989 resultados para Industrial’s buildings design


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The resources listed in this document describe the design and construction opportunities available to building owners who wish to re-Life their properties. They do not yet examine management opportunities, which may also help owners improve the efficiency of their existing stock.


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The building sector is one of the highest consumers of energy in the world. This has led to high dependency on using fossil fuel to supply energy without due consideration to its environmental impact. Saudi Arabia has been through rapid development accompanied by population growth, which in turn has increased the demand for construction. However, this fast development has been met without considering sustainable building design. General design practices rely on using international design approaches and features without considering the local climate and aspects of traditional passive design. This is by constructing buildings with a large amount of glass fully exposed to solar radiation. The aim of this paper is to investigate the development of sustainability in passive design and vernacular architecture. Furthermore, it compares them with current building in Saudi Arabia in terms of making the most of the climate. Moreover, it will explore the most sustainable renewable energy that can be used to reduce the environmental impact on modern building in Saudi Arabia. This will be carried out using case studies demonstrating the performance of vernacular design in Saudi Arabia and thus its benefits in terms of environmental, economic and social sustainability. It argues that the adoption of a hybrid approach can improve the energy efficiency as well as reduce the carbon footprint of buildings. This is by combining passive design, learning from the vernacular architecture and implementing innovative sustainable technologies.


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The number of tall buildings is increasing as a result of the advances in construction technologies and the rising land prices. These buildings are characterised by their high energy consumption compared to other building types as they rely intensively on mechanical HVAC systems due to the extreme weather conditions associated with the increase in height. However, they present a great opportunity for energy savings. In recent years, it has been noticed the increasing interest in geometry and form of tall buildings, as a result of the evolution of parametric modelling and 3D visualisation tools, on the expense of the environmental aspect. This paper discusses factors affecting the energy consumption in the tall buildings. Through an extensive analysis of Literature, active and passive energy efficient strategies adopted in tall building at various building stages are identified. In addition, the role of architectural design parameters, such as building form, orientation and envelope on the tall building energy performance are highlighted. Finally, a set of guidelines and environmental design strategies to be considered in different phases in order to achieve energy-efficient tall buildings are proposed. These strategies have been categorised into four stages namely early design, conceptualisation, and documentation and operational. A 3D modelling approach was used to visualise and illustrate the proposed strategies in different stages.


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas


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The design-build (DB) delivery system is an effective means of delivering a green construction project and selecting an appropriate contractor is critical to project success. Moreover, the delivery of green buildings requires specific design, construction and operation and maintenance considerations not generally encountered in the procurement of conventional buildings. Specifying clear sustainability requirements to potential contractors is particularly important in achieving sustainable project goals. However, many client/owners either do not explicitly specify sustainability requirements or do so in a prescriptive manner during the project procurement process. This paper investigates the current state-of-the-art procurement process used in specifying the sustainability requirements of the public sector in the USA construction market by means of a robust content analysis of 40 design-build requests for proposals (RFPs). The results of the content analysis indicate that the sustainability requirement is one of the most important dimensions in the best-value evaluation of DB contractors. Client/owners predominantly specify the LEED certification levels (e.g. LEED Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum) for a particular facility, and include the sustainability requirements as selection criteria (with specific importance weightings) for contractor evolution. Additionally, larger size projects tend to allocate higher importance weightings to sustainability requirements.This study provides public DB client/owners with a number of practical implications for selecting appropriate design-builders for sustainable DB projects.


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Energy efficiency of buildings is attracting significant attention from the research community as the world is moving towards sustainable buildings design. Energy efficient approaches are measures or ways to improve the energy performance and energy efficiency of buildings. This study surveyed various energy-efficient approaches for commercial building and identifies Envelope Thermal Transfer Value (ETTV) and Green applications (Living wall, Green facade and Green roof) as most important and effective methods. An in-depth investigation was carried out on these energy-efficient approaches. It has been found that no ETTV model has been developed for sub-tropical climate of Australia. Moreover, existing ETTV equations developed for other countries do not take roof heat gain into consideration. Furthermore, the relationship of ETTV and different Green applications have not been investigated extensively in any literature, and the energy performance of commercial buildings in the presence of Living wall, Green facade and Green roof has not been investigated in the sub-tropical climate of Australia. The study has been conducted in two phases. First, the study develops the new formulation, coefficient and bench mark value of ETTV in the presence of external shading devices. In the new formulation, roof heat gain has been included in the integrated heat gain model made of ETTV. In the 2nd stage, the study presents the relationship of thermal and energy performance of (a) Living wall and ETTV (b) Green facade and ETTV (c) Combination of Living wall, Green facade and ETTV (d) Combination of Living wall, Green Roof and ETTV in new formulations. Finally, the study demonstrates the amount of energy that can be saved annually from different combinations of Green applications, i.e., Living wall, Green facade; combination of Living wall and Green facade; combination of Living wall and Green roof. The estimations are supported by experimental values obtained from extensive experiments of Living walls and Green roofs.


