1000 resultados para Impact velocities
The evolution of the velocity of the particles with respect to the circular orbits of satellites that are around the Earth that the particles will cross, suggests a range of possible velocities of impact as a function of the altitude of the satellite. A study made from those results show that the maximum relative velocities occur at the semi-latus rectum, independent of the initial semi-major axis of the particle. Considering both the solar radiation pressure and the oblateness of the Earth, it is visible that a precession in the orbit occurs and there is also a variation in the eccentricity of the particle as a function of its orbital region and its size. This is important information, because the damage caused in a spacecraft depends on the impact velocity.
A common form of violence investigated in legal medicine is blunt trauma caused by striking with different objects. The injuries and medical consequences have been widely examined, whereas the forces and especially the energies acting on impact have rarely been analyzed. This study focuses on how the impact energy of different striking objects depends on their characteristics. A total of 1170 measurements of horizontal strikes against a static and relatively heavy pendulum have been acquired with 13 volunteers. The main focus was laid on how the weight, the length, and the center of mass of the different striking objects influenced the striking energy. The results show average impact energies in the range of 67.3 up to 311.5 J for men with an optimum weight of about 1.3 kg with its center of mass in the far end quarter for a 1-m-long striking object. The average values for women range from 30 to 202.6 J, with an optimum weight between 1.65 and 2.2 kg and similar settings for the center of mass as the men. Also, the impact energies are getting higher with shorter object lengths and reach a maximum at a length of about 0.3 to 0.4 m. The male volunteers' impact energy was on average by 84.2 % higher than the values of the female volunteers, where the impact masses were very similar and the impact velocities played the key role.
The high velocity impact performance in hybrid woven carbon and S2 and E glass fabric laminates manufactured by resin transfer molding (RTM) was studied. Specimens with different thicknesses and glass-fiber content were tested against 5.5 mm spherical projectiles with impact velocities ranging from 300 to 700 m/s to obtain the ballistic limit. The resulting deformation and fracture micromechanisms were studied. Several impacts were performed on the same specimens to identify the multihit behavior of such laminates. The results of the fracture analysis, in conjunction with those of the impact tests, were used to describe the role played by glass-fiber hybridization on the fracture micromechanisms and on the overall laminate performance under high velocity impact.
Surface deposition of dense aerosol particles is of major concern in the nuclear industry for safety assessment. This study presents theoretical investigations and computer simulations of single gas-born U3O8 particles impacting with the in-reactor surface and the fragmentation of small agglomerates. A theoretical model for elasto-plastic spheres has been developed and used to analyse the force-displacement and force-time relationships. The impulse equations, based on Newton's second law, are applied to govern the tangential bouncing behaviour. The theoretical model is then incorporated into the Distinct Element Method code TRUBAL in order to perform computer simulated tests of particle collisions. A comparison of simulated results with both theoretical predictions and experimental measurements is provided. For oblique impacts, the results in terms of the force-displacement relationship, coefficients of restitution, trajectory of the impacting particle, and distribution of kinetic energy and work done during the process of impact are presented. The effects of Poisson's ratio, friction, plastic deformation and initial particle rotation on the bouncing behaviour are also discussed. In the presence of adhesion an elasto-plastic collision model, which is an extension to the JKR theory, is developed. Based on an energy balance equation the critical sticking velocity is obtained. For oblique collisions computer simulated results are used to establish a set of criteria determining whether or not the particle bounces off the target plate. For impact velocities above the critical sticking value, computer simulated results for the coefficients of restitution and rebound angles of the particle are presented. Computer simulations of fracture/fragmentation resulting from agglomerate-wall impact have also been performed, where two randomly generated agglomerates (one monodisperse, the other polydisperse), each consisting of 50 primary particles are used. The effects of impact angle, local structural arrangements close to the impact point, and plastic deformation at the contacts on agglomerate damage are examined. The simulated results show a significant difference in agglomerate strength between the two assemblies. The computer data also shows that agglomerate damage resulting from an oblique impact is determined by the normal velocity component rather than the impact speed.
