232 resultados para Immunocompetent
Kocuria rosea belongs to genus Kocuria (Micrococcaceae family, suborder Micrococcineae, order Actinomycetales) that includes about 11 species of bacteria. Usually, Kocuria sp are commensal organisms that colonize oropharynx, skin and mucous membrane; Kocuria sp infections have been described in the last decade commonly affecting immunocompromised patients, using intravenous catheter or peritoneal dialysis. These patients had mainly bacteremia/recurrent sepsis. We hereby describe the case of a 10-year-old girl, immunocompetent, who had endocarditis/sepsis by K. rosea which was identified in five different blood cultures by Vitek 2 ID-GPC card (BioMérieux, France). Negative HIV serology, blood count within normal range of leukocytes/neutrophils and lymphocytes, normal fractions of the complement, normal level of immunoglobulins for the age; lymphocyte immunophenotyping was also within the expected values. Thymus image was normal at chest MRI. No catheters were required. Identification of K. rosea was essential to this case, allowing the differentiation of coagulase-negative staphylococci and use of an effective antibiotic treatment. Careful laboratory analysis of Gram-positive blood-born infections may reveal more cases of Kocuria sp infections in immunocompetent patients, which may collaborate for a better understanding, prevention and early treatment of these infections in pediatrics.
Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) and tuberculosis (TB) are chronic granulomatous infectious diseases, in which the main form of contraction is through inhalation of the microorganism-Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Oral involvement of PCM is observed in up to 70 % of the cases and usually presents clinically as ulcerations with granular surface showing tiny hemorrhagic areas. Oral presentation of TB is rare with prevalence smaller than 0.5 % of all cases. Clinical presentation of oral TB mainly consists of single ulcers with irregular limits and necrotic base. A 70-year-old immunocompetent man presented simultaneously oral PCM and pulmonary TB. Medical history revealed a previous diagnosis of pulmonary TB; however, even under treatment for TB, the patient remained with oral lesions and intense pulmonary fibrosis. The physician requested P. brasiliensis serological analysis, which resulted positive. Although the combination of PCM and TB has been reported in the literature, it is still considered an uncommon condition and their diagnosis may represent a challenge to healthcare professionals because of the similarity between their clinical and radiological presentations.
Primary Hodgkin`s lymphoma (HL) of the stomach is an extremely rare entity. Most cases of gastric involvement by HL are observed in the setting of disseminated disease. The nonspecific nature of the symptoms and endoscopic findings, which include a large malignant-looking ulcer and mass or wall thickening, together with the considerable histological overlap between HLs and some non-HLs or undifferentiated carcinoma, make the surgical resection diagnosis extremely difficult. An accurate diagnosis is important as treatment and outcome differ significantly for these neoplasms. In small endoscopic gastric biopsies and even in postoperative specimens, the precise histological diagnosis of HL is particularly challenging. Here, the authors report 5 cases of 2 women and 3 men aged 22 to 68, with gastric involvement by classic HLs-3 primary gastric HLs and 2 as part of widespread disease. All 5 patients presented with digestive symptoms. At endoscopy, the lesions presented as ulcerated and elevated lesions, with or without mucosal thickening. Four patients were misdiagnosed in the preoperative biopsy or in the gastrectomy specimen. Association with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was detected in 4 cases, with a predominance of subtype A EBV. These cases illustrate the significant difficulties, both clinical and pathological, in achieving the diagnosis of HL involving the stomach in immunocompetent patients.
Although Aspergillus is widespread, clinically significant disease is rare in immunocompetent patients. We present a case of an otherwise healthy individual who developed cerebral vasculitis and stroke symptoms from Aspergillus, to raise awareness of this entity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc.
A case of atypical disseminated cutaneous histoplasmosis in a five-year old, otherwise healthy child, native and resident in São Paulo metropolitan area is reported. Cutaneous lesions were clinically atypical. Histologic examination disclosed a granulomatous reaction but no fungal structures could be demonstrated by specific staining nor by immunohistochemical reaction. The fungus was isolated from biopsy material on two different occasions, confirming diagnosis of an unusual fungal infection. The fungus, originally thought to be a Sepedonium sp. due to the large sized, hyaline or brownish colored tuberculated macroconidia and to lack of dimorphism (yeast form at 37 °C) produce H and M antigens, visualized by the immunodiffusion with rabbit anti-Histoplasma capsulatum hyperimmune serum. Patients serum sample was non reactive with H. capsulatum antigen by immunodiffusion, counterimmunoelectrophoresis and complement fixation tests, and immunoenzymatic assay failed to detect the specific circulating antigen. This serum was tested negative by double immunodiffusion when antigen obtained from one of the isolated samples was used. Both cultures were sent to Dr. Leo Kaufman, Ph.D. (Mycoses Immunodiagnostic Laboratory, CDC-Atlanta/USA), who identified them as H. capsulatum by the exoantigen and gen-probe tests. Both clinic and mycologic characteristics of the present case were atypical, suggesting the fungus isolated is an aberrant variant of H. capsulatum var. capsulatum, as described by SUTTON et al. in 199719. Treatment with itraconazole 100 mg/day led to cure within 90 days
The authors report a male patient, a seller with no detected immunosuppression, with an extensive ulcerated skin lesion localized on the left forearm, caused by Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii serotype B. Oral treatment with fluconazole was successful. A review of the literature showed the rarity of this localization in HIV-negative patients. In contrast, skin lesions frequently occurs in HIV-positive patients, with Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans serotype A predominating as the etiological agent. In this paper, the pathogenicity of C. neoformans to skin lesions in patients immunocompromised or not, is discussed, showing the efficacy of fluconazole for the treatment of these processes.
