947 resultados para Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is an atypical and unexpected reaction related to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients. IRIS includes an atypical response to an opportunistic pathogen (generally Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium complex, cytomegalovirus and herpes varicella-zoster), in patients responding to HAART with a reduction of plasma viral load and evidence of immune restoration based on increase of CD4+ T-cell count. We reported a case of a patient with AIDS which, after a first failure of HAART, developed a subcutaneous abscess and supraclavicular lymphadenitis as an expression of IRIS due to Mycobacterium avium complex after starting a second scheme of HAART.
The simultaneous presence of infectious organisms within cutaneous lesions of Kaposi sarcoma in persons with AIDS has been demonstrated. We describe a patient with concurrent leprosy and Kaposi sarcoma presenting as an immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in the setting of AIDS.
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) in HIV-infected subjects initiating antiretroviral therapy most commonly involves new or worsening manifestations of previously subclinical or overt infectious diseases. Reports of non-infectious IRIS are much less common but represent important diagnostic and treatment challenges. We report on a 34-year-old HIV-infected male patient with no history of gout who developed acute gouty arthritis in a single joint one month after initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy.
We report 2 cases of patients with immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) associated with cutaneous disseminated sporotrichosis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coinfection. The patients received specific treatment for sporotrichosis. However, after 4 and 5 weeks from the beginning of antiretroviral therapy, both patients experienced clinical exacerbation of skin lesions despite increased T CD4+ cells (T cells cluster of differentiation 4 positive) count and decreased viral load. Despite this exacerbation, subsequent mycological examination after systemic corticosteroid administration did not reveal fungal growth. Accordingly, they were diagnosed with IRIS. However, the sudden withdrawal of the corticosteroids resulted in the recurrence of IRIS symptoms. No serious adverse effects could be attributed to prednisone. We recommend corticosteroid treatment for mild-to-moderate cases of IRIS in sporotrichosis and HIV coinfection with close follow-up.
In patients with HIV-1 infection who are starting combination antiretroviral therapy (ART), the incidence of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is not well defined. We did a meta-analysis to establish the incidence and lethality of the syndrome in patients with a range of previously diagnosed opportunistic infections, and examined the relation between occurrence and the degree of immunodeficiency. Systematic review identified 54 cohort studies of 13 103 patients starting ART, of whom 1699 developed IRIS. We calculated pooled cumulative incidences with 95% credibility intervals (CrI) by Bayesian methods and did a random-effects metaregression to analyse the relation between CD4 cell count and incidence of IRIS. In patients with previously diagnosed AIDS-defining illnesses, IRIS developed in 37.7% (95% CrI 26.6-49.4) of those with cytomegalovirus retinitis, 19.5% (6.7-44.8) of those with cryptococcal meningitis, 15.7% (9.7-24.5) of those with tuberculosis, 16.7% (2.3-50.7) of those with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, and 6.4% (1.2-24.7) of those with Kaposi's sarcoma, and 12.2% (6.8-19.6) of those with herpes zoster. 16.1% (11.1-22.9) of unselected patients starting ART developed any type of IRIS. 4.5% (2.1-8.6) of patients with any type of IRIS died, 3.2% (0.7-9.2) of those with tuberculosis-associated IRIS died, and 20.8% (5.0-52.7) of those with cryptococcal meningitis died. Metaregression analyses showed that the risk of IRIS is associated with CD4 cell count at the start of ART, with a high risk in patients with fewer than 50 cells per microL. Occurrence of IRIS might therefore be reduced by initiation of ART before immunodeficiency becomes advanced.
