942 resultados para Ignacio Zuloaga


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"First impression ten thousand copies; second impression five thousand copies."


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Se ofrece un breve repaso a la vida y obra del pintor Ignacio Zuloaga con motivo de su fallecimiento. Nació en Eibar en 1870, estudió pintura en Madrid y pasó su pensionado en Roma. No sólo entregó su vida al arte si no que, también disfrutó y presumió de ser uno de los coleccionistas más importantes del Greco, Goya y otros grandes pintores. Fue Presidente del Patronato del Museo de Arte Moderno y Académico de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando y de entre sus exposiciones más renombradas se recuerda la que tuvo lugar en el Museo de Arte Moderno de Madrid, bajo el título 'Floreros y Bodegones' y la celebrada en los salones de la revista Escorial.


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This thesis questions the major esthetic differences between the artistic productions of the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939) and the nationalist artistic productions of the Civil War years and the first decade of the francoist dictatorship. These differences are analysed using the artistic productions of Josep Renau (1907 Valence – 1982 Berlin East) and of Ignacio Zuloaga (Elibar 1870 – Madrid 1945). Renau was an important artistic figure during the Spanich Republic. In this thesis, we analyse Renau’s different propaganda productions between 1931 and 1939. Zuloaga was an international artist when the nationalist uprising occurred in 1936. He was recognized by the European elites for his portraits of Andalousian and Castillian sceneries. Zuloaga supported the nationalist putsch and the francoist ideology. In 1939, the Caudillo ordered the painting of the portrait that we will be analysing. The theories of François Hartog, Reinhart Koselleck, Paul Ricoeur and Hannah Arendt are used to analyse the historical conceptual confrontation in Spain, portrayed by the artworks that we studied. During the Republic, it was the modern historical regime that was in force. The historical references used are close in time and the history is constructed in the future and attached to the idea of progress. With the nationalists, the historical conception is connected to the Historia magistra where the past is used as an example. In the first francoism, a return to Spain’s glorious past (the Middle Ages, the Golden Century and the Counter Reform) is clearly claimed in order to rescue the country from the ills of modernity. It is with these different historical conceptions in mind that we compare the esthetics specificities of the artworks, the identity and historical references and the mediums used to legitimize the power and the political actions of each front.


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Se incluyen tres fotografías de las salas de exposiciones donde se encontraban los lienzos


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Nota de conteúdo : v. 1. Compendio de agricultura resumid ode varias memorias, e cartas offerecidas à Sociedade de Bath -- v. 2. Compendio de agricultura e collecção de maquinas, e instrumentos, novamente inventados, e actualmente praticados em algumas provincias do reino de Inglaterra


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2 cartas (mecanografiadas) ; entre 215x275mm y 215x140mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 8


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1 carta (manuscrita) ; 270x180mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 37


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Texto sometido a juicio de J. Fernández Eraso, M. García Díez, L. Zapata, A. Arrizabalaga, A. Tarriño y M. Aguirre, quienes han aportado ideas y correcciones de diversa índole (Grupo de Investigación Consolidado y de Alto Rendimiento: 9/UPV00155.130-14570/2002).


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Background Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (EC (DPPIV) is a serine peptidase involved in cell differentiation, adhesion, immune modulation and apoptosis, functions that control neoplastic transformation. Previous studies have demonstrated altered expression and activity of tissue and circulating DPPIV in several cancers and proposed its potential usefulness for early diagnosis in colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods and principal findings The activity and mRNA and protein expression of DPPIV was prospectively analyzed in adenocarcinomas, adenomas, uninvolved colorectal mucosa and plasma from 116 CRC patients by fluorimetric, quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemical methods. Results were correlated with the most important classic pathological data related to aggressiveness and with 5-year survival rates. Results showed that: 1) mRNA levels and activity of DPPIV increased in colorectal neoplasms (Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.01); 2) Both adenomas and CRCs displayed positive cytoplasmic immunostaining with luminal membrane reinforcement; 3) Plasmatic DPPIV activity was lower in CRC patients than in healthy subjects (Mann-U test, p<0.01); 4) Plasmatic DPPIV activity was associated with worse overall and disease-free survivals (log-rank p<0.01, Cox analysis p<0.01). Conclusion/significance 1) Up-regulation of DPPIV in colorectal tumors suggests a role for this enzyme in the neoplastic transformation of colorectal tissues. This finding opens the possibility for new therapeutic targets in these patients. 2) Plasmatic DPPIV is an independent prognostic factor in survival of CRC patients. The determination of DPPIV activity levels in the plasma may be a safe, minimally invasive and inexpensive way to define the aggressiveness of CRC in daily practice.


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A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.


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A través de esta nueva serie tratamos de conocer diferentes aspectos personales de los integrantes de la comunidad ictiológica iberoamericana. Esta iniciativa, comparte el espíritu y objetivo de las semblanzas nacionales buscando informalmente, otro punto de unión en la “comunidad de ictiólogos iberoamericanos”. Quizás esté equivocado en mi apreciación, pero creo que vale la pena este intento, ya que, con la colaboración generosa e insoslayable de los integrantes de este “universo”, señalaremos un registro en el tiempo de la Ictiología Neotropical.


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