307 resultados para Ileal pouches
OBJECTIVE: Many changes in mucosal morphology are observed following ileal pouch construction, including colonic metaplasia and dysplasia. Additionally, one rare but potential complication is the development of adenocarcinoma of the reservoir. The aim of this study was to evaluate the most frequently observed histopathological changes in ileal pouches and to correlate these changes with potential risk factors for complications. METHODS: A total of 41 patients were enrolled in the study and divided into the following three groups: a non-pouchitis group (group 1) (n = 20; 8 males; mean age: 47.5 years) demonstrating optimal outcome; a pouchitis without antibiotics group (group 2) (n = 14; 4 males; mean age: 47 years), containing individuals with pouchitis who did not receive treatment with antibiotics; and a pouchitis plus antibiotics group (group 3) (n = 7; 3 males; mean age: 41 years), containing those patients with pouchitis who were administered antibiotics. Ileal pouch endoscopy was performed, and tissue biopsy samples were collected for histopathological analysis. RESULTS: Colonic metaplasia was found in 15 (36.6%) of the 41 patients evaluated; of these, five (25%) were from group 1, eight (57.1%) were from group 2, and two (28.6%) were from group 3. However, no correlation was established between the presence of metaplasia and pouchitis (p = 0.17). and no differences in mucosal atrophy or the degree of chronic or acute inflammation were observed between groups 1, 2, and 3 (p > 0.45). Moreover, no dysplasia or neoplastic changes were detected. However, the degree of mucosal atrophy correlated well with the time of postoperative follow-up (p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The degree of mucosal atrophy, the presence of colonic metaplasia, and the degree of acute or chronic inflammation do not appear to constitute risk factors for the development of pouchitis. Moreover, we observed that longer postoperative follow-up times were associated with greater degrees of mucosal atrophy.
Continent catheterizable ileal pouches require regular irrigations to reduce the risk of bacteriuria and urinary tract infections (UTIs).
PURPOSE: Our aim was to determine whether the mucosa of a canine jejunal pouch used as a rectal substitute after proctocolectomy retains its morphologic features better than the mucosa of a canine ileal pouch so used. METHODS: Among ten dogs that underwent proctocolectomy, five had a jejunal pouch-distal rectal anastomosis and five an ileal pouch-distal rectal anastomosis. After six months, the animals were killed, the intestinal pouches and portions of unaltered distal ileum were removed, and a blinded, mucosal morphometric analysis was performed. RESULTS: The mucosa of the jejunal pouches had an overall thickness (mean ± standard deviation, anterior and posterior walls, 1,300 ± 140 μm), villous height (286 ± 46 μm), and crypt depth (790 ± 77 μm) greater than that of the ileal pouches (920 ± 170, 208 ± 47, and 530 ± 130 μm, respectively; P < 0.05). Moreover, the mucosal thickness of the jejunal pouches was similar to that of the distal ileum proximal to the pouch (1,200 ± 200 μm; P > 0.05), whereas the mucosal thickness of the ileal pouch was thinner (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The jejunal mucosa retains its major morphometric features when the jejunum is used as a rectal substitute after proctocolectomy. In contrast, the ileal mucosa atrophies when the ileum is so used.
BACKGROUND: Total rectocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis is the choice surgical procedure for patients with ulcerative colitis. In cases of Crohn's disease post-operative diagnosis, it can be followed by pouch failure. AIM: To evaluate ileal pouch-anal anastomosis long-term outcome in patients with Crohn's disease. METHODS: Between February 1983 and March 2007, 151 patients were submitted to ileal pouch-anal anastomosis by Campinas State University Colorectal Unit, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 76 had pre-operative ulcerative colitis diagnosis and 11 had post-operative Crohn's disease diagnosis. Crohn's disease diagnosis was made by histopathological biopsies in nine cases, being one in surgical specimen, two cases in rectal stump, small bowel in two cases, ileal pouch in three and in perianal abscess in one of them. The median age was 30.6 years and eight (72.7%) were female. RESULTS: All patients had previous ulcerative colitis diagnosis and in five cases emergency colectomy was done by toxic megacolon. The mean time until of Crohn's disease diagnosis was 30.6 (6-80) months after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Ileostomy closure was possible in 10 cases except in one that had ileal pouch fistula, perianal disease and small bowel involvement. In the long-term follow-up, three patients had perineal fistulas and one had also a pouch-vaginal fistula. All of them were submitted to a new ileostomy and one had the pouch excised. Another patient presented pouch-vaginal fistula which was successfully treated by mucosal flap. Three patients had small bowel involvement and three others, pouch involvement. All improved with medical treatment. Presently, the mean follow-up is 76.5 months and all patients are in clinical remission, and four have fecal diversion. The remaining patients have good functional results with 6-10 bowel movements/day. CONCLUSION: Crohn's disease diagnosis after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis may be usual and later complications such fistulas and stenosis are common. However, when left in situ ileal pouch is associated with good function.
