989 resultados para Image Correlation
A way of coupling digital image correlation (to measure displacement fields) and boundary element method (to compute displacements and tractions along a crack surface) is presented herein. It allows for the identification of Young`s modulus and fracture parameters associated with a cohesive model. This procedure is illustrated to analyze the latter for an ordinary concrete in a three-point bend test on a notched beam. In view of measurement uncertainties, the results are deemed trustworthy thanks to the fact that numerous measurement points are accessible and used as entries to the identification procedure. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
As malformações cardíacas são as mais freqüentes anomalias congênitas ao nascimento, entretanto, a sua detecção pré-natal pela ultra-sonografia convencional permanece baixa. As ultra-sonografias de terceira e quarta dimensões surgiram no início da década de 90, apresentando grandes aplicações em obstetrícia, principalmente nos casos de diagnósticos duvidosos à ultra-sonografia bidimensional. O spatio-temporal image correlation (STIC) representa grande avanço na área de ultra-som de quarta dimensão; constitui-se em um software acoplado ao aparelho Voluson 730 Expert, que permite a aquisição volumétrica do coração fetal e suas conexões vasculares. As análises volumétricas são realizadas nos modos multiplanar e de renderização, podendo-se também utilizar o Doppler. Apresenta, como grandes vantagens, a aquisição rápida e a possibilidade de análise posterior por especialistas em ecocardiografia fetal. Pode ser aplicada para a pesquisa de quaisquer cardiopatias congênitas, pois permite a aquisição de qualquer plano, diferentemente do ultra-som bidimensional. Sua principal desvantagem está relacionada aos movimentos fetais. A maior difusão do método pode permitir um aumento na detecção de malformações cardíacas, pois possibilita ao ultra-sonografista geral encaminhar, via Internet, os volumes para a análise por especialistas em ecocardiografia fetal.
This study compared splinted and non-splinted implant-supported prosthesis with and without a distal proximal contact using a digital image correlation method. An epoxy resin model was made with acrylic resin replicas of a mandibular first premolar and second molar and with threaded implants replacing the second premolar and first molar. Splinted and non-splinted metal-ceramic screw-retained crowns were fabricated and loaded with and without the presence of the second molar. A single-camera measuring system was used to record the in-plane deformation on the model surface at a frequency of 1.0 Hz under a load from 0 to 250 N. The images were then analyzed with specialist software to determine the direct (horizontal) and shear strains along the model. Not splinting the crowns resulted in higher stress transfer to the supporting implants when the second molar replica was absent. The presence of a second molar and an effective interproximal contact contributed to lower stress transfer to the supporting structures even for non-splinted restorations. Shear strains were higher in the region between the molars when the second molar was absent, regardless of splinting. The opposite was found for the region between the implants, which had higher shear strain values when the second molar was present. When an effective distal contact is absent, non-splinted implant-supported restorations introduce higher direct strains to the supporting structures under loading. Shear strains appear to be dependent also on the region within the model, with different regions showing different trends in strain changes in the absence of an effective distal contact. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJETIVO: Comparar do débito cardíaco (DC) e a fração de ejeção (FE) do coração de fetos masculinos e femininos obtidos por meio da ultrassonografia tridimensional, utilizando o spatio-temporal image correlation (STIC). MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um estudo de corte transversal com 216 fetos normais, entre 20 a 34 semanas de gestação, sendo 108 masculinos e 108 femininos. Os volumes ventriculares no final da sístole e diástole foram obtidos por meio do STIC, sendo as avaliações volumétricas realizadas pelo virtual organ computer-aided analysis (VOCAL) com rotação de 30º. Para o cálculo do DC utilizou-se a fórmula: DC= volume sistólico/frequência cardíaca fetal, enquanto que para a FE utilizou-se a fórmula: FE= volume sistólico/volume diastólico final. O DC (combinado, feminino e masculino) e a FE (masculina e feminina) foram comparadas utilizando-se o teste t não pareado e ANCOVA. Foram criados gráficos de dispersão com os percentis 5, 50 e 95. RESULTADOS: A média do DC combinado, DC direito, DC esquerdo, FE direita e FE esquerda, para feminino e masculino, foram 240,07 mL/min; 122,67 mL/min; 123,40 mL/min; 72,84%; 67,22%; 270,56 mL/min; 139,22 mL/min; 131,34 mL/min; 70,73% e 64,76%, respectivamente; sem diferença estatística (P> 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: O DC e a FE fetal obtidos por meio da ultrassonografia tridimensional (STIC) não apresentaram diferença significativa em relação ao gênero.
Digital image correlation (DIC) is applied to analyzing the deformation mechanisms under transverse compression in a fiber-reinforced composite. To this end, compression tests in a direction perpendicular to the fibers were carried out inside a scanning electron microscope and secondary electron images obtained at different magnifications during the test. Optimum DIC parameters to resolve the displacement and strain field were computed from numerical simulations of a model composite and they were applied to micrographs obtained at different magnifications (250_, 2000_, and 6000_). It is shown that DIC of low-magnification micrographs was able to capture the long range fluctuations in strain due to the presence of matrix-rich and fiber-rich zones, responsible for the onset of damage. At higher magnification, the strain fields obtained with DIC qualitatively reproduce the non-homogeneous deformation pattern due to the presence of stiff fibers dispersed in a compliant matrix and provide accurate results of the average composite strain. However, comparison with finite element simulations revealed that DIC was not able to accurately capture the average strain in each phase.
