947 resultados para Immunocompromised host
PCR was used to amplify a targeted region of the ribosomal DNA of 76 Candida spp. isolates from immunocompromised and seriously diseased patients. Thirty-seven strains isolated from different anatomical sites of 11 patients infected with HIV (Vitória, ES, Brazil), 26 isolates from patients under treatment at Odilon Behrens Hospital and 13 isolates from skin and urine samples from São Marcos Clinical Analysis Laboratory (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) were scored. Fragments of rDNA were amplified using primer pairs ITS1-ITS4, for the amplification of ITS1 and ITS2 regions, including the gene for the 5.8s subunit. Amplification resulted in fragments ranging in size from 350 to 950 bp. Amplicons were digested with eight restriction enzymes. A pattern of species-specificity among the different medically important Candida species could be identified following restriction digestion of the PCR products. Candida albicans was the species most frequently observed, except for the group of newborns under treatment at the Odilon Behrens Hospital and for the isolates from the clinical analysis laboratory. C. parapsilosis was the species most frequently observed in these two groups.
Immunantwort von immundefizienten Mäusen gegenüber Infektionen mit Cryptosporidium parvum. Cryptosporidium parvum ist ein intrazellulärer, protozoischer Krankheitserreger, der im immunkompromittierten Wirt zu lebensbedrohender Enteritis führen kann. CD4+ T-Zellen und Interferon (IFN)-γ spielen wesentliche Rollen bei der Wirtsimmunantwort gegen die Infektion. Dennoch sind die Effektormechanismen, die zur Resistenz führen nur wenig verstanden. In dieser Studie wurde die Immunantwort von IFN-γ- und Interleukin (IL)-12-Defektmäusen parallel zu Wildtypmäusen analysiert. Die Ergebnisse identifizierten IFN-γ als Schlüsselzytokin bei der natürlichen und erworbenen Immunität während der Erst- und Folgeinfektion mit C. parvum. Tumornekrosefaktor (TNF)-α ist möglicherweise ein Induktor der frühen IFN-γ-Antwort in IL-12 Knockout-Mäusen. Weiterhin tragen offenbar sowohl Th1- als auch Th2-Zytokine zur Überwindung der Primärinfektion bei, die ersten mehr als die letztgenannten. Zytokingene waren am Ort der Infektion (Ileum) dramatisch verändert, nicht aber in den lokalen Lymphknoten und der Milz. Nach Folgeinfektion ergab sich in Abwesenheit von IFN-γ eine signifikante Erhöhung der Th2-Zytokine IL-5 and IL-13. Die Ergebnisse zeigten weiterhin, dass das Th1-Zytokin IL-18 zur Resistenz gegenüber C. parvum beiträgt, möglicherweise durch verschiedene Immunfunktionen, wie der Regulation von Serum-IFN-γ während der Infektion und/oder der Erhaltung der Homeostase der Th1/Th2-Zytokine durch Regulation der Th2-Zytokine. Weiterhin zeigten diese Untersuchungen den Transfer von Resistenz gegenüber C. parvum von infizierten auf naïve Mäuse mittels stimulierter intraepithelialer Lymphozyten und CD4+ T-Zellen. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf die Gegenwart von C. parvum-spezifischen CD4+ T-Zellen in anderen lymphatischen Geweben neben der Darmmukosa hin. Eine Stimulation der Spendertiere durch Infektion war notwendig für eine übertragbare schützende Immunität. Dennoch konnte die übertragene Immunität nicht die Infektion der Empfängertiere vollständig verhindern; eine Verdopplung der Spenderzellen führte zu keinem besseren Ergebnis. Weiterhin ergab der Transfer von CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen (Pan-T-Zellen) keinen erhöhten Schutz der naiven Empfängertiere als der alleinige Transfer von CD4+ T-Zellen. Dies weist auf die fehlende Bedeutung der CD8+ T-Zellen beim Schutz vor C. parvum-Infektion hin.