BACKGROUND: Restorative proctocolectomy is the procedure of choice to treat familial adenomatous polyposis, however it can be associated to short-term and long-term postoperative complications. AIM: To evaluate the occurrence of complications related to the surgical treatment of familial adenomatous polyposis with ileal pouch technique. METHODS: Retrospective study of 69 patients with familial adenomatous polyposis after rectocolectomy with ileal reservoir between 1984 and 2006, operated on Coloproctology Group, Medical Sciences Faculty, State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil. The median follow-up period was 82 (2-280) months. Data obtained were surgical techniques and postoperative complications. RESULTS: The morbidity and mortality were 63.8% and 2.9%, respectively. The most frequent complications were small-bowel obstruction (17.4%), anastomotic stricture (15.9%) and pelvic sepsis (10.1%). Acute ischemia of the ileal pouch (4.3%), pouchitis (2.9%) and ileal pouch-related fistula (2.9%) had poorer frequency than others. CONCLUSIONS: The morbid-mortality was similar to the literature?s data and it is acceptable for a complex surgery in two terms like the ileal reservoir-anal anastomosis. The small-bowel obstruction was the most frequent complication. However, ischemia of the reservoir, pouchitis and pelvic sepsis were important complications and was related to the failure of the ileal reservoir.
OBJECTIVE: Our objective is to describe pouchography, CT, and MRI features of the J-shaped pouch, both normal and with pouch-related complications. CONCLUSION: Pouchography is performed before closure of the loop ileostomy to assess the integrity of the ileal pouch and anastomosis. CT and MRI can be performed when postoperative complications, such as small-bowel obstruction, pouchitis, leakage, abscess, intramural hematoma, desmoid tumor, or recurrent Crohn's disease, are suspected.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis in ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis. METHOD: Retrospective analysis of medical records of 49 patients submitted to ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis. RESULTS: Ulcerative colitis was diagnosed in 65% and familial adenomatous polyposis in 34%. Mean age was 39.5 years. 43% were male. Among familial adenomatous polyposis, 61% were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Thirty-one percent of patients with ulcerative colitis was submitted to a previous surgical approach and 21% of these had toxic megacolon. Average hospital stay was 10 days. Post-operative complications occurred in 50% of patients with ulcerative colitis and 29.4% with familial adenomatous polyposis. Intestinal diversion was performed in 100% of ulcerative colitis and 88% of familial adenomatous polyposis. Pouchitis occurred in eight cases (seven ulcerative colitis and one FAP), requiring excision of the pouch in three ulcerative colitis. Mortality rate was 7.6%: two cases of carcinoma on the pouch and two post-operative complications. Late post-operative complications occurred in 22.4%: six familial adenomatous polyposis and five ulcerative colitis). Two patients had erectile dysfunction, and one retrograde ejaculation. One patient with severe perineal dermatitis was submitted to excision of the pouch. Incontinence occurred in four patients and two reported soil. Mean bowel movement was five times a day. CONCLUSION: Ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis is a safe surgery with acceptable morbidity and good functional results, if well indicated and performed in referral centers.