Bridges are a critical part of North America’s transportation network that need to be assessed frequently to inform bridge management decision making. Visual inspections are usually implemented for this purpose, during which inspectors must observe and report any excess displacements or vibrations. Unfortunately, these visual inspections are subjective and often highly variable and so a monitoring technology that can provide quantitative measurements to supplement inspections is needed. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is a novel monitoring technology that uses digital images to measure displacement fields without any contact with the bridge. In this research, DIC and accelerometers were used to investigate the dynamic response of a railway bridge reported to experience large lateral displacements. Displacements were estimated using accelerometer measurements and were compared to DIC measurements. It was shown that accelerometers can provide reasonable estimates of displacement for zero-mean lateral displacements. By comparing measurements in the girder and in the piers, it was shown that for the bridge monitored, the large lateral displacements originated in the steel casting bearings positioned above the piers, and not in the piers themselves. The use of DIC for evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation of the LaSalle Causeway lift bridge in Kingston, Ontario was also investigated. Vertical displacements were measured at midspan and at the lifting end of the bridge during a static test and under dynamic live loading. The bridge displacements were well within the operating limits, however a gap at the lifting end of the bridge was identified. Rehabilitation of the bridge was conducted and by comparing measurements before and after rehabilitation, it was shown that the gap was successfully closed. Finally, DIC was used to monitor the midspan vertical and lateral displacements in a monitoring campaign of five steel rail bridges. DIC was also used to evaluate the effectiveness of structural rehabilitation of the lateral bracing of a bridge. Simple finite element models are developed using DIC measurements of displacement. Several lessons learned throughout this monitoring campaign are discussed in the hope of aiding future researchers.
Optical full-field measurement methods such as Digital Image Correlation (DIC) provide a new opportunity for measuring deformations and vibrations with high spatial and temporal resolution. However, application to full-scale wind turbines is not trivial. Elaborate preparation of the experiment is vital and sophisticated post processing of the DIC results essential. In the present study, a rotor blade of a 3.2 MW wind turbine is equipped with a random black-and-white dot pattern at four different radial positions. Two cameras are located in front of the wind turbine and the response of the rotor blade is monitored using DIC for different turbine operations. In addition, a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) system is used in order to measure the wind conditions. Wind fields are created based on the LiDAR measurements and used to perform aeroelastic simulations of the wind turbine by means of advanced multibody codes. The results from the optical DIC system appear plausible when checked against common and expected results. In addition, the comparison of relative out-of-plane blade deflections shows good agreement between DIC results and aeroelastic simulations.
Due to design and process-related factors, there are local variations in the microstructure and mechanical behaviour of cast components. This work establishes a Digital Image Correlation (DIC) based method for characterisation and investigation of the effects of such local variations on the behaviour of a high pressure, die cast (HPDC) aluminium alloy. Plastic behaviour is studied using gradient solidified samples and characterisation models for the parameters of the Hollomon equation are developed, based on microstructural refinement. Samples with controlled microstructural variations are produced and the observed DIC strain field is compared with Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation results. The results show that the DIC based method can be applied to characterise local mechanical behaviour with high accuracy. The microstructural variations are observed to cause a redistribution of strain during tensile loading. This redistribution of strain can be predicted in the FEM simulation by incorporating local mechanical behaviour using the developed characterization model. A homogeneous FEM simulation is unable to predict the observed behaviour. The results motivate the application of a previously proposed simulation strategy, which is able to predict and incorporate local variations in mechanical behaviour into FEM simulations already in the design process for cast components.
Ad oggi, l’attuale gold standard per il trattamento di amputazioni transfemorali è rappresentato dall’utilizzo di protesi con invaso (socket). Tuttavia, si rileva un elevato grado di insoddisfazione in questo tipo di protesi, dovuto a numerose complicazioni. Per questo sono state sviluppate le protesi osteointegrate. Queste protesi hanno numerosi vantaggi rispetto alla tipologia socket ma presentano anch’esse dei problemi, in particolare complicazioni meccaniche, di mobilizzazione e di infezione. Per questo, lo scopo di questo elaborato di tesi è stato quello di sviluppare ed ottimizzare un metodo per caratterizzare il comportamento biomeccanico di una protesi osteointegrata per amputati transfemorali, tramite Digital Image Correlation (DIC). In particolare, sono state valutate le condizioni e i metodi sperimentali utili a simulare una reale situazione fisiologica di distribuzione delle deformazioni sulla superficie dell’osso una volta impiantata la protesi. Per le analisi è stato utilizzato un provino di femore in composito nel quale è stata impiantata una protesi osteointegrata. È stata effettuata un’ottimizzazione dei parametri della DIC per consentire una misura precisa e affidabile. In seguito, sono state svolte due tipologie di test di presso-flessione sul provino per valutare la ripetibilità dell’esperimento e l’intensità delle deformazioni superficiali al variare del carico in range fisiologico. Il metodo sviluppato è risultato ripetibile, con un errore al di sotto della soglia stabilita. All’aumentare del carico è stato possibile osservare un aumento lineare delle deformazioni, oltre che un’espansione dell’area sottoposta a deformazioni più elevate. I valori di deformazioni ottenuti rientrano nei range fisiologici e sono confrontabili con quelli ottenuti in letteratura. L’applicazione del metodo sviluppato a provini di femore provenienti da donatore umano permetterà la generalizzazione dei risultati ottenuti in questo studio.
