15 resultados para IVREA


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The Niquelandia Complex, Brazil, is one of the world's largest mafic-ultramafic plutonic complexes. Like the Mafic Complex of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, it is affected by a pervasive high-T foliation and shows hypersolidus deformation structures, contains significant inclusions of country-rock paragneiss, and is subdivided into a Lower and an Upper Complex. In this paper, we present new SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages that provide compelling evidence that the Upper and the Lower Niquelandia Complexes formed during the same igneous event at ca. 790 Ma. Coexistence of syn-magmatic and high-T subsolidus deformation structures indicates that both complexes grew incrementally as large crystal mush bodies which were continuously stretched while fed by pulses of fresh magma. Syn-magmatic recrystallization during this deformation resulted in textures and structures which, although appearing metamorphic, are not ascribable to post-magmatic metamorphic event(s), but are instead characteristic of the growth process in huge and deep mafic intrusions such as both the Niquelandia and Ivrea Complexes. Melting of incorporated country-rock paragneiss continued producing hybrid rocks during the last, vanishing stages of magmatic crystallization. This resulted in the formation of minor, late-stage hybrid rocks, whose presence obscures the record of the main processes of interaction between mantle magmas and crustal components, which may be active at the peak of the igneous events and lead to the generation of eruptible hybrid magmas. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Ivrea Zone in northern Italy has been the focus of numerous petrological, geochemical and structural studies. It is commonly inferred to represent an almost complete section through the mid to lower continental crust, in which metamorphism and partial melting of the abundant metapelites was the result of magmatic underplating by a large volume of mantle-derived magma. This study concerns amphibolite and granulite facies metamorphism in the Ivrea Zone with focus on metapelites and metapsammites/metagreywackes from Val Strona di Omegna and metapelites from Val Sesia and Val Strona di Postua, with the aim to better constrain their metamorphic evolution as well as their pressure and temperature conditions via phase equilibria modelling.rnrnIn Val Strona di Omegna, the metapelites show a structural and mineralogical change from mica-schists with the common assemblage bi-mu-sill-pl-q-ilm ± liq at the lowest grades, through metatexitic migmatites (g-sill-bi-ksp-pl-q-ilm-liq) at intermediate grades, to complex diatexitic migmatites (g-sill-ru-bi-ksp-pl-q-ilm-liq) at the highest grades. Within this section several mappable isograds occur, including the first appearance of K-feldspar in the metapelites, the first appearance of orthopyroxene in the metabasites and the disappearance of prograde biotite from the metapelites. The inferred onset of partial melting in the metapelites occurs around Massiola. The prograde suprasolidus evolution of the metapelites is consistent with melting via the breakdown of first muscovite then biotite. Maximum modelled melt fractions of 30–40 % are predicted at the highest grade. The regional metamorphic field gradient in Val Strona di Omegna is constrained to range from conditions of 3.5–6.5 kbar at T = 650–730 °C to P > 9 kbar at T > 900 °C. The peak P–T estimates, particularly for granulite facies conditions, are significantly higher (around 100 °C) than those of most previous studies. In Val Sesia and Val Strona di Postua to the south the exposure is more restricted. P–T estimates for the metapelites are 750–850 °C and 5–6.5 kbar in Val Sesia and approximately 800–900 °C and 5.5–7 kbar in Val Strona di Postua. These results show similar temperatures but lower pressure than metapelites in Val Strona di Omegna. Metapelites in Val Sesia in contact with the Mafic Complex exhibit a metatexitic structure, while in Val Strona di Postua diatexitic structures occur. Further, metapelites at the contact with the Mafic Complex contain cordierite (± spinel) that overprint the regional metamorphic assemblages and are interpreted to have formed during contact metamorphism related to intrusion of the Mafic Complex. The lower pressures in the high-grade rocks in Val Sesia and Val Strona di Postua are consistent with some decompression from the regional metamorphic peak prior to the intrusion of the Mafic Complex, suggesting the rocks followed a clockwise P–T path. In contrast, the metapelites in Val Strona di Omegna, especially in the granulite facies, do not contain any cordierite or any evidence for a contact metamorphic overprint. The extrapolated granulite facies mineral isograds are cut by the rocks of the Mafic Complex to the south. Therefore, the Mafic Complex cannot have caused the regional metamorphism and it is unlikely that the Mafic Complex occurs in Val Strona di Omegna.


