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Objective: To evaluate the effects of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) on chylomicron metabolism. Methods: An artificial lipid emulsion labeled with radioactive cholesteryl ester (CE) and triglycerides (TG) mimicking chylomicrons was intravenously injected into individuals who regularly weight trained and made regular use of AAS (WT + AAS group), normolipidemic sedentary individuals (SDT group) and individuals who also regularly weight trained but did not use AAS (WT group). Fractional clearance rates (FCR) were determined by compartmental analysis for emulsion plasma decay curves. Results: FCR-CE for the WT + AAS group was reduced (0.0073 +/- 0.0079 min(-1), 0.0155 +/- 0.0100 min(-1), 0.0149 +/- 0.0160 min(-1), respectively; p<0.05), FCR-TG was similar for both the WT and SDT groups. HDL-C plasma concentrations were lower in the WT + AAS group when compared to the WT and SDT groups (22 +/- 13; 41 +/- 38 +/- 13 mg/dL, respectively; p<0.001). Hepatic triglyceride lipase activity was greater in the WT + AAS group when compared to the WT and SDT groups (7243 +/- 1822; 3898 +/- 1232; 2058 +/- 749, respectively; p<0.001). However, no difference was observed for lipoprotein lipase activity. Conclusions: Data strongly suggest that AAS may reduce the removal from the plasma of chylomicron remnants, which are known atherogenic factors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background The incorporation of lipid emulsions in parenteral diets is a requirement for energy and essential fatty acid supply to critically ill patients. The most frequently used IV lipid emulsions (LE) are composed with long-chain triacylglycerols rich in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) from soybean oil, but these LE promote lymphocyte and neutrophil death. A new emulsion containing 20% soybean oil and 80% olive oil rich in (omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) has been hypothesized not to cause impairment of immune function. In this study, the toxicity of an olive oil-based emulsion (OOE) on lymphocytes and neutrophils from healthy volunteers was investigated. Methods: Twenty volunteers were recruited and blood was. collected before a 6-hour infusion of an OOE, immediately after infusion, and again 18 hours postinfusion. Lymphocytes and neutrophils were isolated by gradient density. The cells were studied immediately after isolation and after 24 hours or 48 hours in culture. The following determinations were carried out: triacylglycerol levels and fatty acid composition and levels in plasma, lymphocyte proliferation, production of reactive oxygen species, and parameters of lymphocyte and neutrophil death (viability, DNA fragmentation, phosphatidylserine externalization, mitochondrial depolarization, and neutral lipid accumulation). Results: OOE decreased lymphocyte proliferation, provoked lymphocyte necrosis, and had no effect on the proportion of viable neutrophils. The mechanism of cell death induced by OOE involved neutral lipid accumulation but had no effect on mitochondrial membrane depolarization. Conclusions: The OOE given as a single dose of 500 mL induced low toxicity to lymphocytes from healthy volunteers, probably by necrosis.


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Background: Intralipid (R) and heparin infusion results in increased blood pressure and autonomic abnormalities in normal and hypertensive individuals. Objective: To evaluate insulin sensitivity and the impact of Intralipid (R) and heparin (ILH) infusion on hemodynamic, metabolic, and autonomic response in patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas' disease. Methods: Twelve patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas' disease and 12 healthy volunteers were evaluated. Results: Baseline blood pressure and heart rate were similar in both groups. Plasma noradrenaline levels were slightly increased in the Chagas' group. After insulin tolerance testing (ITT), a significant decline was noted in glucose in both groups. ILH infusion resulted in increased blood pressure in both groups, but there was no significant change in plasma noradrenaline. The low-frequency component (LF) was similar and similarly increased in both groups. The high-frequency component (HF) was lower in the Chagas' group. Conclusion: Patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas' disease had increased sympathetic activity at baseline and impaired response to insulin. They also had a lower high-frequency component and impaired baroreflex sensitivity at baseline and during Intralipid (R) and heparin infusion. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;98(3):225-233)


