827 resultados para Idosos. Desnutrição. ILPI
One of the most important problems in the elderly is a nutritional deficiency. Several physiological changes and the use of multiple drugs interfere with appetite, food intake and absorption of nutrients, which can lead to the risk and malnutrition in the elderly, especially among institutionalized. The present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of malnutrition and risk for malnutrition and its associated factors in institutionalized elderly. The same can be characterized by the type individual, observational and cross-sectional. Obtaining the sample was through the records of individuals of long-stay institutions for the elderly in the city of Natal, RN. The elderly were evaluated through the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and triceps skinfold (TSF) and each senior or caregiver answered a questionnaire about information like type and dietary restrictions, accessibility to food, use of alcohol and tobacco, practice physical activity and appetite. Variables such as age, gender, education, marital status, time that the elderly living in the institution, the reason for the institutionalization and comorbidities were taken from the records of each senior. The frequency of food consumption of various food groups was assessed from the questionnaire frequency of feeding study Health, Wellbeing and Aging (HWA). Data were presented as means and standard deviations, absolute and relative frequencies. To analyze the frequency of consumption, there was a factor analysis with extraction of factors from the principal components analysis with varimax rotation. A bivariate analysis was performed using the chi-square and the magnitude of the effect observed by prevalence ratio (95% CI). The Poisson regression assessed the net effect of independent variables on the two outcomes, considering a significance level of 5%. We studied twelve Homes for the Aged totaling 381 seniors eligible for the study. The prevalence of risk of malnutrition was 46.1% (45.9 to 46.2) and malnutrition was 31.4% (31.2 to 31.5). The risk of malnutrition was significantly associated with the presence of urinary incontinence (RP = 1.444, 1.113 to 1.874) was associated with malnutrition and lack of appetite (RP = 1.757, 1.246 to 2.476), the fact that the individuals do not have access to food outside the institution (RP = 0.565, 0.337 to 0.946), low water consumption (RP = 1.646, 1.101 to 2.459) and dementia (PR = 1.537, 1.072 to 2.204). The high prevalence of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in the study suggests that we should pay attention to information related to eating habits and the presence of comorbidities, as these can influence the nutritional status of this population
O presente estudo objetivou analisar as características epidemiológicas das condições de saúde bucal de 98 idosos de uma Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPI) e de 125 participantes de Grupos de Convivência, de bairros periféricos, socialmente semelhantes, de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, para orientação do tratamento odontológico. Investigou-se a autopercepção em saúde bucal desses idosos a fim de realizar uma avaliação comparativa entre eles e com os levantamentos epidemiológicos de base nacional (SB Brasil) e de base estadual (SB Ceará). Devido a alguns idosos da ILPI recusarem o tratamento dentário e a identificação do elevado percentual de demenciados, optou-se por realizar uma avaliação cognitiva, o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) visando identificar os aptos à reabilitação oral. Métodos: abordagem epidemiológica do tipo transversal, sendo a coleta de dados realizada por cinco examinadores, utilizando os critérios recomendados pela OMS (1997). Resultados: O CPO-D médio encontrado na ILPI, foi de 29,88, com predomínio do componente perdido (93,27%) enquanto o CPO-D médio dos não institucionalizados fixou-se em 30,17, com predomínio do componente perdido (63,70%). Também se avaliou o uso e a necessidade de prótese dentária: dos residentes na ILPI, 10,20% usavam prótese superior e 3,06%, inferior; 94,90% necessitavam de prótese superior e 97,96% de inferior; sendo a prótese total foi o tipo mais prevalente, 88,78% para ambos os arcos. O percentual do uso de prótese dos não institucionalizados foi 71,20% no arco superior, sendo 66,40% prótese total; já para o arco inferior, 32,80%, das quais 31,20% era prótese total. No presente estudo, tanto para uso quanto para necessidade, considerando ambos os arcos, a diferença entre os idosos institucionalizados e não institucionalizados foi estatisticamente significativa pelo teste Qui - quadrado (p<0,001). Como resultado do MEEM, observou-se deterioração cognitiva (escore ≤ 12) em 37,25% dos entrevistados, bem como um declínio cognitivo com o avanço da idade. Conclusões: Os resultados apontam que há um maior percentual de uso de prótese total no arco superior e maior frequência quanto à ausência de próteses de qualquer tipo no arco inferior. Evidenciou-se que os idosos pesquisados foram submetidos a tratamento mutilador e, como consequência necessitam de reabilitação oral, o que pressupõe a necessidade de políticas públicas para que isso ocorra efetivamente. Os participantes deste estudo caracterizam-se por uma autopercepção positiva da sua saúde bucal, a despeito das condições clínicas insatisfatórias e de precária saúde bucal, com acentuada prevalência de cárie dentária e edentulismo. O MEEM revelou deficiência cognitiva na maioria dos idosos, confirmando que a sua aplicação, previamente à reabilitação oral pode evitar desperdícios financeiros.Tais achados refletem a necessidade de implantação de políticas reabilitadoras em saúde bucal voltadas para o idoso; baseadas na perspectiva da integralidade como princípio doutrinário do Sistema Único de Saúde, o que redundaria numa melhor qualidade de vida, tanto pela melhor mastigação, digestão e nutrição, pelo maior aproveitamento dos alimentos, quanto pelo favorecimento à comunicação, pela dicção e fala, contribuindo para a socialização e consequente elevação da autoestima dessa clientela.
