999 resultados para Iluminação Fluorescente e Rede Inteligente para o Controle de Iluminação
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper, we will present an overview of the smart grid defining the three main systems that compose it: smart infrastructure system, smart management system and smart protection system. We will conceptualize a functionality of smart management system, the conservative voltage reduction, citing its benefits and its history of application. And, finally, we'll cover a test in which we reduce the nominal voltages on incandescent bulbs, CFL and LED, in the context of residential lighting, and on LED and HPS, in the context of public lighting. The test aims to check whether the voltage reduction adversely affects sources of lighting by measuring the temperature manually with a thermal imaging camera FLIR and illuminance with a LUX meter. The set of power factor, total harmonic distortion, and input power values will be collected automatically through the power quality Analyzer Fluke 345 with a probe Fluke Hall Effect Current. For residential lighting, it was found that both CFL and LED had good performance with the smallest variations in illuminance. Between both, the LED source had the lowest harmonics and the lowest power consumption, on the other hand incandescent bulbs had a bad performance as expected. Public light sources also had a good performance and obtained power factors within the standards, as opposed to the CFL and LED residential sources. The data collected clearly shows the feasibility for nominal voltage reductions. Even with small reductions, there are possibilities of savings which can be passed on to the utilities and consumers
In this paper, we will present an overview of the smart grid defining the three main systems that compose it: smart infrastructure system, smart management system and smart protection system. We will conceptualize a functionality of smart management system, the conservative voltage reduction, citing its benefits and its history of application. And, finally, we'll cover a test in which we reduce the nominal voltages on incandescent bulbs, CFL and LED, in the context of residential lighting, and on LED and HPS, in the context of public lighting. The test aims to check whether the voltage reduction adversely affects sources of lighting by measuring the temperature manually with a thermal imaging camera FLIR and illuminance with a LUX meter. The set of power factor, total harmonic distortion, and input power values will be collected automatically through the power quality Analyzer Fluke 345 with a probe Fluke Hall Effect Current. For residential lighting, it was found that both CFL and LED had good performance with the smallest variations in illuminance. Between both, the LED source had the lowest harmonics and the lowest power consumption, on the other hand incandescent bulbs had a bad performance as expected. Public light sources also had a good performance and obtained power factors within the standards, as opposed to the CFL and LED residential sources. The data collected clearly shows the feasibility for nominal voltage reductions. Even with small reductions, there are possibilities of savings which can be passed on to the utilities and consumers
Depuis que l'électricité a été découverte et que le secteur électrique s'est considérablement développé dans le XVIIIe siècle, jamais l'homme n'a pu se détacher de cette énergie. Pendant longtemps le système d'énergie électrique a fonctionné sans grand changement, mais avec le développement rapide des technologies, de nouvelles améliorations apparaissent. Ce mémoire traite des nouveaux concepts de réseaux d'énergie électrique appelés Réseaux intelligents ou Smart Grid. À travers un panorama de leurs développements dans le monde, cette étude porte d'une part, sur l'avancée des projets dans quelques pays et d'autre part, du niveau de développement de ce réseau au Brésil et de son intérêt pour le pays. L'étude a comme point central un des composants de ce réseau intelligent, le compteur communicant, qui est l'élément essentiel des interconnexions entre consommateurs et producteurs. Ce rapport apporte un éclaircissement sur les compteurs conventionnels et les compteurs intelligents et sur leur mode de fonctionnement. Enfin il aborde la question des consommateurs : par quels moyens leur transmettre tous ces changements à venir, puisque jusqu'à présent, leur seule participation était de payer l'énergie consommée. Avec le nouveau réseau, ils deviendront de véritables acteurs puisqu'ils seront informés en temps réel de leur consommation d'énergie électrique. Pour terminer, le mémoire montrera comment ils pourront s'adapter à cette nouvelle façon de gérer leur consommation en ésperant les inciter à une utilisation plus raisonnable de l'énergie et à modifier leur comportement en gérant de manière active leur consommation en intégrant notamment les énergies renouvelables
