970 resultados para Improvement measures
The objectives of this dissertation were to evaluate health outcomes, quality improvement measures, and the long-term cost-effectiveness and impact on diabetes-related microvascular and macrovascular complications of a community health worker-led culturally tailored diabetes education and management intervention provided to uninsured Mexican Americans in an urban faith-based clinic. A prospective, randomized controlled repeated measures design was employed to compare the intervention effects between: (1) an intervention group (n=90) that participated in the Community Diabetes Education (CoDE) program along with usual medical care; and (2) a wait-listed comparison group (n=90) that received only usual medical care. Changes in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and secondary outcomes (lipid status, blood pressure and body mass index) were assessed using linear mixed-models and an intention-to-treat approach. The CoDE group experienced greater reduction in HbA1c (-1.6%, p<.001) than the control group (-.9%, p<.001) over the 12 month study period. After adjusting for group-by-time interaction, antidiabetic medication use at baseline, changes made to the antidiabetic regime over the study period, duration of diabetes and baseline HbA1c, a statistically significant intervention effect on HbA1c (-.7%, p=.02) was observed for CoDE participants. Process and outcome quality measures were evaluated using multiple mixed-effects logistic regression models. Assessment of quality indicators revealed that the CoDE intervention group was significantly more likely to have received a dilated retinal examination than the control group, and 53% achieved a HbA1c below 7% compared with 38% of control group subjects. Long-term cost-effectiveness and impact on diabetes-related health outcomes were estimated through simulation modeling using the rigorously validated Archimedes Model. Over a 20 year time horizon, CoDE participants were forecasted to have less proliferative diabetic retinopathy, fewer foot ulcers, and reduced numbers of foot amputations than control group subjects who received usual medical care. An incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $355 per quality-adjusted life-year gained was estimated for CoDE intervention participants over the same time period. The results from the three areas of program evaluation: impact on short-term health outcomes, quantification of improvement in quality of diabetes care, and projection of long-term cost-effectiveness and impact on diabetes-related health outcomes provide evidence that a community health worker can be a valuable resource to reduce diabetes disparities for uninsured Mexican Americans. This evidence supports formal integration of community health workers as members of the diabetes care team.^
Today, the building sector alone accounts for 40% of the total energy consumption in the European Union (EU). In most EU member states, about 70–90% of the buildings were constructed at least 20 years ago. Due to this, these buildings have a worse energy efficiency behavior than the new ones that comply with current regulations. As a consequence, acting on the existing building stock is needed, developing special methods on assessment and advice in order to reduce the total energy consumption. This article addresses a procedure allowing the classification and characterization of existing buildings facades. It can help researchers to achieve in-depth knowledge of the facades construction and therefore knowing their thermal behavior. Once knowing that, the most appropriate upgrading strategies can be established with the purpose of reducing the energy demand. Furthermore, the classified facade typologies have been verified, complying with current and future Spanish regulations and according to the results obtained, a series of upgrading strategies based on the opaque part and those in the translucent part, have been proposed. As a conclusion, this procedure helps us to select the most appropriate improvement measures for each type of facade in order to comply with current and future Spanish regulations. This proposed method has been tested in a specific neighborhood of Madrid, in a selected period of time, between 1950 and 1980, but it could be applicable to any other city.
The effect of retrofitting an existing pond on removal efficiency and hydraulic performance was modelled using the commercial software Mike21 and compartmental modelling. The Mike21 model had previously been calibrated on the studied pond. Installation of baffles, the addition of culverts under a causeway and removal of an existing island were all studied as possible improvement measures in the pond. The subsequent effect on hydraulic performance and removal of. suspended solids was then evaluated. Copper, cadmium, BOD, nitrogen and phosphorus removal were,also investigated for that specific improvement measure showing the best results. Outcomes of this study reveal that all measures increase the removal efficiency of suspended solids. The hydraulic efficiency is improved for all cases, except for the case where the island is removed. Compartmental modelling was also used to evaluate hydraulic performance and facilitated a better understanding of the way each of the different measures affected the flow pattern and performance. It was concluded that the installation of baffles is the best of the studied measures resulting in a reduction in the annual load on the receiving lake by approximately 8,000 kg of suspended solids (25% reduction of the annual load), 2 kg of copper (10% reduction of the annual load) and 600 kg of BOD (10% reduction of the annual load).
