962 resultados para Indices de comparaison
La substitution est une méthode de prévention primaire qui permet l’élimination à la source des dangers pour les travailleurs. Une des étapes de la démarche est la comparaison des options afin de procéder au choix final. Divers indices de comparaison, basés sur des paramètres physicochimiques, sanitaires et environnementaux des substances, permettent de guider ce choix. Toutefois, aucune évaluation de ces indices n’a été effectuée dans le cas de la substitution des solvants. Une recherche de développement a été entreprise afin de proposer une méthodologie améliorée de comparaison des solvants. La démarche d’analyse de substitution et la comparaison des options de remplacement à l’aide du rapport de danger de vapeur (« Vapour Hazard Ratio », VHR) ont été appliquées à un cas réel de substitution de solvants en entreprise. Trois indices de potentiel de surexposition (IPS) (VHR, « Måleteknisk Arbejdshygiejnisk Luftbehov » (MAL) et « SUBstitution FACtor » (SUBFAC)) et trois indices globaux de hiérarchisation des dangers (indice air (ψiair), « Indiana Relative Chemical Hazard Score » (IRCHS) et « Final Hazard Score » (FHS)) ont été évalués et comparés à partir de listes de 56 et 67 solvants respectivement. La problématique de la non-idéalité des mélanges a aussi été considérée par rapport aux IPS par l’évaluation et la comparaison de 50 mélanges de solvant. Une méthodologie d’établissement d’une valeur limite d’exposition (VLE), pour les solvants n’en possédant pas, a été développée par modélisation de type relations quantitatives propriété-propriété (QPPR). La modélisation QPPR des VLE, effectuée sur une liste de 88 solvants possédant une VLE, a été effectuée à partir des coefficients de partage octanol:air, octanol:eau, sang:air et des constantes métaboliques. L’étude de cas a montré que l’utilisation du VHR facilitait la comparaison des options, bien qu’elle puisse se heurter à l’absence de VLE. Les indices VHR et SUBFAC ont été identifiés comme des méthodes très proches, caractérisées par une forte corrélation (R=0,99) alors que l’indice MAL se distingue des deux autres IPS par une perte d’information sur la volatilité résultant en une corrélation plus faible avec le VHR (R=0,75). L’impact de la non idealité, évalué par le calcul de coefficients d’activité sur une série de 50 mélanges, a permis d’établir que les ratios entre les indices VHR corrigés et non corrigés variaient entre 0,57 et 2,7, suggérant un facteur de sécurité de cinq lors de la comparaison de mélanges. Les analyses de corrélation et de sensibilité ont montré que les indices de hiérarchisation des dangers différaient de façon importante sur leur prise en compte de paramètres comme la volatilité, les VLE, l’exposition cutanée, l’inflammabilité, la cancérogénicité et les divers paramètres environnementaux. Aucun de ces indices ne peut être recommandé pour la substitution des solvants. Deux modèles QPPR ont été développés afin de prédire des VLE et des VHR, et 61 % et 87 % des VHR prédits variaient respectivement d’un facteur maximal de deux et de cinq par rapport aux VHR calculés. Nos résultats mènent à proposer une démarche améliorée de comparaison en deux étapes. Après un tri selon des critères prioritaires de santé, de sécurité et d’environnement, la comparaison devrait se baser sur le calcul du VHR tout en considérant d’autres paramètres selon la situation concrète de l’entreprise ou du procédé. La comparaison devra tenir compte de la non-idéalité pour les mélanges, et de VLE estimées pour les solvants n’en possédant pas.