Depuis que l'électricité a été découverte et que le secteur électrique s'est considérablement développé dans le XVIIIe siècle, jamais l'homme n'a pu se détacher de cette énergie. Pendant longtemps le système d'énergie électrique a fonctionné sans grand changement, mais avec le développement rapide des technologies, de nouvelles améliorations apparaissent. Ce mémoire traite des nouveaux concepts de réseaux d'énergie électrique appelés Réseaux intelligents ou Smart Grid. À travers un panorama de leurs développements dans le monde, cette étude porte d'une part, sur l'avancée des projets dans quelques pays et d'autre part, du niveau de développement de ce réseau au Brésil et de son intérêt pour le pays. L'étude a comme point central un des composants de ce réseau intelligent, le compteur communicant, qui est l'élément essentiel des interconnexions entre consommateurs et producteurs. Ce rapport apporte un éclaircissement sur les compteurs conventionnels et les compteurs intelligents et sur leur mode de fonctionnement. Enfin il aborde la question des consommateurs : par quels moyens leur transmettre tous ces changements à venir, puisque jusqu'à présent, leur seule participation était de payer l'énergie consommée. Avec le nouveau réseau, ils deviendront de véritables acteurs puisqu'ils seront informés en temps réel de leur consommation d'énergie électrique. Pour terminer, le mémoire montrera comment ils pourront s'adapter à cette nouvelle façon de gérer leur consommation en ésperant les inciter à une utilisation plus raisonnable de l'énergie et à modifier leur comportement en gérant de manière active leur consommation en intégrant notamment les énergies renouvelables
Como solu????o unificadora da opera????o, em tempo real, de seus sistemas el??tricos, a Eletronorte utiliza, desde 1998, o Sistema Aberto de Gerenciamento de Energia (Sage), que habilita seus centros de opera????o a serem centros estrat??gicos de tratamento de informa????o. A import??ncia do Sage para a empresa reflete-se na relev??ncia da rede que comporta seus dados. Para garantir elevados graus de disponibilidade dos servi??os de supervis??o, foi implementada a ferramenta GerenteSage, que gerencia os recursos da rede e facilita o controle deles pelos administradores. Para essa ferramenta, foi definida uma interface web, a qual condiz com caracter??sticas atuais do mundo da inform??tica: a descentraliza????o do acesso ??s informa????es e a independ??ncia de plataforma para o usu??rio. Outro aspecto importante da metodologia de concep????o ?? a utiliza????o de sistemas e fontes livres. Como resultado, houve melhora na qualidade dos servi??os de rede e aumento da disponibilidade das informa????es de supervis??o
Conventional control strategies used in shunt active power filters (SAPF) employs real-time instantaneous harmonic detection schemes which is usually implements with digital filters. This increase the number of current sensors on the filter structure which results in high costs. Furthermore, these detection schemes introduce time delays which can deteriorate the harmonic compensation performance. Differently from the conventional control schemes, this paper proposes a non-standard control strategy which indirectly regulates the phase currents of the power mains. The reference currents of system are generated by the dc-link voltage controller and is based on the active power balance of SAPF system. The reference currents are aligned to the phase angle of the power mains voltage vector which is obtained by using a dq phase locked loop (PLL) system. The current control strategy is implemented by an adaptive pole placement control strategy integrated to a variable structure control scheme (VS-APPC). In the VS-APPC, the internal model principle (IMP) of reference currents is used for achieving the zero steady state tracking error of the power system currents. This forces the phase current of the system mains to be sinusoidal with low harmonics content. Moreover, the current controllers are implemented on the stationary reference frame to avoid transformations to the mains voltage vector reference coordinates. This proposed current control strategy enhance the performance of SAPF with fast transient response and robustness to parametric uncertainties. Experimental results are showing for determining the effectiveness of SAPF proposed control system
Conventional control strategies used in shunt active power filters (SAPF) employs real-time instantaneous harmonic detection schemes which is usually implements with digital filters. This increase the number of current sensors on the filter structure which results in high costs. Furthermore, these detection schemes introduce time delays which can deteriorate the harmonic compensation performance. Differently from the conventional control schemes, this paper proposes a non-standard control strategy which indirectly regulates the phase currents of the power mains. The reference currents of system are generated by the dc-link voltage controller and is based on the active power balance of SAPF system. The reference currents are aligned to the phase angle of the power mains voltage vector which is obtained by using a dq phase locked loop (PLL) system. The current control strategy is implemented by an adaptive pole placement control strategy integrated to a variable structure control scheme (VS¡APPC). In the VS¡APPC, the internal model principle (IMP) of reference currents is used for achieving the zero steady state tracking error of the power system currents. This forces the phase current of the system mains to be sinusoidal with low harmonics content. Moreover, the current controllers are implemented on the stationary reference frame to avoid transformations to the mains voltage vector reference coordinates. This proposed current control strategy enhance the performance of SAPF with fast transient response and robustness to parametric uncertainties. Experimental results are showing for determining the effectiveness of SAPF proposed control system
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Este trabalho descreve um sistema de análise de dados com a finalidade de gerar um sistema de controle utilizando técnica inteligente para adição de fluoreto de alumínio (AlF3) em fornos de redução de alumínio. O projeto baseia-se nos conceitos de lógica fuzzy, nos quais o conhecimento acumulado pelo especialista do processo é traduzido de maneira qualitativa em um conjunto de regras linguísticas do tipo SE
