998 resultados para Immunological disorders


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The adhesion molecule L1, which is extensively characterized in the nervous system, is also expressed in dendritic cells (DCs), but its function there has remained elusive. To address this issue, we ablated L1 expression in DCs of conditional knockout mice. L1-deficient DCs were impaired in adhesion to and transmigration through monolayers of either lymphatic or blood vessel endothelial cells, implicating L1 in transendothelial migration of DCs. In agreement with these findings, L1 was expressed in cutaneous DCs that migrated to draining lymph nodes, and its ablation reduced DC trafficking in vivo. Within the skin, L1 was found in Langerhans cells but not in dermal DCs, and L1 deficiency impaired Langerhans cell migration. Under inflammatory conditions, L1 also became expressed in vascular endothelium and enhanced transmigration of DCs, likely through L1 homophilic interactions. Our results implicate L1 in the regulation of DC trafficking and shed light on novel mechanisms underlying transendothelial migration of DCs. These observations might offer novel therapeutic perspectives for the treatment of certain immunological disorders.


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Le virus de l’hépatite murine de type 3 (MHV3) est un excellent modèle animal pour l’étude des différents désordres immunologiques lors d’infections virales. L’hépatite aiguë fulminante induite par ce virus chez la souris susceptible C57BL/6 se caractérise par la présence de plusieurs foyers nécrotiques et inflammatoires dans le foie associée à une immunodéficience en lymphocytes B et T, tuant les souris entre 3 et 5 jours post-infection. L’évolution rapide de cette maladie virale suggère un débalancement dans les mécanismes de l’immunité naturelle sous le contrôle des cellules NK et NK-T et un bris de l’équilibre entre la tolérance hépatique et la réponse inflammatoire. Afin d’élucider les rôles respectifs des différents mécanismes de la défense innée impliqués dans le développement de l’hépatite aiguë, des infections in vivo ont été réalisées chez des souris C57BL/6 avec la souche pathogène L2-MHV3 ou avec des variants du virus MHV3. Ces derniers possèdent des tropismes différents pour les cellules endothéliales sinusoïdales hépatiques et les cellules de Kupffer, tels que les virus faiblement atténué 51.6-MHV3, fortement atténué CL12-MHV3 et non pathogène YAC-MHV3. Ces études in vivo ont montré une diminution des cellules NK spléniques et myéloïdes suite à une infection avec le virus MHV3. Cette chute en cellules NK spléniques reflète un recrutement de ces cellules au niveau du foie. Par contre, les cellules NK se sont avérées permissives à la réplication virale entraînant un processus d’apoptose suite à la formation de syncétia induits par le virus. Les niveaux de recrutement et d’apoptose des cellules NK et NK-T dans le foie reflètent la pathogénicité des variants MHV3 durant les trois premiers jours de l’infection virale bien que les cellules NK recrutées au niveau du foie maintiennent leur activité cytotoxique. L’ajout des IL-12 et IL-18, qui sont normalement diminués lors de l’hépatite aiguë, provoque une production synergique d’IFN-g par les cellules NK, résultant d’une interaction entre l’activation de la voie p38 MAPK et la réplication virale. Par ailleurs, le récepteur viral CEACAM1a (carcinoembryonic antigen cell adhesion molecule 1a) serait essentiel à cette synergie, mais exercerait aussi une action inhibitrice dans la production de l’IFN-g. D’autre part, les niveaux de production des cytokines immunosuppressives IL-10, TGF-b et PGE2, impliquées dans la tolérance hépatique et particulièrement produites par les cellules de Kupffer et les cellules endothéliales sinusoïdales, sont en relation inverse avec le degré de pathogénicité des variants du virus MHV3. Finalement, le virus pathogène L2-MHV3 déclenche la production de cytokines inflammatoires par les macrophages, tels que l’IL-6 et le TNF-a. L’induction de ces cytokines par les macrophages serait indépendante de la présence de la molécule CEACAM1a. Cette stimulation est plutôt reliée à la fixation des particules virales sur des récepteurs TLR2, en association avec les régions riches en héparanes sulfates. Tous ces résultats mettent en évidence de nouveaux mécanismes par lesquels le virus MHV3 peut diminuer l’efficacité des mécanismes de l’immunité naturelle sous le contrôle des cellules NK et NK-T intrahépatiques, suite à une stimulation de l’inflammation résultant du bris de la tolérance hépatique.


