965 resultados para INTERNET ACCESS
Report for the Iowa Utilities Board and the Iowa Department of Economic Development
Report for Iowa Utilities Board
Report for the Iowa Utilities Board.
The primary objective of the Fourth Assessment is to evaluate the level of progress in the deployment of high-speed Internet technologies in the State of Iowa.
The primary objective of the Fifth Assessment is to evaluate the level of progress in the deployment of high-speed Internet technologies in the State of Iowa.
This Assessment gauges the availability of highspeed Internet access to both rural and non-rural Iowans. The Board continues to evaluate the progress in the deployment of high-speed Internet access through this Sixth Assessment, including information related to Internet speeds available to consumers and pricing of high-speed Internet services. Comparison of this Assessment with the earlier efforts is critical if a clear perspective on the developing availability of high-speed Internet access to all residents of the State of Iowa is desired.
As ever more devices are connected to the internet, and applications turn ever more interactive, it becomes more important that the network can be counted on to respond reliably and without unnecessary delay. However, this is far from always the case today, as there can be many potential sources of unnecessary delay. In this thesis we focus on one of them: Excess queueing delay in network routers along the path, also known as bufferbloat. We focus on the home network, and treat the issue in three stages. We examine latency variation and queueing delay on the public internet and show that significant excess delay is often present. Then, we evaluate several modern AQM algorithms and packet schedulers in a residential setting, and show that modern AQMs can almost entirely eliminate bufferbloat and extra queueing latency for wired connections, but that they are not as effective for WiFi links. Finally, we go on to design and implement a solution for bufferbloat at the WiFi link, and also design a workable scheduler-based solution for realising airtime fairness in WiFi. Also included in this thesis is a description of Flent, a measurement tool used to perform most of the experiments in the other papers, and also used widely in the bufferbloat community.
RESUMO: A presente investigação incide no estudo da influência das dimensões do controlo do acesso à Internet, propostas por Hackman e Oldham (1975), e das facetas da satisfação com o trabalho, propostas por Spector (1985) num contexto organizacional. Os dados foram obtidos através da aplicação de três escalas avaliativas: o "Job Diagnostic Survey" (JDS), o "Job Satisfaction Survey" (JSS), e uma escala criada para avaliar as dimensões do controlo do acesso à Internet. O estudo incidiu numa amostra de conveniência, constituída por 135 colaboradores pertencentes a três organizações. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que apenas três dimensões revelaram relações de antecedência com as dimensões da satisfação com o trabalho: no bloqueio a páginas e aplicações foram identificadas relações de antecedência com a da satisfação com os benefícios adicionais e com a promoção. Quanto à voz nas políticas da organização foram identificadas relações com a satisfação com os colegas, e com a natureza do trabalho. E na legislação foram identificadas relações com a satisfação com as recompensas contingenciais, com as condições operantes e com a comunicação. Os resultados levaram à não confirmação do modelo em análise, por não estar em linha com o quadro teórico estabelecido. Foram discutidas algumas das implicações dos resultados obtidos. ABSTRACT: The current research focus in the study of influence between the Internet Access control dimensions, proposed in this study, and the global Job satisfaction, proposed by Hackman e Oldham (1975) and the job satisfaction facets proposed by Spector (1985) in a organizationsl context. The data eas obtained through the application of three scales: num contexto organizacional. "Job Diagnostic Survey" (JDS), the "Job Satisfaction Survey" (JSS),and a scale that was created to evaluate the internet Access control. The study focused on a convenience sample, constituted by 135 participants from three organizations. The results show that only three dimensions revealed to have an antecedent relationship with the job satisfaction dimensions: in the websites and applications blocking, it was identified as having an antecedent relationship with the satisfaction with fringe benefits and promotion. Voice in the organizational policies was verified as an antecedent to the dimensions of the satisfaction with the coworkers and with the nature of work. And finally, the legislation was confirmed as an antecedent in the relationship with the dimensions satisfaction with contingent rewards, operating conditions and communication. The results led to the non confirmation of the studied theoretical model. Some of these results implications were discussed.
