5 resultados para Ichnofauna


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An ichnoassemblage of 10 ichnospecies is described for the first time from the Late Silurian Melbourne Formation at Studley Park, Victoria, southeastern Australia. The ichnofauna is preserved in a typical deep-water turbidite succession of alternating thin- to thick-bedded sandstone and thin- to medium-bedded mudrocks. Trace fossils observed within the study site have been assigned to three main ichnofacies. Ichnofacies 1 is best developed on the linguoid-rippled upper surface of thin sandstone beds and includes Laevicyclus, Aulichnites, Nereites, Helminthoidichnites, small Chondrites and possible Zoophycos. Ichnofacies 2 is very similar to Ichnofacies 1 in ichnospecies composition but instead contains large forms of Chondrites together with other thin burrow types usually poorly preserved and in very low abundance compared with Ichnofacies 1. Ichnofacies 3 is preserved mainly as casts on the underside of medium- to thick-bedded turbiditic sandstones, and has a very low diversity, with Planolites being the most common trace. A detailed analysis of the ichnofabrics and tiering structures of these ichnofacies suggest that Ichnofacies 1 and 3 represent "simple tiering’, in contrast to Ichnofacies 2, which is more characteristic of 'complex tiering’. Despite the differences in ichnospecies composition and ichnofabrics between the three recognized ichnofacies, the collective ichnoassemblage from the study site can be assigned confidently to the Nereites ichnofacies and is, therefore, interpreted to have formed in a distal submarine fan environment of lower bathyal to abyssal depth. Further, it is possible to recognize two main subenvironments within this deep-sea setting to account for the differences between the ichnofacies. Ichnofacies 1 and 2 are interpreted to represent a typical Nereites ichnofacies located on a level basin floor subenvironment of relatively low energy conditions at the distal end of a submarine fan deposit. In comparison, Ichnofacies 3 is dominated by Planolites with rare other facies-crossing trace fossil forms, and lacks Nereites. It is, therefore, best interpreted as representing a relatively high-energy environment, possibly a distributary channel near the distal end of the submarine fan system.


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Trace fossils are in places abundant in cores from DSDP Leg 56 sites. They are particularly rich in the pelagic-clay sequence at Site 436. Some significant trace fossils, including Zoophycos, Teichichnus, Chondrites, rind and solid burrows, and pellet-armored rods, are described. The ichnofauna, except for pellet-armored rods in diatomaceous mudstone of the landward trench slope, is characterized by cosmopolitan bathyal to abyssal forms.


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Upper-Jurassic geschiebe-corals (Thamnasteria concinna) from a gravel-/sandpit at Freden/Leine are described. They are slightly bored by bivalves (Gastrochaenolites) and worms (Trypanites). Some oysters (Nanogyra Inana) encrusted the surface. The corals growed as massiv head-like (bulbous) colonies with "multicolumnar growth form" and ragged outlines. Similar shaped colonies are reported from Easteuropean Upper Jurassic (Pommerania), but are never reported for NW-Germany. Beds in which the coral-geschiebe were found - Drenthe stage in age - contain a high content of local geschiebe-material. The low degree of abrasion of the coral-geschiebe indicates short glacial transportation. It is possible, that the geschiebe originate from the Heersumer Schichten from Selter to Thüster Berg.


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The basal bed of the Natural Monument Münchehagen, called "Sohlbank", is composed of a quartzitic sandstone. The bed is characterized by wave ripple bedding, which is altered by biotrubation. Ist surface cuts erosively older, thin sandstone layers typically covered by riplle marks on their upper bedding plane. All ripple marks are oscillation ripples which are partially modified by retreating water. Sedimentary channel fillings cut into the “Sohlbank“. A highly diverse ichnofauna is described. It comprises elements of a Cruziana ichnocenosis in addition to some traces of a Skolithos ichnocenosis. The sedimentary and biogenic structures suggest a low energy, shallow-water depositional environment.


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Die Gesteine des bearbeiteten Aufschlusses, dem Naturdenkmal "Saurierfährten Münchehagen" bei Münchehagen (Rehburger Berge), liegen stratigraphisch in der Bückeberg-Formation des Berrias (Wealden). Aufgeschlossen ist der Hauptsandstein (Wealden 3) . Es werden die Sedimenttexturen der Sohlbankfläche des ehemaligen Steinbruchs analysiert und interpretiert. Vorherrschende Schichtungstypen sind Wellenrippelschichtung und Flaserschichtung. Die Sedimente sind stark bioturbat. Auf mehreren freiliegenden Flächenniveaus der Sohlbank sind Rip- pelmarken zu beobachten, die systematisch vermessen wurden. Danach handelt es sich uro Wellenrippeln und untergeordnet um strömungsüberformte Wellenrippeln durch ablaufendes Wasser. Zahlreiche Merkmale zeigen wiederholtes Auftauchen und Trok- kenfallen an. Tonlagen kennzeichnen zeitweilige Stillwasserbedingungen. Ein ehemals verzweigtes Rinnensystem ist in Relikten erhalten und beweist ebenfalls einen wechselnden Wasserstand (ablaufendes Wasser). Sporadisch kam es im Zuge hochenergetischer Ereignisse zu einem schichtflutartigen Abfließen des Wassers. Eine reiche Ichnofauna ist zu beobachten. Wenige Spurentypen sind vorhanden, die Spurendichte ist jedoch sehr hoch. Es dominieren horizontale oder wenig geneigte Gestaltungswühlgefüge, vertikale Bauten kommen nur untergeordnet vor. Als häufigste Spurentypen treten Thalassinoides, Muensteria, Plano- lites und Pelecypodichnus auf. Die Größe der Ichnofossilien ist meist gering. Die Spuren bilden eine Ichnocoenose aus Ichnofossilien der Cruziana- und untergeordnet der Skolithos- Fazies. Bivalven belegen Brackwasser-Verhältnisse. Dies alles sind Merkmale eines lagunären Ablagerungsraumes, gelegen am Rand eines gezeitenarmen bzw. -losen Nebenmeeres (Niedersächsisches Becken) im Übergang von der fluviatilen in die litorale Fazies im rückwärtigen Bereich eines Barrierensystems. Wahrscheinlich spielte Wind eine entscheidende Rolle als Ursache für Wasserspiegelschwankungen. Die maximale Wassertiefe bei auflandigem Sturm hat vermutlich nicht mehr als 3 - 4 m betragen. Sonst war sie wahrscheinlich deutlich geringer und ermöglichte Dinosauriern ein Durchwaten des Gewässers, wie Fährten auf der Sohlfläche beweisen.