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FUNDAMENTO: Infusão de intralipid e heparina resulta em aumento da pressão arterial e também em anormalidades autonômicas em indivíduos normais e hipertensos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a sensibilidade a insulina e o impacto da infusão de intralipid e de heparina (ILH) sobre a resposta hemodinâmica, metabólica e autonômica em pacientes com a forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas. MÉTODOS: Doze pacientes com a forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas e 12 voluntários saudáveis foram avaliados. RESULTADOS: A pressão arterial basal e a frequência cardíaca foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. Os níveis plasmáticos de noradrenalina encontravam-se ligeiramente aumentados no grupo de pacientes chagásicos. Após o Teste de Tolerância a Insulina (TTI), houve um declínio significativo na glicose dos dois grupos. A Infusão de ILH resultou em aumento da pressão arterial em ambos os grupos, mas não houve nenhuma mudança significativa na noradrenalina plasmática. O componente de Baixa Frequência (BF) mostrou-se semelhante e aumentou de forma semelhante em ambos os grupos. O componente de Alta Frequência (AF) apresentou-se menor no grupo chagásico. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas apresentaram aumento da atividade simpática no momento basal e uma resposta inadequada à insulina. Eles também tiveram um menor componente de alta frequência e sensibilidade barorreflexa prejudicada no momento basal e durante a infusão de intralipid e heparina.


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Lipid emulsion (LE) containing medium/omega-6 long chain triglyceride-based emulsion (MCT/omega-6 LCT LE) has been recommended in the place of omega-6 LCT-based emulsion to prevent impairment of immune function. The impact of MCT/omega-6 LCT LE on lymphocyte and neutrophil death and expression of genes related to inflammation was investigated. Seven volunteers were recruited and infusion of MCT/omega-6 LCT LE was performed for 6 h. Four volunteers received saline and no change was found. Blood samples were collected before, immediately afterwards and 18 h after LE infusion. Lymphocytes and neutrophils were studied immediately after isolation and after 24 and 48 h in culture. The following determinations were carried out: plasma-free fatty acids, triacylglycerol and cholesterol concentrations, plasma fatty acid composition, neutral lipid accumulation in lymphocytes and neutrophils, signs of lymphocyte and neutrophil death and lymphocyte expression of genes related to inflammation. MCT/omega-6 LCT LE induced lymphocyte and neutrophil death. The mechanism for MCT/omega-6 LCT LE-dependent induction of leucocyte death may involve changes in neutral lipid content and modulation of expression of genes related to cell death, proteolysis, cell signalling, inflammatory response, oxidative stress and transcription.


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Abnormal surface expression of HLA-DR by leukocytes is associated with a poor prognosis in critical care patients. Critical care patients often receive total parenteral nutrition with lipid emulsion (LE). In this study we evaluated the influence of fish oil LE (FO) on human monocyte/macrophage (M phi) expression of surface HLA-DR under distinct activation states. Mononuclear leukocytes from the peripheral blood of healthy volunteers (n = 18) were cultured for 24 hours without LE (control) or with 3 different concentrations (0.1, 0.25, and 0.5%) of the follow LE: a) pure FO b) FO in association (1:1 v/v) with LE composed of 50% medium-chain trygliceride and 50% soybean oil (MCTSO), and c) pure MCTSO. The leukocytes were also submitted to different cell activation states, as determinate by INF-gamma addition time: no INF-gamma addition, 18 hours before, or at the time of LE addition. HLA-DR expression on M phi surface was evaluated by flow cytometry using specific monoclonal antibodies. In relation to controls (for 0.1%, 0.25%, and 0.5%: 100) FO decreased the expression of HLA-DR when added alone [in simultaneously-activated M phi, for 0.1%: 70 (59 +/- 73); for 0.25%: 51 (48 +/- 56); and for 0.5%: 52.5(50 +/- 58)] or in association with MCTSO [in simultaneously-activated M phi, for 0.1%: 50.5 (47 +/- 61); for 25%: 49 (45 +/- 52); and for 05 %: 51 (44 +/- 54) and in previously-activated M phi, for 1.0 % : 63 (44 +/- 88); for 0.25%: 70 (41 +/- 88); and for 0.5%: 59.5 (39 +/- 79)] in culture medium (Friedman p<0.05). In relation to controls (for 0.1%, 0.25%, and 0.5%: 100), FO did not influence the expression of these molecules on non-activated M phi [for 0.1 % : 87.5 (75 +/- 93); for 0.25%: 111 (98 +/- 118); and for 0.5%: 101.5 (84 +/- 113)]. Results show that parenteral FO modulates the expression of HLA-DR on human M phi surface accordingly to leukocyte activation state. Further clinical studies evaluating the ideal moment of fish oil LE infusion to modulate leukocyte functions may contribute to a better understanding of its immune modulatory properties.