Pendant la grossesse, la pression artérielle reste stable malgré une nette augmentation du volume d'éjection systolique et du débit cardiaque. Cette stabilité vient d'un côté d'une vasodilatation périphérique entraînant une diminution des résistances périphériques et d'un autre côté d'une moindre rigidité des principales artères notamment l'aorte. En conséquence, l'amplitude des ondes de pouls est atténuée, de même que leur vitesse de propagation dans le sens tant antérogade que rétrograde (ondes réfléchies). Les ondes réfléchies tendent ainsi à atteindre l'aorte ascendante plus tard durant la systole, voire durant la diastole, ce qui peut contribuer à diminuer la pression puisée. La prééclampsie perturbe massivement ce processus d'adaptation. Il s'agit d'une maladie hypertensive de la grossesse engendrant une importante morbidité et mortalité néonatale et maternelle. Il est à remarquer que la diminution de la rigidité artérielle n'est pas observée chez les patientes atteintes avec pour conséquence une forte augmentation de la pression systolique centrale (aortique) par les ondes réfléchies. Ce fait a été établi grâce à l'existence de la tonométrie d'aplanation, une méthode permettant l'évaluation non invasive de l'onde de pouls centrale. Dans cette méthode, un senseur de pression piézo-électrique permet de capter l'onde de pouls périphérique, le plus souvent sur l'artère radiale. Par la suite, un algorithme validé permet d'en déduire la forme de l'onde de pouls centrale et de visualiser à quel moment du cycle cardiaque s'y ajoutent les ondes réfléchies. Plusieurs études font état d'une forte augmentation de la pression systolique centrale par les ondes réfléchies chez les patientes atteintes de prééclampsie, suggérant l'utilisation de cette méthode pour le diagnostic et le monitoring voire pour le dépistage de ces patientes. Pour atteindre ce but, il est nécessaire d'établir des normes en rapport notamment avec l'âge gestationnel. Dans la littérature, les données pertinentes actuellement disponibles sont variables, voire contradictoires. Par exemple, les ondes réfléchies proéminentes dans la partie diastolique de l'onde de pouls centrale disparaissaient chez des patientes enceintes au 3eme trimestre comparées à des contrôles non enceintes dans une étude lausannoise, alors que deux autres études présentent l'observation contraire. Autre exemple, certains auteurs décrivent une diminution progressive de l'augmentation systolique jusqu'à l'accouchement alors que d'autres rapportent un nadir aux environs du 6ème mois, suivi d'un retour à des valeurs plus élevées en fin de grossesse. Les mesures effectuées dans toutes ces études différaient dans leur exécution, les patientes étant notamment dans des postions corporelles différentes (couchées, semi-couchées, assises, en décubitus latéral). Or nous savons que le status hémodynamique est très sensible aux changements de position, particulièrement durant la grossesse où l'utérus gravide est susceptible d'avoir des interactions mécaniques avec les veines et possiblement les artères abdominales. Ces différences méthodologiques pourraient donc expliquer, au moins en partie, l'hétérogénéité des résultats concernant l'onde de pouls chez la femme enceinte, ce qui à notre connaissance n'a jamais été exploré. Nous avons mesuré l'onde de pouls dans les positions assise et couchée chez des femmes enceintes, au 3eme trimestre d'une grossesse non compliquée, et nous avons effectué une comparaison avec des données similaire obtenues chez des femmes non enceintes en bonne santé habituelle. Les résultats montrent que la position du corps a un impact majeur sur la forme de l'onde de pouls centrale. Comparée à la position assise, la position couchée se caractérise par une moindre augmentation systolique et, par contraste, une augmentation diastolique plus marquée. De manière inattendue, cet effet s'observe aussi bien en présence qu'en l'absence de grossesse, suggérant que la cause première n'en réside pas dans les interactions mécaniques de l'utérus gravide avec les vaisseaux sanguins abdominaux. Nos observations pourraient par contre être expliquées par l'influence de la position du corps, via un phénomène hydrostatique simple, sur la pression transmurale des artères éloignées du coeur, tout particulièrement celles des membres inférieurs et de l'étage abdominal. En position verticale, ces vaisseaux augmenteraient leur rigidité pour résister à la distension de leur paroi, ce qui y accroîtrait la vitesse de propagation des ondes de pression. En l'état, cette explication reste hypothétique. Mais quoi qu'il en soit, nos résultats expliquent certaines discordances entre les études conduites à ce jour pour caractériser l'influence de la grossesse physiologique sur la forme de l'onde de pouls central. De plus, ils indiquent que la position du corps doit être prise en compte lors de toute investigation utilisant la tonométrie d'applanation pour déterminer la rigidité des artères chez les jeunes femmes enceintes ou non. Il sera aussi nécessaire d'en tenir compte pour établir des normes en vue d'une utilisation de la tonométrie d'aplanation pour dépister ou suivre les patientes atteintes de prééclampsie. Il serait enfin intéressant d'évaluer si l'effet de la position sur la forme de l'onde de pouls central existe également dans l'autre sexe et chez des personnes plus âgées.
