5 resultados para IDEF


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Lors du 30è Congrès de l’Institut international de droit d’expression et d’inspiration françaises (IDEF), Le Caire, 16 au 18 décembre 2006, Pierre TRUDEL a présenté un rapport intitulé « L’encadrement normatif des technologies : une gestion réseautique des risques ». Cynthia Chassigneux, chercheure post-doctorale au CRDP a présenté un rapport sur le droit de la protection des données personnelles et de la vie privée dans le contexte de la généralisation des technologies de l’information. Jacques Frémont a prononcé le discours de présentation de la problématique générale du congrès.


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La Sede Campestre del Club Castillo de Amaguaña, es la esencia de esta Institución; por tanto, es necesario medir el desempeño de la gestión. Se propone la implementación de un sistema de indicadores de gestión con base a los procesos de la organización y aplicando el balanced scorecard. Se definen la visión, estrategia y temas estratégicos de la organización, partiendo de un conocimiento y evaluación del Club, su industria y competencia, empleando un análisis FODA y matrices de evaluación. Una vez que se cuenta con esa información, se definen los procesos claves y de apoyo a través de la cadena de valor de Michell Porter, se los prioriza y se los visualiza a través de la herramienta idef 0 en dos niveles (A-10 y A0), se asigna objetivos y se concatena los procesos a los temas estratégicos definidos. Para complementar y centrar la estrategia, se definen indicadores de desempeño para cada tema estratégico, proceso y objeto planteado, alineándolos dentro de las 4 perspectivas del cuadro de mando integral. La propuesta de indicadores busca medir el desempeño de la gestión, conseguir los objetivos planteados y alcanzar la visión. Se los depura previamente a través del uso de matrices de tamización y se establecen 34 indicadores finales, se fijan metas y planes de acción para su logro y efectividad. Se diseñan instrumentos de medición y se plantea una metodología de implementación acorde al desarrollo del tema, una herramienta Excel para el sistema propuesto y un presupuesto estimado de implementación. Al final se encontrarán las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la investigación.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research aimed at developing a research framework for the emerging field of enterprise systems engineering (ESE). The framework consists of an ESE definition, an ESE classification scheme, and an ESE process. This study views an enterprise as a system that creates value for its customers. Thus, developing the framework made use of system theory and IDEF methodologies. This study defined ESE as an engineering discipline that develops and applies systems theory and engineering techniques to specification, analysis, design, and implementation of an enterprise for its life cycle. The proposed ESE classification scheme breaks down an enterprise system into four elements. They are work, resources, decision, and information. Each enterprise element is specified with four system facets: strategy, competency, capacity, and structure. Each element-facet combination is subject to the engineering process of specification, analysis, design, and implementation, to achieve its pre-specified performance with respect to cost, time, quality, and benefit to the enterprise. This framework is intended for identifying research voids in the ESE discipline. It also helps to apply engineering and systems tools to this emerging field. It harnesses the relationships among various enterprise aspects and bridges the gap between engineering and management practices in an enterprise. The proposed ESE process is generic. It consists of a hierarchy of engineering activities presented in an IDEF0 model. Each activity is defined with its input, output, constraints, and mechanisms. The output of an ESE effort can be a partial or whole enterprise system design for its physical, managerial, and/or informational layers. The proposed ESE process is applicable to a new enterprise system design or an engineering change in an existing system. The long-term goal of this study aims at development of a scientific foundation for ESE research and development.


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This research aimed at developing a research framework for the emerging field of enterprise systems engineering (ESE). The framework consists of an ESE definition, an ESE classification scheme, and an ESE process. This study views an enterprise as a system that creates value for its customers. Thus, developing the framework made use of system theory and IDEF methodologies. This study defined ESE as an engineering discipline that develops and applies systems theory and engineering techniques to specification, analysis, design, and implementation of an enterprise for its life cycle. The proposed ESE classification scheme breaks down an enterprise system into four elements. They are work, resources, decision, and information. Each enterprise element is specified with four system facets: strategy, competency, capacity, and structure. Each element-facet combination is subject to the engineering process of specification, analysis, design, and implementation, to achieve its pre-specified performance with respect to cost, time, quality, and benefit to the enterprise. This framework is intended for identifying research voids in the ESE discipline. It also helps to apply engineering and systems tools to this emerging field. It harnesses the relationships among various enterprise aspects and bridges the gap between engineering and management practices in an enterprise. The proposed ESE process is generic. It consists of a hierarchy of engineering activities presented in an IDEF0 model. Each activity is defined with its input, output, constraints, and mechanisms. The output of an ESE effort can be a partial or whole enterprise system design for its physical, managerial, and/or informational layers. The proposed ESE process is applicable to a new enterprise system design or an engineering change in an existing system. The long-term goal of this study aims at development of a scientific foundation for ESE research and development.