992 resultados para Imagem em Java
O objetivo desta publicação é apresentar a implementação Java do algoritmo de Marr e Hildreth (Marr & Hildreth, 1980) para a detecção de bordas. O objetivo maior das implementações é a construção de uma biblioteca de processamento de imagens em Java, como software livre, sob a licença GPL (General Public License) conforme publicada pela Free Software Foundation.
Com esta publicação, dá-se prosseguimento na implementação de algoritmos úteis para a detecção de bordas, atividade importante também no campo de visão por computador. O objetivo maior dessas implementações é a constituição de uma biblioteca de processamento de imagens em Java, como software livre, sob a General Public License - GNU, conforme publicada pela Free Software Foundation. Todas as implementações encontram-se disponíveis no diretório da Rede Agrolivre (
Na análise funcional de imagens do cérebro podem utilizar-se diferentes métodos na identificação de zonas de activação. Tem havido uma evolução desde o método de correlação [19], para outros métodos [9] [14] até o método baseado no modelo linear generalizado que é mais comum ser utilizado hoje e que levou ao pacote de software SPM [15]. Deve-se principalmente à versatilidade que o método tem em realizar testes com diferentes objectivos. Têm sido publicados alguns estudos comparativos. Poucos têm sido quantitativos [20] e quando o são, o número de métodos testados é reduzido[22]. Há muitos estudos comparativos do ponto de vista da estatística envolvida (da matemática) mas que têm em geral apenas ns académicos. Um objectivo deste estudo é comparar os resultados obtidos por diferentes métodos. É de particular interesse averiguar o comportamento de cada método na fronteira do local de activação. As diferenças serão avaliadas numericamente para os seguintes métodos clássicos: t de Student, coeficiente de correlação e o modelo linear generalizado. Três novos métodos são também propostos - o método de picos de Fourier, o método de sobreposição e o método de amplitude. O segundo pode ser aplicado para o melhoramento dos métodos de t de Student, coe ciente de correlação e modelo linear generalizado. Ele pode no entanto, também manter-se como um método de análise independente. A influência exercida em cada método pelos parâmetros pertinentes é também medida. É adoptado um conjunto de dados clínicos que está amplamente estudado e documentado. Desta forma elimina-se a possibilidade dos resultados obtidos serem interpretados como sendo específicos do caso em estudo. Há situações em que a influência do método utilizado na identificação das áreas de activação de imagens funcionais do cérebro é crucial. Tal acontece, por exemplo, quando um tumor desenvolve-se perto de uma zona de activação responsável por uma função importante . Para o cirurgião tornase indispensável avaliar se existe alguma sobreposição. A escolha de um dos métodos disponíveis poderá ter infuência sobre a decisão final. Se o método escolhido for mais conservador, pode verificar-se sobreposição e eliminar-se a possibilidade de cirurgia. Porém, se o método for mais restritivo a decisão final pode ser favorável à cirurgia. Artigos recentes têm suportado a ideia de que a ressonância magnética funcional é de facto muito útil no processo de decisão pré-operatório [12].O segundo objectivo do estudo é então avaliar a sobreposição entre um volume de activação e o volume do tumor. Os programas informáticos de análise funcional disponíveis são variados em vários aspectos: na plataforma em que funcionam (macintosh, linux, windows ou outras), na linguagem em que foram desenvolvidos (e.g. c+motif, c+matlab, matlab, etc.) no tratamento inicial dos dados (antes da aplicação do método de análise), no formato das imagens e no(s) método(s) de análise escolhido(s). Este facto di culta qualquer tentativa de comparação. À partida esta poderá apenas ser qualitativa. Uma comparação quantitativa implicaria a necessidade de ocorrerem três factos: o utilizador tem acesso ao código do programa, sabe programar nas diferentes linguagens e tem licença de utilização de software comercial (e.g. matlab). Sendo assim foi decidido adoptar uma estratégia unificadora. Ou seja, criar um novo programa desenvolvido numa linguagem independente da plataforma, que não utilize software comercial e que permita aplicar (e comparar quantitativamente) diferentes métodos de análise funcional. A linguagem escolhida foi o JAVA. O programa desenvolvido no âmbito desta tese chama-se Cérebro.