© 2015.To determine the immunological profile most important for IRIS prediction, we evaluated 20 baseline plasma biomarkers in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART). Patients were enrolled in a randomized, placebo-controlled ART initiation trial in South Africa and Mexico to test whether maraviroc could prevent IRIS. Participants were classified prospectively as having IRIS within 6. months of ART initiation. Twenty plasma biomarkers were measured at study enrollment for 267 participants. Biomarkers were tested for predicting IRIS with adjustment for covariates chosen through forward stepwise selection. Sixty-two participants developed IRIS and of these 21 were tuberculosis (TB)-IRIS. Baseline levels of vitamin D and higher d-dimer, interferon gamma (IFNγ), and sCD14 were independently associated with risk of IRIS in multivariate analyses. TB-IRIS cases exhibited a distinct biosignature from IRIS related to other pathogens, with increased levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), sCD14, IFNγ, and lower levels of Hb that could be captured by a composite risk score. Elevated markers of Type 1 T helper (Th1) response, monocyte activation, coagulation and low vitamin D were independently associated with IRIS risk. Interventions that decrease immune activation and increase vitamin D levels warrant further study.
Objective: To determine whether opportunistic oral infections associated to HIV infection (OOI-HIV) are found in HIV+/AIDS patients with immune reconstitution related to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Methods. From among 1100 HIV+/AIDS patients (Service of Internal Medicine, Carlos Haya Hospital, Malaga, Spain) subjected to review of the oral cavity between January 1996 and May 2007, we identified those examined in 1996 and which were again examined between 1997 and 2007, and were moreover receiving HAART. The following data were collected: age, gender, form of contagion, antiretroviral therapy at the time of review, number of CD4+ lymphocytes/ml, and viral load (from 1997 onwards). We identified those subjects with an increase in CD4+ lymphocytes/ ml associated to HAART, and classified them as subjects with quantitative evidence of immune reconstitution (QEIR). Among these individuals with QEIR we moreover identified those with undetectable viral loads (QEIR+VL), and differentiated those patients with an increase in CD4+ lymphocytes > 500/ml (QEIRm+VL). In each group we determined the prevalence of OOI-HIV, following the diagnostic recommendations of the EC-Clearinghouse (CDC-Atlanta, USA - WHO). In addition, we analyzed the prevalence of OOI-HIV in the different groups in relation to the duration of HAART. Results. A total of 86 subjects were included (44 females and 42 males; 19 heterosexuals, 34 male homosexuals, and 33 intravenous drug abusers). Forty-two patients showed QEIR: 21 belonged to the QEIR+VL group, and 17 conformed the QEIRm+VL group. The prevalence of OOI-HIV per group was as follows: QEIR = 54.8%; QEIR+VL = 33%; QEIRm+VL = 35%. The most prevalent lesion in all groups was erythematous candidiasis. OOI-HIV increased with the duration of HAART (p=0.008), and were seen to be dependent upon late appearance of the mycotic lesions ( after 24 months under HAART). Conclusions: It is suggested that opportunistic oral infections associated to HIV infection form part of the clinical picture of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, though such infections are of late onset.
In order to verify possible association between immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) and oral manifestations (OMs), we selected AIDS patients who had low CD4 count before the initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and who returned three months later for therapy evaluation. The oral lesions observed three months after the initiation of HAART were evaluated and associated with the type of antiretroviral therapy (ART), CD4 count and HIV-RNA load levels (before and three months after HAART initiation). A total of 105 patients matched the selected criteria. Immune reconstitution (IR) was identified in 35.2%. Among these patients, the mean CD4 cell count rose from 105.97 to 330.29 and the mean viral load dropped from 168.005 (log 5.22) to 21.852 (log 4.33). There was no significant difference in age (P=0.78), sex (P=0.41) or previous history of ART (P=0.55) between IR and non-IR patients. In the IR group, the most common OM was. parotid enlargement (57.14%) (P=0.619), whereas in the non-IR group candidiasis (46.15%) was the most common OM. The results of our study suggest that the parotid gland enlargement found in the studied population might be an IRIS event, as it was found in patients with IR three months after the initiation of HAART.
