala. The study covers a period of 25 years ranging from 1950-51 to 1974-75. The data for the study were obtained partly from published documents such as: (1) The Plantation Inquiry Commission Report (for 1950s) (2) The Tariff Commission Reports (for 1960s) (3) Indian Rubber Statistics (for 1970s) and partly from personal inquiries. The thesis is divided into three parts consisting of eight chapters. Part I deals with the importance, growth, present position, and the scope of the industry. Part II discusses in detail the various development schemes, their impact, the role of small holding sector in the development of the rubber plantation industry and the problems faced by small holdings. Part III analyses the problems connected with marketing, cost, profitability and the development potential of the industry


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Since the world demand for cashew kernels has been rising steadily for several years in the past, conferring significant price increase the processing of cashew remains a highly profitable lndustry. India being the earliest and largest supplier of cashew kernels in the world market it is our prestigious obligations to reestablish her pristine monopoly. Further the added importance ot the indutry in the Socio economic context of the State of Kerala makes various measures impervative in order to bring back to the industry its pristine glory at the late sixties to give a face lift and to stabilize the industry. This present study adopts a comprehensive frame work of analysis compassing the major issues involved in the cultivation, distribution, import, processing and marketing of cashew undcr the private and public sector, migration of the industry and the financial requirements of the industry.


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La Asociación Santa Cruz es una organización que lleva más de 17 años generando espacios de formación para niños, adolescentes y jóvenes. Los proyectos que ejecuta son programas auténticos para la juventud, atractivos para ellos y para quienes los forman (Entidades educativas y núcleos familiares). Por medio de la educación experiencial y las actividades al aire libre hemos encontrado la herramienta prefecta para formar de una manera actual y profunda. Los resultados del presente proceso se evidencian de la siguiente manera: a) estructuración de un organigrama funcional para la organización. b) Realización de los manuales de funciones y procedimientos de todos los trabajadores de la organización. c) Realización de la proyección financiera por parte del proyecto EKO Campos de verano. d) Análisis del mercado que permite una proyección fiable en ventas. Gracias al trabajo realizado en este proceso de mejora se entrega un plan de acción que potencializa la organización para que cumpliendo con todos los parámetros dados podamos generar una organización autosostenible que aumenta sus clientes anualmente en al menos un 20%, generando un superávit anual de hasta $200.000.000 en los primeros 5 años y de hasta $600.000.000 en los años 5 al 10. Gracias al proceso de mejora la asociación se convertirá en la organización Colombiana que más campos de verano residenciales realiza al año: 8 para el 2012. Es una asociación que puede auntosostenerse gracias a proyectos propios y no depende sino en un 20% de las donaciones que recibe. El medio de la educación no formal es una industria con un potencial muy grande en Colombia ya que es una oferta débil y pequeña para una demanda grande y con una necesidad fácil de identificar. Implementando este proceso de reestructuración la asociación tendrá la oportunidad de atender una población de alrededor de 300 personas para el 2012 y podrá acercarse a las 1.200 para el año 2022.


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An essential aspect of school effectiveness theory is the shift from the social to the organisational context, from the macro- to the micro-culture. The school is represented largely as a bounded institution, set apart, but also in a precarious relationship with the broader social context. It is ironic that at a time when social disadvantage appears to be increasing in Britain and elsewhere, school effectiveness theory places less emphasis on poverty, deprivation and social exclusion. Instead, it places more emphasis on organisational factors such as professional leadership, home/school partnerships, the monitoring of academic progress, shared vision and goals. In this article, the authors evaluate the extent to which notions of effectiveness have displaced concerns about equity in theories of educational change. They explore the extent to which the social structures of gender, ethnicity, sexualities, special needs, social class, poverty and other historical forms of inequality have been incorporated into or distorted and excluded from effectiveness thinking.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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With the savings and loan crisis and the tail end of a recession at hand, the '90s are bound to be a difficult decade for the financing of hospitality operations through borrowing from commercial lenders. The authors discuss one of the least known dangers associated with borrowing, lender liability. The issue is discussed from both a legal and managerial perspective.


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This paper combines insights from the literature on the economics of organisation with traditional models of market structure to construct a theory of equilibrium firm size heterogeneity under the assumption of a homogenous product industry. It is possible that configurations consisting entirely of small firms (run by entrepreneurs with limited attention) and with larger firms (using managerial techniques to substitute away these limits to allow increasing returns technologies to become profitable) can arise in equilibrium. However, there also exist equilibrium configurations with the co-existence of large and small firms. The efficiency properties of these respective equilibria are discussed. Finally, the implications of an expanding market size are considered.


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In order to maximize their productivity, inter-disciplinary multi-occupation teams of professionals need to maximize inter-occupational cooperation in team decision making. Cooperation, however, is challenged by status anxiety over organizational careers and identity politics among team members who differ by ethnicity-race, gender, religion, nativity, citizenship status, etc. The purpose of this paper is to develop hypotheses about how informal and formal features of bureaucracy influence the level of inter-occupation cooperation achieved by socially diverse, multi-occupation work teams of professionals in bureaucratic work organizations. The 18 hypotheses, which are developed with the heuristic empirical case of National Science Foundation-sponsored university school partnerships in math and science curriculum innovation in the United States, culminate in the argument that cooperation can be realized as a synthesis of tensions between informal and formal features of bureaucracy in the form of participatory, high performance work systems.