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Background: Opportunistic infections are an increasingly common problem in hospitals, and the yeast Candida parapsilosis has emerged as an important nosocomial pathogen, especially in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) where it has been responsible for outbreak cases. Risk factors for C. parapsilosis infection in neonates include prematurity, very low birth weight, prolonged hospitalization, indwelling central venous catheters, hyperalimentation, intravenous fatty emulsions and broad spectrum antibiotic therapy. Molecular methods are widely used to elucidate these hospital outbreaks, establishing genetic variations among strains of yeast. Aims: The aim of this study was to detect an outbreak of C. parapsilosis in an NICU at the Hospital das Clinicas , Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu, a tertiary hospital located in São Paulo, Brazil, using the molecular genotyping by the microsatellite markers analysis. Methods: A total of 11 cases of fungemia caused by C. parapsilosis were identified during a period of 43 days in the NICU. To confirm the outbreak all strains were molecularly typed using the technique of microsatellites. Results: Out of the 11 yeast samples studied, nine showed the same genotypic profile using the technique of microsatellites. Conclusions: Our study shows that the technique of microsatellites can be useful for these purposes. In conclusion, we detected the presence of an outbreak of C. parapsilosis in the NICU of the hospital analyzed, emphasizing the importance of using molecular tools, for the early detection of hospital outbreaks, and for the introduction of effective preventive measures, especially in NICUs. © 2012 Revista Iberoamericana de Micología.


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Editor,—In their study of cystic fibrosis patients who were nutritionally assessed at the start and end of a 14 day period of home intravenous antibiotic treatment for chest disease, Vicet al concluded that increased weight was a result of increased fat storage.1 While this may in part be true, their methodology dictates caution in drawing conclusions....


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Cream liqueurs manufactured by a one-step process, where alcohol was added before homogenisation, were more stable than those processed by a two -step process which involved addition of alcohol after homogenisation. Using the one-step process, it was possible to produce creaming-stable liqueurs by using one pass through a homogeniser (27.6 MPa) equipped with "liquid whirl" valves. Test procedures to characterise cream liqueurs and to predict shelf life were studied in detail. A turbidity test proved simple, rapid and sensitive for characterising particle size and homogenisation efficiency. Prediction of age thickening/gelation in cream liqueurs during incubation at 45 °C depended on the age of the sample when incubated. Samples that gelled at 45 °C may not do so at ambient temperature. Commercial cream liqueurs were similar in gross chemical composition, and unlike experimentally produced liqueurs, these did not exhibit either age-gelation at ambient or elevated temperatures. Solutions of commercial sodium caseinates from different sources varied in their calcium sensitivity. When incorporated into cream liqueurs, caseinates influenced the rate of viscosity increase, coalescence and, possibly, gelation during incubated storage. Mild heat and alcohol treatment modified the properties of caseinate used to stabilise non-alcoholic emulsions, while the presence of alcohol in emulsions was important in preventing clustering of globules. The response to added trisodium citrate varied. In many cases, addition of the recommended level (0.18%) did not prevent gelation. Addition of small amounts of NaOH with 0.18 % trisodium citrate before homogenisation was beneficial. The stage at which citrate was added during processing was critical to the degree of viscosity increase (as opposed to gelation) in the product during 45 °C incubation. The component responsible for age-gelation was present in the milk-solids non fat portion of the cream and variations in the creams used were important in the age-gelation phenomenon Results indicated that, in addition to possibly Ca++, the micellar casein portion of serum may play a role in gelation. The role of the low molecular weight surfactants, sodium stearoyl lactylate and monodiglycerides in preventing gelation, was influenced by the presence of trisodium citrate. Clustering of fat globules and age-gelation were inhibited when 0.18 % citrate was included. Inclusion of sodium stearoyl lactylate, but not monodiglycerides, reduced the extent of viscosity increase at 45 °C in citrate containing liqueurs.


