608 resultados para INFANTILE PARKINSONISM


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Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting from cerebral catecholamine deficiency. Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency has been reported in fewer than 40 patients worldwide. To recapitulate all available evidence on clinical phenotypes and rational diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for this devastating, but treatable, neurometabolic disorder, we studied 36 patients with tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency and reviewed the literature. Based on the presenting neurological features, tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency can be divided in two phenotypes: an infantile onset, progressive, hypokinetic-rigid syndrome with dystonia (type A), and a complex encephalopathy with neonatal onset (type B). Decreased cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of homovanillic acid and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethylene glycol, with normal 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid cerebrospinal fluid concentrations, are the biochemical hallmark of tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency. The homovanillic acid concentrations and homovanillic acid/5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid ratio in cerebrospinal fluid correlate with the severity of the phenotype. Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency is almost exclusively caused by missense mutations in the TH gene and its promoter region, suggesting that mutations with more deleterious effects on the protein are incompatible with life. Genotype-phenotype correlations do not exist for the common c.698G > A and c.707T > C mutations. Carriership of at least one promotor mutation, however, apparently predicts type A tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency. Most patients with tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency can be successfully treated with l-dopa.


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Clinical data from 50 mentally retarded (MR) males in nine X-linked MR families, syndromic and non-specific, with mutations (duplication, expansion, missense, and deletion mutations) in the Aristaless related homeobox gene, ARX, were analysed. Seizures were observed with all mutations and occurred in 29 patients, including one family with a novel myoclonic epilepsy syndrome associated with the missense mutation. Seventeen patients had infantile spasms. Other phenotypes included mild to moderate MR alone, or with combinations of dystonia, ataxia or autism. These data suggest that mutations in the ARX gene are important causes of MR, often associated with diverse neurological manifestations. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Mutations in SCN1A, the gene encoding the alpha1 subunit of the sodium channel, have been found in severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI) and generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS(+)). Mutations in SMEI include missense, nonsense, and frameshift mutations more commonly arising de novo in affected patients. This finding is difficult to reconcile with the family history of GEFS(+) in a significant proportion of patients with SMEI Infantile spasms (IS), or West syndrome, is a severe epileptic encephalopathy that is usually symptomatic. In some cases, no etiology is found and there is a family history of epilepsy. Method: The authors screened SCN1A in 24 patients with SMEI and 23 with IS. Results: Mutations were found in 8 of 24 (33%) SMEI patients, a frequency much lower than initial reports from Europe and Japan. One mutation near the carboxy terminus was identified in an IS patient. A family history of seizures was found in 17 of 24 patients with SMEI. Conclusions: The rate of SCN1A mutations in this cohort of SMEI patients suggests that other factors may be important in SMEI. Less severe mutations associated with GEFS(+) could interact with other loci to cause SMEI in cases with a family history of GEFS(+). This study extends the phenotypic heterogeneity of mutations in SCN1A to include IS.


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LRRK2 mutations can cause familial and sporadic Parkinson`s disease (PD) with Lewy-body pathology at post-mortem. Studies of olfaction in LRRK2 are sparse and incongruent. We applied a previously validated translation of the 16 item smell identification test from Sniffin` Sticks (SS-16) to 14 parkinsonian carriers of heterozygous G2019S LRRK2 mutation and compared with 106 PD patients and 118 healthy controls. The mean SS-16 score in LRRK2 was higher than in PD (p < 0.001, 95% CI for beta = -4.7 to -1.7) and lower than in controls (p = 0.007, 95% CI for beta = +0.6 to +3.6). In the LRRK2 group, subjects with low scores had significantly more dyskinesia. They also had younger age of onset, longer disease duration, and reported less frequently a family history of PD, but none of these other differences reached significance. Odor identification is diminished in LRRK2 parkinsonism but not to the same extent as in idiopathic PD. (C) 2010 Movement Disorder Society


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Childhood-onset mitochondrial encephalomyopathies are usually severe, relentlessly progressive conditions that have a fatal outcome. However, a puzzling infantile disorder, long known as `benign cytochrome c oxidase deficiency myopathy` is an exception because it shows spontaneous recovery if infants survive the first months of life. Current investigations cannot distinguish those with a good prognosis from those with terminal disease, making it very difficult to decide when to continue intensive supportive care. Here we define the principal molecular basis of the disorder by identifying a maternally inherited, homoplasmic m.14674T > C mt-tRNA(Glu) mutation in 17 patients from 12 families. Our results provide functional evidence for the pathogenicity of the mutation and show that tissue-specific mechanisms downstream of tRNA(Glu) may explain the spontaneous recovery. This study provides the rationale for a simple genetic test to identify infants with mitochondrial myopathy and good prognosis.


