907 resultados para IRON OVERLOAD
Rare HFE variants have been shown to be associated with hereditary hemochromatosis (HH), an iron overload disease. The low frequency of the HFE p.C282Y mutation in HH-affected Brazilian patients may suggest that other HFE-related mutations may also be implicated in the pathogenesis of HH in this population. The main aim was to screen for new HFE mutations in Brazilian individuals with primary iron overload and to investigate their relationship with HH. Fifty Brazilian patients with primary iron overload (transferrin saturation >50% in females and 60% in males) were selected. Subsequent bidirectional sequencing for each HFE exon was performed. The effect of HFE mutations on protein structure were analyzed by molecular dynamics simulation and free binding energy calculations. p.C282Y in homozygosis or in heterozygosis with p.H63D were the most frequent genotypic combinations associated with HH in our sample population (present in 17 individuals, 34%). Thirty-six (72.0%) out of the 50 individuals presented at least one HFE mutation. The most frequent genotype associated with HH was the homozygous p.C282Y mutation (n = 11, 22.0%). One novel mutation (p.V256I) was indentified in heterozygosis with the p.H63D mutation. In silico modeling analysis of protein behavior indicated that the p.V256I mutation does not reduce the binding affinity between HFE and beta 2-microglobulin ((beta 2M) in the same way the p.C282Y mutation does compared with the native HFE protein. In conclusion, screening of HFE through direct sequencing, as compared to p.C282Y/p.H63D genotyping, was not able to increase the molecular diagnosis yield of HH. The novel p.V256I mutation could not be implicated in the molecular basis of the HH phenotype, although its role cannot be completely excluded in HH-phenotype development. Our molecular modeling analysis can help in the analysis of novel, previously undescribed, HFE mutations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Most hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) patients are homozygous for the p. C282Y mutation in the HFE gene. Some studies reported that HH phenotypic expression could be modulated by genetic factors such as HJV and HAMP gene mutations. Aims: The aims of this study were to identify HJV and HAMP mutations and to analyze their impact on HH phenotype in non-p. C282Y homozygous individuals. Methods: Twenty-four Brazilian patients with primary iron overload and non-p. C282Y homozygous genotype (transferrin saturation >50% in women and >60% in men and absence of secondary causes) were selected. Subsequent bidirectional sequencing of the HJV and HAMP exons was performed. Results: Sequencing revealed a substitution in heterozygosis, c. 929C>G, which corresponds to p.A310G polymorphism in HJV exon 4 (rs7540883). In the same gene, in another individual, an IVS1-36C>G intronic variant was detected in heterozygosis. In the HAMP gene, an IVS3 + 42G>A intronic variant was identified. There were six (25.0%) patients carrying a heterozygous genotype for the HFE p. C282Y and nine (37.5%) patients carrying a heterozygous genotype for the HFE p. H63D. Conclusion: HJV p.A310G polymorphism and two intronic variants were found, but none of these alterations were associated with digenic inheritance with the HFE gene. Our data indicate that HJV and HAMP functional mutations are not frequent in these patients.
Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP), Brazil[2008/54131-0]
One hypothesis for the etiology of cell damage arising from iron overload is that its excess selectively affects mitochondria. Here we tested the effects of acute iron overload on liver mitochondria isolated from rats subjected to a single dose of i.p. 500 mg/kg iron-dextran. The treatment increased the levels of iron in mitochondria (from 21 +/- A 4 to 130 +/- A 7 nmol/mg protein) and caused both lipid peroxidation and glutathione oxidation. The mitochondria of iron-treated rats showed lower respiratory control ratio in association with higher resting respiration. The mitochondrial uncoupling elicited by iron-treatment did not affect the phosphorylation efficiency or the ATP levels, suggesting that uncoupling is a mitochondrial protective mechanism against acute iron overload. Therefore, the reactive oxygen species (ROS)/H(+) leak couple, functioning as a mitochondrial redox homeostatic mechanism could play a protective role in the acutely iron-loaded mitochondria.
