995 resultados para INDIAN BLACK EARTH


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Os solos de terra preta arqueológica são ricos em matéria orgânica, contêm fragmentos cerâmicos e artefatos líticos e apresentam nutrientes em concentrações mais elevadas do que outros tipos de solos. Com o intuito de contribuir com informações sobre concentrações de micronutrientes disponíveis em solos de terra preta, foram avaliadas através de extrações químicas sequenciais, a distribuição e disponibilidade de Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn em um perfil de terra preta arqueológica no município de Juruti, estado do Pará. As maiores concentrações de Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn no perfil são encontradas na fração residual. Este estudo mostrou que ferro, manganês e zinco são preferencialmente disponíveis a partir das frações, associados aos óxidos de Fe-Mn, variando de 1265,39 a 1818,12 mg kg-1, 0,83 a 48,51 mg kg-1 e 1,92 a 12,05 mg kg-1, respectivamente, e o cobre a partir da matéria orgânica, variando de 0,13 a 0,45 mg kg-1.


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Padrões de dispersão de nutrientes em terra preta Amazônica (TPA) podem dar informações sobre atividades antrópicas dos habitantes da Amazônia. Estudos sobre pH, fósforo disponível (P), matéria orgânica (MO) e os cátions trocáveis, Ca2+ e Mg2+, foram realizados em amostras de solos dos horizontes A1 e A2 ao longo de uma área com TPA (norte-sul e leste-oeste) em um sítio arqueológico denominado Ilha de Terra, na Unidade de Conservação Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, Município de Melgaço, Brasil. Os resultados indicaram que a MO e o Ca são os que apresentam maior dispersão. Correlações mais elevadas foram encontradas entre OM-Ca-Mg às proximidades da área central e levam a inferir que a dispersão geoquímica de MO, Ca, Mg e P em sítios arqueológicos com TPA está relacionada com atividades humanas pregressas.


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Neste trabalho realizou-se a caracterização química de fragmentos de artefatos cerâmicos encontrados em sítios arqueológicos com terra preta no Baixo Amazonas (Cachoeira-Porteira, Pará, Brasil), representativos da cultura Konduri (de 900 a 400 anos AP). Esses fragmentos são constituídos de SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O e P2O5, sendo que SiO2 e Al2O3, juntos, perfazem mais de 80 % em peso. Os teores de P2O,5 são relativamente elevados (2,37 % em média) sob a forma de (Al,Fe)-fosfatos, incomuns em cerâmicas vermelhas primitivas, mas encontrados em algumas cerâmicas arqueológicas egípcias e romanas. As concentrações dos elementos traços são comparáveis ou mesmo inferiores ao nível crustal, embora a composição total seja próxima a mesma. A composição química (exceto P2O5) em conjunto com os dados mineralógicos e texturais indicam material saprolítico derivado de rochas ígneas félsicas ou rochas sedimentares como matéria-prima das cerâmicas. Os teores de K, Ca e Na mostram que os feldspatos e fragmentos de rochas foram adicionados ao material argiloso, como sugerido pela mineralogia. Os altos teores de sílica respondem pela presença de cauixi, cariapé e/ou areias quartzosas. Fósforo deve ter sido incorporadoà matriz argilosa da cerâmica, quando do cozimento de alimentos nos vasos cerâmicos, e ainda, em parte, durante a formação do perfil de solo tipo ABE sobre Latossolos Amarelos. A matéria prima e os temperos (cauixi, cariapé, rochas trituradas e fragmentos de vasos cerâmicos descartados) encontram-se disponíveis próximos aos sítios até a atualidade, e, portanto foram a área fonte dos mesmos para a confecção dos artefatos cerâmicos.


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Sítios arqueológicos com Terra Preta, denominados de Terra Preta de Índio ou ainda Terra Preta Arqueológica (TPA) são muito freqüentes na Amazônia. As TPA geralmente contém fragmentos de vasos cerâmicos, por vezes abundantes, além de líticos, que são materiais de grande importância para os estudos arqueológicos. Para consubstanciar esses estudos, realizou-se pesquisas mineralógicas e químicas em fragmentos cerâmicos provenientes de dois sítios arqueológicos da região de Cachoeira-Porteira, Estado do Pará. Os fragmentos foram classificados segundo seus principais temperos em: cauixi, cariapé, areia+feldspatos e caco de vaso cerâmico. Mineralogicamente são compostos de quartzo, minerais de argila calcinados (especialmente caulinita), feldspatos (albita e microclínio), hematita, goethita, maghemita, variscita-estrengita, fosfatos amorfos, anatásio, e raramente apatita, rhabdophana e óxidos de Mn e Ba. Cauixi e cariapé são componentes orgânicos silicosos e amorfos a DRX. A composição mineralógica e a morfologia dos seus grãos indicam saprólito (material argiloso rico em quartzo) derivado de rochas ígneas félsicas de granulação fina ou rochas sedimentares ricas em argilominerais como matéria-prima dos vasos cerâmicos. Neste material argiloso cauixi, cariapé e/ou areias, ricas em sílica, foram intencionalmente adicionados. O elevado conteúdo de fosfatos de Al-Fe, amorfos ou como de baixa cristalinidade, originou-se a partir do contato entre a matriz argilosa da parede do vaso cerâmico com a solução aquosa quente durante o cozimento diário de alimentos de origem animal (principal fonte de fósforo). A cristalização dos fosfatos deve ter prosseguida mesmo depois que os vasos foram descartados, e juntos com os restos de matéria orgânica vegetal e animal incorporaram-se aos solos residuais. Participaram desta forma na formação dos solos tipo TPA.


