990 resultados para IRREGULAR GALAXY IC-10


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Context. Dwarf irregular galaxies are relatively simple unevolved objects where it is easy to test models of galactic chemical evolution. Aims. We attempt to determine the star formation and gas accretion history of IC 10, a local dwarf irregular for which abundance, gas, and mass determinations are available. Methods. We apply detailed chemical evolution models to predict the evolution of several chemical elements (He, O, N, S) and compared our predictions with the observational data. We consider additional constraints such as the present-time gas fraction, the star formation rate (SFR), and the total estimated mass of IC 10. We assume a dark matter halo for this galaxy and study the development of a galactic wind. We consider different star formation regimes: bursting and continuous. We explore different wind situations: i) normal wind, where all the gas is lost at the same rate and ii) metal-enhanced wind, where metals produced by supernovae are preferentially lost. We study a case without wind. We vary the star formation efficiency (SFE), the wind efficiency, and the time scale of the gas infall, which are the most important parameters in our models. Results. We find that only models with metal-enhanced galactic winds can reproduce the properties of IC 10. The star formation must have proceeded in bursts rather than continuously and the bursts must have been less numerous than similar to 10 over the whole galactic lifetime. Finally, IC 10 must have formed by a slow process of gas accretion with a timescale of the order of 8 Gyr.


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This thesis describes a search for very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission from the starburst galaxy IC 342. The analysis was based on data from the 2003 — 2004 observing season recorded using the Whipple 10-metre imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope located on Mount Hopkins in southern Arizona. IC 342 may be classed as a non-blazar type galaxy and to date only a few such galaxies (M 87, Cen A, M 82 and NGC 253) have been detected as VHE gamma-ray sources. Analysis of approximately 24 hours of good quality IC 342 data, consisting entirely of ON/OFF observations, was carried out using a number of methods (standard Supercuts, optimised Supercuts, scaled optimised Supercuts and the multivariate kernel analysis technique). No evidence for TeV gamma-ray emission from IC 342 was found. The significance was 0.6 a with a nominal rate of 0.04 ± 0.06 gamma rays per minute. The flux upper limit above 600 GeV (at 99.9 % confidence) was determined to be 5.5 x 10-8 m-2 s-1, corresponding to 8 % of the Crab Nebula flux in the same energy range.


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ATCA H I and radio continuum observations of the peculiar southern galaxy IC 2554 and its surroundings reveal typical signatures of an interacting galaxy group. We detected a large H I cloud between IC 2554 and the elliptical galaxy NGC 3136B. The gas dynamics in IC 2554 itself, which is sometimes described as a colliding pair, are surprisingly regular, whereas NGC 3136B was not detected. The H I cloud, which emerges from IC 2554 as a large arc-shaped plume, has a size of similar to30 kpc, larger than that of IC 2554. The total H I mass of the IC 2554 system is similar to2 x 10(9) M., one-third of which resides in the H I cloud. It is possible that tidal interaction between IC 2554 and NGC 3136B caused this spectacular H I cloud, but the possibility of IC 2554 being a merger remnant is also discussed. We also detected H I gas in the nearby galaxies ESO 092-G009 and RKK 1959 and an associated H I cloud, ATCA J1006-6710. Together they have an H I mass of similar to4.6 x 10(8) M-.. Another new H I source, ATCA J1007-6659, with an H I mass of only similar to2.2 x 10(7) M. was detected roughly between IC 2554 and ESO 092-G009 and corresponds to a face-on low surface brightness dwarf galaxy. Star formation is evident only in the galaxy IC 2554 with a rate of similar to4 M. yr(-1).


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We employ the recently installed near-infrared Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics demonstrator (MAD) to determine the basic properties of a newly identified, old and distant, Galactic open cluster (FSR 1415). The MAD facility remarkably approaches the diffraction limit, reaching a resolution of 0.07 arcsec (in K), that is also uniform in a field of similar to 1.8 arcmin in diameter. The MAD facility provides photometry that is 50 per cent complete at K similar to 19. This corresponds to about 2.5 mag below the cluster main-sequence turn-off. This high-quality data set allows us to derive an accurate heliocentric distance of 8.6 kpc, a metallicity close to solar and an age of similar to 2.5 Gyr. On the other hand, the deepness of the data allows us to reconstruct (completeness-corrected) mass functions (MFs) indicating a relatively massive cluster, with a flat core MF. The Very Large Telescope/MAD capabilities will therefore provide fundamental data for identifying/analysing other faint and distant open clusters in the Galaxy III and IV quadrants.