Hemochromatosis can be classified as (a) primary, when it originates from a genetic disturbance that promotes the increase of iron absorption, or (b) secondary, when it relates to chronic diseases or to multiple transfusions. The distribution of iron accumulation differs between these two forms; therefore, they can be distinguished by using imaging methods in the majority of cases. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is the most sensitive and specific imaging modality in the diagnosis of hemochromatosis. The susceptibility effect caused by the accumulation of iron leads to signal loss in the affected tissues, particularly with the T2*-weighted sequences, which makes the diagnosis of iron overload possible. By using MR imaging techniques, it is possible to estimate the hepatic iron concentration in a noninvasive way, thereby avoiding repeated biopsies. Hemochromatosis can lead to complications, such as a higher frequency of neoplasia, particularly the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Other neoplasms, such as colorectal tumors, are also associated. Complications related to the treatment of chronic anemia include the appearance of peliosis hepatis and tumors, which can regress after the suspension of treatment with drugs. Knowledge of the disease and of the patterns of iron deposition in patients with iron overload enables not only diagnosis, but also treatment, follow-up, and the detection of possible complications by using imaging methods. (C) RSNA, 2009 . radiographics.rsna.org
Iron plays a central role in host-parasite interactions, since both intervenients need iron for survival and growth, but are sensitive to iron-mediated toxicity. The host’s iron overload is often associated with susceptibility to infection. However, it has been previously reported that iron overload prevented the growth of Leishmania major, an agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in BALB/c mice. In order to further clarify the impact of iron modulation on the growth of Leishmania in vivo, we studied the effects of iron supplementation or deprivation on the growth of L. infantum, the causative agent of Mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis, in the mouse model. We found that dietary iron deficiency did not affect the protozoan growth, whereas iron overload decreased its replication in the liver and spleen of a susceptible mouse strain. The fact that the iron-induced inhibitory effect could not be seen in mice deficient in NADPH dependent oxidase or nitric oxide synthase 2 suggests that iron eliminates L. infantum in vivo through the interaction with reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Iron overload did not significantly alter the mouse adaptive immune response against L. infantum. Furthermore, the inhibitory action of iron towards L. infantum was also observed, in a dose dependent manner, in axenic cultures of promastigotes and amastigotes. Importantly, high iron concentrations were needed to achieve such effects. In conclusion, externally added iron synergizes with the host’s oxidative mechanisms of defense in eliminating L. infantum from mouse tissues. Additionally, the direct toxicity of iron against Leishmania suggests a potential use of this metal as a therapeutic tool or the further exploration of iron anti-parasitic mechanisms for the design of new drugs.
OBJECTIVE: Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a disease caused by mutations in the Hfe gene characterised by systemic iron overload and associated with an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis (OA) but the role of iron overload in the development of OA is still undefined. To further understand the molecular mechanisms involved we have used a murine model of HH and studied the progression of experimental OA under mechanical stress. DESIGN: OA was surgically induced in the knee joints of 10-week-old C57BL6 (wild-type) mice and Hfe-KO mice. OA progression was assessed using histology, micro CT, gene expression and immunohistochemistry at 8 weeks after surgery. RESULTS: Hfe-KO mice showed a systemic iron overload and an increased iron accumulation in the knee synovial membrane following surgery. The histological OA score was significantly higher in the Hfe-KO mice at 8 weeks after surgery. Micro CT study of the proximal tibia revealed increased subchondral bone volume and increased trabecular thickness. Gene expression and immunohistochemical analysis showed a significant increase in the expression of matrix metallopeptidase 3 (MMP-3) in the joints of Hfe-KO mice compared with control mice at 8 weeks after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: HH was associated with an accelerated development of OA in mice. Our findings suggest that synovial iron overload has a definite role in the progression of HH-related OA
This paper is written in the context of our changing preception of the immunological system as a system with possible biological roles exceding the prevailung view of a system concerned principally with the defense against external pathogens. The view discussed here relates the immunological system inextricably to the metabolism of iron, the circulation of the blood and the resolution of the evolutionary paradox created by oxygen and iron. Indirect evidence for this inextricable relationship between the two systems can be derived from the discrepancy between the theoretical quasi-impossibility of the existence of an iron deficiency state in the adult and the reality of the WHO numbers of people in the world with iron deficiency anemia. With mounting evidence that TNF, IL-1, and T lymphocyte cytokines affect hemopoieisis and iron metabolism it is possible that the reported discrepancy is a reflection of that inextricable interdependence between the two systems in the face of infection. Further direct evidence for a relationship between T cell subset numbers and iron metabolism is presented from the results of a study of T cell populations in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis. The recent finding of a correlation between low CD8+ lymphocite numbers, liver demage associated with HCVpositivity and severity of iron overload in B-thalassemia major patients (umpublished data of RW Grandy; P. Giardina, M. Hilgartner) concludes this review.
