9 resultados para Indolamine


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O oxigênio é fundamental para os vertebrados. No entanto, variações dos níveis de oxigênio na água podem provocar estresse oxidante em peixes porque privação de oxigênio seguida de reoxigenação forma espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) em células. Níveis intracelulares de ERO aumentados favorecem que moléculas de proteínas, fosfolipídios e ácidos nucleicos sofram alterações, vindo a prejudicar muitas funções celulares. No Pantanal, habitat do pacu, o nível de oxigênio varia circadianamente na água das lagoas rasas que acabam isoladas dos rios na seca. O pacu evoluiu sob a pressão contínua da exposição aos efeitos prejudiciais das ERO causados pelos pulsos de inundação. A melatonina, uma indolamina produzida na glândula pineal, influencia os níveis de atividade de enzimas antioxidantes que reduzem ERO, além de ser capaz de doar elétrons ou captar radicais livres de forma não enzimática. Os níveis de melatonina no pacu são mais altos no verão e menores no inverno. Isoenzimas de glutationa S-transferases que conjugam o tripetídeo glutationa com o 4-hidroxinonenal, aldeído derivado da peroxidação de ácidos graxos por ERO, são importantes para evitar alteração funcional de proteínas por ligação do 4-hidroxinonenal à sua estrutura. Neste trabalho procuramos relação entre estresse oxidante, níveis de atividades de glutationa S-transferase e melatonina, para estabelecer se a melatonina ajudaria pacus a superar os efeitos deletérios das espécies reativas de oxigênio. Ensaiamos atividades de isoenzimas de glutationa S-transferases no citosol de fígado de pacus mantidos em normoxia, hipoxia, reoxigenação e hiperoxia no inverno e no verão. Medimos o efeito da melatonina in vitro e in vivo sobre as atividades de isoenzimas de glutationa S-transferase. Medimos os efeitos do estresse oxidante sobre a ligação do 4-hidroxinonenal com proteínas nos fígados de pacus tratados com melatonina. Somente as isoenzimas que conjugam 4-hidroxinonenal com glutationa mostraram menor atividade no inverno em relação ao verão; outras isoenzimas de glutationa S-transferases não alteram suas atividades sazonalmente. In vitro a melatonina não alterou a atividade de isoenzimas de glutationa S-transferase que conjugam o 4-hidroxinonenal, mas inibiu outras isoenzimas de glutationa S-transferase. In vivo a melatonina aumentou a atividade encontrada no inverno das isoenzimas que conjugam o 4-hidroxinonenal para os níveis do verão. A ligação de 4-hidroxinonenal com proteínas foi menor em pacus inoculados com melatonina. Nossos resultados mostram que a melatonina pode influenciar os efeitos de ERO em fígado de pacus. Ficou claro que a melatonina do plasma mantém os níveis de atividade conjugadora de 4-hidroxinonenal do fígado em pacus e que a baixa produção de melatonina no inverno não é adequada para a conjugação do 4-hidroxinonenal em fígado de pacus.


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In mammals, the production of melatonin by the pineal gland is mainly controlled by the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), the master clock of the circadian system. We have previously shown that agents involved in inflammatory responses, such as cytokines and corticosterone, modulate pineal melatonin synthesis. The nuclear transcription factor NFKB, detected by our group in the rat pineal gland, modulates this effect. Here, we evaluated a putative constitutive role for the pineal gland NFKB pathway. Male rats were kept under 12 h: 12 h light-dark (LD) cycle or under constant darkness (DD) condition. Nuclear NFKB was quantified by electrophoretic mobility shift assay on pineal glands obtained from animals killed throughout the day at different times. Nuclear content of NFKB presented a daily rhythm only in LD-entrained animals. During the light phase, the amount of NFKB increased continuously, and a sharp drop occurred when lights were turned off. Animals maintained in a constant light environment until ZT 18 showed diurnal levels of nuclear NFKB at ZT15 and ZT18. Propranolol (20 mg/kg, i.p., ZT 11) treatment, which inhibits nocturnal sympathetic input, impaired nocturnal decrease of NFKB only at ZT18. A similar effect was observed in free-running animals, which secreted less nocturnal melatonin. Because melatonin reduces constitutive NFKB activation in cultured pineal glands, we propose that this indolamine regulates this transcription factor pathway in the rat pineal gland, but not at the LD transition. The controversial results regarding the inhibition of pineal function by constant light or blocking sympathetic neurotransmission are discussed according to the hypothesis that the prompt effect of lights-off is not mediated by noradrenaline, which otherwise contributes to maintaining low levels of nuclear NFKB at night. In summary, we report here a novel transcription factor in the pineal gland, which exhibits a constitutive rhythm dependent on environmental photic information. (Author correspondence: rpmarkus@usp.br)