Measurements in civil engineering load tests usually require considerable time and complex procedures. Therefore, measurements are usually constrained by the number of sensors resulting in a restricted monitored area. Image processing analysis is an alternative way that enables the measurement of the complete area of interest with a simple and effective setup. In this article photo sequences taken during load displacement tests were captured by a digital camera and processed with image correlation algorithms. Three different image processing algorithms were used with real images taken from tests using specimens of PVC and Plexiglas. The data obtained from the image processing algorithms were also compared with the data from physical sensors. A complete displacement and strain map were obtained. Results show that the accuracy of the measurements obtained by photogrammetry is equivalent to that from the physical sensors but with much less equipment and fewer setup requirements. © 2015Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.
Since the invention of photography humans have been using images to capture, store and analyse the act that they are interested in. With the developments in this field, assisted by better computers, it is possible to use image processing technology as an accurate method of analysis and measurement. Image processing's principal qualities are flexibility, adaptability and the ability to easily and quickly process a large amount of information. Successful examples of applications can be seen in several areas of human life, such as biomedical, industry, surveillance, military and mapping. This is so true that there are several Nobel prizes related to imaging. The accurate measurement of deformations, displacements, strain fields and surface defects are challenging in many material tests in Civil Engineering because traditionally these measurements require complex and expensive equipment, plus time consuming calibration. Image processing can be an inexpensive and effective tool for load displacement measurements. Using an adequate image acquisition system and taking advantage of the computation power of modern computers it is possible to accurately measure very small displacements with high precision. On the market there are already several commercial software packages. However they are commercialized at high cost. In this work block-matching algorithms will be used in order to compare the results from image processing with the data obtained with physical transducers during laboratory load tests. In order to test the proposed solutions several load tests were carried out in partnership with researchers from the Civil Engineering Department at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL).
Many texture measures have been developed and used for improving land-cover classification accuracy, but rarely has research examined the role of textures in improving the performance of aboveground biomass estimations. The relationship between texture and biomass is poorly understood. This paper used Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data to explore relationships between TM image textures and aboveground biomass in Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon. Eight grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based texture measures (i.e., mean, variance, homogeneity, contrast, dissimilarity, entropy, second moment, and correlation), associated with seven different window sizes (5x5, 7x7, 9x9, 11x11, 15x15, 19x19, and 25x25), and five TM bands (TM 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7) were analyzed. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to analyze texture and biomass relationships. This research indicates that most textures are weakly correlated with successional vegetation biomass, but some textures are significantly correlated with mature forest biomass. In contrast, TM spectral signatures are significantly correlated with successional vegetation biomass, but weakly correlated with mature forest biomass. Our findings imply that textures may be critical in improving mature forest biomass estimation, but relatively less important for successional vegetation biomass estimation.
The combination of scaled analogue experiments, material mechanics, X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) and Digital Volume Correlation techniques (DVC) is a powerful new tool not only to examine the 3 dimensional structure and kinematic evolution of complex deformation structures in scaled analogue experiments, but also to fully quantify their spatial strain distribution and complete strain history. Digital image correlation (DIC) is an important advance in quantitative physical modelling and helps to understand non-linear deformation processes. Optical non-intrusive (DIC) techniques enable the quantification of localised and distributed deformation in analogue experiments based either on images taken through transparent sidewalls (2D DIC) or on surface views (3D DIC). X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) analysis permits the non-destructive visualisation of the internal structure and kinematic evolution of scaled analogue experiments simulating tectonic evolution of complex geological structures. The combination of XRCT sectional image data of analogue experiments with 2D DIC only allows quantification of 2D displacement and strain components in section direction. This completely omits the potential of CT experiments for full 3D strain analysis of complex, non-cylindrical deformation structures. In this study, we apply digital volume correlation (DVC) techniques on XRCT scan data of “solid” analogue experiments to fully quantify the internal displacement and strain in 3 dimensions over time. Our first results indicate that the application of DVC techniques on XRCT volume data can successfully be used to quantify the 3D spatial and temporal strain patterns inside analogue experiments. We demonstrate the potential of combining DVC techniques and XRCT volume imaging for 3D strain analysis of a contractional experiment simulating the development of a non-cylindrical pop-up structure. Furthermore, we discuss various options for optimisation of granular materials, pattern generation, and data acquisition for increased resolution and accuracy of the strain results. Three-dimensional strain analysis of analogue models is of particular interest for geological and seismic interpretations of complex, non-cylindrical geological structures. The volume strain data enable the analysis of the large-scale and small-scale strain history of geological structures.