Purpose: Iron overload (IO) has been associated with increased cardiovascular risk (CVR) and metabolic syndrome (MS) in the general population; both elevated CVR and MS are frequent in HIV- patients. Our aim was to analyze the prevalence of IO in a cohort of asymptomatic patients with HIV infection, and related factors. Methods: Cross-sectional study of a cohort of HIV outpatients in regular follow-up. Demographic, epidemiological, clinical, analytical and therapeutic data were collected. Patients completed a questionnaire about CVR factors and 10-year CV disease risk estimation (Framingham score), underwent a physical exam, and a fasting blood analysis. IO was defined as a plasma ferritin level higher than 200 m/L in women and 300 m/L in men. Results: 571 patients (446 men, 125 women), with a mean age of 43.2 years, sexual transmission of HIV in 68.5%, median CD4 count 474 cell/μL (IQR: 308-666), and 36.3% Aids cases 86.2% were on antiretroviral therapy (ART), and 74.8% of them had undetectable HIV viral load 14.6% met MS criteria, and mean CVR at 10 years was 6.67%. IO was detected in 11% of cases. Patients with IO were more immunosuppressed (CD4 count 369 vs 483/μL, p<0.0001), presented a higher prevalence of detectable HIV viral load (17.6% vs 8.9%; p<0.005), and of Aids cases (14.9% vs 8.7%; p<0.023), and lower plasma levels of cholesterol, HDLc and LDLc (154 vs 183, 34 vs 43, 93 vs 110 mg/dL, respectively; p<0.0001. In the multivariate analysis, the only related factor was CD4 count <350 cell/μL (OR 2.86, 95% CI 1.6-4.9; p<0.0001). IO was not associated with CVR nor with MS. Conclusions: IO is not uncommon in HIV patients, and it is only related with immunosuppression defined as CD4 count <350 cell/ mL, and in contrast to general population, it is not related with increased CVR nor with MS.
Systemic iron overload (IO) is considered a principal determinant in the clinical outcome of different forms of IO and in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT). However, indirect markers for iron do not provide exact quantification of iron burden, and the evidence of iron-induced adverse effects in hematological diseases has not been established. Hepatic iron concentration (HIC) has been found to represent systemic IO, which can be quantified safely with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), based on enhanced transverse relaxation. The iron measurement methods by MRI are evolving. The aims of this study were to implement and optimise the methodology of non-invasive iron measurement with MRI to assess the degree and the role of IO in the patients. An MRI-based HIC method (M-HIC) and a transverse relaxation rate (R2*) from M-HIC images were validated. Thereafter, a transverse relaxation rate (R2) from spin-echo imaging was calibrated for IO assessment. Two analysis methods, visual grading and rSI, for a rapid IO grading from in-phase and out-of-phase images were introduced. Additionally, clinical iron indicators were evaluated. The degree of hepatic and cardiac iron in our study patients and IO as a prognostic factor in patients undergoing alloSCT were explored. In vivo and in vitro validations indicated that M-HIC and R2* are both accurate in the quantification of liver iron. R2 was a reliable method for HIC quantification and covered a wider HIC range than M-HIC and R2*. The grading of IO was able to be performed rapidly with the visual grading and rSI methods. Transfusion load was more accurate than plasma ferritin in predicting transfusional IO. In patients with hematological disorders, the prevalence of hepatic IO was frequent, opposite to cardiac IO. Patients with myelodysplastic syndrome were found to be the most susceptible to IO. Pre-transplant IO predicted severe infections during the early post-transplant period, in contrast to the reduced risk of graft-versus-host disease. Iron-induced, poor transplantation results are most likely to be mediated by severe infections.