Viral infections can be a major thread for the central nervous system (CNS), therefore, the immune system must be able to mount a highly proportionate immune response, not too weak, which would allow the virus to proliferate, but not too strong either, to avoid collateral damages. Here, we aim at reviewing the immunological mechanisms involved in the host defense in viral CNS infections. First, we review the specificities of the innate as well as the adaptive immune responses in the CNS, using several examples of various viral encephalitis. Then, we focus on three different modes of interactions between viruses and immune responses, namely human Herpes virus-1 encephalitis with the defect in innate immune response which favors this disease; JC virus-caused progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and the crucial role of adaptive immune response in this example; and finally, HIV infection with the accompanying low grade chronic inflammation in the CNS in some patients, which may be an explanation for the presence of cognitive disorders, even in some well-treated HIV-infected patients. We also emphasize that, although the immune response is generally associated with viral replication control and limited cellular death, an exaggerated inflammatory reaction can lead to tissue damage and can be detrimental for the host, a feature of the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). We will briefly address the indication of steroids in this situation.
Few data are available about progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) from Brazil. The objectives of this study were to describe the main features of patients with PML and estimate its frequency among AIDS patients with central nervous system (CNS) opportunistic diseases admitted to the Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas, São Paulo, Brazil, from April 2003 to April 2004. A retrospective and descriptive study was performed. Twelve (6%) cases of PML were identified among 219 patients with neurological diseases. The median age of patients with PML was 36 years and nine (75%) were men. Nine (75%) patients were not on antiretroviral therapy at admission. The most common clinical manifestations were: focal weakness (75%), speech disturbances (58%), visual disturbances (42%), cognitive dysfunction (42%), and impaired coordination (42%). The median CD4+ T-cell count was 45 cells/µL. Eight (67%) of 12 patients were laboratory-confirmed with PML and four (33%) were possible cases. Eleven (92%) presented classic PML and only one case had immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)-related PML. In four (33%) patients, PML was the first AIDS-defining illness. During hospitalization, three patients (25%) died as a result of nosocomial pneumonia and nine (75%) were discharged to home. Cases of PML were only exceeded by cases of cerebral toxoplasmosis, cryptococcal meningoencephalitis, and CNS tuberculosis, the three more frequent neurologic opportunistic infections in Brazil. The results of this study suggest that PML is not an uncommon HIV-related neurologic disorder in a referral center in Brazil.
Neurological disorders caused by Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are rarely reported in the Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) period. The objective of this study was to describe the main clinical and laboratory features of patients with CMV-related neurological complications in HIV-infected patients admitted to a referral center in São Paulo, Brazil. CMV disease requires the identification of the virus in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Thirteen cases were identified between January, 2004 and December, 2008. The median age of patients was 38 years and nine (69%) were men. At admission all patients were aware of their HIV status and only four (31%) patients were on HAART. Patients who were not on antiretroviral therapy before admission received HAART while inpatients. CMV disease was the first AIDS-defining illness in eight (62%) patients. The neurologic syndromes identified were diffuse encephalitis (n = 7; 62%), polyradiculopathy (n = 7; 54%), focal encephalitis (rhombencephalitis) (n = 1; 8%), and ventriculo-encephalitis (n = 1; 8%). Seven (54%) patients presented extra-neural CMV disease and four (31%) had retinitis. The median of CD4+ T-cell count was 13 cells/µL (range: 1-124 cells/µL). Overall in-hospital mortality was 38%. Eight patients used ganciclovir or foscarnet (in-hospital mortality: 50%) and five patients used ganciclovir and foscarnet (in-hospital mortality: 20%). None of the patients fulfilled the diagnosis criteria of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. Four patients were lost to follow-up, and three patients presented immune recovery and discontinued secondary prophylaxis. Although infrequent, distinct neurological syndromes caused by CMV continue to cause high mortality among AIDS patients. Survival depends upon the use of effective antiviral therapy against CMV and the early introduction of HAART.
