18 resultados para IDEO


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Com base em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, e fazendo uso da análise de conteúdo, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral analisar a meta erradicar a pobreza até 2025, constituinte do Plano de Desenvolvimento Espírito Santo 2025. Compreendemos que essa meta faz parte do modelo de ―desenvolvimento sustentado‖ elaborado pela burguesia capixaba, organizada no Movimento Empresarial Espírito Santo em Ação, e em articulação com o executivo estadual e a Petrobrás, sem que tenha havido participação de trabalhadores na elaboração do Plano mencionado. Seguem-se as principais conclusões. A meta em questão foi construída sob o marco ideopolítico e teórico da ―internacionalização do combate à pobreza‖, transpondo-se para o território estadual o discurso hegemônico de erradicação daquela condição social, entendida como sendo, em última análise, de responsabilidade do indivíduo, e não enquanto consequência direta do modo de produção capitalista. Além disso, os pobres são compreendidos, na elaboração da meta, de forma dual: ora identificados através do ―pressuposto da falta‖, ora enquanto ―agentes‖ livres para construir seu próprio futuro. Em consequência dessa dualidade, são propostas duas vias de ação tidas como essenciais para ―erradicar a pobreza‖: uma, centrada na transferência de renda para os que vivem na pobreza mais acentuada, e outra, na concessão de (micro)crédito para os pobres não miseráveis, com vistas a possibilitar que se tornem ―empreendedores‖. A meta analisada visa contribuir para promover a ―paz social‖, através da contenção dos pobres e de sua latente revolta diante de sua degradada condição de vida em território espírito-santense, o que demonstra sua funcionalidade para naturalizar e gerir a barbárie que marca a contemporaneidade capitalista.


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Cultura Moderna e Contemporânea, n.4


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O presente texto assinala os 75 anos da formação da Polaroid e celebra a memória da popularização da fotografia instantânea e do inventor Edwin Herbert Land, fundador da Polaroid Corporation, sendo um exemplo do espírito empreendedor norte-americano que conseguia tornar as invenções em produtos de acesso fácil, chegando aos utilizadores através da sua produção massificada. A constituição da empresa é também contemporânea do nascimento do design industrial nos EUA. Os primeiros exemplares foram concebidos pelos mais notáveis pioneiros do design industrial norte-americano, nomeadamente Walter Dorwin Teague, Henry Dreyfuss e Albrecht Goertz, bem como os últimos modelos são também representativos do design de produto contemporâneo deste país, com projectos liderados pelo inovador gabinete IDEO.


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Production of a new system in any range is expanding dramatically and new ideas are there upon introduced, the logic stands behind the matter is the growth of application of the internet and granting web-based systems. Before producing a system and distribute to the customer, various aspects should be studied which multiple the profit of the system. The process of productizing a new system from being unprocessed idea until delivers to the final user has been unambiguous. In this thesis, the systematize service in a way that benefits both the customer and provider, along with an effort to establish trust and diminish customer’s risk and increase service productivity are in detail presented. Characteristics of Servitization and Productization as two faces of one coin have been interpreted. Apart from the abovementioned issues state of art, service-oriented architecture (SOA) and New Service Development (NSD) has been included in this report for solving the problem of gradually decline in value of companies.


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À partir des années 90, parmi les transformations qu’entraine l’effondrement de l’Union soviétique à Cuba et au milieu des redéfinitions de la cubanité, apparaissent des œuvres narratives contre-discursives et actualisées sur la négritude, la race et le racisme. La représentation du Noir dans les romans de cette période prend toute sa signification du fait que se configure alors un champ de discussion dans lequel convergent différentes modalités et perceptions. Notre recherche explore le terrain discursif entourant les définitions de la cubanité et la négritude qui circulent à cette période à Cuba, pour ensuite voir de quelle manière elles se répercutent sur les auteurs et textes littéraires. À travers l’analyse des oeuvres des écrivains Eliseo Altuanga et Marta Rojas, cette thèse reconstruit leurs dialogues avec l’historiographie littéraire cubaine, l’Histoire de l’Ile et les discours plus actualisés quant au débat ethno-racial. Au moyen de visualisations opposées par rapport à l’histoire de Cuba, Altuanga et Rojas élaborent des œuvres et des personnages avec des différences idéoesthétiques marquées. Ainsi, le premier focalisera sur la recherche d’une rupture épistémologique quant à la conception du Noir dans l’imaginaire cubain, soulignant les événements de l’histoire nationale qui considèrent le Noir comme protagoniste, ce qui renforce l’idée d’une continuité dans son état de subalternisation. En ce qui concerne les protagonistes de Rojas, elle fait appel à des mulâtresses pour raconter le processus de transculturation par lequel, à son point de vue, s’est consolidée l’identité culturelle actuelle des Cubains. Suspendue dans un espace d’énonciation intermédiaire entre les premières décennies de la Révolution et la Période spéciale en Temps de Paix, Rojas construit une trilogie romanesque qui s’efforce à signaler la coupure entre les périodes pré- et postrévolutionnaires quant au traitement du Noir.


