15 resultados para IGUANIDAE
Pseudocapillaria (Ichthyicapillaria) maricaensis n. sp. is described from the small intestine of the lizard, Liolaemus lutzae Meterns, 1938, collected in the State of Rio de Janeiro Brazil. The author compares the new species with Capillaria crotaliRudolphi, 1819) Travassos, 1915, Capillaria freitaslenti Araujo & Gandra, 1941, Pseudocapillaria (Pseudocapillaria) amarali (Freitas & Lent, 1934) Moravec, 1952, Pseudocapillaria (Pseudocapillaria) cezarpintoi (Freitas & Lent, 1934)Moravec, 1952 and Pseudocapillaria (Ichthyocapillaria) murinae (travassos, 1914) Moravec, 1952 previously reported from lizards in Brazil. The nematode Thelandros sceleratus Travassos, 1923 and the trematode paradistomum parvissimum (Travassos, 1918) Travassos, 1919 are for the first time reported from this same host.
Three new species of Eimeria are described from iguanid lizards of Central and South America. The oocysts of each species have no micropyles or residua and the sporocysts lack Stieda bodies, but all have a sporocyst residuum. Eimeria sanctaluciae n.sp. was found in the St. Lucia tree lizard, Anolis luciae, collected from the Maria Islands, Lesser Antilles. The oocysts are spherical to subspherical, averaging 17.3 x 16.5 µm, with a single layered colourless wall; about 60% contain polar granules. The sporocysts are ellipsoidal and average 7.7 x 5.5 µm. Eimeria liolaemi n.sp. was recovered from the blue-gold swift, Liolaemus taenius, from Chile. The oocysts are spherical to subspherical, measuring 21 x 20.1 µm with a single-layered colourless wall. The sporocysts are subspherical and average 7.4 x 6.8 µm. Eimeria caesicia n.sp. is described from the Brazilian collared iguanid, Tropidurus torquatus. The oocysts measure 27.4 x 23.7 µm, are spherical to subspherical, with a bilayered wall, the outer surface of which appears pale blue in colour, the thin, inner wall appearing brown, when viewed by direct light under the optical microscope. The sporocysts are subspherical and average 9.4 x 7.2 µm. Unnamed polysporocystid oocysts with dizoic sporocysts are reported from the faeces of the lesser St. Vincent tree lizard, Anolis trinitatis and the possibility of spurious parasitism briefly discussed. In addition, oocysts of an unnamed Isospora sp. with a smooth oocyst wall which closely resembles I. reui were recovered from A. trinitatis.
Resumo: O crânio representa o segmento com conspícuas adaptações que, nos lagartos, podem ser conservativas ou impulsionadas por pressões seletivas. Objetivando subsidiar o conhecimento morfológico dos répteis, fornecemos uma descrição detalhada dos ossos que formam o neurocrânio de Iguana iguana iguana com base na análise de três esqueletos secos de espécimes adultos. O crânio da referia espécie possui características basais entre os lagartos sem o fechamento das aberturas cranianas e formato geral triangular. As estruturas ósseas que formam a base craniana apresentam muitas fusões, principalmente no assoalho. Na face caudal o exoccipital e o opistótico estão fundidos e formam o otoccipital, que contribui para a formação dos terços laterais do côndilo occipital. A parte central do côndilo é formada pelo supraoccipital. Fusões e estruturas esqueléticas presentes em Iguana são similares aos demais lagartos. Não foram descritas autapomorfias no neurocrânio para esta espécie.
Sexual dimorphism, reproduction and diet are described for Stenocercus caducus from semideciduous forest, in Mato Grosso do Sul state, Central Brazil. Lizards are collected in pitfall traps from December 2000, to December 2001. Sexual dimorphism in S. caducus is apparent, mainly in coloration; although females reach a larger SVL than males. A wide variety of arthropods are fed by S. caducus, with ants and termites numerically, and orthopterans and beetles volumetrically the most common prey items. Ontogenetic differences in diet were noted for S. caducus, with juveniles feeding on lesser prey types and smaller sized prey than adults. The reproduction was seasonal, concentrated in the rainy season, with deposition of more than one clutch per season.