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Endothelial cells produce NO by activation of constitutive nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and transcription of inducible NOS (iNOS). We have previously shown that melatonin, in the nanomolar range, inhibits activation of constitutive NOS, and in the present paper, we evaluated whether it could interfere with the expression of iNOS, which is activated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a major component of gram-negative bacteria cell walls. Primary cultures of rat endothelial cells were loaded with fluorescent probe for NO detection. Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) translocation in endothelial cells elicited by LPS was measured by electromobility shift assay, and the vasodilation of aortic rings was accessed by recording isometric contraction. Melatonin in a micromolar but not in a nanomolar range inhibits the NO production induced by LPS. This effect is not dependent on the activation of G protein-coupled melatonin receptors. The nuclear NF-kappa B translocation is a process necessary for iNOS transcription, and melatonin also inhibits its translocation. LPS induced vasodilation only in endothelium-intact aortic rings, and melatonin (10 mu m) inhibits the vasodilation. Here, we show that concentrations compatible with nocturnal melatonin surge (nm) did not interfere with the activity of iNOS. Considering that micromolar melatonin concentrations could be locally achieved through production by activated immune competent cells, extra-pineal melatonin could have a protective effect against tissue injury. We propose that melatonin blocked the LPS-induced vasodilation by inhibiting the NF-kappa B pathway. Finally, we propose that the effect of melatonin on vascular reactivity is one of the mechanisms that underlies the protective effect of this indolamine against LPS.


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Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is an indolamine hormone produced by the pineal gland that works to regulate sleep/wake cycles and activity rhythms. The effects of melatonin in metabolism are far from understood. Melatonin was injected into the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, to investigate the effects of melatonin on hemolymph glucose and lactate levels. Following injection at t=O, hemolymph samples were collected at t=O.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 5.0 hours. Melatonin caused a decrease in the stress response to injection and also caused delayed hyperglycemia. Melatonin-injected crabs also retained the glucose and lactate rhythymicity when compared to saline-injected crabs. Glucose and lactate rhythms followed the same pattern indicating that the cycles are coupled. Also, melatonin was synthesized using tbe Fischer Indole synthesis and characterized using H?NMR. The synthetic melatonin demonstrated biological activity when injected into the crabs as when compared to pure melatonin on the effects on glucose and lactate concentrations. Overall, melatonin influences both glucose metabolism and the production of lactate.


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Die Induktion von Toleranz spielt bei der Inhibition allergischer Immunreaktionen eine wichtige Rolle. Hierbei ist die Induktion regulatorischer T Zellen (Treg) von großer Bedeutung. Da zu einer erfolgreichen Behandlung von allergischen Erkrankungen bisher nur wenige Therapiemöglichkeiten zur Verfügung stehen wie die spezifische Immuntherapie (SIT), die allerdings nicht immer zum Erfolg führt, ist es wichtig neue Therapieformen zu entwickeln. rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde daher die biolistische DNA-Immunisierung mit Kombinations-Vakzinen bestehend aus einem allergenkodierenden Plasmid (βGalaktosidase (βGal)) in Kombination mit einem Plasmid, welches für ein immunmodulatorisches Molekül kodiert (Indolamin-2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO), Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-β) oder Interleukin-10 (IL-10)), durchgeführt und im Mausmodell der allergeninduzierten IgE-vermittelten Atemwegsinflammation auf ihre Wirksamkeit untersucht. Die Expression des Allergens zusammen mit dem immunregulatorischen Molekül in transfizierten Dendritischen Zellen (DCs) sollte zu einer Induktion von Treg führen und somit eine Suppression der Immunantwort bewirken. rnIn den Versuchen wurde zunächst der Effekt einer Transgenexpression unter der Kontrolle des ubiquitären CMV-Promotors mit dem der Transgenexpression unter der Kontrolle des Fascin-Promotors, der eine Genxpression spezifisch in DCs erlaubt, verglichen. Hierbei stellte sich heraus, dass es wichtig ist die Expression des Antigens mit Hilfe des Fascin-Promotors auf DCs zu beschränken. Einzig in diesem Fall konnte nach der Vakzinierung ein inhibitorischer Effekt auf die Entwicklung einer Atemwegshyperreaktivität durch Expression des Immunmodulatoren IDO beobachtet werden. Es zeigte sich auch, dass es von Vorteil ist, wenn das immunregulatorische Molekül unter Verwendung des CMV-Promotors in allen transfizierten Zellen exprimiert wird. Dies bewirkt, dass IDO in ausreichenden Konzentrationen vorhanden ist. rnDie Expression von βGal unter der Kontrolle des Fascin-Promotors (pFascin-βGal) in Kombination mit der Expression der Moleküle IL-10, TGF-β oder IDO unter Kontrolle des CMV-Promotors (pCMV-IL-10, pCMV-TGFβ, pCMV-IDO) bewirkte eine Immunsupprimierung, die sich in einer inhibierten Produktion antigenspezifischer Antikörper, einer verminderten Zytokin-Produktion, einer reduzierten Induktion zytotoxischer T-Zellen und in einer Inhibition der allergeninduzierten Atemwegshyperreaktivität zeigte, im Vergleich zu einer Vakzinierung mit pFascin-βGal in Kombination mit einem Kontroll-Plasmid. Bei nachfolgender Proteinsensibilisierung blieben diese Effekte jedoch nicht bestehen. Einzig durch Vakzinierung mit IL-10-kodierenden Plasmiden konnte eine moderate Verminderung der Atemwegsreaktivität nachgewiesen werden. rnIn einem therapeutischen Modell der Atemwegsinflammation, in dem die Mäuse vor der DNA-Immunisierung mit dem Protein sensibilisiert wurden, wurde demonstriert, dass im Vergleich zu Mäusen, die nur mit dem Protein sensibilisiert wurden, eine DNA-Immunisierung mit pFascin-βGal aber auch mit pCMV-βGal einen inhibierenden Einfluss auf die Entwicklung einer Atemwegsinflammation hat. Eine weitere Reduktion der Atemwegsreaktivität durch eine kombinierte Vakzinierung mit pCMV-IDO wurde nur erreicht, wenn βGal unter der Kontrolle des Fascin-Promotors exprimiert wurde, nicht aber unter Kontrolle des CMV-Promotors.rn