Les tics affectent 1% des individus et sont associés avec une diminution de la qualité de vie. L’importante hétérogénéité phénoménologique retrouvée chez ceux-ci représente un obstacle majeur pour l’évaluation et le traitement de ces symptômes, et explique potentiellement la présence de données neurobiologiques contradictoires. Certaines variables rarement contrôlées, comme la complexité des tics et la demande motrice des tâches pourraient expliquer l’hétérogénéité de ces résultats. Une meilleure compréhension des processus cognitifs affectés pourrait être atteinte par l’étude de la chronométrie des événements cérébraux. Ainsi, notre objectif était d’évaluer l’impact de la complexité des tics et du type de réponse sur les potentiels électrocorticaux liés à l’inhibition, à l’attention et à la mémoire de patients tics. Nous avons comparé 12 patients présentant des tics simples avec 12 patients atteints de tics complexes, qui furent appariés à 15 participants contrôles sains. Deux tâches oddball furent accomplies, dont l’une exigeait une réponse motrice et l’autre une réponse non-motrice (compter le nombre de stimuli). Durant ces tâches, nous avons enregistré des composantes électrocorticales indexant des processus d’attention (P200), d’inhibition (N200) et de mémoire (P300). Pour la tâche non-motrice, nos résultats révélèrent une N200 plus ample chez les deux groupes de patients tics et une P300 réduite seulement chez ceux avec des tics simples. Quant à la tâche motrice, les deux groupes de patients tics présentaient une P300 réduite. Selon nos résultats, la complexité des tics et la demande motrice des tâches peuvent affecter les mécanismes neuronaux sous-tendant les différentes étapes du traitement de l’information.
Conventional reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) and hyperspectral imaging (HI) in the near-infrared region (1000-2500 nm) are evaluated and compared, using, as the case study, the determination of relevant properties related to the quality of natural rubber. Mooney viscosity (MV) and plasticity indices (PI) (PI0 - original plasticity, PI30 - plasticity after accelerated aging, and PRI - the plasticity retention index after accelerated aging) of rubber were determined using multivariate regression models. Two hundred and eighty six samples of rubber were measured using conventional and hyperspectral near-infrared imaging reflectance instruments in the range of 1000-2500 nm. The sample set was split into regression (n = 191) and external validation (n = 95) sub-sets. Three instruments were employed for data acquisition: a line scanning hyperspectral camera and two conventional FT-NIR spectrometers. Sample heterogeneity was evaluated using hyperspectral images obtained with a resolution of 150 × 150 μm and principal component analysis. The probed sample area (5 cm(2); 24,000 pixels) to achieve representativeness was found to be equivalent to the average of 6 spectra for a 1 cm diameter probing circular window of one FT-NIR instrument. The other spectrophotometer can probe the whole sample in only one measurement. The results show that the rubber properties can be determined with very similar accuracy and precision by Partial Least Square (PLS) regression models regardless of whether HI-NIR or conventional FT-NIR produce the spectral datasets. The best Root Mean Square Errors of Prediction (RMSEPs) of external validation for MV, PI0, PI30, and PRI were 4.3, 1.8, 3.4, and 5.3%, respectively. Though the quantitative results provided by the three instruments can be considered equivalent, the hyperspectral imaging instrument presents a number of advantages, being about 6 times faster than conventional bulk spectrometers, producing robust spectral data by ensuring sample representativeness, and minimizing the effect of the presence of contaminants.
