1000 resultados para In vitro diagnostics
We present assembly and application of an optical reflectometer for the analysis of dental erosion. The erosive procedure involved acid-induced softening and initial substance loss phases, which are considered to be difficult for visual diagnosis in a clinic. Change of the specular reflection signal showed the highest sensitivity for the detection of the early softening phase of erosion among tested methods. The exponential decrease of the specular reflection intensity with erosive duration was compared to the increase of enamel roughness. Surface roughness was measured by optical analysis, and the observed tendency was correlated with scanning electron microscopy images of eroded enamel. A high correlation between specular reflection intensity and measurement of enamel softening (r(2) ? -0.86) as well as calcium release (r(2) ? -0.86) was found during erosion progression. Measurement of diffuse reflection revealed higher tooth-to-tooth deviation in contrast to the analysis of specular reflection intensity and lower correlation with other applied methods (r(2) = 0.42-0.48). The proposed optical method allows simple and fast surface analysis and could be used for further optimization and construction of the first noncontact and cost-effective diagnostic tool for early erosion assessment in vivo.
Optical imaging is an emerging technology towards non-invasive breast cancer diagnostics. In recent years, portable and patient comfortable hand-held optical imagers are developed towards two-dimensional (2D) tumor detections. However, these imagers are not capable of three-dimensional (3D) tomography because they cannot register the positional information of the hand-held probe onto the imaged tissue. A hand-held optical imager has been developed in our Optical Imaging Laboratory with 3D tomography capabilities, as demonstrated from tissue phantom studies. The overall goal of my dissertation is towards the translation of our imager to the clinical setting for 3D tomographic imaging in human breast tissues. A systematic experimental approach was designed and executed as follows: (i) fast 2D imaging, (ii) coregistered imaging, and (iii) 3D tomographic imaging studies. (i) Fast 2D imaging was initially demonstrated in tissue phantoms (1% Liposyn solution) and in vitro (minced chicken breast and 1% Liposyn). A 0.45 cm3 fluorescent target at 1:0 contrast ratio was detectable up to 2.5 cm deep. Fast 2D imaging experiments performed in vivo with healthy female subjects also detected a 0.45 cm3 fluorescent target superficially placed ∼2.5 cm under the breast tissue. (ii) Coregistered imaging was automated and validated in phantoms with ∼0.19 cm error in the probe’s positional information. Coregistration also improved the target depth detection to 3.5 cm, from multi-location imaging approach. Coregistered imaging was further validated in-vivo , although the error in probe’s positional information increased to ∼0.9 cm (subject to soft tissue deformation and movement). (iii) Three-dimensional tomography studies were successfully demonstrated in vitro using 0.45 cm3 fluorescence targets. The feasibility of 3D tomography was demonstrated for the first time in breast tissues using the hand-held optical imager, wherein a 0.45 cm3 fluorescent target (superficially placed) was recovered along with artifacts. Diffuse optical imaging studies were performed in two breast cancer patients with invasive ductal carcinoma. The images showed greater absorption at the tumor cites (as observed from x-ray mammography, ultrasound, and/or MRI). In summary, my dissertation demonstrated the potential of a hand-held optical imager towards 2D breast tumor detection and 3D breast tomography, holding a promise for extensive clinical translational efforts.