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Estudio sobre la axiomática de las matemáticas. Se señala que en ocasiones se contraponen las exigencias del desarrollo científico y de la didáctica, por lo que se ha sugerido que hay que buscar un equilibrio. En la concepción moderna de la ciencia motemática domina el método axiomático. Para dar una idea precisa del mismo, es necesario elaborar construcciones axiomáticas sencillas, adaptadas a los distintos niveles de nuestros alumnos. La axiomática de la geometría elemental presento dos niveles bien diferenciados que corresponden a los dos grados de la enseñanza medio generalizados en todos los países, aunque con distintos nombres. Entre nosotros Bachillerato elemental y superior. En el nivel más elemental nuestra axiomática debe basarse en las propiedades deducidas directamente de la ideo de cuerpo rígido, mediante el empleo de calcos, plantillas, cuerda utilizada como compás, etc. Con el estudio se pretende en definitiva, dar un esbozo de una posible axiomática de la Geometría, sobre todo en lo que especta al nivel del Bachillerato Superior. Se traza una panorámica histórica de la cuestión, con los principales antecedentes y se plantean una serie de problemas, y ejercicios y demostraciones matemáticas para corroborar hipótesis. Se hace especial mención a la geometría hiperbólica y a la geometría del espacio de siete puntos, aspecto con el que se concluye.


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This paper discusses the dilemmas and challenges of the union of social workers in contemporary Brazil. The study is supported by the theme in a literature search, especially productions that deal with the trade union movement of workers in the brazilian reality, as well as on field research, which consisted of interviews with national trade union leaders of the CUT and CONLUTA as also representatives of national organizations representing the professional category of social workers, notably CFESS, ABEPSS ENESSO and a labor union and the national category, FENAS. The analysis of the object is oriented in the perspective of totality, considering its founding and contradictory aspects of the current socio-historical dynamics. The inflections occurred in the razilian Labor Movement in the early 1990s, during which the offensive of capital, characterized by the fusion of flexible accumulation and the dictates of neoliberal policy is established in the country, caused a profound shock in life and organization of the class working. The major repercussions of this process are evident today in the form of defensive organization of trade union struggles, notably fragile and fragmented. In the case of the category of social workers is symptomatic of the political backlash, experienced the process of reopening their unions and the creation of FENAS. This definition, part of the analysis that considers more strategic perspective of class organization, corporate antiunionism of the mass of the 1980s, built, largely, by category and expressed by the extinction of their union and unification to the broader struggles of workers with transition to unionization by industry. Given this reality, we analyze the performance of the political perspectives of the brazilian labor movement, from the characterization of organizational arrangements for trade union struggles and situate this process, the motion to reopen union of social workers, from the emergence of FENAS. Therefore, we aimed to identify the particular and the ideological and political perspectives that make up the dilemma of the trade union movement from this reopening, as corresponds to a political trend, largely, overcome within the brazilian social work


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The results of Eurosceptic parties in the recent European parliament election provide further evidence that the “permissive consensus” on European integration blurred. This paper focuses on the structure of the debate on EU integration issues. Which EU integration issues and positions do parties put forward? Can the debate on EU integration issues be subsumed in one or several dimensions? Do they reflect national political conflicts such as the left-right and the ‘new politics’/cultural divide? Or do they form one unique or several EU-specific dimensions, e.g. national sovereignty versus integration? In order to address these questions, this paper departs from the assumption that debate on European integration is multidimensional in its nature and therefore entails a multitude of issue areas. In other words, it does not look at how socio-economic and cultural issues are related to European integration but focuses on its components, i.e. particular EU-specific policies such as EU-wide employment, environment, immigration and monetary policy. The paper departs from the cleavage theory on political di-visions and different approaches transferring them to EU politics. Two points should be noted; first, this paper does not compare the debate on European integration issues between the national level and the EU level, but whether domestic divisions are reflected at the EU level. Second, it is not concerned with the general ideo-logical profile of political parties on EU integration issues, but on EU issues that parties communicated through press releases. By doing this, the paper is concerned with the salient EU issues that parties touch upon.