The portability and runtime safety of programs which are executed on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) makes the JVM an attractive target for compilers of languages other than Java. Unfortunately, the JVM was designed with language Java in mind, and lacks many of the primitives required for a straighforward implementation of other languages. Here, we discuss how the JVM may be used to implement other object-oriented languages. As a practical example of the possibilities, we report on a comprehensive case study. The open source Gardens Point Component Pascal compiler compiles the entire Component Pascal language, a dialect of Oberon-2, to JVM bytecodes. This compiler achieves runtime efficiencies which are comparable to native-code implementations of procedural languages.
The portability and runtime safety of programs which are executed on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) makes the JVM an attractive target for compilers of languages other than Java. Unfortunately, the JVM was designed with language Java in mind, and lacks many of the primitives required for a straight forward implementation of other languages. Here, we discuss how the JVM may be used to implement other object oriented languages. As a practical example of the possibilities, we report on a comprehensive case study. The open source Gardens Point Component Pascal compiler compiles the entire Component Pascal language, a dialect of Oberon 2, to JVM bytecodes. This compiler achieves runtime efficiencies which are comparable to native code implementations of procedural languages.
The Java programming language has potentially significant advantages for wireless sensor nodes but there is currently no feature-rich, open source virtual machine available. In this paper we present Darjeeling, a system comprising offline tools and a memory efficient run-time. The offline post-compiler tool analyzes, links and consolidates Java class files into loadable modules. The runtime implements a modified Java VM that supports multithreading and is designed specifically to operate in constrained execution environments such as wireless sensor network nodes and supports inheritance, threads, garbage collection, and loadable modules. We have demonstrated Java running on AVR128 and MSP430 microcontrollers at speeds of up to 70,000 JVM instructions per second.
The Java programming language enjoys widespread popularity on platforms ranging from servers to mobile phones. While efforts have been made to run Java on microcontroller platforms, there is currently no feature-rich, open source virtual machine available. In this paper we present Darjeeling, a system comprising offline tools and a memory efficient runtime. The offline post-compiler tool analyzes, links and consolidates Java class files into loadable modules. The runtime implements a modified Java VM that supports multithreading and is designed specifically to operate in constrained execution environments such as wireless sensor network nodes. Darjeeling improves upon existing work by supporting inheritance, threads, garbage collection, and loadable modules while keeping memory usage to a minimum. We have demonstrated Java running on AVR128 and MSP430 micro-controllers at speeds of up to 70,000 JVM instructions per second.
Ubiquitous access to patient medical records is an important aspect of caring for patient safety. Unavailability of sufficient medical information at the point-ofcare could possibly lead to a fatality. The U.S. Institute of Medicine has reported that between 44,000 and 98,000 people die each year due to medical errors, such as incorrect medication dosages, due to poor legibility in manual records, or delays in consolidating needed information to discern the proper intervention. In this research we propose employing emergent technologies such as Java SIM Cards (JSC), Smart Phones (SP), Next Generation Networks (NGN), Near Field Communications (NFC), Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and Biometric Identification to develop a secure framework and related protocols for ubiquitous access to Electronic Health Records (EHR). A partial EHR contained within a JSC can be used at the point-of-care in order to help quick diagnosis of a patient’s problems. The full EHR can be accessed from an Electronic Health Records Centre (EHRC) when time and network availability permit. Moreover, this framework and related protocols enable patients to give their explicit consent to a doctor to access their personal medical data, by using their Smart Phone, when the doctor needs to see or update the patient’s medical information during an examination. Also our proposed solution would give the power to patients to modify the Access Control List (ACL) related to their EHRs and view their EHRs through their Smart Phone. Currently, very limited research has been done on using JSCs and similar technologies as a portable repository of EHRs or on the specific security issues that are likely to arise when JSCs are used with ubiquitous access to EHRs. Previous research is concerned with using Medicare cards, a kind of Smart Card, as a repository of medical information at the patient point-of-care. However, this imposes some limitations on the patient’s emergency medical care, including the inability to detect the patient’s location, to call and send information to an emergency room automatically, and to interact with the patient in order to get consent. The aim of our framework and related protocols is to overcome these limitations by taking advantage of the SIM card and the technologies mentioned above. Briefly, our framework and related protocols will offer the full benefits of accessing an up-to-date, precise, and comprehensive medical history of a patient, whilst its mobility will provide ubiquitous access to medical and patient information everywhere it is needed. The objective of our framework and related protocols is to automate interactions between patients, healthcare providers and insurance organisations, increase patient safety, improve quality of care, and reduce the costs.