Urea and ammonium sulfate are principal nitrogen (N) sources for crop production. Two field experiments were conducted during three consecutive years to evaluate influence of urea and ammonium sulfate application on grain yield, soil pH, calcium (Ca) saturation, magnesium (Mg) saturation, base saturation, aluminum (Al) saturation, and acidity (H + Al) saturation in lowland rice production. Grain yield was significantly influenced by urea as well as ammonium sulfate fertilization. Soil pH linearly decreased with the application of N by ammonium sulfate and urea fertilizers. However, the magnitude of the pH decrease was greater by ammonium sulfate than by urea. The Ca and Mg saturations were decreased at the greater N rates compared to low rates of N by both the fertilizer sources. The Al and acidity saturation increased with increasing N rates by both the fertilizer sources. However, these acidity indices were increased more with the application of ammonium sulfate compared with urea. Rice grain yield had negative associations with pH, Ca saturation, Mg saturation, and base saturation and positive associations with Al and acidity saturation. This indicates that rice plant is tolerant to soil acidity.
This paper reports a follow-up study to an article on the sensitivity of three tests of speed of information processing to impairment after concussion (Hinton-Bayre, Geffen, BL McFarland, 1997). Group analyses showed that practice effects can obscure the effects of concussion on information processing, thereby making the assessment of functional impairment and recovery after injury unreliable. A Reliable Change Index (RCI) was used to assess individual variations following concussion. It was found that 16 of the 20 concussed professional rugby league players were impaired 1-3 days following injury. It was also demonstrated that 7 players still displayed cognitive deficits at 1-2 weeks, before returning to preseason levels at 3-5 weeks. The RCI permits comparisons between different tests, players, and repeated assessments, thereby providing a quantitative basis for decisions regarding return to play.
Background: Condition-dependence is a ubiquitous feature of animal life histories and has important implications for both natural and sexual selection. Mate choice, for instance, is typically based on condition-dependent signals. Theory predicts that one reason why condition-dependent signals may be special is that they allow females to scan for genes that confer high parasite resistance. Such explanations require a genetic link between immunocompetence and body condition, but existing evidence is limited to phenotypic associations. It remains unknown, therefore, whether females selecting males with good body condition simply obtain a healthy mate, or if they acquire genes for their offspring that confer high immunocompetence. Results: Here we use a cross-foster experimental design to partition the phenotypic covariance in indices of body condition and immunocompetence into genetic, maternal and environmental effects in a passerine bird, the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata. We show that there is significant positive additive genetic covariance between an index of body condition and an index of cell-mediated immune response. In this case, genetic variance in the index of immune response explained 56% of the additive genetic variance in the index of body condition. Conclusion: Our results suggest that, in the context of sexual selection, females that assess males on the basis of condition-dependent signals may gain genes that confer high immunocompetence for their offspring. More generally, a genetic correlation between indices of body condition and imuunocompetence supports the hypothesis that parasite resistance may be an important target of natural selection. Additional work is now required to test whether genetic covariance exists among other aspects of both condition and immunocompetence.