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Establishing of export operations is the key to the competitiveness for all producing companies in high-tech industry. Distribution partnerships between exporting producer and local distributors of relevant foreign market are utilized by SMEs to gain cost-efficiency of operation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Swiss market of outdoor lighting solutions and propose distribution channels for the case of company C2 SmartLight Ltd. The literature framework consists of three main parts: description of distribution channels for business products, the selection process of the distributor and management of the distributors. The empirical part of this study composed of the observation of Swiss lighting market, highlighting key customers, trends of energy efficiency and key industry players of the lighting market. The aim was to identify potential distribution channels, which reach the target customer groups and identify the market opportunity. Secondly, the data was collected through semi-structured phone interviews. The company, which operates in outdoor lighting business and has an established distributor in Switzerland, was interviewed and used as a benchmark. As a result of this research the market opportunity for distribution of C2 SmartLight products was identified based on potential customers and market need. C2 SmartLight Ltd. should establish a connection with wholesalers that distribute easy to handle and store electrical equipment. The results of this study can be used by other SME companies, operating in a similar field of economy, for selection of distributors.


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Contexte et objectif. Afin de résorber le problème de la violence en milieu scolaire, de nombreux programmes et partenariats « police-école » ont vu le jour. Malgré la popularité de ces initiatives, les évaluations établissent toutefois que leurs effets sur la violence et la délinquance sont plutôt triviaux. Récemment, le programme de prévention « Unité sans violence » a été implanté dans plusieurs écoles de la région métropolitaine de Montréal et une évaluation préliminaire rapporte que son introduction fut suivie d’une baisse significative de la victimisation. À l’aide d’une approche mixte, l’objectif de ce mémoire est d’explorer la pertinence des concepts du rôle paradoxale et de l’intervention en contexte d’autorité afin de mieux comprendre les interactions entre les partenaires du programme et d’identifier de nouvelles pistes permettant de mieux comprendre les effets des programmes policiers en milieu scolaire. Méthodologie. La recherche repose sur des données qualitatives et quantitatives. D’une part, des entretiens semi-directifs ont été réalisés auprès des intervenants (policiers, enseignants et éducateurs spécialisés) afin de recueillir leur point de vue et expérience par rapport au programme. D’autre part, des questionnaires ont été administrés aux élèves de cinquième et sixième année de 20 écoles, ce qui a permis de documenter leur perception des policiers. Résultats. Les résultats aux entrevues suggèrent que les rôles d’aidant du policier et celui plus répressif s’inscrivent en continuité plutôt qu’en contradiction. Les rôles d’éducateur et de « grand frère » du policier seraient très bien reçus par les élèves. L’expérience des policiers, leur approche empathique et personnalisée ainsi que leur intérêt pour le travail communautaire apparaissent comme des éléments clés du bon déroulement du programme. Les résultats aux questionnaires montrent d’ailleurs que les élèves ont une perception très favorable des policiers. Conclusion. Les concepts de rôle et d’intervention en contexte d’autorité apparaissent comme des éléments clés qui devraient être intégrés à toute recherche évaluative visant à mieux comprendre l’effet des programmes policiers sur la délinquance. De plus, d’autres évaluations quantitatives du programme « Unité sans violence » sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre l’influence de certaines de ses composantes, soit le renforcement positif, l’étalement du programme tout au long de l’année scolaire, le rôle des enseignants dans la transmission du message et l’exposition continue au programme entre la cinquième et sixième année.


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Thc tea industry in lndia is going through a period of crisis. The crisis in brought about mainly by cost caculation and declining or stagnant prices. The impact of the present crisis is felt most by the owners of tea plantations in Kcrala . The present study assumes significance due to the fact that the critic which already affected Keralas tea industry is now threatening to extend to other tea-growing areas in south India. Today, ensuring a favourablc price to the producers via-a-via possibilities or reducing the cost of production through increase in productivity of land and labour are the main considerations. The main purpose of the study is to analyse the factors behind the crisis as well as exploring immediate and long-term measures for the sustained growth of the industry.


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La industria de las centrales de llamadas es uno de los sectores de más rápido crecimiento en el mundo desarrollado, gracias a los avances tecnológicos han permitido su uso cada vez más generalizado desarrollando servicios integrales que son accesibles las 24 horas del día. Los operadores telefónicos o tele-operadores de esta industria se ven enfrentados a jornadas laborales en las que se exponen al uso constante de la voz, utilización permanente de auriculares de comunicación, confinamiento en estaciones de trabajo delimitadas pero no aisladas; aumentando así la prevalencia de síntomas como los otorrinolaringológicos. Este estudio tiene como objeto identificar la prevalencia de síntomas otorrinolaringológicos dados por alteraciones de la voz, compromiso auditivo y síntomas de la vía respiratoria superior durante la jornada laboral de los trabajadores de una central de llamadas de una prestigiosa empresa aseguradora de la ciudad de Bogotá Colombia, así como también identificar la asociación de factores demográficos organizacionales y biológicos con los síntomas otorrinolaringológicos y analizar el medio ambiente laboral de dicha empresa y la relación de los síntomas otorrinolaringológicos con mediciones de ruido, temperatura y humedad. La población estudiada fue de 81 tele operadores de los cuales 61 (75.3%) fueron mujeres, se evidencio que las enfermedades respiratorias altas tienen una prevalencia del 36%, también se reporto una prevalencia del 85% (69) tele operadores reportaron por lo menos un síntoma de voz y solo 12 tele operadores 15% no reportaron ningún síntoma. En cuanto a la hipoacusia solo 5 (6.2%) reportaron disminución de la agudeza auditiva


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)