CONTEXT: Desmoid tumors constitute one of the most important extraintestinal manifestations of familial adenomatous polyposis. The development of desmoids is responsible for increasing morbidity and mortality rates in cases of familial adenomatous polyposis. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the occurrence of desmoid tumors in familial adenomatous polyposis cases following prophylactic colectomy and to present patient outcome. METHODS: Between 1984 and 2008, 68 patients underwent colectomy for familial adenomatous polyposis at the School of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital, University of Campinas, SP, Brazil. Desmoid tumors were found in nine (13.2%) of these patients, who were studied retrospectively by consulting their medical charts with respect to clinical and surgical data. RESULTS: Of nine patients, seven (77.8%) were submitted to laparotomy for tumor resection. Median age at the time of surgery was 33.9 years (range 22-51 years). Desmoid tumors were found in the abdominal wall in 3/9 cases (33.3%) and in an intra-abdominal site in the remaining six cases (66.7%). Median time elapsed between ileal pouch-anal anastomosis and diagnosis of desmoid tumor was 37.5 months (range 14-60 months), while the median time between colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis and diagnosis was 63.7 months (range 25-116 months). In 6/9 (66.7%) patients with desmoid tumors, the disease was either under control or there was no evidence of tumor recurrence at a follow-up visit made a mean of 63.1 months later (range 12-240 months). CONCLUSIONS: Desmoid tumors were found in 13.2% of cases of familial adenomatous polyposis following colectomy; therefore, familial adenomatous polyposis patients should be followed-up and surveillance should include abdominal examination to detect signs and symptoms. Treatment options include surgery and clinical management with antiestrogens, antiinflammatory drugs or chemotherapy.
INTRODUCTION:proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) is the standard surgical procedure for the treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC) and is associated with the prospect of cure. Experience gained over the years has demonstrated the occurrence of a high number of complications as well as bowel disorders that can compromise quality of life (QoL).OBJECTIVE:evaluate QoL in patients with IPAA for ulcerative colitis.PATIENTS AND METHODS:the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) was used to assess QoL in patients with IPAA after its validation in Portuguese.RESULTS:thirty-one patients submitted to IPAA by the same group of professionals were evaluated. QoL was classified as regular in all domains evaluated (intestinal and systemic symptoms and emotional and social aspects). There were no differences in relation to gender, type of pouch or postoperative time. However, elderly patients showed a tendency toward lower scores. Having a professional activity was associated with higher scores in systemic symptoms and social aspects (p < 0.05). Patients with ileostomy showed lower values in the domains of systemic symptoms, emotional and social aspects (p <0.05).CONCLUSION:in all domains assessed, patients with IPAA for UC had QoL classified as regular. Ileostomy and lack of professional activity negatively influenced QoL.
INTRODUÇÃO: A intussuscepção ocorre quando um segmento proximal do intestino invagina para dentro do lúmen do segmento distal adjacente. Esta patologia é relativamente comum em crianças, sendo geralmente idiopática, diferentemente do que é evidenciado em adolescentes e adultos, os quais apresentam uma causa orgânica comprovada na maioria dos casos. O linfoma intestinal como etiologia desta patologia é extremamente raro. RELATO DE CASO: Um paciente de 16 anos, masculino, referindo dor abdominal em quadrante inferior direito há 36 horas associada a vômitos e fezes com sangue vivo compareceu em nosso serviço. O exame físico se apresentava dentro da normalidade exceto por uma massa palpável no quadrante inferior direito. A ultra-sonografia abdominal revelou intussuscepção ileocecal. A colonoscopia demonstrou uma massa protuberante proveniente do orifício da válvula ileocecal que foi reduzida, tendo o paciente um alívio completo dos sintomas. Três semanas após, o paciente retornou ao nosso hospital com recorrência dos sintomas. Uma laparotomia exploradora foi realizada evidenciando uma massa polipóide no íleo terminal com intussuscepção para dentro do ceco. Uma colectomia direita ampliada foi realizada. Após exame patológico da peça e estadiamento tumoral, um linfoma de Burkitt primário foi diagnosticado. A recuperação pós-operatória não apresentou intercorrências e o paciente foi encaminhado para quimioterapia adjuvante.
