999 resultados para Incidental trends


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Ng (2008) shows how the cross-sectional variance of the observed panel data can be used to construct a simple test for the proportion of non-stationary units. However, in the case with incidental trends the test is distorted. The present note shows how the distortions can be substantially reduced by the use of bias-adjustment. It also investigates the local power of the bias-adjusted test, which is shown to suffer from the same incidental trends problem previously only documented for conventional t-tests.


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In an influential article, Hansen showed that covariate augmentation can lead to substantial power gains when compared to univariate tests. In this article, we ask if this result extends also to the panel data context? The answer turns out to be yes, which is maybe not that surprising. What is surprising, however, is the extent of the power gain, which is shown to more than outweigh the well-known power loss in the presence of incidental trends. That is, the covariates have an order effect on the neighborhood around unity for which local asymptotic power is negligible.


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This paper studies testing for a unit root for large n and T panels in which the cross-sectional units are correlated. To model this cross-sectional correlation, we assume that the data is generated by an unknown number of unobservable common factors. We propose unit root tests in this environment and derive their (Gaussian) asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis of a unit root and local alternatives. We show that these tests have significant asymptotic power when the model has no incidental trends. However, when there are incidental trends in the model and it is necessary to remove heterogeneous deterministic components, we show that these tests have no power against the same local alternatives. Through Monte Carlo simulations, we provide evidence on the finite sample properties of these new tests.


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Most macroeconomic and financial panel variables are trending. However, because of the well-known power problem in the presence of incidental trends, many researchers gamble that their unit root test regressions can be ran without such trends, thereby running the risk of obtaining spurious results. This article takes one of the most general and popular panel unit root tests, known as PANIC, and shows how it can be modified to account for the uncertainty regarding the deterministic trend.


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Abstract Motivated by the previously documented discrepancy between actual and predicted power, the present paper provides new tools for analyzing the local asymptotic power of panel unit root tests. These tools are appropriate in general when considering panel data with a dominant autoregressive root of the form ρi=1+ciN-κT-τ, where i=1,...,N indexes the cross-sectional units, T is the number of time periods and ci is a random local-to-unity parameter. A limit theory for the sample moments of such panel data is developed and is shown to involve infinite-order series expansions in the moments of ci, in which existing theories can be seen as mere first-order approximations. The new theory is applied to study the asymptotic local power functions of some known test statistics for a unit root. These functions can be expressed in terms of the expansions in the moments of ci, and include existing local power functions as special cases. Monte Carlo evidence is provided to suggest that the new results go a long way toward bridging the gap between actual and predicted power.


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The current paper considers the asymptotic local power of second-generation panel unit root tests that are robust to the presence of cross-section dependence in the form of common factors. As a basis for our analysis, we take the PANIC approach of Bai and Ng (2004, 2010), which is one of the single most popular and general second-generation approaches around.


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Publishing histories can reveal changes in ornithological effort, focus or direction through time. This study presents a bibliometric content analysis of Emu (1901–2011) which revealed 115 trends (long-term changes in publication over time) and 18 fads (temporary increases in publication activity) from the classification of 9,039 articles using 128 codes organised into eight categories (author gender, author affiliation, article type, subject, main focus, main method, geographical scale and geographical location). Across 110 years, private authorship declined, while publications involving universities and multiple institutions increased; from 1960, female authorship increased. Over time, question-driven studies and incidental observations increased and decreased in frequency, respectively. Single species and ‘taxonomic group’ subjects increased while studies of birds at specific places decreased. The focus of articles shifted from species distribution and activities of the host organisation to breeding, foraging and other biological/ecological topics. Site- and Australian-continental-scales slightly decreased over time; non-Australian studies increased from the 1970s. A wide variety of fads occurred (e.g. articles on bird distribution, 1942–1951, and using museum specimens, 1906–1913) though the occurrence of fads decreased over time. Changes over time are correlated with technological, theoretical, social and institutional changes, and suggest ornithological priorities, like those of other scientific disciplines, are temporally labile