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We have observed in previous studies that 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced lesions in the nigrostriatal dopamine (DA) system promote increases of the astroglial basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2, bFGF) synthesis in the ascending DA pathways, event that could be modified by adrenosteroid hormones. Here, we first evaluated the changes of microglial reactivity in relation to the FGF-2-mediated trophic responses in the lesioned nigrostriatal DA system. 6-OHDA was injected into the left side of the rat substantia nigra. The OX42 immunohistochemistry combined with stereology showed the time course of the microglial activation. The OX42 immunoreactivity (IR) was already increased in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra (SNc) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) 2 h after the 6-OHDA injection, peaked on day 7, and remained increased on the 14th day time-interval. In the neostriatum, OX42 immunoreactive (ir) microglial profiles increased at 24 h, peaked at 72 h, was still increased at 7 days but not 14 days after the 6-OHDA injection. Two-colour immunofluorescence analysis of the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and OX42 IRs revealed the presence of small patches of TH IR within the activated microglia. A decreased FGF-2 IR was seen in the cytoplasm of DA neurons of the SNc and VTA as soon as 2 h after 6-OHDA injection. The majority of the DA FGF-2 ir cells of these regions had disappeared 72 h after neurotoxin. The astroglial FGF-2 IR increased in the SNc and VTA, which peaked on day 7. Two-colour immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase analyses of the FGF-2 and OX42 IRs revealed no FGF-2 IR within the reactive or resting microglia. Second, we have evaluated in a series of biochemical experiments whether adrenocortical manipulation can interfere with the nigral lesion and the state of local astroglial reaction, looking at the TH and GFAP levels respectively. Rats were adrenalectomized (ADX) and received a nigral 6-OHDA stereotaxical injection 2 days later and sacrificed up to 3 weeks after the DA lesion. Western blot analysis showed time-dependent decrease and elevation of TH and GFAP levels, respectively, in the lesioned versus contralateral midbrain sides, events potentiated by ADX and worsened by corticosterone replacement. ADX decreased the levels of FGF-2 protein (23 kDa isoform) in the lesioned side of the ventral midbrain compared contralaterally. The results indicate that reactive astroglia, but not reactive microglia, showed an increased FGF-2 IR in the process of DA cell degeneration induced by 6-OHDA. However, interactions between these glial cells may be relevant to the mechanisms which trigger the increased astroglial FGF-2 synthesis and thus may be related to the trophic state of DA neurons and the repair processes following DA lesion. The findings also gave further evidence that adrenocortical hormones may regulate astroglial-mediated trophic mechanisms and wound repair events in the lesioned DA system that may be relevant to the progression of Parkinson`s disease.


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Background: Airway structural changes occur early in childhood asthma, but it is unknown whether the development of airway alterations in children is similar to that of adults. We compared inflammation and remodeling parameters in allergic sensitized infantile, juvenile, and adult mice. Methods: Infantile mice (18D) were sensitized with three intraperitoneal injections (i.p.) of ovalbumin (OVA) at days 5 and 7 and challenged with OVA at days 14-16. The 18D1 group received an additional challenge at days 9-11. The juvenile mice (40D) received challenges at days 22-24 and 36-38. Adult mice (100D) were sensitized at days 60-62 and received three inhalations at days 77-79 and 96-98. Animals were submitted to whole body plethysmography. Airway eosinophils, CD3+ T-lymphocytes, IL-5+ cells, mucus content, collagen and reticular fibers density, and smooth muscle thickness were quantified. Results: All sensitized animals presented with airway hyperresponsiveness, without differences in eosinophil cell density The density of CD3+ T-cells was higher in the 100D and 1801 groups than in the 18D and 40D groups. Infantile sensitized groups demonstrated increased interleukin-5 expression in the airways. Infantile mice demonstrated more mucus in the bronchiolar epithelium than the 40D and 100D mice. The 18D animals demonstrated less collagen than the 18D1 group. Juvenile and adult mice had increased airway smooth muscle thickness when compared to age-matched controls, but no differences were observed in the infantile groups. Conclusion: We have shown that infantile mice develop inflammatory and structural alterations in the airways that are partially different from those developed in older animals. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2011;46:650-665. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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To describe clinical and ultrasound findings in a patient with infantile systemic hyalinosis (ISH). A 5-month-old boy was evaluated of joint contractures. In addition to clinical and laboratory investigations, an ultrasound of his joints was done and compared to a child with similar age. On examination, a short neck, gingival hyperplasia and papular rash were noted. Joint examination showed painful passive movement, reduced range of motion, and joint contractures in knees, elbows, and small joints of the hands, without any evidence of synovial thickness. Ultrasound of the affected joints showed irregular cortical surface of MCPs and PIP, the presence of osteophytes and bone erosions, increased synovial fluid without evidence of synovial hyperplasia. This is the first report to show evidence of US findings in ISH. Ultrasound findings may help to distinguish ISH from JIA in early stages.