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We present the HIPASS Bright Galaxy Catalog (BGC), which contains the 1000 H I brightest galaxies in the southern sky as obtained from the H i Parkes All-Sky Survey ( HIPASS). The selection of the brightest sources is based on their H I peak flux density (S-peak greater than or similar to116 mJy) as measured from the spatially integrated HIPASS spectrum. The derived H I masses range from similar to10(7) to 4 x 10(10) M-.. While the BGC ( z< 0.03) is complete in S-peak, only a subset of &SIM;500 sources can be considered complete in integrated H I flux density (F-H I &GSIM;25 Jy km s(-1)). The HIPASS BGC contains a total of 158 new redshifts. These belong to 91 new sources for which no optical or infrared counterparts have previously been cataloged, an additional 51 galaxies for which no redshifts were previously known, and 16 galaxies for which the cataloged optical velocities disagree. Of the 91 newly cataloged BGC sources, only four are definite H I clouds: while three are likely Magellanic debris with velocities around 400 km s(-1), one is a tidal cloud associated with the NGC 2442 galaxy group. The remaining 87 new BGC sources, the majority of which lie in the zone of avoidance, appear to be galaxies. We identified optical counterparts to all but one of the 30 new galaxies at Galactic latitudes > 10degrees. Therefore, the BGC yields no evidence for a population of free-floating'' intergalactic H I clouds without associated optical counterparts. HIPASS provides a clear view of the local large-scale structure. The dominant features in the sky distribution of the BGC are the Supergalactic Plane and the Local Void. In addition, one can clearly see the Centaurus Wall, which connects via the Hydra and Antlia Clusters to the Puppis Filament. Some previously hardly noticable galaxy groups stand out quite distinctly in the H I sky distribution. Several new structures, including some not behind the Milky Way, are seen for the first time.


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OBJETIVO: Detectar diferenças nas prevalências das dislipidemias em adultos da demanda laboratorial de três diferentes prestadores de assistência médica, em Salvador, 1995. MÉTODOS: Estudo seccional, clínico epidemiológico, baseado em resultados das dosagens de lípides séricos de uma amostra probabilística de 25% dos 104 laboratórios que usavam o mesmo método de dosagem e o mesmo padrão para controle de qualidade. O critério de dislipidemia foi o do II Consenso Brasileiro de Dislipidemias para adultos. Os resultados foram agrupados conforme procedência: Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), convênios (C) e seguros privados + particulares (SP). Análise: prevalência com intervalos de confiança (IC) a 95%, e teste do chi². RESULTADOS: Dos 5.464 adultos com menção da procedência, 14,8% foram do SUS, 31,6% dos C e 53,6% dos S+P. As mais elevadas prevalências de hipercolesterolemia - 28,0% (IC 24,0; 32,0) e de LDL-c elevado - 30,4% (IC 27,6; 33,2) foram detectadas no grupo C. No grupo S+P concentraram-se as maiores prevalências de HDL-c anormal - 12,3% (IC 10,0; 13,8) e hipertrigliceridemia - 17,8% (IC 16,3; 19,3). Quase todas as diferenças entre as prevalências foram estatisticamente significantes, favoráveis às taxas mais baixas do SUS. CONCLUSÃO: O melhor perfil lipídico do grupo SUS sugere diferenças sociais nas prevalências das dislipidemias. Para os três prestadores de assistência, a prevalência do HDL-c <35mg/dL foi baixa quando comparada às das demais dislipidemias. Os resultados podem ser inferidos para a prática médica dos respectivos prestadores de assistência e indicam a necessidade de informação e de orientação dos usuários para redução das dislipidemias e melhoria do estilo de vida.


