This study analyzed the evidence available in the literature concerning the effectiveness of different active cutaneous warming systems to prevent intraoperative hypothermia. This is a systematic review with primary studies found in the following databases: CINAHL, EMBASE, Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials and Medline. The sample comprised 23 randomized controlled trials. There is evidence in the literature indicating that the circulating water garment system is the most effective in maintaining patient body temperature. These results can support nurses in the decision-making process concerning the implementation of effective measures to maintain normothermia, though the decision of health services concerning which system to choose should also take into account its cost-benefit status given the cost related to the acquisition of such systems.
Increasing evidence in animal models and clinical trials for stroke, hypoxic encephalopathy for children, and traumatic brain injury have shown that mild hypothermia may attenuate ischemic damage and improve neurological outcome. However, it is less clear if mild intraoperative hypothermia during vascular neurosurgical procedures results in improved outcomes for patients. This review examines the scientific evidence behind hypothermia as a treatment and discusses factors that may be important for the use of this adjuvant technique, including cooling temperature, duration of hypothermia, and rate of rewarming.
Study Objectives: To evaluate the effects of intraoperative skin-surface warming with and without 1 hour of preoperative warming, in preventing intraoperative hypothermia, and postoperative hypothermia, and shivering, and in offering good conditions to early tracheal extubation. Design: Prospective, randomized, blind study. Setting: Teaching hospital. Patients: 30 ASA physical status I and II female patients scheduled for elective abdominal surgery. Interventions: Patients received standard general anesthesia. In 10 patients, no special precautions were taken to avoid hypothermia. Ten patients were submitted to preoperative and intraoperative active warming. Ten patients were only warmed intraoperatively. Measurements and Main Results: Temperatures were recorded at 15-minute intervals. The patients who were warmed preoperatively and intraoperatively had core temperatures significantly more elevated than the other patients during the first two hours of anesthesia. All patients warmed intraoperatively were normothermic only at the end of the surgery. The majority of the patients warmed preoperatively and intraoperatively or intraoperatively only were extubated early, and none had shivering. In contrast, five unwarmed patients shivered. Conclusions: One hour of preoperative warning combined with intraoperative skin-surface warming, not simply intraoperative warming alone, avoided hypothermia caused by general anesthesia during the first two hours of surgery. Both methods prevented postoperative hypothermia and shivering and offered good conditions for early tracheal extubation. © 2003 by Elsevier B.V.
Introducción: La hipotermia perioperatoria se ha documentado como factor de riesgo para el aumento de la morbimortalidad de los pacientes aumentando morbilidad miocárdica, riesgo de infección, pérdidas sanguíneas y tiempo de hospitalización. La aplicación de anestésicos toma relevancia ya que causa la pérdida de control central de la temperatura. Nuestro objetivo con este estudio fue describir la proporción de casos de hipotermia en la población sometida a un reemplazo articular durante un periodo de cuatro meses. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo. La población a estudio fueron los pacientes que fueron sometidos a un reemplazo total de cadera, rodilla u hombro. Se registró la temperatura central en el momento previo a la inducción anestésica, 30, 60 y 90 minutos después, al finalizar el procedimiento y al ingresar a recuperación. Se reportó el porcentaje de pacientes con hipotermia en cada tiempo. Resultados: Se analizaron en total 88 pacientes, el 55,7% fue llevado a cirugía de cadera, 39,7% de rodilla y 4,5% de hombro. El tipo de anestesia más utilizado fue general y la duración promedio de anestesia fue 164 minutos. La medición de la temperatura central se realizó en nasofaringe, esófago o tímpano. La proporción de pacientes que presentaron hipotermia en la inducción fue 21,6%, a 30 minutos 83%, a 60 minutos 73,9%, a 90 minutos 68,2%, al finalizar 59,1% y en recuperación 58%. Se realizó una prueba Chi cuadrado comparando las proporciones entre la inducción y los cinco periodos posteriores, se encontró que la proporción de pacientes con hipotermia en los cinco tiempos posteriores tuvo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p=0,00) comparada con la proporción de pacientes con hipotermia durante la inducción. Conclusión: En los pacientes sometidos a un reemplazo articular la hipotermia fue una condición prevalente posterior a la aplicación de los anestésicos sistémicos. Los dispositivos de calentamiento intraoperatorio usados actualmente son insuficientes para evitar la hipotermia, lo que indica concordancia con la literatura en cuanto a las recomendaciones de calentamiento perioperatorio, con énfasis en el precalentamiento, para prevenir la caída significativa de la temperatura y la morbimortalidad asociada.