Em estudo anterior, as espécies de enterobactérias apresentando perfis variados de resistência aos antimicrobianos foram detectadas em 20% dos sítios com lesões periodontais de pacientes sadios do ponto de vista sistêmico. Tais cepas microbianas foram submetidas a investigações com o intuito de determinar à expressão de enzimas hidrolíticas para substratos diversos, a multirresistência aos agentes antimicrobianos e os mecanismos de resistência aos antimicrobianos da classe dos β lactâmicos. A maioria das amostras expressou atividade de gelatinase (65%), caseinase (30%) e elastase (10%). Lipase, lecitinase e DNase foram observadas apenas para Serratia marcescens. A multirresistência (considerado como a resistência a pelo menos dois agentes antimicrobianos de famílias diferentes) foi observada em 56% das amostras isoladas. A maioria das cepas foi resistentes à ampicilina (93,75%) e amoxicilina/ácido clavulânico (81,25%). Investigações sobre a resistência aos antibióticos β-lactâmicos mostraram que três amostras resistentes à cefalosporinas de 2 geração, apresentaram perfis plasmidiais de diferentes pesos moleculares. A expressão fenotípica de β-lacatamases, foi detectada nas cepas de Enterobacter cloacae (PcOM46 e PcOM5) e S. marcescens (PcOM63). No entanto, na análise molecular, não foi possível confirmar a expressão fenotípica de diferentes β-lactamases, com exceção do E. cloacae PcOM46, que apresentou amplificação para AmpC e blaTEM. Embora sensível à maioria dos antibióticos β-lactâmicos (exceção feita à ampicilina e amoxicilina / ácido clavulânico), amostra de S. marcescens PcOM68 apresentou amplificação para o gene blaSHV. Os experimentos de conjugação não detectaram a transferência de plasmídios para uma cepa de Escherichia coli K12 sensívei aos β-lactâmicos, o mesmo ocorreu nos procedimentos de transformação por eletroporação e por CaCl2, sugerindo uma resistência dependente de genes cromossomiais. A expressão de diferentes atividades enzimáticas, juntamente com a resistência aos antimicrobianos, aponta estes grupos de bactérias como agentes patogênicos potenciais capazes de contribuir para a patogênese e resposta à quimioterapia antimicrobiana nas doenças periodontais, além da disseminação sistêmica para outros locais do corpo, especialmente em indivíduos imunocomprometidos. A colonização prévia de lesões periodontais por espécies resistentes aos β-lactâmicos, pode contribuir para a disseminação destes genes relacionados à resistência aos antimicrobianos em ambientes hospitalares.
BACKGROUND: Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality among organ transplant recipients. Multicenter prospective surveillance data to determine disease burden and secular trends are lacking. METHODS: The Transplant-Associated Infection Surveillance Network (TRANSNET) is a consortium of 23 US transplant centers, including 15 that contributed to the organ transplant recipient dataset. We prospectively identified IFIs among organ transplant recipients from March, 2001 through March, 2006 at these sites. To explore trends, we calculated the 12-month cumulative incidence among 9 sequential cohorts. RESULTS: During the surveillance period, 1208 IFIs were identified among 1063 organ transplant recipients. The most common IFIs were invasive candidiasis (53%), invasive aspergillosis (19%), cryptococcosis (8%), non-Aspergillus molds (8%), endemic fungi (5%), and zygomycosis (2%). Median time to onset of candidiasis, aspergillosis, and cryptococcosis was 103, 184, and 575 days, respectively. Among a cohort of 16,808 patients who underwent transplantation between March 2001 and September 2005 and were followed through March 2006, a total of 729 IFIs were reported among 633 persons. One-year cumulative incidences of the first IFI were 11.6%, 8.6%, 4.7%, 4.0%, 3.4%, and 1.3% for small bowel, lung, liver, heart, pancreas, and kidney transplant recipients, respectively. One-year incidence was highest for invasive candidiasis (1.95%) and aspergillosis (0.65%). Trend analysis showed a slight increase in cumulative incidence from 2002 to 2005. CONCLUSIONS: We detected a slight increase in IFIs during the surveillance period. These data provide important insights into the timing and incidence of IFIs among organ transplant recipients, which can help to focus effective prevention and treatment strategies.
BACKGROUND: The incidence and epidemiology of invasive fungal infections (IFIs), a leading cause of death among hematopoeitic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients, are derived mainly from single-institution retrospective studies. METHODS: The Transplant Associated Infections Surveillance Network, a network of 23 US transplant centers, prospectively enrolled HSCT recipients with proven and probable IFIs occurring between March 2001 and March 2006. We collected denominator data on all HSCTs preformed at each site and clinical, diagnostic, and outcome information for each IFI case. To estimate trends in IFI, we calculated the 12-month cumulative incidence among 9 sequential subcohorts. RESULTS: We identified 983 IFIs among 875 HSCT recipients. The median age of the patients was 49 years; 60% were male. Invasive aspergillosis (43%), invasive candidiasis (28%), and zygomycosis (8%) were the most common IFIs. Fifty-nine percent and 61% of IFIs were recognized within 60 days of neutropenia and graft-versus-host disease, respectively. Median onset of candidiasis and aspergillosis after HSCT was 61 days and 99 days, respectively. Within a cohort of 16,200 HSCT recipients who received their first transplants between March 2001 and September 2005 and were followed up through March 2006, we identified 718 IFIs in 639 persons. Twelve-month cumulative incidences, based on the first IFI, were 7.7 cases per 100 transplants for matched unrelated allogeneic, 8.1 cases per 100 transplants for mismatched-related allogeneic, 5.8 cases per 100 transplants for matched-related allogeneic, and 1.2 cases per 100 transplants for autologous HSCT. CONCLUSIONS: In this national prospective surveillance study of IFIs in HSCT recipients, the cumulative incidence was highest for aspergillosis, followed by candidiasis. Understanding the epidemiologic trends and burden of IFIs may lead to improved management strategies and study design.