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Este estudio presenta la validación de las observaciones que realizó el programa de observación pesquera llamado Programa Bitácoras de Pesca (PBP) durante el periodo 2005 - 2011 en el área de distribución donde operan las embarcaciones industriales de cerco dedicadas a la pesca del stock norte-centro de la anchoveta peruana (Engraulis ringens). Además, durante ese mismo periodo y área de distribución, se estimó la magnitud del descarte por exceso de captura, descarte de juveniles y la captura incidental de dicha pesquera. Se observaron 3 768 viajes de un total de 302 859, representando un porcentaje de 1.2 %. Los datos del descarte por exceso de captura, descarte de juveniles y captura incidental registrados en los viajes observados, se caracterizaron por presentar un alta proporción de ceros. Para la validación de las observaciones, se realizó un estudio de simulación basado en la metodología de Monte Carlo usando un modelo de distribución binomial negativo. Esta permite inferir sobre el nivel de cobertura óptima y conocer si la información obtenida en el programa de observación es contable. De este análisis, se concluye que los niveles de observación actual se deberían incrementar hasta tener un nivel de cobertura de al menos el 10% del total de viajes que realicen en el año las embarcaciones industriales de cerco dedicadas a la pesca del stock norte-centro de la anchoveta peruana. La estimación del descarte por exceso de captura, descarte de juveniles y captura incidental se realizó mediante tres metodologías: Bootstrap, Modelo General Lineal (GLM) y Modelo Delta. Cada metodología estimó distintas magnitudes con tendencias similares. Las magnitudes estimadas fueron comparadas usando un ANOVA Bayesiano, la cual muestra que hubo escasa evidencia que las magnitudes estimadas del descarte por exceso de captura por metodología sean diferentes, lo mismo se presentó para el caso de la captura incidental, mientras que para el descarte de juveniles mostró que hubieron diferencias sustanciales de ser diferentes. La metodología que cumplió los supuestos y explico la mayor variabilidad de las variables modeladas fue el Modelo Delta, el cual parece ser una mejor alternativa para la estimación, debido a la alta proporción de ceros en los datos. Las estimaciones promedio del descarte por exceso de captura, descarte de juveniles y captura incidental aplicando el Modelo Delta, fueron 252 580, 41 772, 44 823 toneladas respectivamente, que en conjunto representaron el 5.74% de los desembarques. Además, con la magnitud de la estimación del descarte de juveniles, se realizó un ejercicio de proyección de biomasa bajo el escenario hipotético de no mortalidad por pesca y que los individuos juveniles descartados sólo presentaron tallas de 8 y 11 cm., en la cual se obtuvo que la biomasa que no estará disponible a la pesca está entre los 52 mil y 93 mil toneladas.


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The measurement of submicrometre (< 1.0 m) and ultrafine particles (diameter < 0.1 m) number concentration have attracted attention since the last decade because the potential health impacts associated with exposure to these particles can be more significant than those due to exposure to larger particles. At present, ultrafine particles are not regularly monitored and they are yet to be incorporated into air quality monitoring programs. As a result, very few studies have analysed their long-term and spatial variations in ultrafine particle concentration, and none have been in Australia. To address this gap in scientific knowledge, the aim of this research was to investigate the long-term trends and seasonal variations in particle number concentrations in Brisbane, Australia. Data collected over a five-year period were analysed using weighted regression models. Monthly mean concentrations in the morning (6:00-10:00) and the afternoon (16:00-19:00) were plotted against time in months, using the monthly variance as the weights. During the five-year period, submicrometre and ultrafine particle concentrations increased in the morning by 105.7% and 81.5% respectively whereas in the afternoon there was no significant trend. The morning concentrations were associated with fresh traffic emissions and the afternoon concentrations with the background. The statistical tests applied to the seasonal models, on the other hand, indicated that there was no seasonal component. The spatial variation in size distribution in a large urban area was investigated using particle number size distribution data collected at nine different locations during different campaigns. The size distributions were represented by the modal structures and cumulative size distributions. Particle number peaked at around 30 nm, except at an isolated site dominated by diesel trucks, where the particle number peaked at around 60 nm. It was found that ultrafine particles contributed to 82%-90% of the total particle number. At the sites dominated by petrol vehicles, nanoparticles (< 50 nm) contributed 60%-70% of the total particle number, and at the site dominated by diesel trucks they contributed 50%. Although the sampling campaigns took place during different seasons and were of varying duration these variations did not have an effect on the particle size distributions. The results suggested that the distributions were rather affected by differences in traffic composition and distance to the road. To investigate the occurrence of nucleation events, that is, secondary particle formation from gaseous precursors, particle size distribution data collected over a 13 month period during 5 different campaigns were analysed. The study area was a complex urban environment influenced by anthropogenic and natural sources. The study introduced a new application of time series differencing for the identification of nucleation events. To evaluate the conditions favourable to nucleation, the meteorological conditions and gaseous concentrations prior to and during nucleation events were recorded. Gaseous concentrations did not exhibit a clear pattern of change in concentration. It was also found that nucleation was associated with sea breeze and long-range transport. The implications of this finding are that whilst vehicles are the most important source of ultrafine particles, sea breeze and aged gaseous emissions play a more important role in secondary particle formation in the study area.