Hoje em dia existem múltiplas aplicações multimédia na Internet, sendo comum qualquer website apresentar mais de uma forma de visualização de informação além do texto como, por exemplo: imagens, áudio, vídeo e animação. Com aumento do consumo e utilização de Smartphone e Tablets, o volume de tráfego de internet móvel tem vindo a crescer rapidamente, bem como o acesso à internet através da televisão. As aplicações web-based ganham maior relevância devido à maior partilha ou consumo de conteúdos multimédia, com ou sem edição ou manipulação da mesma, através de redes sociais, como o Facebook. Neste documento é apresentado o estudo de alternativas HTML5 e a implementação duma aplicação web-based no âmbito do Mestrado de Engenharia Informática, ramo de Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia, no Instituto Superior Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). A aplicação tem como objetivo a edição e manipulação de imagens, tanto em desktop como em dispositivos móveis, sendo este processo exclusivamente feito no lado do cliente, ou seja, no Browser do utilizador. O servidor é usado somente para o armazenamento da aplicação. Durante o desenvolvimento do projeto foi realizado um estudo de soluções de edição e manipulação de imagem existentes no mercado, com a respetiva análise de comparação e apresentadas tecnologias Web modernas como HTML5, CSS3 e JavaScript, que permitirão desenvolver o protótipo. Posteriormente, serão apresentadas, detalhadamente, as várias fases do desenvolvimento de um protótipo, desde a análise do sistema, à apresentação do protótipo e indicação das tecnologias utilizadas. Também serão apresentados os resultados dos inquéritos efetuados a um grupo de pessoas que testaram esse protótipo. Finalmente, descrever-se-á de forma mais exaustiva, a implementação e serão apontadas dificuldades encontradas ao longo do desenvolvimento, bem como indicadas futuras melhorias a introduzir.
BACKGROUND: Internet is commonly used by the general population, notably for health information-seeking. There has been little research into its use by patients treated for a psychiatric disorder. AIM: To evaluate the use of internet by patients with psychiatric disorders in searching for general and medical information. METHODS: In 2007, 319 patients followed in a university hospital psychiatric out-patient clinic, completed a 28-items self-administered questionnaire. RESULTS: Two hundred patients surveyed were internet users. Most of them (68.5%) used internet in order to find health-related information. Only a small part of the patients knew and used criteria reflecting the quality of contents of the websites consulted. Knowledge of English and private Internet access were the factors significantly associated with the search of information on health on Internet. CONCLUSIONS: Internet is currently used by patients treated for psychiatric disorders, especially for medical seeking information.
There has been relatively little change over recent decades in the methods used in research on self-reported delinquency. Face-to-face interviews and selfadministered interviews in the classroom are still the predominant alternatives envisaged. New methods have been brought into the picture by recent computer technology, the Internet, and an increasing availability of computer equipment and Internet access in schools. In the autumn of 2004, a controlled experiment was conducted with 1,203 students in Lausanne (Switzerland), where "paper-and-pencil" questionnaires were compared with computer-assisted interviews through the Internet. The experiment included a test of two different definitions of the (same) reference period. After the introductory question ("Did you ever..."), students were asked how many times they had done it (or experienced it), if ever, "over the last 12 months" or "since the October 2003 vacation". Few significant differences were found between the results obtained by the two methods and for the two definitions of the reference period, in the answers concerning victimisation, self-reported delinquency, drug use, failure to respond (missing data). Students were found to be more motivated to respond through the Internet, take less time for filling out the questionnaire, and were apparently more confident of privacy, while the school principals were less reluctant to allow classes to be interviewed through the Internet. The Internet method also involves considerable cost reductions, which is a critical advantage if self-reported delinquency surveys are to become a routinely applied method of evaluation, particularly so in countries with limited resources. On balance, the Internet may be instrumental in making research on self-reported delinquency far more feasible in situations where limited resources so far have prevented its implementation.