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Background: Parenteral nutrition is central to the care of very immature infants. Current international recommendations favor higher amino acid intakes and fish oil–containing lipid emulsions. Objective: The aim of this trial was to compare 1) the effects of high [immediate recommended daily intake (Imm-RDI)] and low [incremental introduction of amino acids (Inc-AAs)] parenteral amino acid delivery within 24 h of birth on body composition and 2) the effect of a multicomponent lipid emulsion containing 30% soybean oil, 30% medium-chain triglycerides, 25% olive oil, and 15% fish oil (SMOF) with that of soybean oil (SO)-based lipid emulsion on intrahepatocellular lipid (IHCL) content. Design: We conducted a 2-by-2 factorial, double-blind, multicenter randomized controlled trial. Results: We randomly assigned 168 infants born at ,31 wk of gestation. We evaluated outcomes at term in 133 infants. There were no significant differences between Imm-RDI and Inc-AA groups for nonadipose mass [adjusted mean difference: 1.0 g (95% CI: 2108, 111 g; P = 0.98)] or between SMOF and SO groups for IHCL [adjusted mean SMOF:SO ratio: 1.1 (95% CI: 0.8, 1.6; P = 0.58]. SMOF does not affect IHCL content. There was a significant interaction (P = 0.05) between the 2 interventions for nonadipose mass. There were no significant interactions between group differences for either primary outcome measure after adjusting for additional confounders. Imm-RDI infants were more likely than Inc-AA infants to have blood urea nitrogen concentrations .7 mmol/L or .10 mmol/L, respectively (75% compared with 49%, P , 0.01; 49% compared with 18%, P , 0.01). Head circumference at term was smaller in the Imm-RDI group [mean difference: 20.8 cm (95% CI: 21.5, 20.1 cm; P = 0.02)]. There were no significant differences in any prespecified secondary outcomes, including adiposity, liver function tests, incidence of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, weight, length, mortality, and brain volumes. Conclusion: Imm-RDI of parenteral amino acids does not benefit body composition or growth to term and may be harmful. This trial was registered at www.isrctn.com as ISRCTN29665319 and at eudract.ema.europa.eu as EudraCT 2009-016731-34.


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Background: Insulin sensitivity (Si) is improved by weight loss and exercise, but the effects of the replacement of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) or carbohydrates of high glycemic index (HGI) or low glycemic index (LGI) are uncertain. Objective: We conducted a dietary intervention trial to study these effects in participants at risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Design: We conducted a 5-center, parallel design, randomized controlled trial [RISCK (Reading, Imperial, Surrey, Cambridge, and Kings)]. The primary and secondary outcomes were changes in Si (measured by using an intravenous glucose tolerance test) and cardiovascular risk factors. Measurements were made after 4 wk of a high-SFA and HGI (HS/HGI) diet and after a 24-wk intervention with HS/HGI (reference), high-MUFA and HGI (HM/HGI), HM and LGI (HM/LGI), low-fat and HGI (LF/HGI), and LF and LGI (LF/LGI) diets. Results: We analyzed data for 548 of 720 participants who were randomly assigned to treatment. The median Si was 2.7 × 10−4 mL · μU−1 · min−1 (interquartile range: 2.0, 4.2 × 10−4 mL · μU−1 · min−1), and unadjusted mean percentage changes (95% CIs) after 24 wk treatment (P = 0.13) were as follows: for the HS/HGI group, −4% (−12.7%, 5.3%); for the HM/HGI group, 2.1% (−5.8%, 10.7%); for the HM/LGI group, −3.5% (−10.6%, 4.3%); for the LF/HGI group, −8.6% (−15.4%, −1.1%); and for the LF/LGI group, 9.9% (2.4%, 18.0%). Total cholesterol (TC), LDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B concentrations decreased with SFA reduction. Decreases in TC and LDL-cholesterol concentrations were greater with LGI. Fat reduction lowered HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein A1 and B concentrations. Conclusions: This study did not support the hypothesis that isoenergetic replacement of SFAs with MUFAs or carbohydrates has a favorable effect on Si. Lowering GI enhanced reductions in TC and LDL-cholesterol concentrations in subjects, with tentative evidence of improvements in Si in the LF-treatment group. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as ISRCTN29111298.