Our hypothesis is that iron accumulated in tissue, rather than in serum, may compromise cardiovascular control. Male Fischer 344 rats weighing 180 to 220 g were divided into 2 groups. In the serum iron overload group (SIO, N = 12), 20 mg elemental iron was injected ip daily for 7 days. In the tissue iron overload group (TIO, N = 19), a smaller amount of elemental iron was injected (10 mg, daily) for 5 days followed by a resting period of 7 days. Reflex heart rate responses were elicited by iv injections of either phenylephrine (0.5 to 5.0 µg/kg) or sodium nitroprusside (1.0 to 10.0 µg/kg). Baroreflex curves were determined and fitted to sigmoidal equations and the baroreflex gain coefficient was evaluated. To evaluate the role of other than a direct effect of iron on tissue, acute treatment with the iron chelator deferoxamine (20 mg/kg, iv) was performed on the TIO group and the baroreflex was re-evaluated. At the end of the experiments, evaluation of iron levels in serum confirmed a pronounced overload for the SIO group (30-fold), in contrast to the TIO group (2-fold). Tissue levels of iron, however, were higher in the TIO group. The SIO protocol did not produce significant alterations in the baroreflex curve response, while the TIO protocol produced a nearly 2-fold increase in baroreflex gain (-4.34 ± 0.74 and -7.93 ± 1.08 bpm/mmHg, respectively). The TIO protocol animals treated with deferoxamine returned to sham levels of baroreflex gain (-3.7 ± 0.3 sham vs -3.6 ± 0.2 bpm/mmHg) 30 min after the injection. Our results indicate an effect of tissue iron overload on the enhancement of baroreflex sensitivity.
The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of hepatic iron overload in patients with chronic HCV infection and to correlate it with histologic alterations, HCV genotype and response to therapy. Liver tissue samples from 95 patients with chronic hepatitis C were divided into two groups: group I, presence of iron overload in hepatic tissue (Perls' staining) and group II, no iron overload. Hepatic iron overload was detected in 30 (31.6%) of 95 patients. Of the 69 patients tested by genotyping, 49 (71.01%) were genotype 1 and 20 (28.99%) genotype non-1. Iron overload was detected in 14 (28.6%) patients with genotype 1 and in 6 (30%) with genotype non-1 (P = 0.906). There was a significant difference in fibrosis stage between groups (P = 0.005). In group I (N = 30), one patient had stage F0/F1 of fibrosis, while in group II (N = 65), 22 (33.8%) patients had minimal or no fibrosis. Fibrosis stage F2/F3 was observed in 70% of group I patients compared to 46.2% of group II. Eighty-five patients were treated with a combination of interferon and ribavirin; 29 of them (34.1%) had a sustained virologic response and 8 (27.6%) of them had hepatic iron overload. Iron overload was detected in 18 (32.1%) of the 56 non-responders (P = 0.73). Hepatic iron overload was frequent among patients with chronic hepatitis C and was associated with a more severe stage of liver fibrosis. There was no association between iron overload and HCV genotype and response to interferon and ribavirin therapy.
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a common chronic human genetic disorder whose hallmark is systemic iron overload. Homozygosity for a mutation in the MHC class I heavy chain paralogue gene HFE has been found to be a primary cause of HH. However, many individuals homozygous for the defective allele of HFE do not develop iron overload, raising the possibility that genetic variation in modifier loci contributes to the HH phenotype. Mice deficient in the product of the β2-microglobulin (β2M) class I light chain fail to express HFE and other MHC class I family proteins, and they have been found to manifest many characteristics of the HH phenotype. To determine whether natural genetic variation plays a role in controlling iron overload, we performed classical genetic analysis of the iron-loading phenotype in β2M-deficient mice in the context of different genetic backgrounds. Strain background was found to be a major determinant in iron loading. Sex played a role that was less than that of strain background but still significant. Resistance and susceptibility to iron overload segregated as complex genetic traits in F1 and back-cross progeny. These results suggest the existence of naturally variant autosomal and Y chromosome-linked modifier loci that, in the context of mice genetically predisposed by virtue of a β2M deficiency, can profoundly influence the severity of iron loading. These results thus provide a genetic explanation for some of the variability of the HH phenotype.