The provision of Internet access to large numbers has traditionally been under the control of operators, who have built closed access networks for connecting customers. As the access network (i.e. the last mile to the customer) is generally the most expensive part of the network because of the vast amount of cable required, many operators have been reluctant to build access networks in rural areas. There are problems also in urban areas, as incumbent operators may use various tactics to make it difficult for competitors to enter the market. Open access networking, where the goal is to connect multiple operators and other types of service providers to a shared network, changes the way in which networks are used. This change in network structure dismantles vertical integration in service provision and enables true competition as no service provider can prevent others fromcompeting in the open access network. This thesis describes the development from traditional closed access networks towards open access networking and analyses different types of open access solution. The thesis introduces a new open access network approach (The Lappeenranta Model) in greater detail. The Lappeenranta Model is compared to other types of open access networks. The thesis shows that end users and service providers see local open access and services as beneficial. In addition, the thesis discusses open access networking in a multidisciplinary fashion, focusing on the real-world challenges of open access networks.
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit des technologies de l'information"
Tout employeur qui fournit l'accès Internet au sein de son entreprise a intérêt à surveiller l'usage qui en est fait par ses employés, que ce soit pour maximiser les avantages ou pour réduire les risques liés à l'utilisation d'Internet au travail. Tout employeur a d'ailleurs le droit d'exercer une telle surveillance, sous réserve toutefois des droits des personnes surveillées. La mise en place d'une surveillance de l'utilisation d'Internet au travail peut porter atteinte à la vie privée des employés ou à leur droit à des conditions de travail justes et raisonnables, et peut également porter atteinte au droit à la vie privée des tiers indirectement visés par la surveillance. Dans ce contexte, afin de s'assurer que la surveillance est exercée dans les limites de ses droits, l'employeur doit franchir deux étapes de réflexion essentielles. L'employeur doit en premier lieu déterminer le niveau d'expectative raisonnable de vie privée des personnes surveillées, lequel niveau s'apprécie à la lumière d'une série de facteurs. L'employeur doit par ailleurs respecter les critères de rationalité et de proportionnalité. Ces critères requièrent notamment que l'employeur identifie les motifs sous-jacents à la surveillance ainsi que la manière dont la surveillance sera exercée. Une fois ces deux étapes franchies, l'employeur sera en mesure d'identifier les obligations auxquelles il est soumis dans le cadre de la mise en place de la surveillance.
Mobile internet represents a major new trend in communication technologies use and consumption, but few evidence exists that confirms claims of novelty and social change in association with this technology use. This paper characterizes the use of mobile internet in a southern European country and associated patterns of use, focusing both on users’ profiles, forms of access, motivations to use and most popular activities undertaken via this technology, from a diffusion of innovations and social adoption of technologies perspectives, and tries to compare mobile it with fixed access to the internet in order to validate possible transformations that point to new social configurations. We seek to understand the way stakeholders perceive and characterize the European context of mobile internet. The depicted study involved a qualitative stage consisting of a set of interviews with mobile communications industry representatives and market research community in the country. These interviews were analysed in Nvivo, leading to the following eleven main categories that are explored throughout the paper: smartphones in Europe, mobile internet in Europe, users profiles, obstacles to the spread, forms of access, forms of use, motivations to use mobile internet, limitations of smartphones, apps, digital divide VS digital union and predictions for the future, as well as several subcategories forming a tree categorization. According to the data collected, mobile phones’ sales are decreasing in Europe and worldwide but on the other hand smartphones are having an exponential growth which leads to the democratization of internet access via mobile devices. As a consequence of this, it is believed that mobile internet access will soon exceed the fixed one. Mobile internet users are multiplatform, they exploit all the possibilities of mobility and they are spending less time on computers. The main obstacles to the spread of mobile internet are the high prices of price plans and there is still a lack of information and knowledge regarding the service. Mobile internet users are developing new online surfing behaviours based on apps and less in browsers and social networks represent a very high share of internet traffic through mobile phones. With mobility, “dead time” is turning into useful time and users are more likely to be available to try new services and analyze products. Innovative services concerning geolocation, consumerism, share and relationships are growing and it is necessary to highlight that mobile internet allows calling and texting, which can turn telecommunications companies into the role of Dump Pipes. This exploratory design raises questions in relation with mobile internet access and its social consequences, and provides interesting indicative research results relevant for future research in this area.