A combined flow loop - jet impingement pilot plant has been used to determine mass loss rates in a mixed gas - saltwater - sand multiphase flow at impact velocities up to 70 m/s. Artificial brine with a salt content of 27 g/1 was used as liquid phase. Sand content, with grain size below 150 µ, was 2.7 g/l brine. CO at a pressure of 15 bar was used as gas phase. The impact angle between jet stream (nozzle) and sample surface was varied between 30 and 90°. Rectangular stainless steel disc samples with a size of 20 × 15 × 5 mm were used. They were mechanically ground and polished prior to testing. Damaged surfaces of specimens exposed to the high velocity multiphase flow were investigated by stereo microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and an optical device for 3D surface measurements. Furthermore, samples were investigated by applying atomic force microscopy (AFM), magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and nanoindentation. Influence of impact velocity and impact angle on penetration rates (mass loss rates) of two CRAs (UNS S30400 and N08028) are presented. Moreover effects of chemical composition and mechanical properties are critically discussed. © 2008 by NACE International.
An attempt was made to quantify the boundaries and validate the granule growth regime map for liquid-bound granules recently proposed by Iveson and Litster (AlChE J. 44 (1998) 1510). This regime map postulates that the type of granule growth behaviour is a function of only two dimensionless groups: the amount of granule deformation during collision (characterised by a Stokes deformation number, St(def)) and the maximum granule pore saturation, s(max). The results of experiments performed with a range of materials (glass ballotini, iron ore fines, copper chalcopyrite powder and a sodium sulphate and cellulose mixture) using both drum and high shear mixer granulators were examined. The drum granulation results gave good agreement with the proposed regime map. The boundary between crumb and steady growth occurs at St(def) of order 0.1 and the boundary between steady and induction growth occurs at St(def) of order 0.001. The nucleation only boundary occurs at pore saturations that increase from 70% to 80% with decreasing St(def). However, the high shear mixer results all had St(def) numbers which were too large. This is most likely to be because the chopper tip-speed is an over-estimate of the average impact velocity granules experience and possibly also due to the dynamic yield strength of the materials being significantly greater than the yield strengths measured at low strain rates. Hence, the map is only a useful tool for comparing the granulation behaviour of different materials in the same device. Until we have a better understanding of the flow patterns and impact velocities in granulators, it cannot be used to compare different types of equipment. Theoretical considerations also revealed that several of the regime boundaries are also functions of additional parameters not explicitly contained on the map, such as binder viscosity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Wet agglomeration processes have traditionally been considered an empirical art, with great difficulties in predicting and explaining observed behaviour. Industry has faced a range of problems including large recycle ratios, poor product quality control, surging and even the total failure of scale up from laboratory to full scale production. However, in recent years there has been a rapid advancement in our understanding of the fundamental processes that control granulation behaviour and product properties. This review critically evaluates the current understanding of the three key areas of wet granulation processes: wetting and nucleation, consolidation and growth, and breakage and attrition. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that there now exist theoretical models which predict or explain the majority of experimentally observed behaviour. Provided that the correct material properties and operating parameters are known, it is now possible to make useful predictions about how a material will granulate. The challenge that now faces us is to transfer these theoretical developments into industrial practice. Standard, reliable methods need to be developed to measure the formulation properties that control granulation behaviour, such as contact angle and dynamic yield strength. There also needs to be a better understanding of the flow patterns, mixing behaviour and impact velocities in different types of granulation equipment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This dissertation discusses structural-electrostatic modeling techniques, genetic algorithm based optimization and control design for electrostatic micro devices. First, an alternative modeling technique, the interpolated force model, for electrostatic micro devices is discussed. The method provides improved computational efficiency relative to a benchmark model, as well as improved accuracy for irregular electrode configurations relative to a common approximate model, the parallel plate approximation model. For the configuration most similar to two parallel plates, expected to be the best case scenario for the approximate model, both the parallel plate approximation model and the interpolated force model maintained less than 2.2% error in static deflection compared to the benchmark model. For the configuration expected to be the worst case scenario for the parallel plate approximation model, the interpolated force model maintained less than 2.9% error in static deflection while the parallel plate approximation model is incapable of handling the configuration. Second, genetic algorithm based optimization is shown to improve the design of an electrostatic micro sensor. The design space is enlarged from published design spaces to include the configuration of both