Ubiquitous access to patient medical records is an important aspect of caring for patient safety. Unavailability of sufficient medical information at the patient point-of-care could possibly lead to a fatality. In this paper we propose employing emergent technologies such as Java SIM Cards (JSC),Smart Phones (SP), Next Generation Networks (NGN), Near Field Communications (NFC), Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and Biometric Identification to develop a secure framework and related protocols for ubiquitous access to Electronic Health Records (EHRs). A partial EHR contained within a JSC can be used at the patient point-of-care in order to help quick diagnosis of a patient’s problems. The full EHR can be accessed from an Electronic Healthcare Records Centre (EHRC).
This chapter is a tutorial that teaches you how to design extended finite state machine (EFSM) test models for a system that you want to test. EFSM models are more powerful and expressive than simple finite state machine (FSM) models, and are one of the most commonly used styles of models for model-based testing, especially for embedded systems. There are many languages and notations in use for writing EFSM models, but in this tutorial we write our EFSM models in the familiar Java programming language. To generate tests from these EFSM models we use ModelJUnit, which is an open-source tool that supports several stochastic test generation algorithms, and we also show how to write your own model-based testing tool. We show how EFSM models can be used for unit testing and system testing of embedded systems, and for offline testing as well as online testing.
A well-developed brand helps to establish a solid identity and creates support to an image that is coherent to the actual motivations in an institution. Educational institutions have inherent characteristics that are diverse from the other sort of institutions, mainly when the focus is set on its internal and external publics. Consequently, these institutions should deal with the development of their brand and identity system also in a different approach. This research aims to investigate the traditional methodology for brand and identity systems development and proposes some modifications in order to allow a broader inclusion of the stakeholders in the process. The implementation of the new Oceanography Course in the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) offered a unique opportunity to investigate and test these new strategies. In order to investigate and relate the image, identity, interaction and experience concepts through a participative methodology, this research project applies the new suggested strategies in the development of a brand and an identity system for the Oceanography Course in UFBA. Open surveys have been carried out between the alumni, lecturers and coordination body, in order to discover and establish a symbol for the course. The statistic analysis of the surveys’ results showed clear aesthetic preferences to some icons and colours to represent the course. The participative methodology celebrated, in this project, a democratization of the generally expert-centred brand development process.
A review of literature on the role of emergency nurses in Indonesia revealed a dearth of research. Anecdotal evidence suggests a lack of clarity in role definition which has led to uncertainty and role ambiguity. Despite advances in the development of specialist nursing roles in Indonesia, that of the emergency nurse remains unclear. This study explored the role of nurses working in emergency care services in three general hospitals in West Java, Indonesia. The theoretical framework is grounded in Charmaz’s constructivist grounded theory. Data collection methods were observation, in-depth interviews and interrogation of related documents. Phase one of data collection involved 74 h of observation and nterviews with 35 nurses working in the three ED settings. For the purposes of theoretical sampling, a second phase of data collection was conducted. This involved a second nterview with eight participants from the three EDs. nterviews were also undertaken with the three key informants of nursing management of three related hospitals; key informants from the Indonesian Nurses Association; the Directorate of Nursing, Ministry of Health; and from the organization for ED nurses. Data analysis drew on Charmaz’s constructivist approach and the concepts of simultaneous data collection and analysis, constant comparison, coding, and theoretical sampling. The analysis generated four theoretical concepts that characterized the role of the emergency nurse: An arbitrary scope of practice, Struggling for recognition, Learning on the job and Looking to better practice. These concepts provided analytical direction for an exploration of the clinical and political dimensions of the role of the emergency nurse in Indonesia.