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
The constant necessity for new sources of renewable energy is increasingly promoting the increase of investments in this area. Among other sources, the wind power has been becoming prominent. It is important to promote the search for the improvement of the technologies involved in the topologies of the wind turbines, seeking for alternatives which enhance the gotten performance, despite the irregularity of the wind speed. This study presents a new system for speed control, in this case applied to the wind turbines - the Electromagnetic Frequency Regulator (EFR). One of the most used devices in some topologies is the mechanical gearboxes which, along with a short service life, often represent sources of noise and defects. The EFR does not need these transmission boxes, representing a technological advancement, using for that an adapted induction machine, in which the stator becomes mobile, supportive to the axis of the turbine. In the topology used in this study, the EFR also allows us to leave out the usage of the eletronic converters to establish the coupling between the generator and the electrical grid. It also the reason why it provides the possibility of obtaining the generation in alternating current, with constant voltage and frequency, where there is no electrical grid. Responsable for the mechanical speed control of the generator, the EFR can be useful in other transmission systems in which the mechanical speed control output is the objective. In addition, the EFR operates through the combination of two inputs, a mechanical and other electrical. It multiplies the possibilities of application because it is able to synergistic coupling between different arrays of energy, and, for such reasons, it enables the various sources of energy involved to be uncoupled from the network, being the synchronous generator responsible for the system connection with the electrical grid, simplifying the control strategies on the power injected in it. Experimental and simulation results are presented through this study, about a wind turbine, validating the proposal related to the efficience in the speed control of the system for different wind conditions.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica na Área de Especialização de Energia
Estudo randômico e controlado que objetivou verificar se a ultrassonografia vascular (USV) aumenta a assertividade na utilização do cateter intravenoso periférico e o tempo de permanência do cateter quando comparado ao método tradicional de punção. A coleta de dados ocorreu após aprovação do mérito ético, incluindo-se no estudo crianças e adolescentes submetidos a punção intravenosa periférica guiada pela USV, constituindo o grupo USV (GUSV), ou após avaliação clínica da rede venosa, denominado grupo controle (GC). Os valores de p<0,05 foram considerados significativos. A amostra foi constituída por 382 punções, 188 (49,2%) no GUSV e 194 (50,8%) no GC, realizadas em 335 crianças. Identificou-se assertividade em 73 (71,6%) cateteres do GUSV e em 84 (71,8%) do GC (p=0,970). O tempo de permanência do cateter apresentou mediana inferior a um dia nos dois grupos (p=0,121), não havendo diferença estatisticamente significativa. Concluindo-se que a USV não influenciou os resultados das variáveis dependentes investigadas. ClinicalTrials.govNCT00930254.
As energias renováveis têm-se tornado uma alternativa viável e complementar aos combustíveis fósseis, pelo facto de serem energias virtualmente inesgotáveis, limpas e economicamente vantajosas. Um dos principais problemas associados às fontes de energia renováveis é a sua intermitência. Este problema impossibilita o controlo da produção de energia e reflete-se na qualidade da energia elétrica. Em sistemas de microprodução de energia, este problema pode ser atenuado com a inclusão de sistemas de armazenamento intermédio que possibilitam o armazenamento do excedente extraído das fontes renováveis, podendo ser utilizado como recurso auxiliar na alimentação de cargas ou como meio de estabilização e otimização do desempenho da Rede Elétrica de Energia (REE), evitando variações bruscas na energia transferida para a mesma. Os sistemas de microprodução com armazenamento intermédio podem ser considerados fundamentais na implementação do conceito de Rede Inteligente de Energia (RIE), visto serem sistemas de energia descentralizados que permitem uma melhor gestão da energia elétrica e uma consequente redução de custos. No presente trabalho desenvolveu-se um sistema de microprodução de energia renovável compatível com as fontes renováveis fotovoltaica e eólica, possuindo um banco de baterias como sistema de armazenamento intermédio. A construção deste sistema teve como principal objetivo seguir as referências de potência impostas pela RIE, independentemente das condições meteorológicas, com recurso à energia armazenada nas baterias, evitando a introdução de perturbações na REE ao nível da tensão e da frequência. Estudou-se o comportamento do sistema na ocorrência de variações bruscas da fonte renovável, perturbações na tensão da REE e introdução de cargas lineares e não lineares. Foi desenvolvido um protótipo experimental com painéis fotovoltaicos, no qual foram registados os valores de alguns parâmetros da qualidade da energia elétrica. Obteve-se uma resposta de aproximadamente 25 μs por parte das baterias para cada Watt de potência requisitado pela RIE.