sensing and actuation electrodes, material distribution, actuation voltage and other geometric dimensions. For a small population, the design was improved by approximately a factor of 6 over 15 generations to a fitness value of 3.2 fF. For a larger population seeded with the best configurations of the previous optimization, the design was improved by another 7% in 5 generations to a fitness value of 3.0 fF. Third, a learning control algorithm is presented that reduces the closing time of a radiofrequency microelectromechanical systems switch by minimizing bounce while maintaining robustness to fabrication variability. Electrostatic actuation of the plate causes pull-in with high impact velocities, which are difficult to control due to parameter variations from part to part. A single degree-of-freedom model was utilized to design a learning control algorithm that shapes the actuation voltage based on the open/closed state of the switch. Experiments on 3 test switches show that after 5-10 iterations, the learning algorithm lands the switch with an impact velocity not exceeding 0.2 m/s, eliminating bounce.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This thesis reports a detailed investigation of the micromechanics of agglomerate behaviour under free-fall impact, double (punch) impact and diametrical compression tests using the simulation software TRUBAL. The software is based on the discrete element method (DEM) which incorporates the Newtonian equations of motion and contact mechanics theory to model the interparticle interactions. Four agglomerates have been used: three dense (differing in interface energy and contact density) and one loose. Although the simulated agglomerates are relatively coarse-grained, the results obtained are in good agreement with laboratory test results reported in the literature. The computer simulation results show that, in all three types of test, the loose agglomerate cannot fracture as it is unable to store sufficient elastic energy. Instead, it becomes flattened for low loading-rates and shattered or crushed at higher loading-rates. In impact tests, the dense agglomerates experience only local damage at low impact velocities. Semi-brittle fracture and fragmentation are produced over a range of higher impact velocities and at very high impact velocities shattering occurs. The dense agglomerates fracture in two or three large fragments in the diametrical compression tests. Local damage at the agglomerate-platen interface always occurs prior to fracture and consists of local bond breakage (microcrack formation) and local dislocations (compaction). The fracture process is dynamic and much more complex than that suggested by continuum fracture mechanics theory. Cracks are always initiated from the contact zones and propagate towards the agglomerate centre. Fracture occurs a short time after the start of unloading when a fracture crack "selection" process takes place. The detailed investigation of the agglomerate damage processes includes an examination of the evolution of the fracture surface. Detailed comparisons of the behaviour of the same agglomerate in all three types of test are presented. The particle size distribution curves of the debris are also examined, for both free-fall and double impact tests.
In the processing industries particulate materials are often in the form of powders which themselves are agglomerations of much smaller sized particles. During powder processing operations agglomerate degradation occurs primarily as a result of collisions between agglomerates and between agglomerates and the process equipment. Due to the small size of the agglomerates and the very short duration of the collisions it is currently not possible to obtain sufficiently detailed quantitative information from real experiments to provide a sound theoretically based strategy for designing particles to prevent or guarantee breakage. However, with the aid of computer simulated experiments, the micro-examination of these short duration dynamic events is made possible. This thesis presents the results of computer simulated experiments on a 2D monodisperse agglomerate in which the algorithms used to model the particle-particle interactions have been derived from contact mechanics theories and, necessarily, incorporate contact adhesion. A detailed description of the theoretical background is included in the thesis. The results of the agglomerate impact simulations show three types of behaviour depending on whether the initial impact velocity is high, moderate or low. It is demonstrated that high velocity impacts produce extensive plastic deformation which leads to subsequent shattering of the agglomerate. At moderate impact velocities semi-brittle fracture is observed and there is a threshold velocity below which the agglomerate bounces off the wall with little or no visible damage. The micromechanical processes controlling these different types of behaviour are discussed and illustrated by computer graphics. Further work is reported to demonstrate the effect of impact velocity and bond strength on the damage produced. Empirical relationships between impact velocity, bond strength and damage are presented and their relevance to attrition and comminution is discussed. The particle size distribution curves resulting from the agglomerate impacts are also provided. Computer simulated diametrical compression tests on the same agglomerate have also been carried out. Simulations were performed for different platen velocities and different bond strengths. The results show that high platen velocities produce extensive plastic deformation and crushing. Low platen velocities produce semi-brittle failure in which cracks propagate from the platens inwards towards the centre of the agglomerate. The results are compared with the results of the agglomerate impact tests in terms of work input, applied velocity and damage produced.