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Background:Excessive energy intake and obesity lead to the metabolic syndrome (MetS). Dietary saturated fatty acids (SFAs) may be particularly detrimental on insulin sensitivity (SI) and on other components of the MetS. Objective:This study determined the relative efficacy of reducing dietary SFA, by isoenergetic alteration of the quality and quantity of dietary fat, on risk factors associated with MetS. Design:A free-living, single-blinded dietary intervention study. Subjects and Methods:MetS subjects (n=417) from eight European countries completed the randomized dietary intervention study with four isoenergetic diets distinct in fat quantity and quality: high-SFA; high-monounsaturated fatty acids and two low-fat, high-complex carbohydrate (LFHCC) diets, supplemented with long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFAs) (1.2 g per day) or placebo for 12 weeks. SI estimated from an intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) was the primary outcome measure. Lipid and inflammatory markers associated with MetS were also determined. Results:In weight-stable subjects, reducing dietary SFA intake had no effect on SI, total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration, inflammation or blood pressure in the entire cohort. The LFHCC n-3 PUFA diet reduced plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) and non-esterified fatty acid concentrations (P<0.01), particularly in men. Conclusion:There was no effect of reducing SFA on SI in weight-stable obese MetS subjects. LC n-3 PUFA supplementation, in association with a low-fat diet, improved TAG-related MetS risk profiles.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Parenteral lipid emulsions (LEs) can influence leukocyte functions. The authors investigated the effect of 2 LEs on leukocyte death in surgical patients with gastrointestinal cancer. Material and Methods: Twenty-five patients from a randomized, double-blind clinical trial (ID: NCT01218841) were randomly included to evaluate leukocyte death after 3 days of preoperative infusion (0.2 g fat/kg/d) of an LE composed equally of medium/long-chain triglycerides and soybean oil (MCTs/LCTs) or pure fish oil (FO). Blood samples were collected before (t0) and after LE infusion (t1) and on the third postoperative day (t2). Results: After LE infusion (t1 vs t0), MCTs/LCTs did not influence cell death; FO slightly increased the proportion of necrotic lymphocytes (5%). At the postoperative period (t2 vs t0), MCTs/LCTs tripled the proportion of apoptotic lymphocytes; FO maintained the slightly increased proportion of necrotic lymphocytes (7%) and reduced the percentage of apoptotic lymphocytes by 74%. In the postoperative period, MCT/LCT emulsion increased the proportion of apoptotic neutrophils, and FO emulsion did not change any parameter of apoptosis in the neutrophil population. There were no differences in lymphocyte or neutrophil death when MCT/LCT and FO treatments were compared during either preoperative or postoperative periods. MCT/LCTs altered the expression of 12 of 108 genes related to cell death, with both pro- and antiapoptotic effects; FO modulated the expression of 7 genes, demonstrating an antiapoptotic effect. Conclusion: In patients with gastrointestinal cancer, preoperative MCT/LCT infusion was associated with postoperative lymphocyte and neutrophil apoptosis. FO has a protective effect on postoperative lymphocyte apoptosis. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2012; 36: 677-684)