999 resultados para Income distributions


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"A United States Department of Commerce publication."


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Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Includes bibliography


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Doutoramento em Economia.


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The stylized facts that motivate this thesis include the diversity in growth patterns that are observed across countries during the process of economic development, and the divergence over time in income distributions both within and across countries. This thesis constructs a dynamic general equilibrium model in which technology adoption is costly and agents are heterogeneous in their initial holdings of resources. Given the households‟ resource level, this study examines how adoption costs influence the evolution of household income over time and the timing of transition to more productive technologies. The analytical results of the model constructed here characterize three growth outcomes associated with the technology adoption process depending on productivity differences between the technologies. These are appropriately labeled as „poverty trap‟, „dual economy‟ and „balanced growth‟. The model is then capable of explaining the observed diversity in growth patterns across countries, as well as divergence of incomes over time. Numerical simulations of the model furthermore illustrate features of this transition. They suggest that that differences in adoption costs account for the timing of households‟ decision to switch technology which leads to a disparity in incomes across households in the technology adoption process. Since this determines the timing of complete adoption of the technology within a country, the implications for cross-country income differences are obvious. Moreover, the timing of technology adoption appears to be impacts on patterns of growth of households, which are different across various income groups. The findings also show that, in the presence of costs associated with the adoption of more productive technologies, inequalities of income and wealth may increase over time tending to delay the convergence in income levels. Initial levels of inequalities in the resources also have an impact on the date of complete adoption of more productive technologies. The issue of increasing income inequality in the process of technology adoption opens up another direction for research. Specifically increasing inequality implies that distributive conflicts may emerge during the transitional process with political- economy consequences. The model is therefore extended to include such issues. Without any political considerations, taxes would leads to a reduction in inequality and convergence of incomes across agents. However this process is delayed if politico-economic influences are taken into account. Moreover, the political outcome is sub optimal. This is essentially due to the fact that there is a resistance associated with the complete adoption of the advanced technology.


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This dissertation consists of three essays on behavioral economics, with a general aim of enriching our understanding of economic decisions using behavioral insights and experimental methodology. Each essay takes on one particular topic with this general aim.

The first chapter studies savings behavior of the poor. In this project, partnering with a savings product provider in Kenya, we tested the extent to which behavioral interventions and financial incentives can increase the saving rate of individuals with low and irregular income. Our experiment lasted for six months and included a total of twelve conditions. The control condition received weekly reminders and balance reporting via text messages. The treatment conditions received in addition one of the following interventions: (1) reminder text messages framed as if they came from the participant’s kid (2) a golden colored coin with numbers for each week of the trial, on which participants were asked to keep track of their weekly deposits (3) a match of weekly savings: The match was either 10% or 20% up to a certain amount per week. The match was either deposited at the end of each week or the highest possible match was deposited at the start of each week and was adjusted at the end. Among these interventions, by far the most effective was the coin: Those in the coin condition saved on average the highest amount and more than twice as those in the control condition. We hypothesize that being a tangible track-keeping object; the coin made subjects remember to save more often. Our results support the line of literature suggesting that saving decisions involve psychological aspects and that policy makers and product designers should take these influences into account.

The second chapter is related to views towards inequality. In this project, we investigate how the perceived fairness of income distributions depends on the beliefs about the process that generated the inequality. Specifically, we examine how two crucial features of this process affect fairness views: (1) Procedural justice - equal treatment of all, (2) Agency - one's ability to determine his/her income. We do this in a lab experiment by varying the equality of opportunity (procedural justice), and one's ability to make choices, which consequently influence subjects’ ability to influence their income (agency). We then elicit ex-post redistribution decisions of the earnings as a function of these two elements. Our results suggest both agency and procedural justice matter for fairness. Our main findings can be summarized as follows: (1) Highlighting the importance of agency, we find that inequality resulting from risk is considered to be fair only when risk is chosen freely; (2) Highlighting the importance of procedural justice, we find that introducing inequality of opportunity significantly increases redistribution, however the share of subjects redistributing none remain close to the share of subjects redistributing fully revealing an underlying heterogeneity in the population about how fairness views should account for inequality of opportunity.

The third chapter is on morality. In this project, we study whether religious rituals act as an internal reminder for basic moral principles and thus affect moral judgments. To this end, we conducted two survey experiments in Turkey and Israel to specifically test the effect of Ramadan and Yom Kippur. The results from the Turkish sample how that Ramadan has a significant effect on moral judgments to some extent for those who report to believe in God. Those who believe in God judged the moral acceptability of ten out of sixty one actions significantly differently in Ramadan, whereas those who reported not to believe in God significantly changed their judgments only for one action in Ramadan. Our results extends the hypothesis established by lab experiments that religious reminders have a significant effect on morality, by testing it in the field in the natural environment of religious rituals.