Cranial CT scans of eleven immunocompetent children with central nervous system (CNS) infection due to Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii were retrospectively reviewed. These children had an average age of 8.8 years and positive culture for C. n. var. gattii in cerebrospinal fluid. The most common signs and symptoms were headache, fever, nuchal rigidity, nausea and vomiting. No normal cranial CT was detected in any patient. Hypodense nodules were observed in all patients . The remaining scan abnormalities were as follows: nine had diffuse atrophy, six had hydrocephalus, and five had hydrocephalus coexistent with diffuse atrophy.
Cryptosporidium isolates identified in fourteen stool samples, collected from five HIV-infected patients and nine immunocompetent children, living in the Sate of São Paulo, Brazil, were submitted to a molecular analysis using a nested PCR followed of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), for genetic characterization. The analysis was based on digestion with RsaI restriction enzyme of a DNA fragment amplified from the Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein (COWP) gene. Based on this analysis, four samples were identified as Cryptosporidium parvum, eight as Cryptosporidium hominis and two presented a profile that correspondedto Cryptosporidium meleagridis when compared to the standards used in the analysis. The use of molecular methods can be helpful to identify source of infections and risk factors related to Cryptosporidium infection in our communities.
We report a case of severe toxoplasmosis in an immunocompetent patient, characterized by pneumonia, retinochoroiditis, hepatitis and myositis. Diagnosis was confirmed by serology, T. gondii in thick blood smear and presence of bradyzoites in muscle biopsy. Treatment with pyrimethamine plus sulfadoxine was successful but visual acuity and hip extension were partially recovered. This is the first case report of severe toxoplasmosis in an immunocompetent patient from Peru.
We describe a rare case of a 53-year-old man with a long history of alcohol abuse, with Enterococcus gallinarum meningitis, an organism that rarely causes human infection and is primarily found in the gastrointestinal tract of poultry. The patient improved with high-dose ampicillin and gentamicin therapy. To our knowledge, this is the first Brazilian reported case of E. gallinarum meningitis and probably the first case described in an immunocompetent host.
The majority of infections caused by R. equi occur in hosts with some degree of cell-mediated immunodeficiency. Immunocompetent individuals are infrequently affected and usually present with localized disease. Infections of the skin or related structures are uncommon and are usually related to environmental contamination. The microbiology laboratory plays a key role in the identification of the organism since it may be mistaken for common skin flora. We describe a 31 year-old woman without medical problems who presented nine weeks after breast reduction with right breast cellulitis and purulent drainage from the surgical wound. She underwent incision and drainage, and cultures of the wound yielded Rhodococcus equi. The patient completed six weeks of antimicrobial therapy with moxifloxacin and rifampin with complete resolution.
Nondiphtherial corynebacteria are ubiquitous in nature and commonly colonize the skin and mucous membranes of humans, however they rarely account for clinical infection. We present the first reported case of multiple pulmonary nodules caused by Corynebacterium striatum. The infection occurred in a 72-year-old immunocompetent female, and the diagnosis was obtained by Gram's stain and culture of lung biopsy. C. striatumshould be recognized as a potential pathogen in both immunocompromised and normal hosts in the appropriate circumstances.
Deep Candida infections commonly occur in immunosuppressed patients. A rare case of a multiple deep organ infection with Candida albicansand spinal tuberculosis was reported in a healthy young man. The 19-year-old man complained of month-long fever and lower back pain. He also had a history of scalded mouth syndrome. Coinfection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Candida albicans was diagnosed using the culture of aspirates from different regions. Symptoms improved considerably after antifungal and antituberculous therapy. This case illustrates that infection with tuberculosis might impair the host's immune system and increase the risk of invasive candidiasis in an immunocompetent patient.
BACKGROUND: Hand, foot, and mouth syndrome (HFMS) is a common acute illness. It is characterized by mild clinical symptoms including fever, blisters, and sores in the mouth and on the palms and soles following a 3- to 7-day incubation period. This syndrome is rarely seen in adults. CASE PRESENTATION: A 35-year-old male Caucasian patient had a history of multiple episodes of acute pharyngitis, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and occasional abdominal pain. He presented with polyarthralgia in the knees and hands and odynophagia, followed by fever, oral mucosal aphthous lesions, and vesicles on the palms and soles. Three weeks after presentation, he was admitted to the emergency room with acute myocarditis. The in-hospital evaluation revealed positive serology for coxsackie A9 (1:160), positive anti-transglutaminase and anti-gliadin antibodies, normal immunoglobulins, and human immunodeficiency virus negativity. CONCLUSION: We herein describe a case of HFMS that was associated with coxsackie A9 infection complicated by acute myocarditis. Although an association between celiac disease and HFMS has not been described, this patient's immunologic disruption could have favored the development of infection and ultimately HFMS.