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PURPOSE: Gender differences in paediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are frequently reported as a secondary outcome and the results are divergent. To assess gender differences by analysing data collected within the Swiss IBD cohort study database since 2008, related to children with IBD, using the Montreal classification for a systematic approach. METHODS: Data on gender, age, anthropometrics, disease location at diagnosis, disease behaviour, and therapy of 196 patients, 105 with Crohn's disease (CD) and 91 with ulcerative or indeterminate colitis (UC/IC) were retrieved and analysed. RESULTS: THE CRUDE GENDER RATIO (MALE : female) of patients with CD diagnosed at <10 years of age was 2.57, the adjusted ratio was 2.42, and in patients with UC/IC it was 0.68 and 0.64 respectively. The non-adjusted gender ratio of patients diagnosed at ≥10 years was 1.58 for CD and 0.88 for UC/IC. Boys with UC/IC diagnosed <10 years of age had a longer diagnostic delay, and in girls diagnosed with UC/IC >10 years a more important use of azathioprine was observed. No other gender difference was found after analysis of age, disease location and behaviour at diagnosis, duration of disease, familial occurrence of IBD, prevalence of extra-intestinal manifestations, complications, and requirement for surgery. CONCLUSION: CD in children <10 years affects predominantly boys with a sex ratio of 2.57; the impact of sex-hormones on the development of CD in pre-pubertal male patients should be investigated.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the reactions of three peanut breeding lines (IC-10, IC-34, and ICGV 86388) to Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) by mechanical and thrips inoculation, under greenhouse conditions, and compare them to the reactions of cultivars SunOleic, Georgia Green, and the breeding line C11-2-39. TSWV infection by mechanical inoculation was visually assessed using an index ranging from 0 (no symptoms) to 4 (apical death). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to confirm TSWV infection from both mechanical and thrips inoculations. IC-10, IC-34, ICGV 86388, and C11-2-39 were more resistant than the cultivars SunOleic and Georgia Green based on mechanical inoculation. Upon thrips inoculation only IC-34 and ICGV-86388 were infected by TSWV, as demonstrated by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), although no symptoms of infection were observed. The peanut breeding lines IC-10, IC-34, and ICGV 86388 show higher level of resistance to TSWV than cultivar Georgia Green considered a standard for TSWV resistance.


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The salt accumulation process in some reservoirs of regular and irregular use (from 10 to 50 years of constrution), located in the Southeast of Bahia State was evaluated. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry was used to evaluate the concentrations of Na, K, Ca and Mg in water samples from inside and upstream of the reservoirs. The results showed that for reservoirs of irregular use, the salt accumulation, indicated by the tracer Na, increases with the age of the reservoirs, however for the reservoirs of regular use the hydraulic retention time is the main parameter.


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Ancien possesseur : Bégon, Michel (1638-1710)


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The scope of this paper was to analyze the association between homicides and public security indicators in Sao Paulo between 1996 and 2008, after monitoring the unemployment rate and the proportion of youths in the population. A time-series ecological study for 1996 and 2008 was conducted with Sao Paulo as the unit of analysis. Dependent variable: number of deaths by homicide per year. Main independent variables: arrest-incarceration rate, access to firearms, police activity. Data analysis was conducted using Stata. IC 10.0 software. Simple and multivariate negative binomial regression models were created. Deaths by homicide and arrest-incarceration, as well as police activity were significantly associated in simple regression analysis. Access to firearms was not significantly associated to the reduction in the number of deaths by homicide (p>0,05). After adjustment, the associations with both the public security indicators were not significant. In Sao Paulo the role of public security indicators are less important as explanatory factors for a reduction in homicide rates, after adjustment for unemployment rate and a reduction in the proportion of youths. The results reinforce the importance of socioeconomic and demographic factors for a change in the public security scenario in Sao Paulo.


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OBJETIVO: analisar a associação entre homicídios e indicadores de segurança pública no MSP entre 1996 e 2008, após controle para taxa de desemprego e proporção de jovens na população. METODOLOGIA: estudo ecológico de série temporal, tendo como unidade de análise o Município de São Paulo (MSP), entre 1996 e 2008. Variável dependente: óbitos por homicídio; variáveis independentes principais: taxa de aprisionamento-encarceramento (TAE), o acesso a armas de fogo (AAF), e a atividade policial (ATP). A análise dos dados foi realizada com o software Stata.IC 10.0. Modelos de regressão binomial negativa simples e multivariados foram construídos. RESULTADOS: A análise univariada demonstrou associação entre óbitos por homicídio e TAE e entre óbitos e ATP. O AAF não se mostrou associado à redução no número de óbitos por homicídios (p > 0,05). Após ajuste houve perda da significância na associação com ambos indicadores de Segurança Pública. CONCLUSÕES: No MSP o papel das ações de segurança pública perdem importância como fatores explicativos para a redução nos níveis de homicídios após controle para taxa de desemprego e redução na proporção de jovens. Os resultados reforçam a importância dos fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos para a mudança no cenário da segurança em São Paulo.