O estudo teve por objetivo incluir Stenocercus dumerilii (Steindachner, 1867) no contexto dos estudos filogenéticos recentes realizados com Tropidurinae*. Apresenta-se uma descrição da escutelação, crânio, cintura escapular, esqueleto abdominal e hemipênis, com ênfase nos caracteres utilizados na literatura em análises filogenéticas envolvendo o gênero Stenocercus. O estudo baseou-se em 65 exemplares fixados, dois exemplares diafanizados e dois hemipénis evertidos. Constatou-se que S. dumerilii apresenta as características utilizadas para definir o gênero Stenocercus, dentro de sua definição atual, assim como os táxons hierarquicamente superiores que o incluem. Algumas diferenças observadas são um único par de costelas xifisternais, cauda deprimida, escamas pós-supraciliares projetadas em forma de "chifre" (também presente em S. tricristatus) e escamas parietais, pós-parietais e occipitais aumentadas, em seqüência longitudinal. Ao contrário do que tem sido considerado anteriormente, a espécie não apresenta grande parte das características do denominado "grupo Opkyoessoides". As principais características de S. dumerilii que o separam deste grupo são o arranjo das escamas supraoculares e posteriores da cabeça e a distância entre os pares de costelas pós-xifisternais. Conclui-se que S. dumerilii se enquadra bem nos Tropidurinae* e no gênero Stenocercus, mas não faz parte do chamado "grupo Ophryoessoides".
Skull represents the segment with conspicuous adaptations that, in lizards, may be conservative or promoted by selective pressures. The aim of assisting the morphological knowledge of reptiles, we provide a detailed description of the neurocranium of Iguana iguana iguana based on analysis of three dried adult skeletons. The skull of this species has basal characteristics in lizards without closure of cranial openings and general triangular shape. Bony structures that form the caudal base have many fusions, especially on the floor. In the caudal face the exoccipital and the opisthotic are fused and form the otooccipital, which contributes to the formation of the lateral part of the condyle. The central part is formed by the condyle supraocciopital. Fusions and skeletal structures in Iguana are similar to other lizards. There are no autopomorphies in the neurocranium for this species.
The spermatozoa of Crotaphytus bicinctores and Gambelia wislizenii (Crotaphytidae), and Anolis carolinensis (Polychrotidae) exhibit the squamate autapomorphies of a single perforatorium extending anteriorly from the apical tip of the paracrystalline subacrosomal cone, the presence of an epinuclear electron-lucent region, and extension of the fibrous sheath into the midpiece. Crotaphytid sperm differ from those of polychrotids in several respects, including: the structure of the perforatorium, the size of the epinuclear electron-lucent region, aspects of the acrosome complex, the arrangement and structure of intermitochondrial dense bodies, and in the distance the fibrous sheath extends into the midpiece. The sperm of C. bicinctores, G. wislizenii, and A. carolinensis are most similar to those of the agamids and phrynosomatids examined to date. No spermatozoal autapomorphies for Crotaphytidae or Polychrotidae were found. The condition of having the intermitochondrial dense bodies arranged in regular incomplete rings is tentatively defined as a synapomorphy of Iguania (although modified in Chamaeleonidae). Spermatozoal ultrastructure offers no characters that justify the separation of Iguanidae (sensu late) into several separate families. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Molecular evolution has been considered to be essentially a stochastic process, little influenced by the pace of phenotypic change. This assumption was challenged by a study that demonstrated an association between rates of morphological and molecular change estimated for total-evidence phylogenies, a finding that led some researchers to challenge molecular date estimates of major evolutionary radiations. Here we show that Omland's (1997) result is probably due to methodological bias, particularly phylogenetic nonindependence, rather than being indicative of an underlying evolutionary phenomenon. We apply three new methods specifically designed to overcome phylogenetic bias to 13 published phylogenetic datasets for vertebrate taxa, each of which includes both morphological characters and DNA sequence data. We find no evidence of an association between rates of molecular and morphological rates of change.
Silveirinha (Portugal) has produced a diverse herpetofauna. In Europe, it is the only described assemblage of amphibians and squamate reptiles from the base of the Eocene (MP 7). The fauna includes at least two species of amphibians (belonging to the Salamandridae and perhaps the Pelobatidae) and at least 15 species of squamates (at least nine families: Iguanidae, Agamidae, Gekkonidae, one or two families of scincomorphans, Anguidae, ?Varanidae, Amphisbaenidae, Boidae, Tropidophiidae, and likely an indeterminate family of snakes). But, except for the snake Dunnophis matronensis, identifications at species level are not possible. The presence of iguanid lizards and of the snake D. matronensis in the base of the Eocene (MP 7) of Europe is confirmed. The fauna includes several squamates that show close affinities with North American taxa.