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A serological study was carried out to evaluate the causal relationship of acute diarrhoea and rotavirus in children under five years of age. The rotaviral infection was demonstrated in paired sera by determining the antibody titers by immunofluorescence test (IF). Bovine rotavirus-infected MA-104 cell culture was used as substratum for IF. Out of 80 paired sera it was shown that 23 (28.75%) presented seroconversion, 19 (23.75%) samples showed a twofold increase in their titers and 38 (47.5%) had no increase in rotavirus antibody. This result is discussed on the light of previously obtained results on viral antigen detection by counterimmunoelectrosmophoresis (CIEOP).


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In order to estimate ages at which etiological agents of systemic mycoses initiate infection, histoplasmin and paracoccidioidin skin tests were performed in 344 children of both sexes, between 2 and 15 years old. They were selected from a statistically significant population sample Gral. San Martín city (Northeast Argentina). Tests were read 48h after injection and considered positive if a 5 mm on larger induration was present. Circulating antibodies were also evaluated by agar gel immunodiffusion. The overall infection rate for H. capsulatum was 9.2%, belonging to children from 4 to 14 years old, without significant differences among sexes. Five children from 2 to 14 years old were positive to paracoccidioidin (1.6%). None of the children had specific antibodies neither signs of active mycosis. Results show H. capsulatum infection can be found from age 4, while for P. brasiliensis the lower limit was two years old. These findings may contribute to better knowledge on infantile fungal infection in a geographical region where no previous references can be found.


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Infantile cystinosis is a rare disorder which leftuntreated results in end -stage renal disease early in life. Together with dehydration and electrolyte imbalance due to renal tubular Fanconi syndrome, endstage renal disease used to be the leading cause of death in children with cystinosis. Specific therapy with cysteamine (cystine -depleting agent) has changed the course of this disease. Instead of being fatal in childhood, it can nowadays be considered a multisystemic adult disorder. The authors report a case of a child diagnosed with Fanconi syndrome at 14 months of age and infantile cystinosis at 19 months of age in whom oral cysteamine treatment led to a good outcome during childhood.


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BACKGROUND: GM1 gangliosidosis is a rare disease due to mutations in the GLB1 gene and autosomal recessive deficiency of b-galactosidase. There is considerable overlap between classical phenotypes and clinical and imaging findings, which are often difficult to interpret. PATIENT: The patient in this study had dysmorphism, dysostosis, progressive dystonia, and T2 hypointensity in the basal ganglia. Partially similar clinical and radiologic findings were described previously in two reports. CONCLUSIONS: T2 hypointensity in the globus pallidus should, in the appropriate clinical setting, lead to consideration of thediagnosis of GM1 gangliosidosis.


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INTRODUCTION: Infantile hemangioma (IH) is one of the most common childhood tumors. There are various medical or surgical therapeutic options, all with suboptimal results. Recently, the successful use of propranolol for involution of IH was described. We report the results of a single-center experience with this therapeutic option. OBJECTIVE: To prospectively assess the efficacy and safety of propranolol in children with infantile hemangioma. METHODS: We performed a prospective analysis of clinical data of all patients with IH referred to a pediatric cardiology center for baseline cardiovascular assessment prior to propranolol therapy. Propranolol was given at a starting dose of 1 mg/kg/day and titrated to a target dose of 2-3 mg/kg/day according to clinical response. Efficacy was assessed through a photograph-based severity scoring scale. Safety was assessed by collecting data regarding significant side effects. RESULTS: Starting in 2010, 30 patients (15 female) were referred for propranolol treatment of IH, at a median age of six months (1-63 months). The mean target propranolol dose was 2.8 mg/kg/day, with a mean duration of therapy of 12 months. All patients experienced significant reduction of IH size and volume. There were no side effects. CONCLUSIONS: In our experience propranolol appears to be a useful and safe treatment option for severe or complicated IH, achieving a rapid and significant reduction in their size. No adverse effects were observed, although until larger clinical trials are completed, potential adverse events should be borne in mind and consultation with local specialists is recommended prior to initiating treatment.