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La sclérose systémique (ScS) est une maladie auto-immune d’origine inconnue qui est caractérisée par des atteintes vasculaires, des dérèglements cellulaire et immunitaire. La majorité des patients atteints de ScS possède des auto-anticorps dirigés contre des protéines nucléaires. Ces auto-anticorps sont associés à des manifestations cliniques spécifiques favorisant la classification et le diagnostic de la ScS. Les anti-ADN topoisomérase I (antitopo) sont l’un des principaux auto-anticorps retrouvés dans la ScS. Ils sont associés à la forme la plus grave de la maladie, soit la forme diffuse. Celle-ci se caractérise par une importante fibrose progressant vers une atteinte viscérale. La fibrose résulte d’une production excessive et dérégulée de matrice extracellulaire par les fibroblastes. Bien que les anti-topo soient associés à un très mauvais pronostic et qu’ils corrèlent avec l’activité et la sévérité de la maladie, leur rôle dans la pathogenèse de la ScS n’est pas élucidé. Toutefois, depuis que certains auto-antigènes ont démontré des fonctions additionnelles lorsque retrouvés dans le milieu extracellulaire, leur contribution suscite un intérêt marqué. En effet, ces auto-antigènes, dits bifonctionnels, influencent la physiologie de certaines cellules en se liant à leur surface. Ainsi, la détermination du rôle de ces autoantigènes ouvre la voie pour l’exploration du rôle potentiellement pathogène de leurs autoanticorps. Tout d’abord, nous avons démontré que l’auto-antigène topo, ciblée par les antitopo, pouvait influencer la physiologie du fibroblaste suite à l’activation de voies de signalisations intracellulaires stimulant la migration cellulaire. Nos résultats suggèrent fortement que la topo stimule le fibroblaste suite à son interaction avec le CCR7, un récepteur de chimiokine, présent à sa surface. Nous avons également démontré que la topo utilisait les protéoglycans à chaînes d’héparanes sulfates (HSPG) à titre de corécepteurs. Il avait été démontré que la topo liée à la surface des fibroblastes entraînait le recrutement d’anti-topo, l’adhésion et l’activation monocytaires. Nous avons ici démontré que la présence d’anticorps anti-topo entraîne l’amplification de la liaison de la topo au niveau des HSPG. De ce fait, le complexe immun à la surface des fibroblastes pourrait contribuer à l’initiation d’une cascade inflammatoire propice au développement d’une fibrose, caractéristique de la ScS. En dernier lieu, nos résultats nous ont permis de suggérer l’utilisation de l’héparine et des héparines de bas poids moléculaires comme approche thérapeutique pour la ScS puisqu’elles permettent autant de prévenir la liaison du complexe immun topo/anti-topo au niveau des HSPG que de le dissocier une fois lié. En résumé, notre étude soutient d’abord le rôle actif de l’auto-antigène dans la physiologie des fibroblastes mais également le rôle pathogène des anti-topo en présence de la topo dans la ScS. Finalement, les résultats de notre étude permettent de proposer une approche thérapeutique potentielle pour inhiber le développement d’une cascade inflammatoire et pro-fibrotique.