Head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide. Despite advances in combined modality therapy (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy) the 5-year survival rate in stage III and IV disease remains at 40% - 60%. Short-range Auger-electron emitters, such as In-111 and In-114m, tagged with a drug, molecule, peptide, protein or nanoparticles brought in close proximity to nuclear DNA represent a fascinating alternative for treating cancer. In this thesis, we studied the usefulness of Indium-111-bleomycin complex (In-111-BLMC) in the diagnostics and potential therapy of HNSCC using in vitro HNSCC cell lines, in vivo nude mice, and in vivo HNSCC patients. In in vitro experiments with HNSCC cell lines, the sensitivity to external beam radiation, BLM, In-111-BLMC, and In-111-Cl3 was studied using the 96-well plate clonogenic assay. The influence of BLM and In-111-BLMC on the cell cycle was measured with flow cytometry. In in vivo nude mice xenograft studies, the activity ratios of In-111-BLMC were obtained in gamma camera images. The effect of In-111-BLMC in HNSCC xenografts was studied. In in vivo patient studies, we determined the tumor uptake of In-111-BLMC with gamma camera and the radioactivity from tumor samples using In-111-BLMC with specific activity of 75, 175, or 375 MBq/mg BLM. The S values, i.e. absorbed dose in a target organ per cumulated activity in a source organ, were simulated for In-111 and In-114m. In vitro studies showed the variation of sensitivity for external beam radiation, BLM, and In-111-BLMC between HNSCC cell lines. IC50 values for BLM were 1.6-, 1.8-, and 2.1-fold higher than In-111-BLMC (40 MBq/mg BLM) in three HNSCC cell lines. Specific In-111 activity of 40 MBq/mgBLM was more effective in killing cells than specific In-111 activity of 195MBq/mgBLM (p=0.0023). In-111-Cl3 alone had no killing effect. The percentage of cells in the G2/M phase increased after exposure to BLM and especially to In-111-BLMC in the three cell lines studied, indicating a G2/M block. The tumor-seeking behavior was shown in the in vivo imaging study of xenografted mice. BLM and In-111-BLMC were more effective than NaCl in reducing xenografted tumor size in HNSCC. The uptake ratios received from gamma images in the in vivo patient study varied from 1.2 to 2.8 in malignant tumors. However, the uptake of In-111-BLMC was unaffected by increasing the injected activity. A positive correlation existed between In-111-BLMC uptake, Ki-67/MIB activity, and number of mitoses. Regarding the S values, In-114m delivered a 4-fold absorbed radiation dose into the tumor compared with In-111, and thus, In-114m-BLMC might be more effective than In-111-BLMC at the DNA level. Auger-electron emitters, such as In-111 and In-114m, might have potential in the treatment of HNSCC. Further studies are needed to develop a radiopharmaceutical agent with appropriate physical properties of the radionuclide and a suitable carrier to bring it to the targeted tissue.
In this study we investigated the light distribution under femtosecond laser illumination and its correlation with the collected diffuse scattering at the surface of ex-vivo rat skin and liver. The reduced scattering coefficients mu`s for liver and skin due to different scatterers have been determined with Mie-scattering theory for each wavelength (800, 630, and 490 nm). Absorption coefficients mu(a) were determined by diffusion approximation equation in correlation with measured diffused reflectance experimentally for each wavelength (800, 630, and 490 nm). The total attenuation coefficient for each wavelength and type of tissue were determined by linearly fitting the log based normalized intensity. Both tissues are strongly scattering thick tissues. Our results may be relevant when considering the use of femtosecond laser illumination as an optical diagnostic tool. [GRAPHICS] A typical sample of skin exposed to 630 nm laser light (C) 2010 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer disease is the pathological aggregation of tau protein into paired helical filaments (PHFs) and neurofibrillary tangles. Here we describe the in vitro assembly of recombinant tau protein and constructs derived from it into PHFs. Though whole tau assembled poorly, constructs containing three internal repeats (corresponding to the fetal tau isoform) formed PHFs reproducibly. This ability depended on intermolecular disulfide bridges formed by the single Cys-322. Blocking the SH group, mutating Cys for Ala, or keeping tau in a reducing environment all inhibited assembly. With constructs derived from four-repeat tau (having the additional repeat no. 2 and a second Cys-291), PHF assembly was blocked because Cys-291 and Cys-322 interact within the molecule. PHF assembly was enabled again by mutating Cys-291 for Ala. The synthetic PHFs bound the dye thioflavin S used in Alzheimer disease diagnostics. The data imply that the redox potential in the neuron is crucial for PHF assembly, independently or in addition to pathological phosphorylation reactions.