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"Estratto dalla Guida illustrata della valle d'Aosta."


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Corpus chart. Italiae, 51.


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Three different worlds, sometimes concentric and often intersecting —society, theatre and the art of performance— and social work. Diverse worlds that live, reflect and self-reflect and interact, and can also afford an opportunity for meeting, misunderstanding and confrontation, and above all offer the possibility of profound change.This article considers the experience of a theatre company that has spent more than three years moving at the limits of these three universes. To these three worlds can be added an infinite number of words that fill them with meaning and significance: territory, meeting, diversity and search. An artistic experience that has chosen to focus on creating scenarios for debate and to examine the difficulties, the human contradictions and the constant and inexhaustible confrontation with human experience. At the heart of this theatrical activity is all of this, seeking the balance between narration, meeting, investigation and the artistic dimension. This meeting between society, theatre and social work also contains the search for sustainability of this cultural business, in an Italy that has been destroyed by a crisis that is not merely economic, but also of values and, above all, of role models. The guiding theme, though not always made explicit, is always present and essential: the search for beauty.


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The Niquelandia complex is a Neoproterozoic mafic-ultramafic intrusion resulting from fractional crystallization of primary picritic basalt intrusions. It consists of two layered sequences: a lower and larger one (LS), where four stratigraphic units exhibit an upward decrease of ultramafic layers and increase of gabbroic layers; an upper, smaller sequence (US), separated from LS by a high-temperature shear zone and consisting of two stratigraphic units (gabbros + anorthosites and amphibolites). Nd and Sr isotopic analyses and rare earth element (REE) profiles provide evidence that the complex suffered important crustal contamination. The LS isotopic array trends from a DM region with positive epsilon Nd and moderately positive epsilon Sr towards a field occupied by crustal xenoliths, especially abundant in the upper LS (negative epsilon Nd and large, positive E:Sr). Each LS stratigraphic unit is distinct from the next underlying unit, showing lower epsilon Nd and higher epsilon Sr, suggesting inputs of fresh magma and mixing with the contaminated, residual magma. The US is characterised by a relatively high variation of epsilon Nd and constant epsilon Sr. REE patterns vary within each unit from LREE depleted to LREE enriched in the samples having lower epsilon Nd and higher epsilon Sr. The contamination process has been modelled by using the EC-AFC algorithms from [Spera, F.J., Bohrson, W.A., 2001. Energy-constrained open-system magmatic processes 1: general model and energy-constrained assimilation and fractional crystallization (EC-AFC) formulation. J. Petrology 42, 999-1018]. The differences between the LS and US isotopic arrays are consistent with contamination by the same crustal component, provided that its melting degree was higher in LS than in US. The different degrees of anatexis are explained by the heat budget released from the magma, higher in LS (because of its larger mass) than in US. Comparison of the correlations between isotopes and incompatible trace element ratios of the models and of the gabbros shows some differences, which are demonstrably related with the variable amount of cumulus phases and trapped melt in the gabbros. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Trace element and isotopic data obtained for mantle spinel Iherzolites and diorite dykes from the Baldissero massif (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Western Italy) provide new, valuable constraints on the petrologic and geodynamic evolution of the Southern Alps in Paleozoic to Mesozoic times. Whole rock and mineral chemistry indicates that Baldissero Iherzolites can be regarded as refractory mantle residues following limited melt extraction. In particular, the Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE)-depleted and fractionated compositions of whole rock and clinopyroxene closely match modelling results for refractory residues after low degrees (similar to 4-5%) of near-fractional melting of depleted mantle, possibly under garnet-facies conditions. Following this, the peridotite sequence experienced subsolidus re-equilibration at lithospheric spinel-facies conditions and intrusion of several generations of dykes. However, Iherzolites far from dykes show very modest metasomatic changes, as evidenced by the crystallisation of accessory titanian pargasite and the occurrence of very slight enrichments in highly incompatible trace elements (e.g. Nb). The Re-Os data for Iherzolites far from the dykes yield a 376 Ma (Upper Devonian) model age that is considered to record a partial melting event related to the Variscan orogenic cycle s.l. Dioritic dykes cutting the mantle sequence have whole rock, clinopyroxene and plagioclase characterised by high radiogenic Nd and low radiogenic Sr, which point to a depleted to slightly enriched mantle source. Whole rock and mafic phases of diorites have high Mg# values that positively correlate with the incompatible trace element concentrations. The peridotite at the dyke contact is enriched in orthopyroxene, iron and incompatible trace elements with respect to the Iherzolites far from dykes. Numerical simulations indicate that the geochemical characteristics of the diorites can be explained by flow of a hydrous, silica-saturated melt accompanied by reaction with the ambient peridotite and fractional crystallisation. The composition of the more primitive melts calculated in equilibrium with the diorite minerals show tholeiitic to transitional affinity. Internal Sm-Nd, three-point isochrons obtained for two dykes suggest an Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic emplacement age (from 204 31 to 198 29 Ma). Mesozoic igneous events are unknown in the southern Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ), but the intrusion of hydrous melts, mostly silica-saturated, have been well documented in the Finero region, i.e. the northernmost part of IVZ and Triassic magmatism with calc-alkaline to shoshonitic affinity is abundant throughout the Central-Eastern Alps. The geochemical and chronological features of the Baldissero diorites shed new light on the geodynamic evolution of the Southern Alps before the opening of the Jurassic Tethys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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La crisi del “teatro come servizio pubblico” degli Stabili, Piccolo Teatro in testa, si manifesta allo stadio di insoddisfazione interna già alla fine degli anni Cinquanta. Se dal punto di vista della pratica scenica, la prima faglia di rottura è pressoché unanimemente ricondotta alla comparsa delle primissime messe in scena –discusse, irritanti e provocatorie- di Carmelo Bene e Quartucci (1959-60) più difficile è individuare il corrispettivo di un critico-intellettuale apportatore di una altrettanto deflagrante rottura. I nomi di Arbasino e di Flaiano sono, in questo caso, i primi che vengono alla mente, ma, seppure portatori di una critica sensibile al “teatro ufficiale”, così come viene ribattezzato dopo il Convegno di Ivrea (1967) il modello attuato dagli Stabili, essi non possono, a ben vedere, essere considerati i veri promotori di una modalità differente di fare critica che, a partire da quel Convegno, si accompagnerà stabilmente alla ricerca scenica del Nuovo Teatro. Ma in cosa consiste, allora, questa nuova “operatività” critica? Si tratta principalmente di una modalità capace di operare alle soglie della scrittura, abbracciando una progressiva, ma costante fuoriuscita dalla redazione di cronache teatrali, per ripensare radicalmente la propria attività in nuovi spazi operativi quali le riviste e l’editoria di settore, un rapporto sempre più stretto con i mass-media quali radio e televisione e la pratica organizzativa di momenti spettacolari e teorici al contempo -festival, convegni, rassegne e premi- per una forma di partecipazione poi identificata come “sporcarsi le mani”. La seconda parte della tesi è una raccolta documentaria sull’oggi. A partire dal Manifesto dei Critici Impuri redatto nel 2003 a Prato da un gruppo di critici dell'ultima generazione, la tesi utilizza quella dichiarazione come punto di partenza per creare un piccolo archivio sull’oggi raccogliendo le elaborazioni di alcune delle esperienze più significative di questi dieci anni. Ricca appendice di materiali.


