25 resultados para Iluminância
O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar as condições de iluminância das actividades desenvolvidas por espeleólogos expostos a ambiente de grutas. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo transversal. Foram avaliados os níveis de iluminância das actividades desenvolvidas por 16 espeleólogos, em duas duas grutas desprovidas de iluminação natural. A idade média dos trabalhadores foi de 40,65 (±10,93) anos. No ambiente de gruta a maioria dos trabalhadores utilizava uma lanterna instalada no capacete (451,0±305,7lux). Não foram detectados sinais e sintomas de patologias visuais ligados à exposição do ambiente gruta. Os sinais de iluminância são adequados para a maioria das actividades realizadas.
Dissertação de mest. em energias renováveis e Gestão da Energia. Instituto Superior de Engenharia,Univ. do Algarve, 2011
Essa dissertação preliminarmente estuda a evolução das aberturas na história da arquitetura; as características termofísicas de alguns materiais de construção; a incidência da radiação solar sobre superfícies horizontais; a relação das medidas e posições das estantes de luz com as medidas dos ambientes, com as paredes e com a fachada; a execução industrializada de estantes de luz, utilizando-se de medidas modulares; a utilização de superfícies horizontais nos peitoris das aberturas, na forma de balcões, projetados para fora das fachadas de três salas para escritórios em dois edifícios na cidade de Porto Alegre; e analisa detidamente quatro casos de utilização de estantes de luz nas aberturas através de quatro maquetes, nas quais se mede a iluminância obtida no interior dos ambientes de uma biblioteca, de uma sala de aula, de uma loja comercial térrea e de uma sala comercial. Os resultados são representados em gráficos de curvas isolux. Foi analisado também, na sala de escritório, a contribuição de carga térmica para o ambiente. Verificou-se que as estantes de luz e as superfícies horizontais junto às aberturas contribuem para o aumento de iluminância no interior das salas e que, para cada caso específico, deve-se adotar uma estratégia própria quanto à sua posição, dimensão, repetição e inclinação.
The objective of this study is to assess the natural light of the classrooms sectors, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. It was applied the Post-Occupation Evaluation technique, by using questionnaires and brightness levels measurements inside the classrooms. In order to check the users satisfaction degree, it was initially done a general approach on the related aspects to natural light: their characteristics, availability, sources, opening systems and evaluating tools. It was also determined the necessary brightness levels for the activities development in the classroom and the Post-Occupation Evaluation technique used in the search analyses. Then, it was made the UFRN Campus` characterization; the models` definition which formed the data collection basis; the detailing of the procedures used in the research, the processing description and the data analysis. Subsequently, the results that clarify the issues raised were shown through quantitative and / or qualitative data analyses. This research notes a high level of satisfaction by the users, despite some problems such as the reflections occurrence on the board, the lack of uniformity and, occasionally, the brightness low levels
This master thesis introduces assessment procedures of daylighting performance in office rooms with shaded opening, recommendations for Natal-RN (Latitude 05,47' S, Longitude 35,11' W). The studies assume the need of window exterior shading in hot and humid climate buildings. The daylighting performance analyses are based on simulated results for three levels of illuminance (300,500 e 1000 lux) between 08h00 e 16h00, in rooms with 2,80 m height, 6 m large and 4 m, 6 m e 8 m depths, with a centered single opening, window wall ratio (20%, 40% e 60%), four orientations (North, East, South and West), and two types of sky (clear and partially cloudy). The sky characteristics were statistically determined based on hourly data from INPE-CRN solar and daylighting weather station. The lighting performance is resulted from dynamic computer simulation of 72 models using Troplux 3.12. The simulation results were assessed using a new parameter to quantify the use of interior daylighting, the useful percentage of daylight (PULN), which corresponds to the time fraction with satisfactory light, in accordance with the illuminance design. The passive zone depths are defined based on the PULN. Despite the failures of illuminance data from the weather station, the analyses ratified the high potential of daylighting for shaded rooms. The most influential variables on the lighting performance are the opening size and the illuminance of design, while the orientation is a little influential
Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Um dos grandes entraves para o desenvolvimento econômico mundial é a crescente demanda por energia e consequente aumento da utilização de recursos naturais para provê-la. Países em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, apresentaram progressivo consumo de energia per capita nos últimos anos. Embora a sua maioria seja proveniente de usinas hidrelétricas (fontes não poluidoras) sua construção causa grande impacto ambiental. De todo o percentual energético gerado, as edificações são responsáveis pelo consumo de aproximadamente 40% e este percentual tende a aumentar mediante o crescimento da construção civil no país. Diante da problemática, o combate ao desperdício, a racionalização e o uso sustentável da energia consumida pelas edificações estão diretamente ligados à redução do impacto ao meio ambiente, postergando a necessidade de aumento da matriz energética nacional. Neste contexto é criado o Regulamento Técnico da Qualidade do Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edifícios Comerciais, de Serviço e Públicos (RTQ-C). Este trabalho consiste em uma aplicação crítica do RTQ-C utilizando a metodologia prescritiva, tendo como enfoque aspectos relativos a sua aplicabilidade e avaliação de conforto térmico e lumínico, tendo como premissa que o alto desempenho energético da edificação só é plenamente alcançado quando são garantidas condições satisfatórias de conforto ambiental aos usuários. Para tanto foi necessária uma etapa minuciosa de levantamento de dados e medições “in loco” de temperatura do ar, temperatura radiante, iluminância e umidade relativa em dois ambientes (laboratório de conforto e sala de aula 2) do edifício do Centro de Excelência em Eficiência Energética da Amazônia - CEAMAZON, subsidiando a utilização da metodologia proposta por Fanger (PMV e PPD), e verificação dos níveis de iluminância propostos pela NBR 5413. Como resultado a edificação apresentou bom desempenho, mas a não observância dos prérequisitos a classificou com nível “C”. A avaliação de conforto indicou que aproximadamente 23% dos usuários não estavam em conforto térmico e que a ventilação natural poderá ser utilizada como estratégia bioclimática para adequação. As medições de iluminância indicaram que apenas a sala de aula 2 possuia potencial de aproveitamento de iluminação natural no período da medição. Concluiu-se que, apesar de sua importância, o RTQ-C deve passar ainda por um processo de adaptação por parte da sociedade e dos profissionais envolvidos na certificação energética de edificações e que durante esse período modificações poderão ser incorporadas contribuindo para torná-lo um instrumento efetivamente válido para a garantia da eficiência energética das edificações do país.
The use of electricity for obtaining light has been quite an issue currently discussed, either through new technologies that are emerging, the quest for greater efficiency, reduced waste and rational use. This work comprises a lighting design applied to a metallurgical based Brazilian Standard 5413 which mentions levels of luminance for interior and, in the case of this work, for a sandblasting booth. Ways to improve the workplace and luminosity presented before the project and also after its implementation are discussed. Technologies are chosen guided by technical calculations according to the illuminance values they want to reach for the environment studied. All pertinent design features are critically analyzed and discussed, and at the end proposals are presented, relating to each other in a comparative framework, so the best solution is applied in a practical way in the enclosure. Results are also presented concerning the maintenance of a bank of capacitors to correct the power factor for the metals studied company
In this paper, we will present an overview of the smart grid defining the three main systems that compose it: smart infrastructure system, smart management system and smart protection system. We will conceptualize a functionality of smart management system, the conservative voltage reduction, citing its benefits and its history of application. And, finally, we'll cover a test in which we reduce the nominal voltages on incandescent bulbs, CFL and LED, in the context of residential lighting, and on LED and HPS, in the context of public lighting. The test aims to check whether the voltage reduction adversely affects sources of lighting by measuring the temperature manually with a thermal imaging camera FLIR and illuminance with a LUX meter. The set of power factor, total harmonic distortion, and input power values will be collected automatically through the power quality Analyzer Fluke 345 with a probe Fluke Hall Effect Current. For residential lighting, it was found that both CFL and LED had good performance with the smallest variations in illuminance. Between both, the LED source had the lowest harmonics and the lowest power consumption, on the other hand incandescent bulbs had a bad performance as expected. Public light sources also had a good performance and obtained power factors within the standards, as opposed to the CFL and LED residential sources. The data collected clearly shows the feasibility for nominal voltage reductions. Even with small reductions, there are possibilities of savings which can be passed on to the utilities and consumers