Description of four new species of Oswaldocruzia parasitizing Iguanidae and Leptodactylidae from Ecuador, demonstrate that they are morphologically close to each other. Like most of the other neotropical and holarctic Oswaldocruzia , they are characterized by spicules with three main branches: blade, shoe and fork; the division of the fork within the distal third of the spicule length appears to be characteristic of the neotropical species. - Oswaldocruzia bainae n. sp. parasitizing Anolis chrysolepis and Anolis fuscoauratus possesses a synlophe visible only on transversal sections of the body. It is composed of rounded and not pointed ridges. - Oswaldocruzia tcheprakovae n. sp. parasitizing Eleutherodactylus altamazonicus is closely related to O. bainae , but the synlophe is present only in the anterior and posterior extremities of the body. - Oswaldocruzia cassonei n. sp. parasitizing Eleutherodactylus lanthanites is closely related to O. taranchoni, Ben Slimane and Durette-Desset, 1995, a parasite of Bufo marinus from Brazil. It is differentiated by the synlophe and the measurements. - Oswaldocruzia petterae n. sp. parasitizing Leptodactylus pentadactylus is closely related to O. chambrieri, Ben Slimane and Durette-Desset, 1993, parasitizing Bufo and Eleutherodactylus in the same region. It is differentiated since, for an equivalent length of the body, the ridges are almost two times fewer and the spicules smaller.
Kayotypes of four neotropical teiid lizard species (Tupinambinae) were herein studied after conventional as well as silver staining and CBG-banding: Crocodilurus amazonicus (2n = 34), Tupinambis teguixin (2n = 36), Tupinambis merianae and Tupinambis quadrilineatus (2n = 38). The karyological data for T. quadrilineatus as well as those obtained using differential staining for all species were unknown until now. The karyotypes of all species presented 12 macrochromosomes identical in morphology, but differed in the number of microchromosomes: 22 in C. amazonicus, 24 in T. teguixin and 26 in T. quadrilineatus and T. merianae. The Ag-NOR located at the secondary constriction at the distal end of pair 2 is shared by all species, contrasting with the variability observed for this character in species of the related Teiinae. CBG-banding revealed a species-specific pattern in T. quadrilineatus with conspicuous interstitial C-blocks at the proximal region of the long arm of pair 4 and the whole heterochromatic short arm of pair 6. The karyological data reported here corroborates the relationship hypothesis obtained for Tupinambis based on molecular characters. T. teguixin presents the putative ancestral karyotype for the genus with 2n = 36 whereas T. merianae and T. quadrilineatus exhibit 2n = 38, due to an additional pair of microchromosomes.
We reexamined the morphological and functional properties of the hyoid, the tongue pad, and hyolingual musculature in chameleons. Dissections and histological sections indicated the presence of five distinctly individualized pairs of intrinsic tongue muscles. An analysis of the histochemical properties of the system revealed only two fiber types in the hyolingual muscles: fast glycolytic and fast oxidative glycolytic fibers. In accordance with this observation, motor-endplate staining showed that all endplates are of the en-plaque type. All muscles show relatively short fibers and large numbers of motor endplates, indicating a large potential for fine muscular control. The connective tissue sheet surrounding the entoglossal process contains elastin fibers at its periphery, allowing for elastic recoil of the hyolingual system after prey capture. The connective tissue sheets surrounding the m. accelerator and m. hyoglossus were examined under polarized light. The collagen fibers in the accelerator epimysium are configured in a crossed helical array that will facilitate limited muscle elongation. The microstructure of the tongue pad as revealed by SEM showed decreased adhesive properties, indicating a change in the prey prehension mechanics in chameleons compared to agamid or iguanid lizards. These findings provide the basis for further experimental analysis of the hyolingual system. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Ninety-five specimens from 13 species of lizard collected during a herpetofaunal monitoring programme of the Faxinal II power plant, municipality of Aripuanã, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil (southern Amazon region) were examined for helminths. A total of 21 helminth species (16 Nematoda, 1 Cestoda and 4 Trematoda) were recovered, with an overall prevalence of 67.37%. Seventeen new host records and seven new locality records are reported. A low number of specialists and core helminth species were found. Lizard body size was positively correlated with both the total number of helminth species and individuals. Active foragers exhibited higher helminth diversity. However, sit-and-wait foragers, especially Plica plica, had similar diversity values as active foragers and harboured more helminth species. The degree of similarity in helminth fauna was higher among closely related host species. Copyright © 2011 Cambridge University Press.