L’utilizzo di nanomateriali, ovvero una nuova classe di sostanze composte da particelle ultrafini con dimensioni comprese fra 1 e 100 nm (American Society for Testing Materials - ASTM), è in costante aumento a livello globale. La particolarità di tali sostanze è rappresentata da un alto rapporto tra la superficie e il volume delle particelle, che determina caratteristiche chimico-fisiche completamente differenti rispetto alle omologhe macrosostanze di riferimento. Tali caratteristiche sono tali da imporre una loro classificazione come nuovi agenti chimici (Royal Society & Royal Academy of Engineering report 2004). Gli impieghi attuali dei nanomateriali risultano in continua evoluzione, spaziando in diversi ambiti, dall’industria farmaceutica e cosmetica, all’industria tessile, elettronica, aerospaziale ed informatica. Diversi sono anche gli impieghi in campo biomedico; tra questi la diagnostica e la farmacoterapia. È quindi prevedibile che in futuro una quota sempre maggiore di lavoratori e consumatori risulteranno esposti a tali sostanze. Allo stato attuale non vi è una completa conoscenza degli effetti tossicologici ed ambientali di queste sostanze, pertanto, al fine di un loro utilizzo in totale sicurezza, risulta necessario capirne meglio l’impatto sulla salute, le vie di penetrazione nel corpo umano e il rischio per i lavoratori conseguente al loro utilizzo o lavorazione. La cute rappresenta la prima barriera nei confronti delle sostanze tossiche che possono entrare in contatto con l’organismo umano. Successivamente agli anni ‘60, quando si riteneva che la cute rappresentasse una barriera totalmente impermeabile, è stato dimostrato come essa presenti differenti gradi di permeabilità nei confronti di alcuni xenobiotici, dipendente dalle caratteristiche delle sostanze in esame, dal sito anatomico di penetrazione, dal grado di integrità della barriera stessa e dall’eventuale presenza di patologie della cute. La mucosa del cavo orale funge da primo filtro nei confronti delle sostanze che entrano in contatto con il tratto digestivo e può venir coinvolta in contaminazioni di superficie determinate da esposizioni occupazionali e/o ambientali. È noto che, rispetto alla cute, presenti una permeabilità all’acqua quattro volte maggiore, e, per tale motivo, è stata studiata come via di somministrazione di farmaci, ma, ad oggi, pochi sono gli studi che ne hanno valutato le caratteristiche di permeazione nei confronti delle nanoparticelle (NPs). Una terza importante barriera biologica è quella che ricopre il sistema nervoso centrale, essa è rappresentata da tre foglietti di tessuto connettivo, che assieme costituiscono le meningi. Questi tre foglietti rivestono completamente l’encefalo permettendone un isolamento, tradizionalmente ritenuto completo, nei confronti degli xenobiotici. L’unica via di assorbimento diretto, in questo contesto, è rappresentata dalla via intranasale. Essa permette un passaggio diretto di sostanze dall’epitelio olfattivo all’encefalo, eludendo la selettiva barriera emato-encefalica. Negli ultimi anni la letteratura scientifica si è arricchita di studi che hanno indagato le caratteristiche di assorbimento di farmaci attraverso questa via, ma pochissimi sono gli studi che hanno indagato la possibile penetrazione di nanoparticelle attraverso questa via, e nessuno, in particolar modo, ha indagato le caratteristiche di permeazione delle meningi. L’attività di ricerca svolta nell’ambito del presente dottorato ha avuto per finalità l’indagine delle caratteristiche di permeabilità e di assorbimento della cute, della mucosa del cavo orale e delle meningi nei confronti di alcune nanoparticelle, scelte fra quelle più rappresentative in relazione alla diffusione d’utilizzo a livello globale. I risultati degli esperimenti condotti hanno dimostrato, in vitro, che l’esposizione cutanea a Pt, Rh, Co3O4 e Ni NPs determinano permeazione in tracce dei medesimi metalli attraverso la cute, mentre per le TiO2 NPs tale permeazione non è stata dimostrata. È stato riscontrato, inoltre, che la mucosa del cavo orale e le meningi sono permeabili nei confronti dell’Ag in forma nanoparticellare.
O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar aspectos genéticos que relacionados à produção in vitro de embriões na raça Guzerá. O primeiro estudo focou na estimação de (co) variâncias genéticas e fenotípicas em características relacionadas a produção de embriões e na detecção de possível associação com a idade ao primeiro parto (AFC). Foi detectada baixa e média herdabilidade para características relacionadas à produção de oócitos e embriões. Houve fraca associação genética entre características ligadas a reprodução artificial e a idade ao primeiro parto. O segundo estudo avaliou tendências genéticas e de endogamia em uma população Guzerá no Brasil. Doadoras e embriões produzidos in vitro foram considerados como duas subpopulações de forma a realizar comparações acerca das diferenças de variação anual genética e do coeficiente de endogamia. A tendência anual do coeficiente de endogamia (F) foi superior para a população geral, sendo detectado efeito quadrático. No entanto, a média de F para a sub- população de embriões foi maior do que na população geral e das doadoras. Foi observado ganho genético anual superior para a idade ao primeiro parto e para a produção de leite (305 dias) entre embriões produzidos in vitro do que entre doadoras ou entre a população geral. O terceiro estudo examinou os efeitos do coeficiente de endogamia da doadora, do reprodutor (usado na fertilização in vitro) e dos embriões sobre resultados de produção in vitro de embriões na raça Guzerá. Foi detectado efeito da endogamia da doadora e dos embriões sobre as características estudadas. O quarto (e último) estudo foi elaborado para comparar a adequação de modelos mistos lineares e generalizados sob método de Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita (REML) e sua adequação a variáveis discretas. Quatro modelos hierárquicos assumindo diferentes distribuições para dados de contagem encontrados no banco. Inferência foi realizada com base em diagnósticos de resíduo e comparação de razões entre componentes de variância para os modelos em cada variável. Modelos Poisson superaram tanto o modelo linear (com e sem transformação da variável) quanto binomial negativo à qualidade do ajuste e capacidade preditiva, apesar de claras diferenças observadas na distribuição das variáveis. Entre os modelos testados, a pior qualidade de ajuste foi obtida para o modelo linear mediante transformação logarítmica (Log10 X +1) da variável resposta.
