998 resultados para INTERNAL FAULT


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The multiterminal dc wind farm is a promising topology with a voltage-source inverter (VSI) connection at the onshore grid. Voltage-source converters (VSCs) are robust to ac-side fault conditions. However, they are vulnerable to dc faults on the dc side of the converter. This paper analyzes dc faults, their transients, and the resulting protection issues. Overcurrent faults are analyzed in detail and provide an insight into protection system design. The radial wind farm topology with star or string connection is considered. The outcomes may be applicable for VSCs in the multi-VSC dc wind farm collection grid and VSC-based high-voltage direct current (HVDC) offshore transmission systems.


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Transformers are very important elements of any power system. Unfortunately, they are subjected to through-faults and abnormal operating conditions which can affect not only the transformer itself but also other equipment connected to the transformer. Thus, it is essential to provide sufficient protection for transformers as well as the best possible selectivity and sensitivity of the protection. Nowadays microprocessor-based relays are widely used to protect power equipment. Current differential and voltage protection strategies are used in transformer protection applications and provide fast and sensitive multi-level protection and monitoring. The elements responsible for detecting turn-to-turn and turn-to-ground faults are the negative-sequence percentage differential element and restricted earth-fault (REF) element, respectively. During severe internal faults current transformers can saturate and slow down the speed of relay operation which affects the degree of equipment damage. The scope of this work is to develop a modeling methodology to perform simulations and laboratory tests for internal faults such as turn-to-turn and turn-to-ground for two step-down power transformers with capacity ratings of 11.2 MVA and 290 MVA. The simulated current waveforms are injected to a microprocessor relay to check its sensitivity for these internal faults. Saturation of current transformers is also studied in this work. All simulations are performed with the Alternative Transients Program (ATP) utilizing the internal fault model for three-phase two-winding transformers. The tested microprocessor relay is the SEL-487E current differential and voltage protection relay. The results showed that the ATP internal fault model can be used for testing microprocessor relays for any percentage of turns involved in an internal fault. An interesting observation from the experiments was that the SEL-487E relay is more sensitive to turn-to-turn faults than advertized for the transformers studied. The sensitivity of the restricted earth-fault element was confirmed. CT saturation cases showed that low accuracy CTs can be saturated with a high percentage of turn-to-turn faults, where the CT burden will affect the extent of saturation. Recommendations for future work include more accurate simulation of internal faults, transformer energization inrush, and other scenarios involving core saturation, using the newest version of the internal fault model. The SEL-487E relay or other microprocessor relays should again be tested for performance. Also, application of a grounding bank to the delta-connected side of a transformer will increase the zone of protection and relay performance can be tested for internal ground faults on both sides of a transformer.


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The development of algorithms, based on Haar functions, for extracting the desired frequency components from transient power-system relaying signals is presented. The applications of these algorithms to impedance detection in transmission line protection and to harmonic restraint in transformer differential protection are discussed. For transmission line protection, three modes of application of the Haar algorithms are described: a full-cycle window algorithm, an approximate full-cycle window algorithm, and a half-cycle window algorithm. For power transformer differential protection, the combined second and fifth harmonic magnitude of the differential current is compared with that of fundamental to arrive at a trip decision. The proposed line protection algorithms are evaluated, under different fault conditions, using realistic relaying signals obtained from transient analysis conducted on a model 400 kV, 3-phase system. The transformer differential protection algorithms are also evaluated using a variety of simulated inrush and internal fault signals.


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An experimental platform that allows application of internal faults on the armature windings of a specially modified synchronous generator in a controlled environment is described. It allows recording and studying current and voltage waveforms of internal fault conditions that may occur in a synchronous generator. Thus, traditional and new protection functions can be tested by using real data, and the transient response of the machine due to internal faults can be analyzed more closely. The hardware-software platform is described in detail, as well as all its control functions. The results can contribute significantly in new protection developments, as well as for educational purposes.


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A power transformer needs continuous monitoring and fast protection as it is a very expensive piece of equipment and an essential element in an electrical power system. The most common protection technique used is the percentage differential logic, which provides discrimination between an internal fault and different operating conditions. Unfortunately, there are some operating conditions of power transformers that can mislead the conventional protection affecting the power system stability negatively. This study proposes the development of a new algorithm to improve the protection performance by using fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms. An electrical power system was modelled using Alternative Transients Program software to obtain the operational conditions and fault situations needed to test the algorithm developed, as well as a commercial differential relay. Results show improved reliability, as well as a fast response of the proposed technique when compared with conventional ones.


