997 resultados para IB-DFE
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Os desenvolvimentos dos sistemas de comunicação sem fios apontam para transmissões de alta velocidade e alta qualidade de serviço com um uso eficiente de energia. Eficiência espectral pode ser obtida por modulações multinível, enquanto que melhorias na eficiência de potência podem ser proporcionadas pelo uso de códigos corretores de erros. Os códigos Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC), devido ao seu desempenho próximo do limite de Shannon e baixa complexidade na implementação e descodificação são apropriados para futuros sistemas de comunicações sem fios. Por outro lado, o uso de modulações multinível acarreta limitações na amplificação. Contudo, uma amplificação eficiente pode ser assegurada por estruturas de transmissão onde as modulações multinível são decompostas em submodulações com envolvente constante que podem ser amplificadas por amplificadores não lineares a operar na zona de saturação. Neste tipo de estruturas surgem desvios de fase e ganho, produzindo distorções na constelação resultante da soma de todos os sinais amplificados. O trabalho foca-se no uso dos códigos LDPC em esquemas multiportadora e monoportadora, com especial ênfase na performance de uma equalização iterativa implementada no domínio da frequência por um Iterative Block-Decision Feedback Equalizer (IB-DFE). São analisados aspectos como o impacto do número de iterações no processo de descodificação dentro das iterações do processo de equalização. Os códigos LDPC também serão utilizados para compensar os desvios de fase em recetores iterativos para sistemas baseados em transmissores com vários ramos de amplificação. É feito um estudo sobre o modo como estes códigos podem aumentar a tolerância a erros de fase que incluí uma análise da complexidade e um algoritmo para estimação dos desequilíbrios de fase.
Future broadband wireless systems are expected to cope with severely time dispersive channels, due to multi-path signal propagation between the transmitter and the receiver while having high power and spectral efficiency. Thus, advanced Frequency Domain Equalization techniques are required. The implementation complexity in mobile terminals should be as low as possible to achieve highest possible efficiency. Therefore, most of the signal processing requirements will be shifted to the base station and we will employ signals compatible with an efficient, grossly nonlinear power amplification. For this reason, we will consider offset modulation signals with quasi-constant envelope and develop receivers that will obtain good BER performance. However, these signals require a bandwidth significantly above the Nyquist rate, which can be reduced by an overlap of different frequency channels.
This paper presents an analysis of the performance of a baseband multiple-input single-output (MISO) time reversal ultra-wideband system (TR-UWB) incorporating a symbol spaced decision feedback equalizer (DFE). A semi-analytical performance analysis based on a Gaussian approach is considered, which matched well with simulation results, even for the DFE case. The channel model adopted is based on the IEEE 802.15.3a model, considering correlated shadowing across antenna elements. In order to provide a more realistic analysis, channel estimation errors are considered for the design of the TR filter. A guideline for the choice of equalizer length is provided. The results show that the system`s performance improves with an increase in the number of transmit antennas and when a symbol spaced equalizer is used with a relatively small number of taps compared to the number of resolvable paths in the channel impulse response. Moreover, it is possible to conclude that due to the time reversal scheme, the error propagation in the DFE does not play a role in the system`s performance.
This paper analyses the applicability of the main enterprise internationalization theories to the entry of the multinational corporations into Brazil, throughout five phases of Brazilian economy, from 1850 to nowadays. It seeks to verify the explanation power of each theory over the FDI flows in Brazil. It concludes that there is a contingency relation between the theories and the phases of the economy, and. it shows such relationship in a table. In addition, it concludes that the most powerful theory along the researched period was Dunning`s eclectic paradigm, mainly due to the Localization considerations. Theoretical propositions are put forward as a contribution to future research.
Patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib (PHP-Ib) present hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, as a consequence of a resistance to PTH action, through its G-protein-coupled receptor, in the renal tubules. This resistance results from tissue-specific silencing of the G-protein alpha-subunit (G(s)α), due to imprinting disruption of its encoding locus--GNAS. In familial PHP-Ib, maternally inherited deletions at the STX16 gene are associated to a regional GNAS methylation defect. In sporadic PHP-Ib, broad methylation changes at GNAS arise from unknown genetic causes. In this study, we describe the clinical presentation of PHP-Ib in four Portuguese patients (two of whom were siblings), and provide further insight for the management of patients with this disease. The diagnosis of PHP-Ib was made after detection of GNAS imprinting defects in each of the cases. In the siblings, a regional GNAS methylation change resulted from a known 3.0 kb STX16 deletion. In the other two patients, the broad methylation defects at GNAS, which were absent in their relatives, resulted from genetic alterations that remain to be identified. We report the first clinical and genetic study of Portuguese patients with PHP-Ib. The genetic identification of a hereditary form of this rare disease allowed an early diagnosis, and may prevent hypocalcemia-related complications.
The research described in this thesis was developed as part of the Information Management for Green Design (IMAGREE) Project. The IMAGREE Project was funded by Enterprise Ireland under Strategic Research Grant Scheme as a partnership project between Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology and CIMRU University of Galway. The project aimed to develop a CAD integrated software tool to support environmental information management for design.
Experiments reported in the current paper, carried out under semi-field conditions created in the laboratory, have shown that b. straminea has competitive superiority when compared with B. glabrata. The former species has shown higher capabilities of both dispersal and vagility. In addition, B. straminea was able to compete sucessfully with B. glabrata.
In this study, we investigated the presence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) genes among 101 ciprofloxacin-resistant urinary Escherichia coli isolates and searched for mutations in the quinolone-resistance-determining regions (QRDRs) of the DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV genes in PMQR-carrying isolates. Eight isolates harboured the qnr and aac(6')-Ib-cr genes (3 qnrS1, 1 qnrB19 and 4 aac(6')-Ib-cr). A mutational analysis of the QRDRs in qnr and aac(6')-Ib-cr-positive isolates revealed mutations in gyrA, parC and parE that might be associated with high levels of resistance to quinolones. No mutation was detected in gyrB. Rare gyrA, parC and parE mutations were detected outside of the QRDRs. This is the first report of qnrB19, qnrS1 and aac(6')-Ib-cr -carrying E. coli isolates in Brazil.
The accuracy of the MicroScan WalkAway, BD Phoenix, and Vitek-2 systems for susceptibility testing of quinolones and aminoglycosides against 68 enterobacteria containing qnrB, qnrS, and/or aac(6 ')-Ib-cr was evaluated using reference microdilution. Overall, one very major error (0.09%), 6 major errors (0.52%), and 45 minor errors (3.89%) were noted.