OBJECTIVES: The role of angioplasty/stenting procedures, neurointerventionist experience, vascular risk factors, medical treatment and blood flow velocities were analysed to identify possible causes of intra-stent restenosis (ISR) following stenting of cervical and/or intracranial arteries, assuming progressive atherosclerosis to be the shared mechanism in both territories. Patients. 26 cerebrovascular patients subjected to stenting of severe (≥85%) symptomatic or asymptomatic carotid stenoses or moderate-to-severe (≥50%) intracranial or vertebral stenoses were included. METHODS: Clinical, radiological and ultrasonographic follow-up data were analysed retrospectively. RESULTS: Overall, stenting of the internal carotid artery (ICA) induced significant reductions in peak systolic velocities at 2 years (96±31cm/s vs. 358.2±24.9cm/s at baseline). The procedure-related ischemic complications rate was 7.4% (one hemispheric stroke and one TIA). The rate of ISR≤50% was 8% in the ICA at 2 years; was 50% in the common carotid artery (CCA) at 1 year, with concomitant distal ICA stenosis in 75% of CCA stenting, but all ISR were asymptomatic. Patients with ISR of the ICA were significantly younger (56.8±4.5 vs. 71.3±3.6 years, P=0.042) and had significantly more risk factors (5.5±0.9 vs. 3±0.3, P=0.012). No ISR≥70% was detected. CONCLUSIONS: ISR is relatively infrequent and, when present, it is mild and asymptomatic. Restenosis is more frequent in younger patients and those with several risk factors, and it may also be related to stenting of previous carotid endarterectomy.
Health promotion in hospital environments can be improved using the most recent information and communication technologies. The Internet connectivity to small sensor nodes carried by patients allows remote access to their bio-signals. To promote these features the healthcare wireless sensor networks (HWSN) are used. In these networks mobility support is a key issue in order to keep patients under realtime monitoring even when they move around. To keep sensors connected to the network, they should change their access points of attachment when patients move to a new coverage area along an infirmary. This process, called handover, is responsible for continuous network connectivity to the sensors. This paper presents a detailed performance evaluation study considering three handover mechanisms for healthcare scenarios (Hand4MAC, RSSI-based, and Backbone-based). The study was performed by simulation using several scenarios with different number of sensors and different moving velocities of sensor nodes. The results show that Hand4MAC is the best solution to guarantee almost continuous connectivity to sensor nodes with less energy consumption.
Demand for good indoor air quality is increasing as people recorgnise the risks to their health and productivity from indoor pollutants. There is a tendency to reduce ventilation rates to ensure energy conservation in buildings; in this instance schools. However, evidence reviewed shows that this can be detrimental to health and wellbeing in schools because of the learner density within a small area (1.8 - 2.4m2/person); eventually indicating that carbon dioxide (CO2) levels can rise to very high levels in classroom occupancy periods. A preliminary study to investigate the impact of indoor environmental parameters has been performed in a secondary school classroom in Pretoria, South Africa. Factors monitored include temperature, relative humidity, lighting, air velocities and CO2 concentrations. From the results low air velocities are recorded (i.e. 0.1-0.3m/s) impacting on the retention of CO2 build-up in the classroom. Results presented in this paper are the initial findings of ongoing research.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)