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LiteSteel beam (LSB) is a cold-formed steel hollow flange channel section produced using a patented manufacturing process involving simultaneous cold-forming and dual electric resistance welding. It is commonly used as floor joists and bearers in residential, industrial and commercial buildings. Design of the LSB is governed by the Australian cold-formed steel structures code, AS/NZS 4600. Due to the geometry of the LSB, as well as its unique residual stress characteristics and initial geometric imperfections resultant of manufacturing processes, currently available design equations for common cold-formed sections are not directly applicable to the LSB. Many research studies have been carried out to evaluate the behaviour and design of LSBs subject to pure bending actions and predominant shear actions. To date, however, no investigation has been conducted into the strength of LSB sections under combined bending and shear actions. Hence experimental and numerical studies were conducted to assess the combined bending and shear behaviour of LSBs. Finite element models of LSBs were developed to simulate their combined bending and shear behaviour and strength of LSBs. They were then validated by comparing the results with available experimental test results and used in a detailed parametric study. The results from experimental and finite element analyses were compared with current AS/NZS 4600 and AS 4100 design rules. Both experimental and numerical studies show that the AS/NZS 4600 design rule based on circular interaction equation is conservative in predicting the combined bending and shear capacities of LSBs. This paper presents the details of the numerical studies of LSBs and the results. In response to the inadequacies of current approaches to designing LSBs for combined bending and shear, two lower bound design equations are proposed in this paper.


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STAC is a mobile application (app) designed to promote the benefits of climate-aware urban development in Subtropical environments. Although, STAC is primarily tool for understanding climate efficient buildings in Brisbane, Australia, it also demonstrates how other exemplary buildings operate in other subtropical cities of the world. The STAC research and development team applied research undertaken by the Centre for Subtropical Design (Brisbane) to profile buildings past and present that have contributed to the creation of a vibrant society, a viable economy, a healthy environment, and an authentic sense of place. In collaboration with researchers from the field of Interaction Design, this knowledge and data was collated, processed and curated for presentation via a custom mobile application designed to distribute this important research for review and consideration on-location in local settings and for comparison across all other global subtropical regions and projects identified by this research. This collaboration adopted a Design-based Research (DBR) Methodology guided by the main tenets of research and design iteration and cross-discipline collaboration in real-world settings, resulting in the formulation of contextually-sensitive design principles, theories, and tools for design intervention. Combined with significant context review of available technology and data and subsequent case study analysis of exemplar design applications.


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L’objectiu d’aquest treball és realitzar un projecte on es buscaran diferents tipus de sabates prefabricada de formigó que hi ha en el mercat, per tal de seleccionar la més adequada a través d’una sèrie de càlculs, tant des del punt de vista tècnic, de facilitat de muntatge i de transport, com econòmic, i d’aquesta manera arribar a una solució. Aquest projecte és un subprojecte d’un altre que correspon a la construcció de la totalitat de la nau industrial prefabricada. Per tant, la part important d’aquest projecte és l’estudi de les sabates prefabricades de formigó, el qual, es realitzarà partint d’una informació addicional, que aparentment sembla poc important, però, en realitat, és imprescindible per dur-lo a terme


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La majoria de naus industrials són edificis contenidors, senzills, modulars i, sobretot, concebuts com a edificis rendibles, sense tenir en compte criteris de protecció del medi ambient. En el projecte s’ha optat per fer el disseny i càlcul d’una nau industrial prefabricada de formigó armat per a la fabricació de maquinària per la indústria agroalimentària, amb dos nivells d’oficines, zona de producció amb pont grua, laboratoris i magatzems amb una superfície total aproximada de 1800 m². Per tal que sigui un edifici sostenible, s’ha optat per la instal·lació de plaques solars fotovoltaiques, aïllament tèrmic, aprofitament d’aigües plujanes, gestió de residus, aprofitament òptim, il·luminació natural, estalvi d’energia a causa d'una bona gestió dels recursos energètics


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El peticionari és el propietari d’una nau industrial aïllada del terme municipal de Cassà de la Selva destinada a la venda i exposició de materials per a la construcció. A causa de la creixent demanda en el sector es vol ampliar la superfície de la nau, amb la intenció d’augmentar la zona comercial. El disseny i càlcul de l’ampliació de la nau aïllada inclou moviment de terres, fonaments, estructura, tancaments, coberta, paviments, obra de paleta, fusteria, i pintura. També s’inclourà el disseny i càlcul de les instal·lacions (aigua, baixa tensió, il·luminació, climatització, ventilació, contra incendis, plaques solars, sanejament) de l’ampliació