In this paper, we will present an overview of the smart grid defining the three main systems that compose it: smart infrastructure system, smart management system and smart protection system. We will conceptualize a functionality of smart management system, the conservative voltage reduction, citing its benefits and its history of application. And, finally, we'll cover a test in which we reduce the nominal voltages on incandescent bulbs, CFL and LED, in the context of residential lighting, and on LED and HPS, in the context of public lighting. The test aims to check whether the voltage reduction adversely affects sources of lighting by measuring the temperature manually with a thermal imaging camera FLIR and illuminance with a LUX meter. The set of power factor, total harmonic distortion, and input power values will be collected automatically through the power quality Analyzer Fluke 345 with a probe Fluke Hall Effect Current. For residential lighting, it was found that both CFL and LED had good performance with the smallest variations in illuminance. Between both, the LED source had the lowest harmonics and the lowest power consumption, on the other hand incandescent bulbs had a bad performance as expected. Public light sources also had a good performance and obtained power factors within the standards, as opposed to the CFL and LED residential sources. The data collected clearly shows the feasibility for nominal voltage reductions. Even with small reductions, there are possibilities of savings which can be passed on to the utilities and consumers
The city of Natal has a significant daylight availability, although it use isn’t systematically explored in schools architecture. In this context, this research aims to determine procedures for the analysis of the daylight performance in school design in Natal-RN. The method of analysis is divided in Visible Sky Factor (VSF), simulating and analyzing the results. The annual variation of the daylight behavior requires the adoption of dynamic simulation as data procedure. The classrooms were modelled in SketchUp, simulated in Daysim program and the results were assessed by means of spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel. The classrooms dimensions are 7.20mx 7.20m, with windows-to-wall-ratio (WWR) of 20%, 40% and 50%, and with different shading devices, such as standard horizontal overhang, sloped overhang, standard horizontal overhang with side view protection, standard horizontal overhang with a dropped edge, standard horizontal overhang with three horizontal louvers, double standard horizontal overhang, double standard horizontal overhang with three horizontal louvers, plus the use of shelf light in half the models with WWR of 40% and 50%. The data was organized in spreadsheets, with two intervals of UDI: between 300lux and 2000 lux and between 300lux and 3000lux. The simulation was performed with the weather file of 2009 to the city of NatalRN. The graphical outputs are illuminance curves, isolines of UDI among 300lux and 2000 lux and tables with index of occurrences of glare and to an UDI among 300lux 3000lux. The best UDI300-2000lux performance was evidenced to: Phase 1 (models with WWR of 20%), Phase 2 (models with WWR of 40% and 50% with light shelf). The best UDI300-3000lux performance was evidenced to: Phase 1 (models with WWR of 20% and 40% with light shelf) and Phase 2 (models with WWR of 40% and 50% with light shelf). The outputs prove that the daylight quality mainly depends on the shading system efficacy to avoid the glare occurrence, which determines the daylight discomfort. The bioclimatic recommendations of big openings with partial shading (with an opening with direct sunlight) resulted in illuminances level higher than the acceptable upper threshold. The improvement of the shading system percentage (from 73% to 91%) in medium-size of openings (WWR 40% and 50%) reduced or eliminate the glare occurrence without compromising the daylight zone depth (7.20m). The passive zone was determined for classrooms with satisfactory daylight performance, it was calculated the daylight zone depth rule-of-thumb with the ratio between daylight zone depth and the height of the window for different size of openings. The ratio ranged from 1.54 to 2.57 for WWR of 20%, 40% and 50% respectively. There was a reduction or elimination of glare in the passive area with light shelf, or with awning window shading.
The purpose of this research is to analyze different daylighting systems in schools in the city of Natal/RN. Although with the abundantly daylight available locally, there are a scarce and diffuse architectural recommendations relating sky conditions, dimensions of daylight systems, shading, fraction of sky visibility, required illuminance, glare, period of occupation and depth of the lit area. This research explores different selected apertures systems to explore the potential of natural light for each system. The method has divided into three phases: The first phase is the modeling which involves the construction of three-dimensional model of a classroom in Sketchup software 2014, which is featured in follow recommendations presented in the literature to obtain a good quality of environmental comfort in school settings. The second phase is the dynamic performance computer simulation of the light through the Daysim software. The input data are the climate file of 2009 the city of Natal / RN, the classroom volumetry in 3ds format with the assignment of optical properties of each surface, the sensor mapping file and the user load file . The results produced in the simulation are organized in a spreadsheet prepared by Carvalho (2014) to determine the occurrence of useful daylight illuminance (UDI) in the range of 300 to 3000lux and build graphics illuminance curves and contours of UDI to identify the uniformity of distribution light, the need of the minimum level of illuminance and the occurrence of glare.