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The Ivrea–Verbano Zone (IVZ), northern Italy, exposes an attenuated section through the Permian lower crust that records high-temperature metamorphism under lower crustal conditions and a protracted history of extension and exhumation associated partly with the Jurassic opening of the Alpine Tethys ocean. This study presents SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology of rutile from seven granulite facies metapelites from the base of the IVZ, collected from locations spanning ~35 km along the strike of Paleozoic fabrics. Rutile crystallised during Permian high-temperature metamorphism and anatexis, yet all samples give Jurassic rutile U–Pb ages that record cooling through 650–550 °C. Rutile age distributions are dominated by a peak at ~160 Ma, with a subordinate peak at ~175 Ma. Both ~160 and ~175 Ma age populations show excellent agreement between samples, indicating that the two distinctive cooling stages they record were synchronous on a regional scale. The ~175 Ma population is interpreted to record cooling in the footwall of rift-related faults and shear zones, for which widespread activity in the Lower Jurassic has been documented along the western margin of the Adriatic plate. The ~160 Ma age population postdates the activity of all known rift-related structures within the Adriatic margin, but coincides with extensive gabbroic magmatism and exhumation of sub-continental mantle to the floor of the Alpine Tethys, west of the Ivrea Zone. We propose that this ~160 Ma early post-rift age population records regional cooling following episodic heating of the distal Adriatic margin, likely related to extreme lithospheric thinning and associated advection of the asthenosphere to shallow levels. The partial preservation of the ~175 Ma age cluster suggests that the post-rift (~160 Ma) heating pulse was of short duration. The regional consistency of the data presented here, which is in contrast to many other thermochronometers in the IVZ, demonstrates the value of the rutile U–Pb technique for probing the thermal evolution of high-grade metamorphic terrains. In the IVZ, a significant decoupling between Zr-in-rutile temperatures and U–Pb ages of rutile is observed, with the two systems recording events ~120 Ma apart.


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The Zr-in-rutile geothermometer is potentially a widely applicable tool to estimate peak metamorphic temperatures in rocks from diverse geological settings. In order to evaluate its usefulness and reliability to record and preserve high temperatures in granulite facies rocks, rutile from UHT rocks was investigated to assess different mechanisms of Zr (re-)distribution following cooling from high temperature. Granulite facies paragneisses from the lowermost part of the Ivrea Zone, Italy, incorporated as thin sheets into the extensive basaltic body of the Mafic Complex were selected for this study. The results show that Zr-in-rutile thermometry, if properly applied, is well suited to identify and study UHT terranes as it preserves a record of temperatures up to 1190 °C, although the thermometer is susceptible to partial post-peak metamorphic resetting by Zr diffusion. Texturally homogeneous rutile grains preserve Zr concentrations corresponding to temperatures of prograde rutile growth. Diverse rutile textures and relationships between some rutile host grains and included or adjacent Zr-bearing phases bear testimony to varying mechanisms of partial redistribution and resetting of Zr in rutile during cooling and link Zr-in-rutile temperatures to different steps of the metamorphic evolution. Rutile grains that equilibrated their Zr concentrations at temperatures above 1070 °C (i.e. 1.1 wt% Zr) could not retain all Zr in the rutile structure during cooling and exsolved baddeleyite (ZrO2). By subsequent reaction of baddeleyite exsolution lamellae with SiO2, zircon needles formed before the system finally closed at 650–700 °C without significant net loss of Zr from the whole host rutile grain. By reintegration of zircon exsolution needles, peak metamorphic temperatures of up to 1190 °C are derived for the studied rocks, which demonstrates the suitability of this solution thermometer to record UHT conditions and also confirms the extraordinary geological setting of the lowermost part of the Ivrea Zone.


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Mem. 2.