Background: The objective of the present study was to prospectively evaluate the results of 2 versions of laparoscopic ileal interposition (II) and sleeve gastrectomy (SG) for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and body mass index of 21-34 kg/m(2). Methods: The laparoscopic procedures were prospectively and randomly performed in 38 patients. Of the 38 patients, 18 underwent the first version (II-SG) and 20 underwent the second version in which a diversion of the second portion of the duodenum was applied (II-DSG) and a segment of ileum was interposed into the proximal duodenum. The groups were comparable regarding age (56 and 50 years); gender (13 men and 5 women and 14 men and 6 women); weight (78 and 86 kg); mean BMI (27 and 29 kg/m(2)); duration of type 2 diabetes mellitus (10.1 and 9.2 years); the presence of dyslipidemia (12 and 8 patients), micro- and macroalbuminuria (9 and 9 patients), hypertension (8 and 15 patients), and retinopathy (5 and 8 patients); and the use of antidiabetic medications and the hemoglobin A1c level (8.6% and 8.4%). All patients were followed up for >= 2 years. Results: The mean hospital stay was 3.4 days for the II-SG and 3.5 days for the II-DSG group. No patient required reoperation. All patients in both groups achieved lower levels of hemoglobin A1c. In the II-SG group. the mean hemoglobin A 1c level was 6.35% (range 4.9-8.1). In the II-DSG group, the mean hemoglobin A 1c level was 5.39% (range 4.2-6.5%). The mean BMI decreased in both groups to 22.2 kg/m(2) in the II-SG group and 22.7 kg/m(2) in the II-DSG group. Normal cholesterol levels (<200 mg/dL) were observed in 95% of the II-SG group and 100% of the II-DSG group. The triglycerides were lower than 150 mg/dL in 73% of the II-SG group and 90% of the II-DSG group after 24 months. Conclusion: Laparoscopic II-SG and II-DSG were safe and effective operations for controlling type 2 diabetes mellitus in a nonobese (BMI 21-34 kg/m(2)) population. (Surg Obes Relat Dis 2010;6:296-305.) (C) 2010 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. All rights reserved.
Bariatric surgery in morbidly obese type 2 diabetic (T2DM) patients is associated with high rates of diabetes remission. We investigated the mechanisms of the anti-diabetic effect of the laparoscopic ileal interposition with sleeve gastrectomy (LII-SG) in normal weight (NW), overweight (OW) and obese (OB) T2DM patients. Ninety-four patients (aged 54 +/- 8 years) with long-standing (median 10 years), treated diabetes (median HbA(1c) = 8.6%), who were NW (15), OW (64) or OB (15) based on BMI, underwent LII-SG. Insulin sensitivity and parameters of -cell function were measured from an Oral Glycaemic Tolerance Test pre- and post-operatively. At a median of 13.4 months post-operatively, weight loss averaged 9.4 +/- 1.3, 16.8 +/- 0.8 and 23.2 +/- 1.7 kg in NW, OW and OB subjects, respectively (p < 0.0001). Insulin sensitivity was fully restored (395 [108] vs 208 [99] ml min(-1) m(-2)), fasting insulin secretion rate decreased (68 [52] vs 146 [120] pmol min(-1) m(-2)) and total insulin output increased (52 [26] vs 39 [28] nmol m(-2), all p a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 0.001). -cell glucose sensitivity doubled (37 [33] vs 18 [24] mol min(-1) m(-2) mM(-1), p < 0.0001). The only parameter predicting remission of diabetes was a lower baseline insulin sensitivity (p = 0.005). LII-SG induced changes on T2DM by mechanisms in part distinct from weight loss, principally involving restoration of insulin sensitivity and improvement of -cell function.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the mid-term outcomes of the laparoscopic ileal interposition associated to a sleeve gastrectomy (LII-SG) for the treatment of morbid obesity. The procedure was performed in 120 patients: 71 women and 49 men with mean age of 41.4 years. Mean body mass index (BMI) was 43.4 +/- 4.2 kg/m(2). Patients had to meet requirements of the 1991 NIH conference criteria for bariatric operations. Associated comorbidities were observed in all patients, including dyslipidemia in 51.7%, hypertension in 35.8%, type 2 diabetes in 15.8%, degenerative joint disease in 55%, gastroesophageal reflux disease in 36.7%, sleep apnea in 10%, and cardiovascular problems in 5.8%. Mean follow-up was 38.4 +/- 10.2 months, range 25.2-61.1. There was no conversion to open surgery nor operative mortality. Early major complications were diagnosed in five patients (4.2%). Postoperatively, 118 patients were evaluated. Late major complications were observed in seven patients (5.9%). Reoperations were performed in six (5.1%). Mean postoperative BMI was 25.7 +/- 3.17 kg/m(2), and 86.4% were no longer obese. Mean %EWL was 84.5 +/- 19.5%. Hypertension was resolved in 88.4% of the patients, dyslipidemia in 82.3%, and T2DM in 84.2%. The LII-SG provided an adequate weight loss and resolution of associated diseases during mid-term outcomes evaluation. There was an acceptable morbidity with no operative mortality. It seems that chronic ileal brake activation determined sustained reduced food intake and increased satiety over time. LII-SG could be regularly used as a surgical alternative for the treatment of morbid obesity.
