1000 resultados para IMI-BAS
The digitization practice for retro-converting of the mathematical periodicals, published by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI-BAS) and the followed benefits for long-term preserving and assuring open access to these materials is discussed in the article.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The activity of alpha-conotoxin (alpha-CTX) lml, from the vermivorous marine snail Conus imperialis, has been studied on mammalian nicotinic receptors on bovine chromaffin cells and at the rat neuromuscular junction. Synthetic alpha-CTX lml was a potent inhibitor of the neuronal[ nicotinic response in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells (IC50 = 2.5 mu M, log IC50 = 0.4 +/- 0.07), showing competitive inhibition of nicotine-evoked catecholamine secretion. (alpha-CTX lml also inhibited nicotine-evoked Ca-45(2+) uptake but not Ca-45(2+) uptake stimulated by 56 mM Kr. In contrast, alpha-CTX lml had no effect at the neuromuscular junction over the concentration range 1-20 mu M. Bovine chromaffin cells are known to contain the alpha 3 beta 4, alpha 7, and (possibly) alpha 3 beta 4 alpha 5 subtypes. However, the secretory response of bovine chromaffin cells is not inhibited by alpha-bungarotoxin, indicating that alpha 7 nicotinic receptors are not involved. We propose that alpha-CTX lml interacts selectively with the functional (alpha 3 beta 4 or alpha 3 beta 4 alpha 5) nicotinic acetylcholine receptor to inhibit the neuronal-type nicotinic response in bovine chromaffin cells.
alpha-Conotoxin ImI derives from the venom of Conus imperialis and is the first and only small-peptide ligand that selectively binds to the neuronal alpha(7) homopentameric subtype of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). This receptor subtype is a possible drug target for several neurological disorders. The cysteines are connected in the pairs Cys2-Cys8 and Cys3-Cys12, To date it is the only alpha-conotoxin with a 4/3 residue spacing between the cysteines, The structure of ImI has been determined by H-1 NMR spectroscopy in aqueous solution, The NMR structure is of high quality, with a backbone pairwise rmsd of 0.34 Angstrom for a family of 19 structures, and comprises primarily a series of nested beta turns. Addition of organic solvent does not perturb the solution structure. The first eight residues of ImI are identical to the larger, but related, conotoxin EpI and adopt a similar structure, despite a truncated second loop. Residues important for binding of ImI to the alpha 7 nAChR are all clustered on one face of the molecule. Once further binding data for EPI and ImI are available, the ImI structure will allow for design of novel alpha(7) nAChR-specific agonists and antagonists with a wide range of potential pharmaceutical applications.
O IMI é aliás, em si mesmo, um imposto profundamente injusto. A sua aplicação constitui, em muitos casos, uma situação de Abuso do Direito, art. 334º do Código Civil. A sua concretização implica uma violação do fim económico e social da própria Justiça no Direito. O sistema fiscal não objectiva apenas as necessidades financeiras do Estado e doutras entidades públicas, mas também, e sobretudo uma repartição justa dos rendimentos e da riqueza: art. 103º da Constituição. É claro que, para isso, tem que existir também um controlo rigoroso e honesto da gestão e da distribuição constitucional dos dinheiros públicos. § IMI is indeed in itself a profoundly unfair tax. Its use is in many cases a right Abuse situation art. 334 of the Civil Code. Its implementation involves a violation of economic and social justice at the end of its law. The tax system does not seek only the financial needs of the state and of other public authorities, but also and especially a fair distribution of income and wealth: art. 103 of the Constitution. Of course, for this, it must also be a rigorous and honest control of the constitutional management and distribution of public funds.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil de Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais
Discovery of a fifth metapodial of the Creodont Hyaenodontidae Hyainailouros sulzeri at Quinta da Farinheira (Chelas), near Lisbon (Portugal) in the beginning of the Middle Miocene.
Several Lower and Middle Miocene localities in the Lower Tagus basin near Lisbon yielded Latidae fragmentary remnants. No really decisive character has been recognized that would allow us to state these remnants could surely be ascribed to the genus Lates Cuv. & Val., although we regard this as nearly certain. There are some differences between the Miocene latidae under study and the type species Lates niloticus L. this suggests us to report the concerned remnants to a Lates (?) sp. that could belong to a new, hitherto undescribed species. The occurrence of Lates in fluviatile or lagoonal beds in the Lower Tagus basin Miocene series is not at all surprising under a paleoeciological view point. Even less if account is taken of the presence in the same levels of Siluriforms remnants belonging to Bagridae and Ariidae, two families that are well represented in Africa. Bagrid spines have been found at Quinta das Pedreiras in association with Lates (?) sp. remnants. The Lates (?) sp. discovery in the Lower and Middle Miocene from the Lower Tagus basin results in extending to the West this genus' biogeographic distribution. It is indeed the first discovery of this genus on Europe's Atlantic coasts. No matter which was the geographic origin of these fishes, they had to migrate several hundreds of kilometers through marine waters before entering the Tagus' estuary. The association of Lates (?) sp. remnants with Siluriform ones that have an extant, broad repartition in Africa south of the Sahara points out to an African origin. These thermophyll fishes imigration along the Atlantic coasts from lberian Peninsula probably has been possible owing to a warm climatic event that allowed them to migrate ca. 5 degrees (in latitude) northwards in Burdigalian times.
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia,
[Table des matières] Résumés. - 2. Introduction. - 3. Méthode pour l'enquête clientèle. - 4. Tendances pour l'ensemble des répondants: Caractéristiques sociodémographiques des usagers ; Consommation de substances et traitement de substitution ; Indicateurs de pratique de l'injection ; Activité sexuelle et comportement préventif; Indicateurs de l'état de santé ; Incarcération en lien avec la drogue et consommation en prison. - 5. Tendances pour les injecteurs de drogue au cours de la vie: Caractéristiques sociodémographiques des usagers injecteurs de drogue ; Consommation de substances et traitement de substitution ; Indicateurs de pratique de l'injection ; Partage de seringues et de matériel ; Activité sexuelle et comportement préventif ; Indicateurs de l'état de santé ; Incarcération en lien avec la drogue et consommation en prison. - 6. Tendances pour les consommateurs de drogue qui ne se sont jamais injecté de drogue au cours de la vie: Caractéristiques sociodémographiques des usagers non-injecteurs de drogue ; Consommation de substances et traitement de substitution ; Activité sexuelle et comportement préventif ; Indicateurs de l'état de santé ; Incarcération en lien avec la drogue et consommation en prison. - 7. Références