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This review outlines current international patterns in prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates and survival, including recent trends and a discussion of the possible impact of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing on the observed data. Internationally, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed among men (behind lung cancer), and is the sixth most common cause of cancer death among men. Prostate cancer is particularly prevalent in developed countries such as the United States and the Scandinavian countries, with about a six-fold difference between high-incidence and low-incidence countries. Interpretation of trends in incidence and survival are complicated by the increasing impact of PSA testing, particularly in more developed countries. As Western influences become more pronounced in less developed countries, prostate cancer incidence rates in those countries are tending to increase, even though the prevalence of PSA testing is relatively low. Larger proportions of younger men are being diagnosed with prostate cancer and living longer following diagnosis of prostate cancer, which has many implications for health systems. Decreasing mortality rates are becoming widespread among more developed countries, although it is not clear whether this is due to earlier diagnosis (PSA testing), improved treatment, or some combination of these or other factors.


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We love the automobile and the independence that it gives us. We are more mobile than we have ever been before in recorded history. In Australia 80% of journeys are by private motor vehicle. But it is becoming increasingly obvious that this era has a very limited lifespan. Fuel prices have skyrocketed recently with no end in sight. In spite of massive amounts of road construction, our cities are becoming increasingly congested. We desperately need to address climate change and the automobile is a major contributor. Carbon trading schemes will put even more upward pressure on fuel prices. At some point in the near future, most of us will need to reconsider our automobile usage whether we like it or not. The time to plan for the future is now. But what will happen to our mobility when access to cheap and available petroleum becomes a thing of the past? Will we start driving electric/hydrogen/ethanol vehicles? Or will we flock to public transport? Will our public transport systems cope with a massive increase in demand? Will thousands of people take to alternatives such as bicycles? If so, where do we put them? How do we change our roads to cope? How do we change our buildings to suit? Will we need recharging stations in our car park for example? Some countries are less reliant on the car than others e.g. Holland and Germany. How can the rest of the world learn from them? This paper discusses many of the likely outcomes of the inevitable shift away from society’s reliance on petroleum and examines the expected impact on the built environment. It also looks at ways in which the built environment can be planned to help ease the transition to a fossil free world. 1.


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The Queensland Department of Public Works (DPW) holds a significant interest in the Brisbane Central Business District (CBD) in controlling approximately 20 percent of the office space within its confines. This comprises a total of 333,903 square metres of space, of which 170,111 square metres is owned and 163,792 square metres is leased from the private sector. The department’s nominal ownership extends to several enduring, landmark buildings as well as several modern office towers. The portfolio includes the oldest building in the CBD, being the former Commissariat Stores building and one of the newest, a 15,000 square metre office tower under construction at 33 Charlotte Street.