O contingente de idosos iniciando tratamento de diálise vem aumentado de maneira importante desde o ano de 2000, conforme mostrado pelo United States Renal Data System. Dados nacionais demonstram que cerca de 31,5% dos pacientes em diálise tem idade acima de 65 anos, segundo o Censo Brasileiro de Diálise de 2011. Estes dados alertam para a importância no cuidado da saúde do idoso em diálise. O cuidado nutricional desse grupo merece especial atenção, uma vez que já foi demonstrado que a prevalência de desnutrição energético-proteica nos pacientes idosos em diálise é significantemente maior do que a de adultos jovens em diálise. Nesse sentido, faz-se importante desenvolver estudos com instrumentos que avaliem o estado nutricional desse grupo. Os questionários de avaliação subjetiva global de 7 pontos (ASG-7p) e o malnutrition inflammation score (MIS) têm sido bastante empregados em estudos incluindo pacientes em diálise. Contudo, estes instrumentos estão originalmente na língua Inglesa, e para o seu uso em nosso meio, é necessário a tradução por meio da adaptação transcultural. Porém, até o momento, não há estudos que tenham realizado a tradução transcultural desses questionários para a língua Portuguesa. Deste modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a adaptação transcultural para o português de dois instrumentos de avaliação do estado nutricional em pacientes idosos em tratamento crônico de hemodiálise (HD). O estudo é do tipo observacional e seccional. A adaptação transcultural consistiu na tradução para a língua Portuguesa da ASG-7p e MIS pelo método da retrotradução, avaliação da equivalência semântica, confiabilidade e validade de construto. Para tanto, 101 pacientes idosos em HD foram avaliados. Ambos questionários apresentaram alto grau de similaridade semântica. A consistência interna apresentou um valor de α de Cronbach para a ASG-7p de 0,72 (satisfatório) e para o MIS de 0,53 (não satisfatório). A ASG-7p apresentou discreta reprodutibilidade intra-avaliador e moderada reprodutibilidade interavaliador; e para o MIS tanto a reprodutibilidade inter quanto intra-avaliador foi indicativo de forte reprodutibilidade. Referente à validade de construto, ao avaliar o estado nutricional pela ASG-7p notou-se que os pacientes classificados como bem nutridos apresentaram medidas de peso corporal, adequação da dobra cutânea tricipital, percentual de gordura corporal, circunferência da panturrilha e creatinina sérica significantemente maiores do que de pacientes desnutridos. Para o MIS, ao comparar os grupo de bem nutridos com o de desnutridos, a albumina sérica, ângulo de fase, percentual de gordura corporal, a adequação da força de preensão manual e da dobra cutânea tricipital e a circunferência da panturrilha apresentaram diferença significante entre os grupos. Em conclusão, os questionários ASG-7p e MIS traduzidos para o português podem ser utilizados na população de idosos em HD.