Objective: To evaluate the neuroprotection of mild hypothermia, applied in different moments, in temporary focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Methods: Rats was divided into Control (C), Sham (S), Ischemic-control(IC), Pre-ischemic Hypothermia (IH1), Intra-ischemic Hypothermia (IH2), and Post-ischemic Hypothermia (IH3) groups. Morphometry was performed using the KS400 software (Carl Zeiss (R)) in coronal sections stained by Luxol Fast Blue. Ischemic areas and volumes were obtained. Results: Statistically, blue areas showed difference for C vs. IC, IC vs. IH1 and IC vs. IH2 (p=0.0001; p=0.01; p=0.03), and no difference between C vs. S, IC vs. IH3 and IH vs. IH2 (p=0.39; p=0.85; p=0.63). Red areas showed difference between C vs. IC, IC vs. IH1 and IC vs. IH2 (p=0.0001; p=0.009; p=0.03), and no difference between C vs. S, IC vs. IH3 and IH1 vs. IH2 (p=0.48; p=0.27; p=0.68). Average ischemic areas and ischemic volumes showed difference between IC vs. IH1 and IC vs. IH2 (p=0.0001 and p=0.0011), and no difference between IC vs. IH3 and IH1 vs. IH2 (p=0.57; p=0.79). Conclusion: Pre-ischemic and intra-ischemic hypothermia were shown to be similarly neuroprotective, but this was not true for post-ischemic hypothermia.
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Hipotermia inadvertida no perioperatório é freqüente durante anestesia subaracnóidea e após a administração de midazolam. O objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos do aquecimento da pele no intra-operatório, associado ou não ao aquecimento da pele durante o período de 45 minutos no pré-operatório, na prevenção de hipotermia intra- e pós-operatória determinada pela anestesia subaracnóidea em pacientes com medicação pré-anestésica com midazolam. TIPO DE ETUDO E LOCAL: Estudo prospectivo e aleatório, realizado no Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Botucatu, SP. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado em 30 pacientes com estado físico ASA (da Sociedade Norte-americana de Anestesiologistas) I e II submetidos à cirurgia eletiva do abdômen. Como medicação pré-anestésica, utilizou-se o midazolam, 7,5 mg via intramuscular (IM) e anestesia subaracnóidea padrão. em 10 pacientes (Gcontrole) utilizou-se isolamento térmico passivo; 10 pacientes (Gpré+intra) foram submetidos a aquecimento ativo no pré- e intra-operatório; e 10 pacientes (Gintra) foram aquecidos ativamente somente no intra-operatório. RESULTADOS: Após 45 minutos de aquecimento no pré-operatório, os pacientes do Gpré+intra apresentaram temperatura central mais elevada em relação aos dos grupos não aquecidos antes da anestesia (p < 0,05) mas não no início da cirurgia (p > 0,05). Os pacientes que receberam aquecimento no intra-operatório apresentaram temperatura central mais elevada no final da cirurgia em relação aos de Gcontrole (p < 0,05). Todos os pacientes estavam hipotérmicos na admissão da sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (temperatura central < 36º C). CONCLUSÕES: 45 minutos de aquecimento no pré-operatório combinado com aquecimento no intra- operatório não evita, mas minimiza a ocorrência de hipotermia determinada pela anestesia subaracnóidea em pacientes que receberam midazolam como medicação pré-anestésica.
This study aimed to compare the efficiency of the thermal blanket and thermal mattress in the prevention of hypothermia during surgery. Thirty-eight randomized patients were divided into two groups (G1 - thermal blanket and G2 - thermal mattress). The variables studied were: length of surgery, length of stay in the post-anesthetic care unit, period without using the device after thermal induction, transport time from the operating room to post-anesthetic care unit, intraoperative fluid infusion, surgery size, anesthetic technique, age, body mass index, esophageal, axillary and operating room temperature. In G2, length of surgery and starch infusion longer was higher (both p=0.03), but no hypothermia occurred. During the surgical anesthetic procedure, the axillary temperature was higher at 120 minutes (p=0.04), and esophageal temperature was higher at 120 (p=0.002) and 180 minutes (p=0.03) and at the end of the procedure (p=0.002). The thermal mattress was more effective in preventing hypothermia during surgery.
Background Despite being the leading cause of death and disability in the paediatric population, traumatic brain injury (TBI) in this group is largely understudied. Clinical practice within the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) has been based upon adult guidelines however children are significantly different in terms of mechanism, pathophysiology and consequence of injury. Aim To review TBI management in the PICU and gain insight into potential management strategies. Method To conduct this review, a literature search was conducted using MEDLINE, PUBMED and The Cochrane Library using the following key words; traumatic brain injury; paediatric; hypothermia. There were no date restrictions applied to ensure that past studies, whose principles remain current were not excluded. Results Three areas were identified from the literature search and will be discussed against current acknowledged treatment strategies: Prophylactic hypothermia, brain tissue oxygen tension monitoring and decompressive craniectomy. Conclusion Previous literature has failed to fully address paediatric specific management protocols and we therefore have little evidence-based guidance. This review has shown that there is an emerging and ongoing trend towards paediatric specific TBI research in particular the area of moderate prophylactic hypothermia (MPH).