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The aim of this thesis was to extend previous research on intentional forgetting in depressed states. The first experiment used the think/no-think paradigm, and found that although dysphoric individuals were significantly worse at suppressing emotional (positive and negative) words than non-dysphoric individuals, both groups were unsuccessful at direct thought suppression. However, there was no effect of rumination on dysphoric individuals' ability to intentionally forget material. Furthermore, there was also no group differences in attentional measures of Stroop and IDEO. The second experiment involved modifying the TNT task, by including the use of substitute words in the suppression phase, in order to determine whether recalling substitute words during suppression would increase the level of forgetting. The findings from the study revealed that both dysphoric and non-dysphoric individuals were successful at intentionally forgetting neutral words using a thought substitution strategy. However, both groups were impaired at suppressing words in the direct thought substitution condition. The third experiment investigated the influence of thought substitution on intentional forgetting of emotional words in dysphoria. The study replicated experiment two, but used emotional (i.e. positive and depression-relevant) words instead of neutral words. The study found that dysphoric individuals were still impaired in their ability to suppress emotional material. Furthermore, dysphoric individuals were recalling significantly more depression­ relevant respond and previously-suppressed words. The fourth experiment examined the role of executive control in intentional forgetting. In the study, dysphoric and non­ dysphoric participants were categorised as having good or poor executive control based on their scores on the operation span with words task (OSPAN). The study found that non-dysphoric individuals with good control demonstrated successful suppression. However, dysphoric individuals with good control were unsuccessful at suppression. The fifth experiment investigated whether experimentally induced changes in mood state would alter an individual's ability to intentionally forget emotional material. Non-dysphoric healthy participants were given a positive or negative autobiographical memory and music mood induction. They completed two modified think/no-think tasks, one prior to the mood induction and one after the mood induction. The study found that transient negative mood state impaired intentional forgetting of depression-relevant material. Summary: Taken together, the findings suggest that individuals in a depressed mood are impaired in their ability to intentionally forget emotional material, even with the use of a thought substitution strategy. Furthermore, the findings implicate poor executive control and negative mood state in impaired intentional forgetting. An important theme emerging from the findings was the role of an inhibitory mechanism in intentional forgetting. The findings reported in this thesis suggest that thought substitution involves engaging an inhibitory control mechanism that contributes to successful intentional forgetting. The findings have clear implications on depressed individuals everyday functioning, and suggest that even with the presence of effective distraction, dysphoric indivduals are imapired in their ability to suppress emotional material. Furthermore, it is suggested that impaired intentional forgetting of emotional material may contribute to the maintenance of depressed mood, and could potentially worsen ongoing depression.


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Mediante de un acercamiento cronológico, esta disertación analiza la función de la ideología como herramienta poderosa para construir la nación y moldear al futuro ciudadano en la narrativa infantil cubana pre y pos-revolucionaria. Aunque una tradición y un proceso de formación de identidad nacional anteceden la literatura infantil publicada antes del triunfo de la Revolución, en los períodos posteriores existe una estrecha relación entre el contexto social de los textos y su función ideológica. Partiendo de “La Edad de Oro” (1889) de José Martí, este estudio se enfoca en los cambios socio-culturales que influyen en el desarrollo de una narrativa infantil nacional que transita del didacticismo más férreo a una variada exploración temática. Por encontrarse entre la Colonia y la etapa revolucionaria, el período republicano ha recibido poca atención crítica, marginado a veces de la herencia literaria de la nación. Sin embargo, el análisis de varios textos representativos en este período permite apreciar la integración de un pensamiento cubano desde búsquedas y posiciones muy diferentes a las del período siguiente, de 1959 a 1989. A partir de 1990 una diversificación temática fomenta objetivos muy distantes del enunciado didáctico. Este estudio concluye que en contraste con los pertenecientes a generaciones anteriores, en los escritores formados dentro de la Revolución, especialmente a partir de la década del ochenta, existe un interés especial por abordar temáticas inexploradas en la literatura infantil tradicional. El divorcio, la muerte, los conflictos generacionales y las diferencias raciales son sólo algunos de los temas que matizan la narrativa infantil posrevolucionaria, cuyos presupuestos ideo-estéticos, se encuentran intrínsecamente relacionados al contexto sociocultural.