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Derzeit stellt die allergenspezifische Immuntherapie die einzige nicht allein antisymptomatische Behandlungsform zur langfristigen Therapie von Typ I-Allergien dar, welche grundlegende Änderungen im immunologischen Geschehen induziert. Sie ist jedoch verbesserungswürdig in Bezug auf Behandlungsdauer, Erfolgschancen und Nebenwirkungen. Daher wurde in dieser Arbeit eine Strategie zur Therapie von Typ I-Allergien entwickelt und evaluiert, welche auf der Inhibition allergenspezifischer T-Zellen durch Dendritische Zellen (DC), die selektiv nach DNA-Immunisierung sowohl das relevante Allergen als auch Indolamin 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) konstitutiv produzieren, basiert. IDO ist ein Enzym aus dem Tryptophan-Stoffwechsel, dessen Produktion durch DC einen lokalen immunsuppressiven Mechanismus induziert und in verschiedenen Situationen mit der Induktion peripherer Toleranz assoziiert ist. Zunächst wurden Plasmide hergestellt, die entweder IDO alleine oder IDO zusammen mit dem Antigen unter der Kontrolle des ubiquitär aktiven CMV- bzw. des DC-spezifischen Fascin-Promotors kodieren. Die Überprüfung der IDO-Expression durch die monocistronischen Plasmide anhand von Transfektionsexperimenten in vitro ergab, dass die IDO-Expression unter der Kontrolle des CMV-Promotors sehr viel stärker ausfiel als unter der Kontrolle des Fascin-Promotors. Nach Transfektion mit den bicistronischen Vektoren, in denen die Transgene für das Antigen und IDO durch eine IRES-Sequenz verbunden waren, war die IDO-Expression jedoch insgesamt sehr schwach. Im Rahmen der Überprüfung der Funktionalität der IDO-Expressionplasmide in vivo unter Verwendung der Genpistole wurden daher lediglich Plasmide getestet, die alleine IDO unter der Kontrolle des CMV-Promotors bzw. des Fascin-Promotors kodieren. Auch in vivo wurde eine stärkere IDO-Expression nach biolistischer Transfektion mit solchen Vektoren beobachtet, in denen der CMV-Promotor zur Expressionskontrolle verwendet wurde. Die Analyse des Einflusses einer Koexpression von IDO auf die durch biolistische Immunisierung mit einem antigenkodierenden Vektor induzierte systemische Immunantwort offenbarte einen inhibitorischer Effekt für den Fall, dass die Antigenproduktion mittels des Fascin-Promotors auf DC fokussiert war und die Expression des koapplizierten IDO-Transgens unter der Kontrolle des CMV-Promotors stand. In diesem Fall wurde eine Reduktion der antigenspezifischen IgG1- und IgG2a-Produktion, eine verringerte Sekretion von IFN-y durch restimulierte Milz- und Lymphknotenzellen sowie eine Reduktion der Zahl antigenspezifischer CD8+ Effektor-T-Zellen nachgewiesen. Im Mausmodell der IgE-vermittelten Typ I-Allergie wurde weiterhin gezeigt, dass nach prophylaktischer biolistischer Vakzinierung unter Verwendung dieser Vektorkombination eine Inhibition der durch die Vakzinierung bedingten antigenspezifischen Th1-Immunantwort ausgelöst wurde. Die Suppression der Th2-Antwort, welche durch Transfektion mit dem Antigenkodierenden Vektor unter Kontrolle des Fascin-Promotors bewirkt wurde, wurde durch Kotransfektion mit den IDO-kodierenden Vektoren aufrecht erhalten.