Tese de mestrado, Nutrição Clínica, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Introdução/objetivos: A avaliação do estado de saúde de idosos institucionalizados é considerada prática essencial à promoção e recuperação da sua saúde, a qual deve incluir a investigação de aspectos multidimensionais e multidisciplinares relacionados ao envelhecimento saudável. O estudo objetivou avaliar as condições de saúde dos idosos residentes em instituições de longa permanência (ILPI) do município de Natal RN. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, longitudinal, envolvendo seis ILPI filantrópicas, com uma população de 243 idosos. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de entrevistas com os idosos nas instituições mediante a aplicação de um questionário com informações sócio demográficas, saúde e institucionalização, além de várias facetas multidisciplinares que envolvem a escala de avaliação cognitiva (Mini Exame do Estado Mental); o índex de KATZ, para avaliação das atividades da vida diária e uma análise do estado nutricional com questões antropométricas (peso, estatura, circunferência abdominal) e Índice de Massa Corpórea. Participaram do estudo todos os idosos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, que aceitaram responder a entrevista e assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido e/ou a impressão datiloscópica. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, sob parecer n° 164/2011. Resultados: Os participantes do estudo incluem 243 idosos, sendo a maioria mulheres (172 = 70,7%), com média de idade de 79 ± 9,44 anos. 124 idosos são solteiros (51,0%) e 66 viúvos (27,0%). A prática de atividades físicas não é rotina nas instituições, onde a maioria dos idosos (82,7%; n = 201) não realiza nenhum tipo de atividade. 78% dos idosos (n = 192) chegou a instituição sendo levados por familiares, enquanto que apenas 18% (n = 44 idosos) por vontade própria e 4% (n = 7 idosos) não souberam responder. Quanto aos aspectos cognitivos, identificou-se que 64,2% dos idosos (n = 156) apresentaram alterações significativas dentro da pontuação dos escores com restrições em responder aos demais questionamentos durante a entrevista por apresentarem limitações cognitivas e/ou dificuldades senso perceptivas.Conclusão: O presente estudo evidenciou alterações cognitivas na maioria dos idosos institucionalizados impossibilitando-os a continuidade da realização da avaliação global da saúde. A identificação correta da perda cognitiva em idosos é de suma importância para a equipe de saúde a fim de promover a detecção precoce de alterações cognitivas e a adoção de tratamento adequado, no sentido de contribuir para uma melhor qualidade de vida desta população
The aging population and individual have been the subject of a multitude of studies nowadays. This is probably due to the impact of this phenomenon in various sectors of society, like social security, social assistance and public health. The process of aging of the individual imply the demand for specific services, considering the limitations and vulnerabilities of the individual at that stage of life cycle. The growth of the elderly contingent in the last decades raises challenges for policymakers, the family and also for the society at large. In this scenario, long-stay institutions for the elderly (LSIEs) appear as an option to aid and support the elderly and their family, assisting in all or part in the activities of daily living and self-care. Inside these LSIEs we find the professional responsible for the direct care of the elderly, the formal caregiver. In this context, this dissertation presents two main objectives: an analysis of the phenomenon of population aging in a given brazilian municipality Natal / RN, based on the Demographic Censuses of 2000 e 2010; and a social, demographic and economic characterization of the Formal caregiver for the institutionalized elderly in the municipality, evaluating aspects of his quality of life and also analyzing the institutions where they are inserted. Furthermore, we intend to identify demographic, socioeconomic and quality of life factors that are correlated with caregivers quitting the job. The data used in the second part of this work comes from the research project named Long-Stay Institutions for Elderly: abandonment or a family need? . This survey interviewed 92 caregivers in eleven LSIEs in Natal/RN. In the data treatment logistic regressions, cluster analysis and statistical tests were used. The survey revealed that aging in Natal is more pronounced in the older, more traditional districts: Petrópolis, Lagoa Seca and Tirol. It also allowed a broad characterization of the formal caregivers in LSIEs. Most of these professionals are female. The educational level is predominantly complete high school and more. Most caregivers reported being married or in union, or have ever been in a union. Family monthly income is under three times the minimum wage. The mean age is of 37.4 years. The mean time of work as a caregiver was 5.93 years. The associations showed that being woman, not being single, having caregiving training and physical limitations (regarding quality of life) are related to wanting to quit the caregiving job. As for the characterization of the LSIEs, it was found that the philanthropic ones are older and have most (62.5%) of the institutionalized elderly. The institutions managers gave social interaction and affinity with the elderly as the main criteria with which to evaluate and hire caregivers. It is intended with this study to contribute to improving the quality of life of the elderly and their caregiver, providing information on aspects of institutionalization of elderly both in the philanthropic and particular institutions, in Natal/RN; this dissertation may also be used as a starting point for later works
The aging process lived by the Brazilian population concurred to the transformation in the family models, causing difficulties related to the elderly care on the Family environment, a fact that is one of the main reasons for their institutionalization. Facing this scenario, the need of investigating how the elderly lives on the long-term facilities (ILPI) has aroused. In this study, it has been conducted an analysis of the populational aging process, contrasting the Rio Grande do Norte to Brazil and the Northeast Region, between 1980 to 2010. Faced with the realization of this process, and the rising number of long-term facilities for the elderly (ILPI), it was needed to make a rescue of the abiding laws regarding elderly institutionalization, on the scope of Natal, which surged after the 1988 Federal Constitution, checking what were the impacts on the assistance of the institutionalized elderly. Lastly, it were investigated the possible determinants associated with the institutionalization, in Natal-RN, considering the aspects of the family structure, family relationship, economic, health and well being of the elderly. The results showed that Rio Grande do Norte, particularly Natal, follows the national scene, since between 1980 and 2000 its population passed the intermediate level in the process of population aging for, in 2010, to be considered elderly. Throughout this process, it was observed that Natal has been adapting to the federal legislation, through the creation of the municipal policy, City Council and other relevant standards for the elderly, promoting significant changes in ILPI.However, philanthropic institutions needs better resources for their maintenance. In research with the elderly, it was found that although the majority of the elderly have declared themselves satisfied with life, they had indicators of impairment of functional capacity and cognitive, isolated social behavior and depression, affecting the life quality of these elderly. These results reflect the need for greater investment of public power in the drafting, implementation and monitoring of public policies aimed at promoting changes that raise the level of life quality of this segment of the population
