1000 resultados para Immigrants adolescents


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En els últims anys s’ha viscut a Catalunya, com a la resta d’Espanya un procés d’arribada continuo i creixent de persones provinents d’altres països. Evidentment aquest fenomen repercuteix directament als centres educatius. A Catalunya, tenim alumnes procedents de més de 150 estats. Ha estat una arribada molt ràpida i amb una distribució que afecta a totes les comarques catalanes. Aquest augment de població nouvinguda que viu a Catalunya planteja al sistema educatiu català uns reptes importants. Concretament ens trobem davant de tradicions educatives molt diverses per aquests nens i nenes i les seves famílies, la pluralitat de llengües en les escoles i sobretot el desconeixement del català ( llengua vehicular en l’educació) de la majoria d’alumnes nouvinguts; els diferents orígens culturals i també la diferència de coneixements apresos prèviament pels alumnes; les expectatives de l’alumne i la seva família sobre el concepte d’escola. Totes aquestes variants provoquen una multitud de circumstàncies que dins d’una escola, poden generar un xoc si l’Administració educativa no aporta els recursos humans, econòmics i normatius adequats. Per això davant d’aquesta realitat, el Departament d’Educació posa en funcionament el curs 2004-2005 les aules d’acollida, com una resposta a aquest nou repte educatiu. La creació d’una aula d'acollida implica una dotació de professorat, una dotació informàtica amb el programari adient, una dotació econòmica inicial per a l’adquisició de material didàctic, formació específica per al tutor o la tutora de l’aula d’acollida i per als professionals que intervenen en el procés d’acollida, a càrrec dels assessors/es LIC ( llengua, interculturalitat i cohesió social) que el Departament d’Educació té arreu de Catalunya. Actualment el nombre d’aules d’acollida ha quedat estabilitzat, ja que degut a la crisi que afecta al nostre país no emigren tantes famílies d’origen estranger


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La consolidació d’una xarxa d’amistats esdevé una vertadera prioritat en la vida de qualsevol adolescent, més encara si es tracta de persones que han aterrat recentment en un entorn que els resulta del tot desconegut. D’aquesta manera, l’article que us ocupa pretén oferir una panoràmica real dels processos de socialització dels joves immigrants, tot partint d’un estudi empíric realitzat a la ciutat de Palma que analitza tres col·lectius concrets: argentins, marroquins i xinesos. Així, doncs, els resultats aquí plantejats permeten interpretar amb certa nitidesa quina és la genètica a partir de la qual es vertebren les relacions amb iguals d’aquests nouvinguts, amb les conseqüències que de tots aquests processos es poden derivar, en Educació Infantil i del Grau en Educació Primària de la Universitat de les Illes Balears.


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Objective: To investigate: (i) how lunch frequency of adolescents varies between schools and between classes within schools; (ii) the associations between frequency of lunch and individual sociodemographic factors and school characteristics; and (iii) if any observed associations between lunch frequency and school characteristics vary by gender and age groups. Design: Cross-sectional study in which students and school headmasters completed self-administered questionnaires. Associations were estimated by multilevel multivariate logistic regression. Setting: The Danish arm of the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children study 2010. Subjects: Students (n 4922) aged 11, 13 and 15 years attending a random sample of seventy-three schools. Results: The school-level and class-level variations in low lunch frequency were small (intraclass correlation coefficient <2·1 %). At the individual level, low lunch frequency was most common among students who were boys, 13- and 15-year-olds, from medium and low family social class, descendants of immigrants, living in a single-parent family and in a reconstructed family. School-level analyses suggested that having access to a canteen at school was associated with low lunch frequency (OR=1·47; 95% CI 1·14, 1·89). Likewise not having an adult present during lunch breaks was associated with low lunch frequency (OR=1·44; 95% CI 1·18, 1·75). Cross-level interactions suggested that these associations differed by age group. Conclusions: Lunch frequency among Danish students appears to be largely influenced by sociodemographic factors. Additionally, the presence of an adult during lunch breaks promotes frequent lunch consumption while availability of a canteen may discourage frequent lunch consumption. These findings vary between older and younger students.


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Immigrants' sense of self can be derived both from being members of their ethnic in-group and their country of residence. We examined how the ways in which immigrant adolescents integrate these self-views in relation to academic success in German schools. Students describe themselves at school and when with family. Using a standardized literacy performance test, analyses revealed that immigrants whose school-related self-view did not include Germany were less successful: Students who described their self as including both aspects of their ethnic group and Germany, and students who saw themselves predominantly as German, outperformed students with purely ethnic school-related selves. As expected, though, an ethnic family-related self-view did not have a negative impact on scholastic achievements.


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The rise in diversity and numbers of U.S. immigrants since 1965 has spawned a number of studies about the education of these immigrants and their children. Most of this research finds that school-age immigrants arriving in the last 20 years have the highest drop-out rates, lowest test scores, and are less likely than their native born peers to go to college. This dissertation examines the experiences of Nicaraguan immigrant youth living in Miami and the factors that make some of these adolescents feel positive about education, while others have negative attitudes about education. The method for this study combined structured and unstructured interviews, participant observation, focus groups, and data collected from a larger data set to understand the academic orientation of 25 Nicaraguan youths over a 4-year period. One of the independent variables is length of time in the United States. During the time of my initial contact with the subjects, 6 had been living in the United States for less than 3 years, 14 had been living in the United States between 6 and 12 years, and 6 had been living in the in the United States most or all of their lives (either they were born in the United States or had resided here for over 12 years). ^ Results are based on the students' particular experiences, which influence the dependent variable, academic orientation. Besides length of time, the independent variables also include ethnic self-identity, perceived discrimination, social capital in Miami, and peer influence. The study finds that those who are very recent arrivals have a “dual frame of reference,” that is, they directly compare their educational opportunities here in the United States, with their prior, often less favorable, situation in their homeland. Many of those who were born in Nicaragua, but have been residing in Miami most of their lives, have a less favorable view of education based on a higher degree of perceived discrimination. However, those who are second generation Nicaraguans deliberately take advantage of the strength inherent in their co-ethnic community unique to Miami. Recognition of this ethnic community prompts them to perceive education as worthwhile. ^


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In an investigation of the problems and coping strategies of Australian high school students, comparisons were made between the responses of 1664 students enrolled in years 8 to 12 in 1988, 1620 students enrolled in the same year levels in 1993, and 178 high school teachers in 1993. The subjects completed the High School Stressors Scale and the Adolescent Coping Strategies Scale. Data analyses using MANOVAs, ANOVAs, and t- tests revealed close similarities between the responses of the 1993 students and those of the 1988 students, but a considerable amount of incongruence between the responses of the students and those of the teachers. In particular, the teachers generally seemed to regard their students' problems as being more serious than was acknowledged by the students, and the teachers generally seemed to project a less positive view of adolescents' coping strategies than did the students. These discrepancies are discussed in terms of the different orientations that students and teachers bring to the student- teacher relationship. It is suggested that teachers and counsellors need to take cognisance of the differences between adolescents' perspectives and their own if they are going to be effective in assisting students to develop positive coping strategies and in creating more positive learning environments.