Fungal invasive infections are rare in general population but are an emergent cause of infection in the immunocompromized population, especially in the solid organ transplant recipients. Herein the authors report a clinical case of a liver transplanted patient suffering a cutaneous co-existent infection with A. alternata as well as A. infectoria. To our knowledge this is the first case of cutaneous concomitant infection due to those two species reported not only in Portugal but also worldwide. The patient was treated with surgical excision of the lesions and oral itraconazol without relapse.
Patients with a solid organ transplant have increased in numbers and in individual survival in Switzerland over the last decades. As a consequence of long-term immunosuppression, skin cancer in solid organ recipients (SOTRs) has been recognized as an important problem. Screening and education of potential SOTRs about prevention of sun damage and early recognition of skin cancer are important before transplantation. Once transplanted, SOTRs should be seen by a dermatologist yearly for repeat education as well as early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of skin cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (SCC) is the most frequent cancer in the setting of long-term immunosuppression. Sun protection by behaviour, clothing and daily sun screen application is the most effective prevention. Cumulative sun damage results in field cancerisation with numerous in-situ SCC such as actinic keratosis and Bowen's disease which should be treated proactively. Invasive SCC is cured by complete surgical excision. Early removal is the best precaution against potential metastases of SCC. Reduction of immunosuppression and switch to mTOR inhibitors and potentially, mycophenolate, may reduce the incidence of further SCC. Chemoprevention with the retinoid acitretin reduces the recurrence rate of SCC. The dermatological follow-up of SOTRs should be integrated into the comprehensive post-transplant care.
Purpose: Recent reports have suggested that intraabdominal postoperative infection is associated with higher rates of overall and local recurrence and cancer-specific mortality. However, the mechanisms responsible for this association are unknown. We hypothesized that the greater inflammatory response in patients with postoperative intraabdominal infection is associated to an increase in local and systemic angiogenesis. Methods: We designed a prospective cohorts study with matched controls. Patients with postoperative intra-abdominal infection (abscess and/or anastomotic leakage) (group 1; n=17) after elective colorectal cancer resection operated on for cure were compared to patients with an uncomplicated postoperative course (group 2; n=17). IL-6 and VEGF levels were determined by ELISA in serum and peritoneal fluid at baseline, 48 hours and postoperative day 4 or at the time the peritoneal infection occurred. Results: No differences were observed in age, gender, preoperative CEA, tumor stage and location and type of procedure performed. Although there were no differences in serum IL-6 levels at 48 hours, this pro-inflammatory cytokine was higher in group 1 on postoperative day 4 (group 1: 21533 + 27900 vs. group 2: 1130 + 3563 pg/ml; p < 0.001). Serum VEGF levels were higher in group 1 on postoperative day 4 (group 1: 1212 + 1025 vs. group 2: 408 + 407 pg/ml; p < 0.01). Peritoneal fluid VEGF levels were also higher in group 1 at 48 hours (group 1: 4857 + 4384 vs. group 2: 630 + 461 pg/ml; p < 0.001) and postoperative day 4 (group 1: 32807 + 98486 vs. group 2: 1002 + 1229 pg/ml; p < 0.001). A positive correlation between serum IL-6 and VEGF serum levels was observed on postoperative day 4 (r=0.7; p<0.01). Conclusions: These results suggest that not only the inflammatory response but also the angiogenic pathways are stimulated in patients with intra-abdominal infection after surgery for colorectal cancer. The implications of this finding on long-term follow-up need to be evaluated.
Actinic keratosis (AK) affects millions of people worldwide, and its prevalence continues to increase. AK lesions are caused by chronic ultraviolet radiation exposure, and the presence of two or more AK lesions along with photodamage should raise the consideration of a diagnosis of field cancerization. Effective treatment of individual lesions as well as field cancerization is essential for good long-term outcomes. The Swiss Registry of Actinic Keratosis Treatment (REAKT) Working Group has developed clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of field cancerization in patients who present with AK. These guidelines are intended to serve as a resource for physicians as to the most appropriate treatment and management of AK and field cancerization based on current evidence and the combined practical experience of the authors. Treatment of AK and field cancerization should be driven by consideration of relevant patient, disease, and treatment factors, and appropriate treatment decisions will differ from patient to patient. Prevention measures and screening recommendations are discussed, and special considerations related to management of immunocompromised patients are provided.