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Atherosclerosis is a very common and important disease being the most important cause of mortality in Brazil. Indeed, in 1995, 23.3% of deaths, all ages, in our country, were the consequence of atherosclerosis. This percentage grows to 26.3% for S. Paulo and 32.7% for Rio Grande do Sul. Morphologically, there are 3 main types of lesions: fatty streaks, fibrous plaques, and complicated lesions. Fatty streaks are inocuous and occur early in life. In some persons, with age, they change into fibrous plaques that may lead to stenosis. They also may become complicated by erosion, calcification, hemorrhage and thrombosis. Atherosclerosis is initiated by endothelial functional alterations responsible for increase in permeability to macromolecules, adhesion, and migration of monocytes-macrophages and lymphocytes plus recruitment of platelets and smooth-muscle medial cells. Adhesion molecules, cytokines, growth factors, and free radicals are locally synthesized, favoring proliferation of extracellular matrix and progression of the lesion. Experimental, clinical, and epidemiological evidence point to the importance of lipids, mainly cholesterol-rich low-density lipoprotein (LDL), as one of the most important molecules involved in the genesis and progression of atherosclerosis. Patients with a genetic disorder of cholesterol metabolism (familial hyperlipidemia), caused by a decrease in the availability of receptors for LDL, develop severe atherosclerosis early in life. A series of other factors, such as age, diabetes melitus, diet, hypertension, lack of exercise, elevated hemocysteinemia, immunological disorders, and coagulation instability, are related to the progression of atherosclerosis. All of them are capable of altering the endothelium or increasing the offer of LDL. All the above-mentioned factors are systemic; but atherosclerosic lesions are focal, located at preferential sites such as the emergence of colaterals, bifurcations, and curvatures of arteries, all areas in which the laminar flow is disturbed. In these areas shear stress is diminished favoring the prolongation of permanence time of lipid particles, cells, cytokines, growth factors, etc., in the vicinity of the endothelium. Moreover, the endothelium has sensors that act as transducers of mechanical forces in biological responses. Experimental data demonstrate that the number and quality of adhesion molecules, cytokines, and growth factors synthetized, as well as the local production of radicals, and pro and anticoagulation factors may change with shear stress favoring or not the local establishment and progression of atherosclerotic lesions.


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NGAL (Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin ) is a protein of lipocalin superfamily. Recent literature focused on its biomarkers function in several pathological condition (acute and chronic kidney damage, autoimmune disease, malignancy). NGAL biological role is not well elucidated. Several are the demonstration of its bacteriostatic role. Recent papers have indeed highlight NGAL role in NFkB modulation. The aim of this study is to understand whether NGAL may exert a role in the activation (modulation) of T cell response through the regulation of HLA-G complex, a mediator of tolerance. From 8 healthy donors we obtained peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and we isolated by centrifugation on a Ficoll gradient. Cells were then treated with four concentrations of NGAL (40-320 ng/ml) with or without iron. We performed flow cytometry analysis and ELISA test. NGAL increased the HLA-G expression on CD4+ T cells, with an increasing corresponding to the dose. Iron effect is not of unique interpretation. NGAL adiction affects regulatory T cells increasing in vitro expansion of CD4+ CD25+ FoxP3+ cells. Neutralizing antibody against NGAL decreased HLA-G expression and reduced significantly CD4+ CD25+ FoxP3+ cells percentage. In conclusion, we provided in vitro evidence of NGAL involvement in cellular immunity. The potential role of NGAL as an immunomodulatory molecule has been evaluated: it has been shown that NGAL plays a pivotal role in the induction of immune tolerance up regulating HLA-G and T regulatory cells expression in healthy donors. As potential future scenario we highlight the in vivo role of NGAL in immunology and immunomodulation, and its possible relationship with immunosuppressive therapy efficacy, tolerance induction in transplant patients, and/or in other immunological disorders.


