956 resultados para INTRAOCULAR-PRESSURE


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Aims: To investigate IOP measurements with the dynamic contour tonometer (DCT) and non contact tonometer (NCT) in subjects with keratoconus. Methods: Twenty keratoconic subjects and 20 age-matched control subjects had IOP measurements taken using DCT and NCT instruments. Central and offcentre measures were taken with the DCT in order to highlight any systematic errors associated with corneal biomechanical factors. Measures of anterior and posterior corneal topography and thickness were also taken for each subject. Results: No significant difference was found between the central and off-centre DCT IOP readings for the keratoconics and age-matched controls (p>0.05). The average DCT IOP for the keratoconics was 14.2 ± 1.4 mmHg and for the agematched controls was 14.2 ± 1.6 mmHg. However, the average NCT readings differed significantly (p<0.001) between the keratoconics (9.2 ± 1.5 mmHg) and age-matched controls (12.9 ± 2.4 mmHg). DCT IOP showed no significant (p>0.05) correlation with the severity of keratoconus, as determined through measures of corneal topography and thickness. NCT IOP was correlated significantly with certain measures of corneal curvature and thickness in the keratoconic population. The difference between DCT and NCT IOP was strongly correlated with measures of corneal topography and thickness, with differences increasing for more advanced keratoconus. Conclusions: The measurements from the DCT do not appear to be dependent upon corneal factors, unlike the NCT. The presence or severity of keratoconus was not correlated with DCT IOP values.


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Aims: To investigate the change that occurs in intraocular pressure (IOP) and ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) with accommodation in young adult myopes and emmetropes. Methods: Fifteen progressing myopic and 17 emmetropic young adult subjects had their IOP and OPA measured using the Pascal dynamic contour tonometer. Measurements were taken initially with accommodation relaxed, and then following 2 min of near fixation (accommodative demand 3 D). Baseline measurements of axial length and corneal thickness were also collected prior to the IOP measures. Results: IOP significantly decreased with accommodation in both the myopic and emmetropic subjects (mean change 1.861.1 mm Hg, p<0.0001). There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between myopes and emmetropes in terms of baseline IOP or the magnitude of change in IOP with accommodation. OPA also decreased significantly with accommodation (mean change for all subjects 0.560.5, p<0.0001). The myopic subjects (baseline OPA 2.060.7 mm Hg) exhibited a significantly lower baseline OPA (p¼0.004) than the emmetropes (baseline OPA 3.261.3 mm Hg),and a significantly lower magnitude of change in OPA with accommodation. Conclusion: IOP decreases significantly with accommodation, and changes similarly in progressing myopic and emmetropic subjects. However, differences found between progressing myopes and emmetropes in the mean OPA levels and the decrease in OPA associated with accommodation suggested some changes in IOP dynamics associated with myopia.


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Background: To compare the intraocular pressure readings obtained with the iCare rebound tonometer and the 7CR non-contact tonometer with those measured by Goldmann applanation tonometry in treated glaucoma patients. Design: A prospective, cross sectional study was conducted in a private tertiary glaucoma clinic. Participants: 109 (54M:55F) patients including only eyes under medical treatment for glaucoma. Methods: Measurement by Goldmann applanation tonometry, iCare rebound tonometry and 7CR non-contact tonometry. Main Outcome Measures: Intraocular pressure. Results: There were strong correlations between the intraocular pressure measurements obtained with Goldmann and both the rebound and non-contact tonometers (Spearman r values ≥ 0.79, p < 0.001). However, there were small, statistically significant differences between the average readings for each tonometer. For the rebound tonometer, the mean intraocular pressure was slightly higher compared to the Goldmann applanation tonometer in the right eyes (p = 0.02), and similar in the left eyes (p = 0.93) however these differences did not reach statistical significance. The Goldmann correlated measurements from the noncontact tonometer were lower than the average Goldmann reading for both right (p < 0.001) and left (p > 0.01) eyes. The corneal compensated measurements from the non-contact tonometer were significantly higher compared to the other tonometers (p ≤ 0.001). Conclusions: The iCare rebound tonometer and the 7CR non-contact tonometer measure IOP in fundamentally different ways to the Goldmann applanation tonometer. The resulting IOP values vary between the instruments and will need to be considered when comparing clinical versus home acquired measurements.