Background: Significant hemodynamic changes, including preload and afterload modifications, occur during the transition from the fetal to the neonatal environment. The ductus arteriosus closes, pulmonary vascular resistance decreases, and pulmonary blood flow increases. Strain rate (SR) and strain (e) have been proposed as ultrasound indices for quantifying regional wall deformation. This study was designed to determine if these indices can detect variations in regional deformation between early and late neonatal periods. Methods: Data were obtained from 30 healthy neonates (15 male). The initial study was performed at a mean age of 20.1614 hours (exam 1) and the second at 31.962.9 days (exam 2). Apical and parasternal views were used to quantify regional left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) longitudinal and radial SR and e, and systolic, early, and late diastolic values were calculated from these curves. A paired-samples t test was performed comparing the two groups. Results: Compared with exam 1, LV radial deformation showed significant reductions in peak systolic e in the basal and mid segments (51615% vs 4669%, P < .01). LV longitudinal deformation behaved similarly, showing significant peak systolic e reductions in all measured segments. Systolic SR showed reductions only in the basal and apical segments of the lateral wall and in the mid portion of the inferior wall (-1.9 +/- 0.5 vs -1.7 +/- 0.3 s(-1) and -1.9 +/- 0.4 vs -1.7 +/- 0.2 s(-1), respectively, P = .03). RV longitudinal free and inferior wall systolic SR and e values were significantly higher in exam 2. Conclusions: LV peak systolic e decreases in exam 2 were possibly due to afterload increase and preload decrease. The lower RV initial deformation indices could be attributed to increased afterload caused by physiologic pulmonary hypertension or immature RV contractile properties. SR seemed to be a more robust index than e and less influenced by preload and afterload hemodynamic alteration. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2010;23:294-300.)
Background: Color Doppler myocardial imaging (CDMI) allows the calculation of local longitudinal or radial strain rate (SR) and strain (epsilon). The aims of this study were to determine the feasibility and reproducibility of longitudinal and radial SR and epsilon in neonates during the first hours of life and to establish reference values. Methods: Data were obtained from 55 healthy neonates (29 male; mean age, 20 +/- 14 hours; mean birth weight, 3,174 +/- 374 g). Apical and parasternal views quantified regional longitudinal and radial SR and epsilon in differing ventricular wall segments. Values at peak systole, early diastole, and late diastole were calculated from the extracted curves. CDMI data acquired at 300 +/- 50 frames/s were analyzed offline. Three consecutive cardiac cycles were measured during normal respiration. The timing of specific systolic or diastolic regional events was determined. Multiple comparisons between walls and segments were made. Results: Left ventricular (LV) longitudinal deformation showed basal differences compared with apical segments within one specific wall. Right ventricular (RV) longitudinal deformation was not homogeneous, with significant differences between basal and apical segments. Longitudinal 3 values were higher in the RV free basal and middle wall segments compared with the left ventricle. In the RV free wall apical segment, longitudinal SR and 3 were maximal. LV systolic SR and epsilon values were higher radially compared with longitudinally (radial peak systolic SR midportion, 2.9 +/- 0.6 s(-1); radial peak systolic epsilon 53.8 +/- 19%; longitudinal peak systolic SR midportion, -1.8 +/- 0.5 s(-1); longitudinal peak systolic epsilon, -24.8 +/- 3%; P < .01). Longitudinal systolic epsilon and SR interobserver variability values were 1.2% and 0.7%, respectively. Conclusion: Ultrasound-based SR and 3 imaging is a practical and reproducible clinical technique in neonates, allowing the calculation of regional longitudinal and radial deformation in RV and LV segments. These regional SR and epsilon indices represent new, noninvasive parameters that can quantify normal neonate regional cardiac function. Independent from visual interpretation, they can be used as reference values for diagnosis in ill neonates. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2009;22:369-375.)