Since the arrival of several new antivirals and due to the growing molecular and clinical knowledge of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, therapy of hepatitis B has become complex. Clinical guidelines aim at streamlining medical attitudes: in this respect, the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) recently issued clinical practice guidelines for the management of chronic hepatitis B. Guidelines made by international experts need however to be adapted to local health care systems. Here, we summarise the EASL guidelines with some minor modifications in order to be compatible with the particular Swiss situation, while discussing in more detail some aspects. Chronic hepatitis B is a complex disease with several phases where host and viral factors interact: the features of this continuous interplay need to be evaluated when choosing the most appropriate treatment. The EASL guidelines recommend, as first-line agents, using the most potent antivirals available with the optimal resistance profile, in order to abate HBV DNA as rapidly and as sustainably as possible. Once therapy has been started, the infection evolves and resistant viral strains may emerge. Rescue therapy needs to be started early with more potent agents lacking cross-resistance.
Donor PTX3 polymorphisms were shown to influence the risk of invasive aspergillosis among hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Here, we show that PTX3 polymorphisms are independent risk factors for invasive mold infections among 1101 solid organ transplant recipients, thereby strengthening their role in mold infection pathogenesis and patients' risk stratification.
Les pneumonies causent une mortalité et une morbidité significatives. De manière simplifiée, deux types de pneumonie sont décrits : la pneumonie communautaire et la pneumonie nosocomiale avec le pneumocoque et l'Haemophilus influenzae comme causes principales pour la première, le Pseudomonas et diverses entérobactéries pour la deuxième. La réalité est cependant plus complexe puisque l'on distingue aussi la pneumonie d'aspiration par exemple. La culture est très importante dans le cas des pneumonies nosocomiales car elle permet de déterminer la sensibilité aux antibiotiques de l'agent infectieux et d'adapter le traitement. Pour les patients immunosupprimés, le diagnostic différentiel est plus large et la recherche par tests moléculaires de certains virus, de champignons filamenteux et du Pneumocystis peut se révéler informative. Pneumonia is an importance cause of mortality and morbidity in adults. Two types of pneumonia are defined: community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia with their corresponding etiology such as pneumococci or Haemophilus influenzae and Pseudomonas or enterobacteriaceae, respectively. However, the reality is more complex with aspiration pneumonia, pneumonia in immunocompromised patient, and pneumonia in ventilated patients. Culture in the case of nosocomial pneumonia is especially important to obtain the antibiotic susceptibility of the infectious agent and to adjust therapy. Moreover for immunocompromised patients, the differential diagnosis is much wider looking for viruses, filamentous fungi and Pneumocystis can be very informative, using new molecular assays.
Le virus Epstein-Barr (VEB) est fortement associé au développement de syndromes lymphoprolifératifs (SLP) en greffe pédiatrique. Ce virus a la capacité d’immortaliser les lymphocytes B et de provoquer leur prolifération incontrôlée chez l’hôte immunodéprimé. Plusieurs études démontrent que le cycle lytique du virus jouerait un rôle primordial dans la genèse des SLP en produisant des particules virales pouvant infecter les cellules B adjacentes. Chez un individu immunodéprimé, ces cellules B nouvellement infectées peuvent donner naissance à une expansion lymphocytaire. Le projet présenté dans ce mémoire fait partie d’un programme de recherche visant à élucider le rôle de l’infection productive par le VEB dans le développement des SLP. L’objectif précis de ce projet est de développer un anticorps monoclonal chimère contre la glycoprotéine gp350 du VEB dans le but de neutraliser le virus et d’ainsi prévenir son entrée dans les cellules B. Notre laboratoire a construit une version chimère de l’anticorps monoclonal murin 72A1, lequel se lie à la gp350 et bloque l’infection. Les premiers essais ont révélé la présence de chaînes non fonctionnelles (aberrantes) dans l’hybridome produisant l’anticorps 72A1. La construction de la chaîne légère authentique est maintenant complète alors que celle de la chaîne lourde est toujours en cours. Le processus de caractérisation de l’anticorps chimère inclura des essais de cytotoxicité à médiation cellulaire dépendante des anticorps (ADCC). Dans cette optique, une lignée cellulaire exprimant de façon stable la gp350 a été établie. Notre anticorps chimère anti-gp350 pourrait éventuellement être utilisé comme thérapie préventive chez les greffés présentant un risque élevé de SLP en empêchant l’infection des cellules B adjacentes.