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Purpose: To assess the accuracy of intraocular pressure(IOP) measurements using rebound tonometry over disposable hydrogel (etafilcon A) and silicone hydrogel (senofilcon A) contact lenses (CLs) of different powers. Methods: The experimental group comprised 36 subjects (19 male, 17 female). IOP measurements were undertaken on the subject’s right eyes in random order using a rebound tonometer (ICare). The CLs had powers of +2.00D, −2.00D and−6.00D. Six measurements were taken over each contact lens and also before and after the CLs had been worn. Results: A good correlation was found between IOP measurements with and without CLs (all r≥0.80; p < 0.05). Bland Altman plots did not show any significant trend in the difference in IOP readings with and without CLs as a function of IOP value. A two-way ANOVA revealed a significant effect of material and power (p < 0.01) but no interaction. All the comparisons between the measurements without CLs and with hydrogel CLs were significant (p < 0.01). The comparisons with silicone hydrogel CLs were not significant. Conclusions: Rebound tonometry can be reliably performed over silicone hydrogel CLs. With hydrogel CLs, the measurements were lower than those without CLs. However, despite the fact that these differences were statistically significant, their clinical significance was minimal.


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This study was designed to determine the Intraocular Pressure (IOP) response to differing levels of dehydration. Seven males participated in a 90 minute treadmill walk (5 km/h and 1 % grade) in both a cool (22 °C) and hot (43 °C) climate. At Baseline and at 30 minute intervals measurements of IOP, by tonometery, and indicators of hydration status (nude weight and plasma osmolality (Posm)) were taken. Body temperature and heart rate were also measured at these time points. Statistically significant interactions (time point (4) by trial (2)) were observed for IOP (F = 10.747, p = 0.009) and body weight loss (F = 50.083, p < 0.001) to decrease, and Posm (F = 34.867, p < 0.001) to increase, by a significantly greater amount during the hot trial compared to the cool. A univariate general linear model showed a significant relationship between IOP and body weight loss (F = 37.63, p < 0.001) and Posm (F = 38.53, p < 0.001). A significant interaction was observed for body temperature (F = 20.908, p < 0.001) and heart rate (F = 25.487, p < 0.001) between the trials and time points, but there was negligible association between these variables and IOP (Pearson correlation coefficient < ±0.5). The present study provides evidence to suggest that IOP is influenced by hydration status.


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AIM To assess the effects of eye rubbing on corneal thickness (CT) and intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements obtained 0-30min after habitual eye rubbing in symptomatic patients. METHODS Measurements of IOP and CT were obtained at five locations (central, temporal, superior, nasal and inferior) before, and every 5min for 30min interval after 30s of eye rubbing, for 25 randomly selected eyes of 14 subjects with ocular allergy and 11 age-matched normals. Differences in measurements were calculated in each group [Baseline measurements minus measurements recorded at each time interval after eye rubbing (for IOP), and for each corneal location (for CT)] and comparison were then made between groups (allergic versus control) for differences in any observed effects. RESULTS Within groups, baseline mean IOPs in the allergic patient-group (14.2±3.0 mm Hg) and in the control group (13.1±1.9 mm Hg) were similar at all times, after eye rubbing (P >0.05, for all). The maximum reduction in IOP was 0.8 mm Hg in the control subjects and the maximum increase was also 0.8 mm Hg in the allergic subjects. Between groups (allergic versus control), the changes in IOP remained under 1 mm Hg at all times (P=0.2) after 30min of eye rubbing. Between 0 and 30min of CT measurements after eye rubbing, the mean central CT (CCT), inferior CT (ICT), superior CT (SCT), temporal CT (TCT) and nasal CT (NCT) did not vary significantly from baseline values in the control and allergic-subject groups (P>0.05, for both). Between both groups, changes in CT were similar at all locations (P>0.05) except for the TC which was minimally thinner by about 4.4 µm (P=0.001) in the allergic subjects than in the control subjects, 30min following 30s of eye rubbing. CONCLUSION IOP measured in allergic subjects after 30s of habitual eye rubbing was comparable with that obtained in normal subjects at all times between 0 and 30min. Although, CT in the allergic subjects were similar to those of the control subjects at all times, it varied between +10 and -7.5 µm following eye rubbing, with the temporal cornea showing consistent reductions in thickness in the subjects with allergy. However, this reduction was minimal and was considered to not be clinically relevant.


