983 resultados para Importance of Export Promotion Programs, Effects of EPPs on Firm Expert Performance, Developing Country Context, Bangladesh


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It is often suggested that the relative importance of biotic processes, such as recruitment, competition and predation of marine benthic species, varies predictably along a gradient of exposure to wave action. Several established models of community dynamics on rocky shores predict that top-down processes are more important for structuring communities on sheltered than on exposed shores. To test the relative dominance of top-down processes, we first measured the establishment of key benthic species (mussels, barnacles and algae) on 3 sheltered and 3 exposed rocky shores in southwest Ireland over two 6 mo periods. We then manipulated the presence of consumers (e.g. grazing gastropods, crabs, whelks), using caged exclosures, on 2 sheltered and 2 exposed shores to test for an interaction between effects of consumers and shore exposure on the establishment of benthic species. In contrast to predictions, we found that consumers strongly affected establishment of all species regardless of shore exposure. We also found that shore exposure was not a reliable predictor for spatial and temporal variation in rates of establishment of sessile benthic species. Our findings provide experimental evidence which demonstrates the importance of consumers in early post-settlement stages of benthic species-essential for the development of benthic-pelagic models. © 2011 Inter-Research.


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We ascertained villagers’ perceptions about the importance of forests for their livelihoods and health through 1,837 reliably answered interviews of mostly male respondents from 185 villages in Indonesian and Malaysian Borneo. Variation in these perceptions related to several environmental and social variables, as shown in classification and regression analyses. Overall patterns indicated that forest use and cultural values are highest among people on Borneo who live close to remaining forest, and especially among older Christian residents. Support for forest clearing depended strongly on the scale at which deforestation occurs. Deforestation for small-scale agriculture was generally considered to be positive because it directly benefits people’s welfare. Large-scale deforestation (e.g., for industrial oil palm or acacia plantations), on the other hand, appeared to be more context-dependent, with most respondents considering it to have overall negative impacts on them, but with people in some areas considering the benefits to outweigh the costs. The interviews indicated high awareness of negative environmental impacts of deforestation, with high levels of concern over higher temperatures, air pollution and loss of clean water sources. Our study is unique in its geographic and trans-national scale. Our findings enable the development of maps of forest use and perceptions that could inform land use planning at a range of scales. Incorporating perspectives such as these could significantly reduce conflict over forest resources and ultimately result in more equitable development processes.


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Small firms identify retention of staff as a significant problem. Voluntary turnover of talented staff can be costly, especially in small firms where there are few slack resources. However, there is scant research on retention in small firms. We use the concept of Job Embeddedness to understand why small firm employees stay. The concept refers to the totality of forces that embed employees in their jobs and it consists of three dimensions: fit, links, and sacrifice. Seven propositions are outlined comparing the ways fit, links and sacrifice might play out for small and large firm employees. Through testing these propositions small firm owner-managers may have a better understanding of what can be done to retain employees and maintain firm performance.


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Considerable discussion during recent years has focused on ways to increase the reliability of child witness evidence, and reduce the negative impact of the courtroom environment on children's credibility and their psychological well-being. A large proportion of this discussion has focused on removing child witnesses from the courtroom and developing alternative arrangements by which children can give evidence (e.g., videotaped statements used as evidence-in-chief, closed-circuit television). There is no doubt that these arrangements have played a major role in reducing children's feelings of uncertainty and intimidation, and they have increased the ability of children 10 tell their stories and answer questions reliably (Cashmore 2002; Eastwood & Patton 2002). However, there are many
other factors. apart from the physical environment in which a child's evidence is elicited, that impact on the quality and accuracy of a child witness's evidence.

This contemporary comment focuses on one of the most important factors that impacts on the quality and accuracy of a child's evidence; the questioning techniques. It offers four recommendations for improving the reliability of child witness evidence in court. along with justifications for these recommendations and suggestions for bow these recommendations might be implemented. Each suggestion focuses on the impact of questioning techniques, from pre-trial questioning to questioning during the trial. It does not focus on the rules of evidence regarding child statements or the physical environment in which children's evidence is elicited.


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A large body of literature has demonstrated that when authorities use procedural justice with those they regulate, people will be more satisfied with those authorities and will be more willing to cooperate and comply with their directions and rules. In the context of policing, procedural justice has also been shown to be important for shaping citizens’ views about police legitimacy, their satisfaction with police and also in fostering cooperation with police. What remains largely unexamined, however, is whether the positive effect of procedural justice varies across different types of police–citizen encounters. Using survey data collected from a national sample of 1,462 Australians, the present study will examine the relative importance of procedural justice on overall ratings of police satisfaction across two types of police–citizen encounters (citizen-initiated contacts and police-initiated contacts). It will be shown that procedural justice is most important in police-initiated contacts, while police performance is most important in citizen-initiated contacts.


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This study investigated the importance of androgen on responses to alpha and beta (norepinephrine) and alpha(1) (phenylephrine and methoxamine) agonists in vasa deferentia isolated from adult, immature, cryptorchid, and castrated rats submitted to swimming-induced acute stress. The participation of adrenergic nervous terminals was also investigated. Acute stress was shown to induce a significant subsensitivity to norepinephrine only in vas deferens from adult rats with normal levels of androgens. In addition, sympathetic denervation of the vas deferens prevented the appearance of subsensitivity. Subsensitivity was not seen when the experiments were carried out using phenylephrine and methoxamine. This shows that subsensitivity to norepinephrine in this acute stress situation may depend on other factors such as neuronal uptake, but not on alpha(1)-adrenoceptor response. Thus, when animals are exposed to acute stressogenic situations, this subsensitivity requires physiological levels of androgens to establish, and may also be involved in body homeostasis. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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1. To determine whether diltiazem protects the hypoxic myocardium by reducing contractile work, we have compared the effects of diltiazem and quiescence on left ventricular (LV) papillary muscle subjected to hypoxia. Papillary muscles were obtained from male Charles River CD rats weighing 150-250 g.2. Four groups of muscles were studied: control (N = 6), non-stimulation (N = 10), diltiazem 10(-4) M (N = 6) and diltiazem 10(-4) M plus non-stimulation (N = 10).3. Isolated mt LV papillary muscles were studied in Krebs-Henseleit solution with a calcium concentration of 2.52 mM at 28-degrees-C while contracting isometrically at a stimulation rate of 0.2 Hz. Resting tension and active isometric tension were measured.4. Both diltiazem and quiescence significantly attenuated contracture tension during hypoxia (0.91 +/- 0.10 vs 2.26 +/- 0.49 g/mm2 for diltiazem vs control, and 0.55 +/- 0.18 vs 2.26 +/- 0.49 g/mm2 for quiescence vs control). Recovery of active tension was improved in the diltiazem groups during reoxygenation (4.16 +/- 0.42 vs 3.75 +/- 0.51, 3.53 +/- 0.15 vs 2.90 +/- 0.13, 5.84 +/- 0.33 vs 6.48 +/- 0.29 and 5.98 +/- 0.90 vs 7.67 +/- 0.68 g/mm2 for diltiazem, diltiazem non-stimulation, non-stimulation and control groups).5. The results suggest that the protective effect of diltiazem during hypoxia was due to the reduction in energy demand of the myocardium.