BACKGROUND & AIMS: There is controversy over whether coagulation status predicts bleeding caused by ulceration after esophageal varices band ligation (EVL). METHODS: EVL was performed for primary (n = 45) or secondary (n = 105) prophylaxis in 150 patients with cirrhosis (Child A, n = 74, 49%; Child B, n = 42, 28%; Child C, n = 34, 23%). International normalized ratio (INR) and platelet counts were assessed in all. In 92 patients, levels of factor V, fibrinogen, D-dimer, protein C and protein S, von Willebrand factor, and thromboelastography (TEG) were assessed. Platelet count < 50 x 10(3)/mm(3) and INR > 1.5 were considered high-risk cutoff for bleeding. Conversely, platelet count >= 50 x 10(3)/mm(3) with INR <= 1.5 were safe cutoffs. RESULTS: Overall, 11 patients (7.3%) had post-EVL ulcer bleeding. Bleeding occurred in S patients with Child A/B (4.3%) and 6 patients with Child C (17%) (P = .0174 for Child A/B versus Child C). Eight patients with bleeding were among the 110 below the cutoff for INR and platelet count, whereas only 3 of the patients with bleeding were among the 40 patients with purported high-risk values (P = 1.0). Among the 92 patients with expanded coagulation tests, bleeding occurred in S. There was no difference in any of the coagulation parameters, including overall TEG patterns, between patients who did and did nor bleed. CONCLUSIONS: Post-EVL ulcer bleeding was associated with Child C status but not with conventional or expanded coagulation indices in cirrhotic patients without renal failure or infection undergoing elective EVL. These results call into question the common use of prophylactic procoagulants in the elective setting.
Objective. To correlate Doppler results with hematological indices at birth in small-for-gestational-age (SGA) fetuses. Design. Prospective study. Setting. Tertiary teaching hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Population. One hundred singleton pregnancies with SGA fetuses of > 27 weeks gestational age. Methods. All women had Doppler velocimetry of the umbilical arteries, middle cerebral artery, and ductus venosus within < 72 hours prior to delivery. After birth, umbilical artery blood was collected for hematological analysis. Main outcome measures. The association between fetal Doppler velocimetry pulsatility index (PI) and some hematological indices. Results. Umbilical artery PI showed a positive correlation with nucleated red blood cell count in the umbilical cord (r = 0.46; p<0.01), and a negative correlation with platelet count (r = -0.53; p<0.01) and white blood cell count (r = -0.42; p<0.01). Middle cerebral artery PI was positively correlated with platelet count (r = 0.43; p<0.01) and white blood cell count (r = 0.38; p<0.01), and was negatively correlated with nucleated red blood cell count (r = -0.39; p<0.01). The ductus venosus pulsatility index showed a positive correlation with nucleated red blood cell count (r = 0.36; p<0.01), and a negative correlation with platelet count (r = -0.37; p<0.01) and white blood cell count (r = -0.26; p<0.01). Conclusion. A significant positive or negative correlation between nucleated red blood cell, platelet and white blood cell counts, and Doppler indices suggests an association between placental insufficiency and the fetal hematological response.
P>The determination of normal parameters is an important procedure in the evaluation of the stomatognathic system. We used the surface electromyography standardization protocol described by Ferrario et al. (J Oral Rehabil. 2000;27:33-40, 2006;33:341) to determine reference values of the electromyographic standardized indices for the assessment of muscular symmetry (left and right side, percentage overlapping coefficient, POC), potential lateral displacing components (unbalanced contractile activities of contralateral masseter and temporalis muscles, TC), relative activity (most prevalent pair of masticatory muscles, ATTIV) and total activity (integrated areas of the electromyographic potentials over time, IMPACT) in healthy Brazilian young adults, and the relevant data reproducibility. Electromyography of the right and left masseter and temporalis muscles was performed during maximum teeth clenching in 20 healthy subjects (10 women and 10 men, mean age 23 years, s.d. 3), free from periodontal problems, temporomandibular disorders, oro-facial myofunctional disorder, and with full permanent dentition (28 teeth at least). Data reproducibility was computed for 75% of the sample. The values obtained were POC Temporal (88 center dot 11 +/- 1 center dot 45%), POC masseter (87 center dot 11 +/- 1 center dot 60%), TC (8 center dot 79 +/- 1 center dot 20%), ATTIV (-0 center dot 33 +/- 9 center dot 65%) and IMPACT (110 center dot 40 +/- 23 center dot 69 mu V/mu V center dot s %). There were no statistical differences between test and retest values (P > 0 center dot 05). The Technical Errors of Measurement (TEM) for 50% of subjects assessed during the same session were 1 center dot 5, 1 center dot 39, 1 center dot 06, 3 center dot 83 and 10 center dot 04. For 25% of the subjects assessed after a 6-month interval, the TEM were 0 center dot 80, 1 center dot 03, 0 center dot 73, 12 center dot 70 and 19 center dot 10. For all indices, there was good reproducibility. These electromyographic indices could be used in the assessment of patients with stomatognathic dysfunction.