Background: This prospective study investigates the use of intraoperative fluoroscopy in 28 consecutive cases undergoing hallux valgus surgery. To our knowledge there have been no studies validating the use of intraoperative fluoroscopy in hallux valgus surgery. Methods: We performed a prospective investigation of 28 consecutive cases undergoing hallux valgus surgery. Fluoroscopic images were examined intraoperatively and any significant unforseen findings documented. A comparison was made between the fluoroscopic images and weight bearing films taken 6 weeks postoperatively to examine whether the intraoperative images are an accurate representation of the standard films obtained post-operatively. We excluded those patients that went on to have an Akin osteotomy. Results: There were no unforeseen intraoperative events that were revealed by the use of fluoroscopy and no surgical modifications were made as a result of the intraoperative images. The intraoperative films were found to be a reliable representation of the postoperative weight bearing films but a small increase in the hallux valgus angle was noted at six weeks and this is thought to be due to stretching of the medial soft tissue repair. Conclusions: Intraoperative fluoroscopy is a reliable technique. This study was performed at a centre which performs approximately 100 hallux valgus operations per year and that should be taken into consideration when reviewing our findings. We conclude that there may be a role for fluoroscopy for surgeons in the early stages of the surgical learning curve and for those that infrequently perform hallux valgus surgery. We cannot however recommend that fluoroscopy be used routinely in hallux valgus surgery.
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a complex 3D deformity of the spine, which may require surgical correction in severe cases. Computer models of the spine provide a potentially powerful tool to virtually ‘test’ various surgical scenarios prior to surgery. Using patient-specific computer models of seven AIS patients who had undergone a single rod anterior procedure, we have recently found that the majority of the deformity correction occurs at the apical joint or the joint immediately cephalic to the apex. In the current paper, we investigate the biomechanics of the apical joint for these patients using clinically measured intra-operative compressive forces applied during implant placement. The aim of this study is to determine a relationship between the compressive joint force applied intra-operatively and the achievable deformity correction at the apical joint.
Background Women undergoing Cesarean Section (CS) are vulnerable to the adverse effects associated with perioperative core temperature drop, in part due to the tendency for CS to be performed under neuraxial anesthesia, blood and fluid loss, and vasodilation. Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia (IPH) is a common condition that affects patients undergoing surgery of all specialties and is detrimental to all age groups, including neonates. Previous systematic reviews on IPH prevention largely focus on either adult or all ages populations, and have mainly overlooked pregnant or CS patients as a distinct group. Not all recommendations made by systematic reviews targeting all adult patients may be transferable to CS patients. Alternative, effective methods for preventing or managing hypothermia in this group would be valuable. Objectives To synthesize the best available evidence in relation to preventing and/or treating hypothermia in mothers after CS surgery. Types of participants Adult patients over the age of 18 years, of any ethnic background, with or without co-morbidities, undergoing any mode of anesthesia for any type of CS (emergency or planned) at healthcare facilities who have received interventions to limit or manage perioperative core heat loss were included. Types of intervention(s) Active or passive warming methods versus usual care or placebo, that aim to limit or manage core heat loss as applied to women undergoing CS were included. Types of studies Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that met the inclusion criteria, with reduction of perioperative hypothermia a primary or secondary outcome were considered. Types of outcomes Primary outcome: maternal core temperature measured during the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative phases of care Secondary outcomes: newborn core temperature at birth, umbilical pH obtained immediately after birth, Apgar scores, length of Post Anesthetic Care Unit (PACU) stay, maternal thermal comfort. Search strategy A comprehensive search was undertaken of the following databases from their inception until May 2012: ProQuest, Web of Science, Scopus, Dissertation and Theses PQDT (via ProQuest), Current Contents, CENTRAL, Mednar, OpenGrey, Clinical Trials. There were no language restrictions. Methodological quality Retrieved papers were assessed for methodological quality by two independent reviewers prior to inclusion using JBI software. Disagreements were resolved via consultation with the third reviewer. An assessment of quality of the included papers was also made in relation to five key quality factors. Data collection Two independent reviewers extracted data from the included papers using a previously piloted customized data extraction tool. Results 12 studies with a combined total of 719 participants were included. Three broad intervention groups were identified; intravenous (IV) fluid warming, warming devices, leg wrapping. IV fluid warming, whether administered intraoperatively or preoperatively, was found to be effective at maintaining maternal (but not neonatal) temperature and preventing shivering, but does not improve thermal comfort. The effectiveness of IV fluid warming on Apgar scores and umbilical pH remains unclear. Warming devices, including forced air warming and under body carbon polymer mattresses, were effective at preventing hypothermia and reduced shivering, however were most effective if applied preoperatively. The effectiveness of warming devices to improve thermal comfort remains unclear. Preoperative forced air warming appears to aid maintenance of neonatal temperature, while intraoperative forced air warming does not. Forced air warming was not effective at improving Apgar scores and the effects for umbilical pH remain unclear. Conclusions Intravenous fluid warming, by any method, improves maternal temperature and reduces shivering for women undergoing CS. Preoperative body warming devices also improve maternal temperature, in addition to reducing shivering.