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This study aims to determine the atomic ratio of O/C in an archaeological black earth (ABE) profile of the Ilha de Terra site, a region of Caxiuanã in the Pará State, Brazil, to determine the types of pyrogenic carbon (PyC) particles and to infer the source of biomass and burning temperature necessary to produce the PyC. The O/C ratios were monitored using scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). The results indicated atomic ratios for clay, silt and fine sand fractions that were between those registered for the PyC particles types: condensed combustion (CC) (0.09, 0.1, 0.13), charcoal (0.32, 0.31, 0.34) and char (0.43, 0.45, 0.52). CC is the predominant type of particle found because of the high firing temperature (> 350 °C), which is consistent with the probable biomass sources of wood, cellulose and lignin.


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In the Amazon Basin, within a landscape of infertile soils, fertile Anthrosols of pre-Columbian origin occur (Amazonian Dark Earths or terra preta de Indio). These soils are characterized by high amounts of charred organic matter (black carbon, biochar) and high nutrient stocks. Frequently, they were considered as sign for intensive landscape domestication by way of sedentary agriculture and as sign for large settlements in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Beyond the archaeological interest in Amazonian Dark Earths, they increasingly receive attention because it is assumed that they could serve as a model for sustainable agriculture in the humid tropics (terra preta nova). Both questions lack information about the pre-Columbian practices which were responsible for the genesis of Amazonian Dark Earths. It has often been hypothesized that deposition of faeces could have contributed to the high nutrient stocks in these soils, but no study has focussed on this question yet. We analyzed the biomarkers for faeces 5 beta-stanols as well as their precursors and their 5 alpha-isomers in Amazonian Dark Earths and reference soils to investigate the input of faeces into Amazonian Dark Earths. Using Amazonian Dark Earths as example, we discuss the application of threshold values for specific stanols to evaluate faeces deposition in archaeological soils and demonstrate an alternative approach which is based on a comparison of the concentration patterns of 5 beta-stanols with the concentration patterns of their precursors and their 5 alpha-isomers as well as with local backgrounds. The concentration patterns of sterols show that faeces were deposited on Amazonian Dark Earths. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Changes in bioavailability of phosphorus (P) during pedogenesis and ecosystem development have been shown for geogenic calcium phosphate (Ca-P). However, very little is known about long-term changes of biogenic Ca-P in soil. Long-term transformation characteristics of biogenic Ca-P were examined using anthropogenic soils along a chronosequence from centennial to millennial time scales. Phosphorus fractionation of Anthrosols resulted in overall consistency with the Walker and Syers model of geogenic Ca-P transformation during pedogenesis. The biogenic Ca-P (e.g., animal and fish bones) disappeared to 3% of total P within the first ca. 2,000 years of soil development. This change concurred with increases in P adsorbed on metal-oxides surfaces, organic P, and occluded P at different pedogenic time. Phosphorus K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy revealed that the crystalline and therefore thermodynamically most stable biogenic Ca-P was transformed into more soluble forms of Ca-P over time. While crystalline hydroxyapatite (34% of total P) dominated Ca-P species after about 600-1,000 years, beta-tricalcium phosphate increased to 16% of total P after 900-1,100 years, after which both Ca-P species disappeared. Iron-associated P was observable concurrently with Ca-P disappearance. Soluble P and organic P determined by XANES maintained relatively constant (58-65%) across the time scale studied. Disappearance of crystalline biogenic Ca-P on a time scale of a few thousand years appears to be ten times faster than that of geogenic Ca-P.