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The open clusters (OC) are gravitationally bound systems of a few tens or hundreds of stars. In our Galaxy, the Milky Way, we know about 3000 open clusters, of very different ages in the range of a few millions years to about 9 Gyr. OCs are mainly located in the Galactic thin disc, with distances from the Galactic centre in the range 4-22 kpc and a height scale on the disc of about 200 pc. Their chemical properties trace those of the environment in which they formed and the metallicity is in the range -0.5<[Fe/H]<+0.5 dex. Through photometry and spectroscopy it is possible to study relatively easily the properties of the OCs and estimate their age, distance, and chemistry. For these reasons they are considered primary tracers of the chemical properties and chemical evolution of the Galactic disc. The main subject of this thesis is the comprehensive study of several OCs. The research embraces two different projects: the Bologna Open Cluster Chemical Evolution project (BOCCE) and the Gaia-ESO Survey. The first is a long-term programme, aiming at studying the chemical evolution of the Milky Way disc by means of a homogeneous sample of OCs. The latter is a large public spectroscopy survey, conducted with the high-resolution spectrograph FLAMES@VLT and targeting about 10^5 stars in different part of the Galaxy and 10^4 stars in about 100 OCs. The common ground between the two projects is the study of the properties of the OCs as tracers of the disc's characteristics. The impressive scientific outcome of the Gaia-ESO Survey and the unique framework of homogeneity of the BOCCE project can propose, especially once combined together, a much more accurate description of the properties of the OCs. In turn, this will give fundamental constraints for the interpretation of the properties of the Galactic disc.


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PURPOSE Gender differences in paediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are frequently reported as a secondary outcome and the results are divergent. To assess gender differences by analysing data collected within the Swiss IBD cohort study database since 2008, related to children with IBD, using the Montreal classification for a systematic approach. METHODS Data on gender, age, anthropometrics, disease location at diagnosis, disease behaviour, and therapy of 196 patients, 105 with Crohn's disease (CD) and 91 with ulcerative or indeterminate colitis (UC/IC) were retrieved and analysed. RESULTS THE CRUDE GENDER RATIO (MALE : female) of patients with CD diagnosed at <10 years of age was 2.57, the adjusted ratio was 2.42, and in patients with UC/IC it was 0.68 and 0.64 respectively. The non-adjusted gender ratio of patients diagnosed at ≥10 years was 1.58 for CD and 0.88 for UC/IC. Boys with UC/IC diagnosed <10 years of age had a longer diagnostic delay, and in girls diagnosed with UC/IC >10 years a more important use of azathioprine was observed. No other gender difference was found after analysis of age, disease location and behaviour at diagnosis, duration of disease, familial occurrence of IBD, prevalence of extra-intestinal manifestations, complications, and requirement for surgery. CONCLUSION CD in children <10 years affects predominantly boys with a sex ratio of 2.57; the impact of sex-hormones on the development of CD in pre-pubertal male patients should be investigated.


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La tierra ha sido utilizada como material de construcción desde hace siglos. No obstante, la normativa al respecto está muy dispersa, y en la mayoría de países desarrollados surgen numerosos problemas técnicos y legales para llevar a cabo una construcción con este material. Este artículo estudia el panorama normativo para las construcciones con tierra cruda a nivel internacional, analizando cincuenta y cinco normas y reglamentos de países repartidos por los cinco continentes, que representan el estado del arte de la normalización de la tierra cruda como material de construcción. Es un estudio referenciado sobre las normas y reglamentos vigentes desarrollados por los organismos nacionales de normalización o autoridades correspondientes. Se presentan las normativas y los organismos que las emiten, analizando la estructura y contenido de cada una. Se estudian y analizan los aspectos más relevantes, como la estabilización, selección de los suelos, requisitos de los productos y ensayos existentes, comparando las diferentes normativas. Este trabajo puede ser de gran utilidad para el desarrollo de futuras normas y como referencia para arquitectos e ingenieros que trabajen con tierra.