This thesis is part of a broader collaborative research agenda with both colleagues and advisors. The programming, analyses, and writing, as well as any errors in this work, are my own.


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Functional Data Analysis (FDA) deals with samples where a whole function is observed for each individual. A particular case of FDA is when the observed functions are density functions, that are also an example of infinite dimensional compositional data. In this work we compare several methods for dimensionality reduction for this particular type of data: functional principal components analysis (PCA) with or without a previous data transformation and multidimensional scaling (MDS) for diferent inter-densities distances, one of them taking into account the compositional nature of density functions. The difeerent methods are applied to both artificial and real data (households income distributions)


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We model and empirically test the link between income inequality and trade liberalization. We consider a society in which a median voter (MV) will make the decision as to whether the country should switch from its current regime of import substitution (IS) (which protects agriculture) to export promotion (EP). Liberalization entails starting importing the agricultural good and specializing in and exporting the manufacturing good. This will require transferring labor to manufacturing. We find that if MV is a worker, the IS-EP switch will take place regardless. If MV is a farmer, the switch will take place given (1) the relative productivity of an ex-farmer and worker in manufacturing,ß is high, and (2) the society’s tastes for agricultural goods, α, are not as strong as those for manufacturing goods. We also find that, following a switch, the income distribution too will improve if α is low and ß is high. In our empirical analysis, we find the endogenous inflection points of α and ß in our sample, at which the direction of change in income distribution alters its sign. Our results also show in a very robust fashion that, EP regimes - on average and with the presence of certain control variables - have better income distributions than IS regimes. This implies that mostly “right” countries have made the switch.


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One of the main socioeconomic problems observed in most developing countries is the high income inequality. In Brazil, such issue is particularly relevant, since it possesses one of the worst income distributions in the world. This paper aims at studying the impact of health status on income distribution in Brazil. The methodology is a counterfactual analysis. The database used is that of PNAD 2003. The major contribution of the present study is to detect the impact of health status on income distribution in Brazil. This effect is more significant among the elderly than the others age groups.


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A presente pesquisa investigou a relação entre crescimento econômico e distribuição de renda na América Latina e nos países em desenvolvimento. Ao contrário da literatura sobre o tema, a qual busca estabelecer uma relação causal entre desigualdade e crescimento, a preocupação foi identificar as conseqüências de distintos processos de crescimento econômico sobre a distribuição funcional e pessoal da renda. Como se sabe, o crescimento econômico provêm da acumulação de fatores produtivos e do aumento da produtividade. Nesse sentido, foi possível diferenciar os impactos sobre a distribuição de renda de um crescimento baseado na acumulação de capital daquele baseado em ganhos de produtividade. Esses aspectos deram uma compreensão melhor do processo de crescimento econômico e permitiram avaliar os efeitos de transformações políticas e institucionais sobre o crescimento e a distribuição de renda. A análise empírica centrou foco em dois temas: os efeitos das reformas econômicas na América Latina sobre o crescimento e a distribuição de renda da região; e os efeitos da abertura comercial e financeira mundial sobre o crescimento econômico e a distribuição de renda nas economias em desenvolvimento em seu conjunto.


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Includes bibliography


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En el año 2000, los gobiernos de 189 países se comprometieron a alcanzar dieciocho metas para combatir la desigualdad y mejorar el desarrollo humano en el mundo a través del cumplimiento de los denominados Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM) de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), todo ello con un horizonte para el año 2015. Los ODM deben ser monitoreados por los institutos de estadística existentes en la mayoría de los países que calculan indicadores económicos. En la Argentina, el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos tiene una larga experiencia en la creación y cálculo de índices, específicamente, del índice de Precios al Consumidor el cual ha sido considerado como el mejor índice de precios de toda América Latina. Sin embargo, desde el año 2007 se ha implementado una nueva metodología para su cálculo. En esta comunicación se presentan resultados de trabajos realizados desde diferentes puntos de vista que aportan los métodos exploratorios y confirmatorios tendientes a conocer la situación de pobreza e indigencia y la distribución de los ingresos de los habitantes del Aglomerado Gran Rosario. Los análisis exploratorios y confirmatorios aplicados presentan incuestionables resultados que reflejan la coherencia de las conclusiones a que se ha arribado. Los datos primarios de calidad utilizados permitieron plasmar análisis dinámicos con la información homogénea disponible. Finalmente y a la luz de estas circunstancias, ¿se podrá saber fehacientemente si se alcanzarán los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en el año 2015?