This dissertation presents and discusses the results of an applied research on the accessibility of residents in a Long Term Care Institution (LTCIs) in the city of Natal- RN. The main objective of this research is to suggest projectual improvements that maximize the accessibility in a LTCIs of Natal-RN, considering the aspects of mobility, safety, comfort and independence of elderly residents. Moreover, one should consider the specific characteristics of the user population, capabilities and limitations of the biological process of aging, which causes damage to the neurological system, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular and progressively affects on visual acuity, balance and locomotion of elderly people. This research has a qualitative approach and divided into four phases: exploratory, bibliographical and documentary research, mapping of the LTCIs of Natal-RN, case study. The phase of the mapping presented an overview of accessibility on LTCIs of Natal-RN. The institution of the case study was defined based on the overall assessment of accessibility and ergonomics criteria, preceded by an application of an Ergonomic Work Analysis to understand the accessibility of the elderly people. Interactional and observational methods were used to collect field data. To this end, an intense process of social construction was conducted, involving the elderly residents, caregivers, health professionals and general servants and LTCIs´ managers. It was found that the NBR 9050 is not comprehensive to solve the diversity of accessibility problems found in LTCIs. All LTCIs investigated were in disconformity to the NBR 9050. In the case study, it was found that the inappropriate design hinders the daily activities of the elderly people and is a source of risk of accidents. The environment, facilities and lack of assistive technologies hinder the autonomy of the elderly people, and this LTCI requires ergonomic intervention to improve the accessibility, autonomy and security of the elderly people
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This research was aimed to survey depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline of an elderly population residing nursing homes (NH) located at Marília, São Paulo, Brazil, and, from statistical analysis, verify the potential correlations between depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline, amongst themselves and with the variables: age, gender and education. There were subject to the research 57 elders living in the NH, aged between 59 and 98 and both sexes. The following tools were used to collect data: Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) to evaluate cognitive faculty, Barthel Index (BI) to evaluate cognitive faculty and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Voice disorders (VD) in the elderly can interfere negatively in communication, emotional well-being and quality of life, conditions that correspond to greater exposure to illness and social isolation bringing consequent economic impact for the health system. It is assumed that institutionalized confinement, weakness and morbidity associated to nursing home (NH) contribute to transform VD an especially prevalent condition in institutionalized elderly, including those without cognitive impairment. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of VD in NH elderly residents without cognitive impairment. There is no epidemiological diagnostic instruments of VD for elderly populations, so the first step of this study was dedicated to prepare and analyze the psychometric properties of a short, inexpensive and easy to use questionnaire named Screening for Voice Disorders in Older Adults (Rastreamento de Alterações Vocais em IdososRAVI). The methodological procedures of this step followed the guidelines of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing and contemplated validity evidence based on test content, based on response processes, based on internal structure and based on relations with other variables, as well as reliability analysis and clinical consistency. The result of the validation process showed that the RAVI final score generate valid and reliable interpretations for the epidemiological diagnosis of VD in the elderly, which endorsed the use of the questionnaire in the second stage of the study, performed in ten NH located in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. At this stage, data from socioeconomic and demographic variables, lifestyle, general health conditions and characterization of the institution were collected. It was performed a bivariate analysis and it was calculated the prevalence ratio as a magnitude association measure, with a confidence interval of 95%. The variables with p-value less than 0.20 were included in the multiple logistic regression model that followed the Forward selection method. The odds ratio found in the multivariate model was converted into prevalence ratio and the level of significance was 5%. The sample consisted of 117 subjects with predominance of females and average of 79.68 (± 7.92) years old. The prevalence of VD was 39.3% (95% CI: 30.4-48.1%). The multivariate model showed statistically significant association between VD and depressive symptoms, smoking for a year or more and selfreported hearing loss. In conclusion, VD is a prevalent health condition in NH elderly residents without cognitive impairment and is associated with factors involving psychosocial, lifestyle and communicative disability that require attention of managers and professionals involved with NH environment. Strategies to encourage communication and social integration, actions to combat smoking and minimizing the effects of hearing loss could stimulate the physical well-being, emotional and mental health of institutionalized elderly population, contributing to the vocal and communicative maintenance, a more effective social inclusion and better overall health condition.