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the application of logical framework analysis (LFA) for implementing continuous quality improvement (CQI) across multiple settings in a tertiary care hospital. Design/methodology/approach: This study adopts a multiple case study approach. LFA is implemented within three diverse settings, namely, intensive care unit, surgical ward, and acute in-patient psychiatric ward. First, problem trees are developed in order to determine the root causes of quality issues, specific to the three settings. Second, objective trees are formed suggesting solutions to the quality issues. Third, project plan template using logical framework (LOGFRAME) is created for each setting. Findings: This study shows substantial improvement in quality across the three settings. LFA proved to be effective to analyse quality issues and suggest improvement measures objectively. Research limitations/implications: This paper applies LFA in specific, albeit, diverse settings in one hospital. For validation purposes, it would be ideal to analyse in other settings within the same hospital, as well as in several hospitals. It also adopts a bottom-up approach when this can be triangulated with other sources of data. Practical implications: LFA enables top management to obtain an integrated view of performance. It also provides a basis for further quantitative research on quality management through the identification of key performance indicators and facilitates the development of a business case for improvement. Originality/value: LFA is a novel approach for the implementation of CQI programs. Although LFA has been used extensively for project development to source funds from development banks, its application in quality improvement within healthcare projects is scant.
This paper presents a new approach for assessing power system voltage stability based on artificial feed forward neural network (FFNN). The approach uses real and reactive power, as well as voltage vectors for generators and load buses to train the neural net (NN). The input properties of the NN are generated from offline training data with various simulated loading conditions using a conventional voltage stability algorithm based on the L-index. The performance of the trained NN is investigated on two systems under various voltage stability assessment conditions. Main advantage is that the proposed approach is fast, robust, accurate and can be used online for predicting the L-indices of all the power system buses simultaneously. The method can also be effectively used to determining local and global stability margin for further improvement measures.
The fabrication and operational techniques of Malian and Ndurutu traps mostly used by the fishermen in River Rima in north western Nigeria were evaluated through structured questionnaire and measurement of samples of the Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. There was no standard in the dimensions of either of the traps. The traps were made of locally sourced materials, except the synthetic net of the Malian trap. About 81 and 80% of the respondents fabricated their Malian and Ndurutu traps, respectively. The major problems encountered in the structure and operation of the Malian trap included projection above water, stealing of catches and trap, and trapping of small sized fishes as indicated by 61.9, 47.6 and 28.6% of the respondents, respectively. In the case of the Ndurutu trap, 72.0, 48.0, 12.0 and 8.0% of the respondents respectively indicated poor durability, single entrance valve, destruction by cattle and instability in water, as the major problems encountered. As improvement measures for the Malian trap, the respondents suggested increase in number and size of valve (81.0%), horizontal positioning (57.1%) and square shape (47.6%) while 52.0% each suggested increase in number of entrance valve and netting of Ndurutu trap. The fishermen demonstrated ingenuity in the fabrication and operation of the traps, but they failed to initiate the required improvement. It is important to critically examine the designs, materials, costs and limitations of the traps and the suggestions of the fishermen, as basis for improvement on the technology of the traps
A Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF/88) dotou os governos brasileiros de instrumentos refinados para sua atuação, associando orçamentos anuais a planejamentos plurianuais, tendo como elemento central o programa de governo. Desde então, a gestão por programas vem aprimorando-se, especialmente no período 2004-2007, com a consideração do programa como elemento organizativo central do Plano Plurianual (PPA), mediante processos estruturados de elaboração, monitoramento, avaliação e revisão. Nesse contexto, insere-se o Controle Interno do Poder Executivo Federal, na figura da Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU), órgão central de um sistema que sofreu mudanças a fim de atender a finalidade insculpida no Art. 74, I, da CF/88, de avaliar o cumprimento das metas do PPA, a execução dos programas de governo e dos orçamentos da União. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a aderência das ações de aprimoramento do Programa Bolsa-Família (PBF) às ressalvas decorrentes dos trabalhos de avaliação da execução do PBF, provenientes de auditorias e fiscalizações efetuadas pela CGU no período de 2004 a 2007. Para tanto, mediante a técnica documental e bibliográfica, a pesquisa efetuou uma análise qualitativa dos dados coletados, que contemplaram os normativos editados e os relatórios dos gestores do programa, bem como os trabalhos de avaliação da CGU no período, na forma de 04 relatórios de auditorias de gestão na secretaria responsável pelo PBF e uma parcela (32%) dos relatórios de fiscalização em municípios, cujo resultado demonstra que houve uma convergência entre o componente do PBF mais ressalvado pela CGU e a área do programa com o maior número de medidas de aprimoramento por parte dos gestores no âmbito do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome (a gestão do Cadastro Único de programas sociais), dando a entender que a CGU atuou tempestivamente e produziu insumos valiosos sobre a execução do programa, consolidando-se como uma importante fonte de subsídios para a tomada de decisão dos gestores federais, corroborando a revisão da literatura sobre o papel do controle interno na administração pública.