Background The objective of this study was to evaluate the early results of the laparoscopic interposition of a segment of ileum associated with a sleeve gastrectomy (LII-SG) in order to treat patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and BMI <35. Data regarding morbidly obese diabetic patients subjected to surgery has consistently been validated. To date, there is scarce information about morbidity and mortality related to the surgical treatment of a ""true"" typical diabetic population with BMI <35. Methods The procedures were performed in 454 patients (322 male, 132 female). Mean age was 53.6 +/- 8 years (range = 27-75). Mean BMI was 29.7 +/- 3.6 kg/m(2) (range = 19-34.8). All patients had the diagnosis of T2DM for at least 3 years. Insulin therapy was used by 45.6% of patients. Mean duration of T2DM was 10.8 +/- 5.9 years (range = 3-35). Mean hemoglobin A(1c) was 8.8 +/- 1.9%. Dyslipidemia was observed in 78.4%, hypertension in 64.8%, nephropathy in 28.6%, retinopathy in 32.6%, neuropathy in 34.6%, and coronary heart disease in 13%. Results There was no conversion to open surgery. All patients were evaluated postoperatively. Mortality was 0.4%. There were 29 major complications (6.4%) in 22 patients (4.8%) and 51 minor complications (11.2%). Reoperations were performed on 8 patients (1.7%). Twenty patients (4.4%) were readmitted to the hospital. Mean postoperative BMI was 25.8 +/- 3.5 kg/m(2). Mean fasting plasma glucose decreased from 198 +/- 69 to 128 +/- 67 mg/dl and mean postprandial plasma glucose decreased from 262 +/- 101 to 136 +/- 43 mg/dl. Conclusions The laparoscopic ileal interposition associated with a sleeve gastrectomy was considered a safe operation with low rates of morbidity and mortality in a diabetic population with BMI < 35. An early control of postprandial glycemia was observed.
Dyslipidemia is known to increase significantly the odds of major cardiovascular events in the general population. Its control becomes even more important in the type 2 diabetic (T2DM) population. Bariatric surgeries, especially gastric bypass, are effective in achieving long-term control of dyslipidemia in morbidly obese patients. The objective of the study was to evaluate the control of dyslipidemia in patients with T2DM and BMI below 30 that were submitted to the laparoscopic ileal interposition associated to sleeve gastrectomy. An observational transversal study was performed in a tertiary care hospital, between June 2005 and August 2007. Mean follow-up was 24.5 months (range 12-38). The procedure was performed in 72 patients: 51 were men and 21 were women. Mean age was 53.1 years (38-66). Mean BMI was 27 kg/m(2) (22.1-29.4). Mean duration of T2DM was 10.5 years (3-22). Mean HbA1c was 8.5%. Hypercholesterolemia was diagnosed in 68% of the patients and hypertriglyceridemia in 63.9%. Mean postoperative BMI was 21.2.kg/m(2) (17-26.7). Mean postoperative HbA1c was 6.1%, ranging 4.4% to 8.3%. Overall, 86.1% of the patients achieved an adequate glycemic control (HbA1c < 7) without anti-diabetic medication. HbA1c below 6 was achieved by 50%, 36.1% had HbA1c between 6 and 7, and 13.9% had HbA1c above 7. Total hypercholesterolemia was normalized in 91.8% and hypertriglyceridemia in 89.1% of patients. Low-density lipoprotein below 100 mg/dl was seen in 85.7%. The laparoscopic ileal interposition associated to sleeve gastrectomy was an effective operation for the regression of dyslipidemia and T2DM in a non-obese population.