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Layered Fe-Mn crusts from the off-axis region of the first segment of the Central Indian Ridge north of the Rodrigues Triple Junction were studied geochemically and mineralogically. Vernadite (delta-MnO2) is the main mineral oxide phase. 230Thxs and Co concentrations suggest high growth rates of up to 29 mm/Myr and a maximum age of the basal crust layer of 1 Ma. Whereas most of the major and minor elements show concentrations which are typical of hydrogenetic formation, Co, Pb, Ni and Ti concentrations are strikingly lower. Concentrations and distribution of the strictly trivalent rare-earths and yttrium (REY) are typical of hydrogenetic ferromanganese oxide precipitates, but in marked contrast, the crusts are characterized by negative CeSN (shale normalized) anomalies and (Ce/Pr)SN ratios less than unity. Profiles through the crusts reveal only minor variations of the REY distribution and (Ce/Pr)SN ratios range from 0.45 to 0.68 (compared to ratios of up to 2 for typical hydrogenetic crusts from the Central Indian Basin). The apparent bulk partition coefficients between the crusts and seawater suggest that for the strictly trivalent REY the adsorption-desorption equilibrium has been reached. Positive Ce anomalies in the partition coefficient patterns reveal preferential uptake of Ce, but to a lesser extent than in normal hydrogenetic crusts. A new parameter (excess Ce, Cexs) to quantify the degree of decoupling of Ce from REY(III) is established on the basis of partition coefficients. Cexs/Cebulk ratios suggest that the CIR crusts formed by precipitation of Fe-Mn oxides from a hydrothermal plume and that in hydrothermal plumes and normal seawater the enrichment of Ce results from the same oxidative sorption process. The growth rates, calculated with 230Thxs data as well as with the Co formula, are inversely related to Cexs.


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A wide-angle seismic experiment at the Atlantis II Fracture Zone, Southwest Indian Ridge, together with geochemical analyses of dredged basalt glass samples from a site conjugate to Ocean Drilling Program hole 735B has allowed determination of the thickness and the most likely lithological composition of the crust beneath hole 735B. The measured Na, composition of 3.3 +/- 0.1 corresponds to a melt thickness of 3 +/- 1 km, a result consistent with rare earth element inversions which indicate a melt thickness of between 1.5 and 4.5 km. The seismic crustal thickness to the north and south of the Atlantis Platform (on which hole 735B is located) is 4 +/- 1 km, and probably consists largely of magmatic material since the seismic and inferred melt thicknesses agree within experimental uncertainty. Beneath hole 735B itself. the Moho is at a depth of 5 +/- 1 km beneath the seafloor. The seismic model suggests that, on average. about 1 km of upper crust has been unroofed on the Atlantis Platform. However, allowing for the inferred local unroofing of 2 km of upper crust at 735B, the base of the magmatic crust beneath this location is probably about 2 km beneath the seafloor, and is underlain by a 2-3 km thick layer of serpentinised mantle peridotite. The P-wave velocity of 6.9 km/s for the serpentinised peridotite layer corresponds to a 35 +/- 10 vol% serpentine content. The Moho beneath hole 735B probably represents a serpentinisation front.


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Absolute ages of plutonic rocks from mid-ocean ridges provide important constraints on the scale, timing and rates of oceanic crustal accretion, yet few such rocks have been absolutely dated. We present 206Pb/238U SHRIMP zircon ages from two ODP Drill Holes and a surface sample from Atlantis Bank on the Southwest Indian Ridge. We report ten new sample ages from 26-1430 m in ODP Hole 735B, and one from 57 m in ODP Hole 1105A. Including a previously published age, eleven samples from Hole 735B yield 206Pb/238U zircon crystallization ages that are the same, within error, overlap with the estimated magnetic age and are inferred to date the main period of crustal growth, the average age of analyses is 11.99 ± 0.12 Ma. Any differences in the ages of magmatic series and/or tectonic blocks within Hole 735B are unresolvable and eight well-constrained ages vary from 11.86 ± 0.20 Ma to 12.13 ± 0.21 Ma, a range of 0.27 ± 0.29 Ma, consistent with the duration of crustal accretion observed at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. An age of 11.87 ± 0.23 Ma from Hole 1105A is within error of ages from Hole 735B and permits previous correlations made between zones of oxide-rich gabbros in each hole. Pb/U zircon ages > 0.5 Ma younger than the magnetic age are recorded in at least three samples from Atlantis Bank, one from Hole 735B and two collected along a fault scarp to the East. These young ages may date one or more off-axis events previously suggested from thermochronologic data and support the interpretation of a complex geological history following crustal accretion at Atlantis Bank. Together with results from the surface of Atlantis Bank, dating has shown that while the majority of Pb/U SHRIMP zircon ages record the short-lived (< 0.5 Ma) phase of crustal accretion on-axis, results from several samples precede and post-date this period by > 1 Ma suggesting a complex and prolonged magmatic/tectonic history for the crust at Atlantis Bank.


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This creative non-fiction piece of writing speaks to the ‘tree’ themed edition of the About Place Journal. It begins with…“This tree stands steadfast along my inland travelling track, near the town of Mundubbera on the land of the Wakka Wakka people. It is in the region called North Burnett. When we travel, we follow the river systems and look out for distinct markers in the landscape. We acknowledge the lands of others as we move down to Booburrgan Ngmmunge (the language term used by many Aboriginal people to describe the Bunya Mountains) and beyond”. The piece includes photograph images also taken by the author.


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This poem is in response to the Call for Submissions for a themed edition of the About Place Journal titled ‘Enlightened Visions in the Wake of Trauma’, which focused on Indigenous, marginalized, and small island peoples in addressing global warming.