Cryptococcus spp. cerebral abscesses are uncommon in immunocompetent subjects. The recommended induction treatment is the administration of amphotericin B plus flucytosine combined with resection for lesions ≥3cm. In this paper, we describe an HIV-negative woman diagnosed with a large cryptococcoma in the immediate postpartum period. The lesion was not resected, and due to amphotericin B intolerance, she received an extended course of fluconazole monotherapy. There was no disease recurrence during the 4 years of follow-up. The abrupt onset of her symptoms following delivery suggests that she developed a postpartum immune reconstitution syndrome. This case also demonstrates that in specific situations fluconazole monotherapy can be attempted in immunocompetent patients with cryptococcoma.
Tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) constitute the main burden of infectious disease in resource-limited countries. In the individual host, the two pathogens, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV, potentiate one another, accelerating the deterioration of immunological functions. In high-burden settings, HIV coinfection is the most important risk factor for developing active TB, which increases the susceptibility to primary infection or reinfection and also the risk of TB reactivation for patients with latent TB. M. tuberculosis infection also has a negative impact on the immune response to HIV, accelerating the progression from HIV infection to AIDS. The clinical management of HIV-associated TB includes the integration of effective anti-TB treatment, use of concurrent antiretroviral therapy (ART), prevention of HIV-related comorbidities, management of drug cytotoxicity, and prevention/treatment of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS).
BACKGROUND: Long-term therapy with natalizumab increases the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). OBJECTIVES: We present a patient study through therapy, the diagnosis of PML (after 29 infusions), plasma exchange (PE) and development of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). METHODS: Routine diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), immunological status (flow cytometry, T-cell migration assays and T-cell repertoire analysis), and brain biopsy with immunohistological analysis. RESULTS: CD49d decreased after 12 months of treatment. At PML diagnosis, CD49d expression and migratory capacity of T cells was low and peripheral T-cell receptor (TCR) complexity showed severe perturbations. The distribution of peripheral monocytes changed from CCR5+ to CCR7+. After PE some changes reverted: CD49d increased and overshot earliest levels, migratory capacities of T cells recovered and peripheral TCR complexity increased. With no clinical, routine laboratory or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) changes, MRI 2 months after PE demonstrated progressive lesion development. Brain histopathology confirmed the presence of infiltrates indicative of IRIS without clinical signs, immunologically accompanied by CCR7/CCR5 recovery of peripheral monocytes. CONCLUSION: Natalizumab-associated immunological changes accompanying PML were reversible after PE; IRIS can occur very late, remain asymptomatic and be elusive to CSF analysis. Our study may provide insights into the changes under treatment with natalizumab associated with JC virus control.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of corticosteroids (CS) on the viral-specific T-cell response, in particular the JC virus (JCV)-specific one, in an attempt to determine the optimal timing of CS in the management of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy-immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (PML-IRIS). METHODS: A blood draw was performed before and 7 days after the administration of IV CS to 24 patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS). The phenotypic pattern of T cells was determined by CCR7 and CD45RA. To assess the impact of CS treatment on proliferative response of JCV-, influenza-, and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-specific T cells, a thymidine incorporation proliferation assay was performed. An intracellular cytokine staining assay was performed to determine the effect of CS treatment on the production of cytokine by virus-specific T cells. JCV T-cell assays were performed only in JCV-infected patients with MS as detected by serologies (Stratify) or detection of JCV DNA in the urine by PCR. RESULTS: CS led T cells, CD4+ and CD8+, toward a less differentiated phenotype. There was a significant decrease of EBV-, influenza-, and JCV-specific T-cell proliferative response upon CS treatment. There was a significant decrease in the frequency of interferon (IFN) γ- and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α-producing JCV-specific CD8+ T cells, but not EBV- or influenza-specific CD4+ or CD8+ T cells. CONCLUSIONS: CS have a profound impact on the virus-specific T-cell response, especially on JCV, suggesting that when CS are considered, they should not be given before the onset of clinical or radiologic signs of IRIS. Studies addressing directly patients with MS with natalizumab-caused PML are warranted. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class III evidence that methylprednisolone treatment decreases the frequency of JCV-specific CD8+ T cells producing IFN-γ and TNFα, impairing control of JCV, suggesting this should be used to treat but not to prevent PML-IRIS. No clinical outcomes were measured.