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We sought to evaluate central corneal thickness (CCT), corneal endothelial cell density (ECD) and intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and to associate potential differences with diabetes duration and treatment modality in a prospective, randomized study. We measured ECD, CCT and IOP of 125 patients with type 2 DM (mean age 57.1¡11.5 years) and compared them with 90 age-matched controls. Measured parameters were analyzed for association with diabetes duration and glucose control modalities (insulin injection or oral medication) while controlling for age. In the diabetic group, the mean ECD (2511¡252 cells/mm2), mean CCT (539.7¡33.6 mm) and mean IOP (18.3¡2.5 mmHg) varied significantly from those the control group [ECD: 2713¡132 cells/mm2 (P,0.0001), CCT: 525.0¡45.3 mm (P50.003) and IOP: 16.7¡1.8 mmHg (P,0.0001)]. ECD was significantly reduced by about 32 cell/mm2 for diabetics with duration of .10 years when compared with those with duration of ,10 years (P,0.05). CCT was thicker and IOP was higher for diabetics with duration of .10 years than those with duration of ,10 years (P.0.05). None of the measured parameters was significantly associated with diabetes duration and treatment modality (P.0.05). In conclusion, subjects with type 2 DM exhibit significant changes in ECD, IOP and CCT, which, however, are not correlated with disease duration or if the patients receive on insulin injection or oral medications.


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Changes to the redox status of biological systems have been implicated in the pathogenesis of a wide variety of disorders including cancer, Ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury and neurodegeneration. In times of metabolic stress e.g. ischaemia/reperfusion, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production overwhelms the intrinsic antioxidant capacity of the cell, damaging vital cellular components. The ability to quantify ROS changes in vivo, is therefore essential to understanding their biological role. Here we evaluate the suitability of a novel reversible profluorescent probe containing a redox-sensitive nitroxide moiety (methyl ester tetraethylrhodamine nitroxide, ME-TRN), as an in vivo, real-time reporter of retinal oxidative status. The reversible nature of the probe's response offers the unique advantage of being able to monitor redox changes in both oxidizing and reducing directions in real time. After intravitreal administration of the ME-TRN probe, we induced ROS production in rat retina using an established model of complete, acute retinal ischaemia followed by reperfusion. After restoration of blood flow, retinas were imaged using a Micron III rodent fundus fluorescence imaging system, to quantify the redox-response of the probe. Fluorescent intensity declined during the first 60 min of reperfusion. The ROS-induced change in probe fluorescence was ameliorated with the retinal antioxidant, lutein. Fluorescence intensity in non-Ischemia eyes did not change significantly. This new probe and imaging technology provide a reversible and real-time response to oxidative changes and may allow the in vivo testing of antioxidant therapies of potential benefit to a range of diseases linked to oxidative stress


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To discover quantitative trait loci for intraocular pressure, amajor risk factor for glaucoma and the only modifiable one,weperformed agenome-wide association studyonadiscoverycohort of2175individualsfromSydney, Australia. We found a novel association between intraocular pressure and a common variant at 7p21 near to GLCCI1 and ICA1. The findings in this region were confirmed through two UK replication cohorts totalling 4866 individuals (rs59072263, Pcombined = 1.10 × 10-8). A copy of the G allele at this SNP is associated with an increase in mean IOP of 0.45 mmHg (95%CI = 0.30-0.61 mmHg). These results lend support to the implication of vesicle trafficking and glucocorticoid inducibility pathways in the determination of intraocular pressure and in the pathogenesis of primary open-angle glaucoma.


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Purpose To investigate if the accuracy of intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements using rebound tonometry over disposable hydrogel (etafilcon A) contact lenses (CL) is affected by the positive power of the CLs. Methods The experimental group comprised 26 subjects, (8 male, 18 female). IOP measurements were undertaken on the subjects’ right eyes in random order using a Rebound Tonometer (ICare). The CLs had powers of +2.00D and +6.00D. Measurements were taken over each contact lens and also before and after the CLs had been worn. Results The IOP measure obtained with both CLs was significantly lower compared to the value without CLs (t test; p<0.001) but no significant difference was found between the two powers of CLs. Conclusions Rebound tonometry over positive hydrogel CLs leads to a certain degree of IOP underestimation. This result didn’t change for the two positive lenses used in the experiment, despite their large difference in power and therefore in lens thickness. Optometrists should bear this in mind when measuring IOP with the rebound tonometer over plus power contact lenses.