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The pineal gland is known to be light sensitive and to be involved in the seasonal reproduction of male golden hamster Mesocricetus auratus. In general, the pineal gland has been demonstrated to be inhibitory to the reproductive system of the male golden hamster. Melatonin is a pineal hormone which can mimic the action of the pineal gland upon the reproductive system. However, the actual site(s) of melatonin action in the hamster has not been demonstrated. In this study a direct effect of melatonin on the release of FSH and LH from superfused hamster pituitary glands was investigated.^ The superfused pituitary glands showed a stable in vitro basal release of FSH and LH for up to 10 hours. The superfused pituitaries demonstrated reproducible responses to repeated pulses of 10('-8) M LHRH, and a dose-dependent response to stimulation with different concentrations of LHRH.^ Melatonin inhibited the basal release of FSH and LH from superfused hamster pituitary glands. This effect of melatonin was specific and not a general indolamine or catecholamine effect.^ The superfused pituitaries had a diurnal differential responsiveness to physiological concentrations of melatonin with respect to FSH and LH release which were related to the light cycle used to maintain the experimental animals. A LD 14:10 photoperiod cycle was used with light on from 5 a.m. till 7 p.m.. With pituitary glands obtained at 8:30 a.m., the basal release of FSH exhibited an initial inhibition, a gradual rebound at approximately two hours after the beginning of melatonin superfusion, and a significant overshoot of FSH release after the cessation of infusion with melatonin (Morning Response). If the pituitary glands were obtained from hamsters which were sacrificed at 3:30 p.m., the release rate of FSH exhibited an inhibition during the entire period of melatonin infusion with a rebound effect appearing only after melatonin infusion was discontinued (Afternoon Response). There was no significant difference in the responsiveness of the pituitary gland to infusion with melatonin at either 8:30 a.m. or 3:30 p.m. with respect to LH release. Also, melatonin could not inhibit the gonadotropins response to continuous superfusion with 10('-9) M LHRH in pituitaries obtained at either 8:30 a.m. or 3:30 p.m., nor inhibit the stimulatory effect of pulsatile 10('-9) M LHRH. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI^


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Rates of serotonin synthesis were measured in the human brain using positron emission tomography. The sensitivity of the method is indicated by the fact that measurements are possible even after a substantial lowering of synthesis induced by acute tryptophan depletion. Unlike serotonin levels in human brain, which vary greatly in different brain areas, rates of synthesis of the indolamine are rather uniform throughout the brain. The mean rate of synthesis in normal males was found to be 52% higher than in normal females; this marked difference may be a factor relevant to the lower incidence of major unipolar depression in males.


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Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is an amine neurotransmitter derived from tryptophan and is important in brain systems regulating mood, emotional behavior, and sleep. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs are used to treat disorders such as depression, stress, eating disorders, autism, and schizophrenia. It is thought that these drugs act to prolong the action of 5-HT by blocking reuptake. This may lead to decreased 5-HT content in the nerve fibers themselves; however, this has not previously been directly demonstrated. We have studied the effects of administration of two drugs, imipramine and citalopram, on levels of 5-HT in nerve fibers in the murine brain. Quantitative analysis of the areal density of 5-HT fibers throughout the brain was performed using ImageJ software. While a high density of fibers was observed in mid- and hind-brain regions and areas such as thalamus and hypothalamus, densities were far lower in areas such as cortex, where SSRIs might be thought to exert their actions. As anticipated, imipramine and citalopram produced a decline in 5-HT levels in nerve fibers, but the result was not uniform. Areas such as inferior colliculus showed significant reduction whereas little, if any, change was observed in the adjacent superior colliculus. The reason for, and significance of, this regionality is unclear. It has been proposed that serotonin effects in the brain might be linked to changes in glutamatergic transmission. Extracellular glutamate levels are regulated primarily by glial glutamate transporters. Qualitative evaluation of glutamate transporter immunolabeling in cortex of control and drug-treated mice revealed no discernable difference in intensity of glutamate transporter immunoreactivity. These data suggest that changes in intracellular and extracellular levels of serotonin do not cause concomitant changes in astroglial glutamate transporter expression, and thus cannot represent a mechanism for the delayed efficacy of antidepressants when administered clinically. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.