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Os sistemas de proteção dos elementos da rede elétrica desempenham um papel de fundamental importância na segurança e confiabilidade dos sistemas de potência. A não atuação ou a atuação incorreta dos relés de proteção durante uma falta localizada em um componente da rede pode transformar-se em um evento sistêmico de grandes proporções (blecaute). Esses eventos trazem riscos e elevados prejuízos econômicos à sociedade. A proteção dos geradores síncronos, apesar do alto custo e complexidade deste tipo de equipamento, não recebe a mesma atenção na literatura que a dedicada à proteção de outros elementos da rede, como, por exemplo, a das linhas de transmissão. Isso decorre do menor número de geradores existentes na rede e também da ideia que as faltas neste tipo de equipamento são menos frequentes. Este trabalho aborda os principais aspectos envolvidos com o projeto de um sistema de proteção para geradores síncronos de grande porte. Incialmente, discutese os principais conceitos associados com os geradores, de interesse para a tarefa de proteção. Particular atenção é dedicada às formas de aterramento e aos critérios adotados para projeto do resistor de aterramento utilizado nesse equipamento. Em seguida, apresentam-se as principais funções de proteção aplicáveis aos geradores, particularmente aquelas voltadas para a detecção de faltas nos enrolamentos do estator. Discute-se também os critérios de ajustes dos parâmetros dessas funções. Descreve-se o uso de uma plataforma laboratorial, baseada em simulador de tempo real (RTDS), para ensaio e análise do sistema de proteção visando validar seu correto desempenho frente às possíveis condições operativas que podem ser encontradas em campo. Finalmente, utilizando os conceitos desenvolvidos ao longo do trabalho, desenvolve-se um estudo de caso, onde é realizado o projeto e implementação do sistema de proteção dos geradores de uma usina hidrelétrica hipotética. Para avaliar e analisar o desempenho do sistema de proteção dessa rede exemplo, parametrizou-se o IED G60 (GE) e realizou-se inúmeras simulações na plataforma de testes proposta.


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This paper presents a statistical-based fault diagnosis scheme for application to internal combustion engines. The scheme relies on an identified model that describes the relationships between a set of recorded engine variables using principal component analysis (PCA). Since combustion cycles are complex in nature and produce nonlinear relationships between the recorded engine variables, the paper proposes the use of nonlinear PCA (NLPCA). The paper further justifies the use of NLPCA by comparing the model accuracy of the NLPCA model with that of a linear PCA model. A new nonlinear variable reconstruction algorithm and bivariate scatter plots are proposed for fault isolation, following the application of NLPCA. The proposed technique allows the diagnosis of different fault types under steady-state operating conditions. More precisely, nonlinear variable reconstruction can remove the fault signature from the recorded engine data, which allows the identification and isolation of the root cause of abnormal engine behaviour. The paper shows that this can lead to (i) an enhanced identification of potential root causes of abnormal events and (ii) the masking of faulty sensor readings. The effectiveness of the enhanced NLPCA based monitoring scheme is illustrated by its application to a sensor fault and a process fault. The sensor fault relates to a drift in the fuel flow reading, whilst the process fault relates to a partial blockage of the intercooler. These faults are introduced to a Volkswagen TDI 1.9 Litre diesel engine mounted on an experimental engine test bench facility.


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The adoption of each new level of automotive emissions legislation often requires the introduction of additional emissions reduction techniques or the development of existing emissions control systems. This, in turn, usually requires the implementation of new sensors and hardware which must subsequently be monitored by the on-board fault detection systems. The reliable detection and diagnosis of faults in these systems or sensors, which result in the tailpipe emissions rising above the progressively lower failure thresholds, provides enormous challenges for OBD engineers. This paper gives a review of the field of fault detection and diagnostics as used in the automotive industry. Previous work is discussed and particular emphasis is placed on the various strategies and techniques employed. Methodologies such as state estimation, parity equations and parameter estimation are explained with their application within a physical model diagnostic structure. The utilization of symptoms and residuals in the diagnostic process is also discussed. These traditional physical model based diagnostics are investigated in terms of their limitations. The requirements from the OBD legislation are also addressed. Additionally, novel diagnostic techniques, such as principal component analysis (PCA) are also presented as a potential method of achieving the monitoring requirements of current and future OBD legislation.


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Enhanced Scan design can significantly improve the fault coverage for two pattern delay tests at the cost of exorbitantly high area overhead. The redundant flip-flops introduced in the scan chains have traditionally only been used to launch the two-pattern delay test inputs, not to capture tests results. This paper presents a new, much lower cost partial Enhanced Scan methodology with both improved controllability and observability. Facilitating observation of some hard to observe internal nodes by capturing their response in the already available and underutilized redundant flip-flops improves delay fault coverage with minimal or almost negligible cost. Experimental results on ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits show significant improvement in TDF fault coverage for this new partial enhance scan methodology.


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A new scheme for robust estimation of the partial state of linear time-invariant multivariable systems is presented, and it is shown how this may be used for the detection of sensor faults in such systems. We consider an observer to be robust if it generates a faithful estimate of the plant state in the face of modelling uncertainty or plant perturbations. Using the Stable Factorization approach we formulate the problem of optimal robust observer design by minimizing an appropriate norm on the estimation error. A logical candidate is the 2-norm, corresponding to an H�¿ optimization problem, for which solutions are readily available. In the special case of a stable plant, the optimal fault diagnosis scheme reduces to an internal model control architecture.


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The architecture of model predictive control (MPC), with its explicit internal model and constrained optimization is presented. Since MPC relies on an explicit internal model, one can imagine dealing with failures by updating the internal model, and letting the on-line optimizer work out how to control the system in its new condition. This aspects rely on assumptions such that the nature of the fault can be located, and the model can be updated automatically. A standard form of MPC, with linear inequality constraints on inputs and outputs, linear internal model, and quadriatic cost function.