The California fishery for red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, has undergone explosive growth in recent years and is approaching full exploitation. Thus, there is considerable interest in enhancing stocks to maintain a high rate of landings. Fishable stocks of red sea urchins in different areas appear to be limited at three stages in their life history: By the availability of larvae, by the survival of newly settled to mid-sized animals, and by the food available to support growth and reproduction of larger animals. Here I review other efforts, notably the extensive Japanese work, to enhance fishable stocks of benthic marine invertebrates, and consider the potential options for red sea urchins at different points of limitation. These include collecting or culturing seed for outplanting, physical habitat improvement measures, improving the food supply, and conservation measures to protect existing stocks until alternate methods are proven and in place. The options are compared in terms of biological feasibility, capital and labor requirements, and potential implications for change in the structure of the fishing industry.
采用野外典型抽样调查和室内分析测定的方法,在黄土丘陵半干旱区-安塞水土保持综合试验站研究了退化刺槐林经萌蘖更新和重造侧柏林改造后林地土壤水分含量、乔木根系生物量和生物多样性指标的差异。结果表明:萌蘖更新林地内的土壤水分含量和生物多样性指数均高于重造侧柏林地;不同改造方式下整个土层内根系生物量的差异较大,根系生物量最大的是重造侧柏林地,为17.59 g,最小的是退化刺槐林,为16.59 g。萌蘖刺槐林与退化刺槐林相比,土壤水分含量和生物多样性指数变化不大,但林内乔木种类较退化刺槐林内丰富。因此利用间伐萌蘖方式对退化刺槐林改造是可行的。
BACKGROUND: Automated reporting of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is a recent advance in laboratory information technology (IT) that generates a measure of kidney function with chemistry laboratory results to aid early detection of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Because accurate diagnosis of CKD is critical to optimal medical decision-making, several clinical practice guidelines have recommended the use of automated eGFR reporting. Since its introduction, automated eGFR reporting has not been uniformly implemented by U. S. laboratories despite the growing prevalence of CKD. CKD is highly prevalent within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), and implementation of automated eGFR reporting within this integrated healthcare system has the potential to improve care. In July 2004, the VHA adopted automated eGFR reporting through a system-wide mandate for software implementation by individual VHA laboratories. This study examines the timing of software implementation by individual VHA laboratories and factors associated with implementation. METHODS: We performed a retrospective observational study of laboratories in VHA facilities from July 2004 to September 2009. Using laboratory data, we identified the status of implementation of automated eGFR reporting for each facility and the time to actual implementation from the date the VHA adopted its policy for automated eGFR reporting. Using survey and administrative data, we assessed facility organizational characteristics associated with implementation of automated eGFR reporting via bivariate analyses. RESULTS: Of 104 VHA laboratories, 88% implemented automated eGFR reporting in existing laboratory IT systems by the end of the study period. Time to initial implementation ranged from 0.2 to 4.0 years with a median of 1.8 years. All VHA facilities with on-site dialysis units implemented the eGFR software (52%, p<0.001). Other organizational characteristics were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The VHA did not have uniform implementation of automated eGFR reporting across its facilities. Facility-level organizational characteristics were not associated with implementation, and this suggests that decisions for implementation of this software are not related to facility-level quality improvement measures. Additional studies on implementation of laboratory IT, such as automated eGFR reporting, could identify factors that are related to more timely implementation and lead to better healthcare delivery.