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2C is a typical alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocyte clone that recognizes two different ligands. These ligands are adducts of the allo-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule H-2Ld and an endogenous octapeptide, and of the self-MHC molecule H-2Kb and another peptide. MHC-binding and T-cell assays with synthetic peptides in combination with molecular modeling studies were employed to analyze the structural basis for this crossreactivity. The molecular surfaces of the two complexes differ greatly in densities and distributions of positive and negative charges. However, modifications of the peptides that increase similarity decrease the capacities of the resulting MHC peptide complexes to induce T-cell responses. Moreover, the roles of the peptides in ligand recognition are different for self- and allo-MHC-restricted T-cell responses. The self-MHC-restricted T-cell responses were finely tuned to recognition of the peptide. The allo-MHC-restricted responses, on the other hand, largely ignore modifications of the peptide. The results strongly suggest that adaptation of the T-cell receptor to the different ligand structures, rather than molecular mimicry by the ligands, is the basis for the crossreactivity of 2C. This conclusion has important implications for T-cell immunology and for the understanding of immunological disorders.


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Susceptibility to autoimmune diseases results from the encounter of a complex and long evolved genetic context with a no less complex and changing environment. Major actors in maintaining health are regulatory T cells (Treg) that primarily dampen a large subset of autoreactive lymphocytes escaping thymic negative selection. Here, we directly asked whether Treg participate in defining susceptibility and resistance to Experimental Autoimmune Prostatitis (EAP). We analyzed three common laboratory strains of mice presenting with different susceptibility to autoimmune prostatitis upon immunization with prostate proteins. The NOD, the C57BL/6 and the BALB/c mice that can be classified along a disease score ranging from severe, mild and to undetectable, respectively. Upon mild and transient depletion of Treg at the induction phase of EAP, each model showed an increment along this score, most remarkably with the BALB/c mice switching from a resistant to a susceptible phenotype. We further show that disease associates with the upregulation of CXCR3 expression on effector T cells, a process requiring IFNγ. Together with recent advances on environmental factors affecting Treg, these findings provide a likely cellular and molecular explanation to the recent rise in autoimmune diseases incidence.


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The Chernobyl tragedy was the biggest accident since the beginning of the nuclear power industry. The aim of this study was to determine the role of immunological mechanisms in the development of autoimmune disorders (thyroiditis and cataract) and cancers among those workers who participated in clean-up operations in 1986. Blood samples from 165 clean-up workers aged 30-65 from Minsk and Kiev who underwent prophylactic medical examinations and from 80 healthy donors were investigated for the presence of autoimmune reactions and the appearance of onco-foetal antigens. The sera of clean-up workers were found to include the thyroid gland antigen, auto-antibodies to thyroid gland and eye antigens, and immune complexes which are normally absent or found in much lower quantities. The appearance of the clinically unmanifested thyroid gland antigen made it possible to generate a concept describing the mechanism for induction and long-term maintenance of auto-antibody production in an organism after irradiation. Lymphocytes from clean-up workers showed normally absent onco-foetal antigens (PSG and CEA). The data obtained indicate that clean-up workers represent a high risk group for autoimmune and cancer diseases. Immunological findings reveal the long-lasting effects of low doses of irradiation and may be used in prognosis and monitoring of human health.


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The diagnosis of T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia in association with other B-cell disorders is uncommon but not unknown. However, the concomitant presence of three hematological diseases is extraordinarily rare. We report an 88-year-old male patient with three simultaneous clonal disorders, that is, CD4+/CD8(weak) T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia, monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance and monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis. The patient has only minimal complaints and has no anemia, neutropenia or thrombocytopenia. Lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly were not present. The three disorders were characterized by flow cytometry analysis, and the clonality of the T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. Interestingly, the patient has different B-cell clones, given that plasma cells of monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance exhibited a kappa light-chain restriction population and, on the other hand, B-lymphocytes of monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis exhibited a lambda light-chain restriction population. This finding does not support the antigen-driven hypothesis for the development of multi-compartment diseases, but suggests that T-cell large granular lymphocytic expansion might represent a direct antitumor immunological response to both B-cell and plasma-cell aberrant populations, as part of the immune surveillance against malignant neoplasms.