Background: Although the influence of respiration on ventricular filling, as evaluated by Doppler technique, and the evaluation of diastolic velocities of mitral valve annulus (MVA), as measured by Doppler tissue imaging (DTI), can provide valuable information for the study of left ventricular (LV) diastolic function, the concomitant effects of aging, tidal volume (TV), and respiratory rate (RR) on these velocities have not been quantitatively investigated. Methods: We evaluated 12 normal male volunteers (Group I) aged 20-26 years (mean: 22.8) and 8 normal subjects aged 41 to 54 years old (mean: 45.9) (Group II). Using DTI we measured peak early (E-a) and late (A(a)) velocities of longitudinal axis expansion at lateral and medial MVA. Doppler mitral and tricuspid flow velocities were measured: peak early (E) and late (A) inflow velocity, early (E-i) and late (A(i)) flow integral, and deceleration time of peak early mitral flow velocity (DT). Respiratory cycles were simultaneously recorded at RR of 9, 12, 15, and 18 cycles/min and TV of 600 and 900 mL during respiration (RESP). Results and conclusions: (1) E, A, and A(i) in MV had negligible change during respiration, but E-i was significantly reduced during inspiration; (2) DT reduced slightly with inspiration, but the change was significant only with TV of 900 mL; (3) an important increase of E in right ventricular flow was observed during inspiration; (4) variations of RR and TV did not significantly influence right and left ventricular inflow in normal subjects, in the conditions of this investigation; (5) a significant increase of E-a at medial MVA was documented during inspiration only in young subjects; (6) a significant decrease of A(a) at medial MVA was observed during inspiration in both groups of volunteers; (7) RR and TV did not influence MVA velocities in young and adult subjects; (8) a consistent reduction in E-a and a significant increase in A(a) were observed with increasing age; (9) these changes were more conspicuous and consistent than those documented in ventricular filling when young and middle-age men are compared, suggesting that the DTI is more sensitive to detect changes in diastolic function; and (10) in addition, these data suggest that, for evaluation of diastolic function, in clinical context, it is not necessary to control rigorously RR or TV.
Background: Alcohol increases body iron stores. Alcohol and iron may increase oxidative stress and the risk of alcohol-related liver disease. The relationship between low or safe levels of alcohol use and indices of body iron stores, and the factors that affect the alcohol-iron relationship, have not been fully characterized. Other aspects of the biological response to alcohol use have been reported to depend on iron status. Methods: We have measured serum iron, transferrin, and ferritin as indices of iron stores in 3375 adult twin subjects recruited through the Australian Twin Registry. Information on alcohol use and dependence and smoking was obtained from questionnaires and interviews. Results: Serum iron and ferritin increased progressively across classes of alcohol intake. The effects of beer consumption were greater than those of wine or spirits. Ferritin concentration was significantly higher in subjects who had ever been alcohol dependent. There was no evidence of interactions between HFE genotype or body mass index and alcohol. Alcohol intake-adjusted carbohydrate-deficient transferrin was increased in women in the lowest quartile of ferritin results, whereas adjusted gamma -glutamyltransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase values were increased in subjects with high ferritin. Conclusions: Alcohol intake at low level increases ferritin and, by inference, body iron stores. This may be either beneficial or harmful, depending on circumstances. The response of biological markers of alcohol intake can be affected by body iron stores; this has implications for test sensitivity and specificity and for variation in biological responses to alcohol use.