A globalização dos mercados transformou a realidade em que vivem as nossas organizações criando a necessidade de, face à concorrência cada vez mais agressiva, lutar por uma posição de destaque no mercado onde se encontram, sendo a “qualidade” cada vez mais o fator de destaque. A qualidade vai muito além de um produto, hoje em dia a qualidade estende-se ao ensino passando pelos serviços. A qualidade preocupa não só a indústria como todas as atividades económicas, inclusive os serviços, quer estes sejam prestados por entidades privadas quer por entidades públicas. Dentro desta visão de “qualidade” de serviços, pretende este projeto de intervenção estudar a qualidade do serviço prestado, pelos serviços académicos de uma escola de ensino superior público e elaborar uma proposta de medidas de melhoria. Numa primeira fase estudámos a satisfação dos alunos face ao serviço prestado tendo sido recolhida a opinião de 120 alunos. De seguida analisámos os processos e procedimentos dos SAC e posteriormente elaborámos uma proposta de melhoria para obtermos um serviço que vá ao encontro das necessidades do seu público-alvo, correspondendo em tempo e formato às suas expectativas, por forma a obter qualidade contínua no serviço prestado. Durante a elaboração deste projeto conseguimos colocar em prática algumas das medidas propostas, sobre as quais obtivemos resultados e opiniões muito positivas.-Market globalization has transformed the reality in which our organizations live, thus creating an increasingly aggressive competition and the need to fight for a position in the market in which they are where "quality" has become an increasingly prominent factor. Quality goes far beyond a product. Nowadays, quality extends to education and even services. Quality concerns not only the industry and all economic activities including services, whether they are provided by private or by public entities. Within this vision of "quality" in services, this project aims to study the quality of the services provided by the academic department of a higher education school and develop a proposal for improvement measures. At the beginning we studied the extent to which students were satisfied with the service provided and we collected the opinions of 120 students. Then we examined the processes and procedures of SAC and subsequently drafted a proposal aiming to improve and to obtain a service which would meet the needs of our target audience, with time and format corresponding to their expectations, in order to achieve continuous quality in service. During the preparation of this project we were able to put some of the measures into practice, during obtained very positive results and opinions.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações
Reabilitação de edifícios com novas tendências NZEB: caso de estudo: edifício de serviços em Setúbal
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações
Nesta dissertação pretende-se caracterizar o desempenho energético de um grande edifício de serviços existente, da tipologia ensino, avaliar e identificar potenciais medidas que melhorem aquele desempenho, permitindo, em complemento, determinar a sua classificação energética no âmbito da legislação vigente. A pertinência do estudo prende-se com a avaliação do desempenho energético dos edifícios e com o estudo de medidas de melhoria que permitam incrementar a eficiência energética, por recurso a um programa de simulação energética dinâmica certificado – DesignBuilder e tendo em conta a regulamentação portuguesa em vigor. Inicialmente procedeu-se à modelação do edifício com recurso ao programa DesignBuilder, e, simultaneamente, realizou-se um levantamento de todas as suas características ao nível de geometria, pormenores construtivos, sistemas AVAC e de iluminação e fontes de energia utilizadas. Com vista à caracterização do modo de operação do edifício, foi realizado um levantamento dos perfis reais de utilização em termos de ocupação, iluminação e equipamentos para os vários espaços. Foram realizadas medições de caudais de ar novo e da temperatura do ar, em alguns equipamentos e alguns espaços específicos. Foram realizadas medições em tempo real e leituras de contagens da energia eléctrica utilizada, quer em período de aulas quer em período de férias, que permitiram a desagregação das facturas da energia eléctrica que se apresentam globais para o campus do ISEP. Foram realizadas leituras de contagens de gás natural. Em sequência, foi realizada a simulação energética dinâmica com o intuito de ajustar o modelo criado aos consumos reais e de analisar medidas de melhoria que lhe conferissem um melhor desempenho energético. Essas medidas são agrupadas em quatro tipos: - Medidas de natureza comportamental; - Medidas de melhoria da eficiência energética nos sistemas de iluminação; - Medidas de melhoria de eficiência energética nos sistemas AVAC;- Medidas que visam a introdução de energias de fonte renovável; Em sequência, foi elaborada a simulação nominal e calculados os indicadores de eficiência energética com vista à respectiva classificação energética do edifício, tendo o edifício apresentado uma Classe Energética D de acordo com a escala do SCE. Finalmente, foi avaliado o impacto das diferentes medidas de melhoria identificadas e com potencial de aplicação, isto é, que apresentaram um retorno simples do investimento inferior a oito anos, tanto ao nível do desempenho energético real do edifício, como ao nível da sua classificação energética. De onde se concluiu que existe um potencial de 7% de redução nos consumos energéticos actuais do edifício e de 18% se o funcionamento do edifício for em pleno, ou seja, se todos os seus sistemas estiverem efectivamente em funcionamento, e que terá impacto na classificação energética alcançado uma Classe Energética C.