The use of polycaprolactone (PCL) as a biomaterial, especially in the fields of drug delivery and tissue engineering, has enjoyed significant growth. Understanding how such a device or scaffold eventually degrades in vivo is paramount as the defect site regenerates and remodels. Degradation studies of three-dimensional PCL and PCL-based composite scaffolds were conducted in vitro (in phosphate buffered saline) and in vivo (rabbit model). Results up to 6 months are reported. All samples recorded virtually no molecular weight changes after 6 months, with a maximum mass loss of only about 7% from the PCL-composite scaffolds degraded in vivo, and a minimum of 1% from PCL scaffolds. Overall, crystallinity increased slightly because of the effects of polymer recrystallization. This was also a contributory factor for the observed stiffness increment in some of the samples, while only the PCL-composite scaffold registered a decrease. Histological examination of the in vivo samples revealed good biocompatibility, with no adverse host tissue reactions up to 6 months. Preliminary results of medical-grade PCL scaffolds, which were implanted for 2 years in a critical-sized rabbit calvarial defect site, are also reported here and support our scaffold design goal for gradual and late molecular weight decreases combined with excellent long-term biocompatibility and bone regeneration. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 90A: 906-919, 2009
Two common methods have been used to evaluate the in vitro bioactivity of bioceramics for the application of bone repair. One is to evaluate the ability of apatite formation by soaking ceramics in simulated body fluids (SBF); the other method is to evaluate the effect of ceramics on osteogenic differentiation using cell experiments. Both methods have their own drawbacks in evaluating the in vitro bioactivity of bioceramics. In this commentary paper we review the application of both methods in bioactivity of bioceramics and conclude that (i) SBF method is an efficient method to investigate the in vitro bioactivity of silicate-based bioceramics, (ii) cellular bioactivity of bioceramics should be investigated by evaluating their stimulatory ability using standard bioceramics as controls; and (iii) the combination of these two methods to evaluate the in vitro bioactivity of bioceramics can improve the screening efficiency for the selection of bioactive ceramics for bone regeneration.
We developed orthogonal least-squares techniques for fitting crystalline lens shapes, and used the bootstrap method to determine uncertainties associated with the estimated vertex radii of curvature and asphericities of five different models. Three existing models were investigated including one that uses two separate conics for the anterior and posterior surfaces, and two whole lens models based on a modulated hyperbolic cosine function and on a generalized conic function. Two new models were proposed including one that uses two interdependent conics and a polynomial based whole lens model. The models were used to describe the in vitro shape for a data set of twenty human lenses with ages 7–82 years. The two-conic-surface model (7 mm zone diameter) and the interdependent surfaces model had significantly lower merit functions than the other three models for the data set, indicating that most likely they can describe human lens shape over a wide age range better than the other models (although with the two-conic-surfaces model being unable to describe the lens equatorial region). Considerable differences were found between some models regarding estimates of radii of curvature and surface asphericities. The hyperbolic cosine model and the new polynomial based whole lens model had the best precision in determining the radii of curvature and surface asphericities across the five considered models. Most models found significant increase in anterior, but not posterior, radius of curvature with age. Most models found a wide scatter of asphericities, but with the asphericities usually being positive and not significantly related to age. As the interdependent surfaces model had lower merit function than three whole lens models, there is further scope to develop an accurate model of the complete shape of human lenses of all ages. The results highlight the continued difficulty in selecting an appropriate model for the crystalline lens shape.