25 resultados para I30
FUNDAMENTO: Pacientes com síndrome metabólica (SM) têm alto risco coronariano e a disfunção da célula beta ou resistência à insulina pode prever um risco adicional de eventos cardiovasculares precoces. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações glicometabólicas precoces em pacientes com SM, mas sem diagnóstico de diabete tipo 2, após síndrome coronariana aguda. MÉTODOS: Um total de 114 pacientes foi submetido ao teste oral de tolerância à glicose (TOTG), 1-3 dias da alta hospitalar, após infarto agudo do miocárdio ou angina instável. Baseado no TOTG, definimos três grupos de pacientes: tolerância normal à glicose (TNG; n=26), tolerância alterada à glicose (TAG; n=39) ou diabetes mellitus (DM; n=49). O Modelo de Avaliação da Homeostase (HOMA-IR) foi usado para estimar a resistência à insulina; a responsividade da célula beta foi avaliada através do índice insulinogênico de 30 minutos (ΔI30/ΔG30). RESULTADOS: Baseado no HOMA-IR, os pacientes com DM eram mais insulino-resistentes do que aqueles com TNG ou TAG (p<0,001). De acordo com o índice insulinogênico, a responsividade da célula beta também estava alterada em indivíduos com DM (p<0,001 vs TNG ou TAG). CONCLUSÃO: Altas taxas de alterações glicometabólicas foram encontradas após síndrome coronariana aguda em pacientes com SM. Como essas anormalidades acentuadamente aumentam o risco de desfechos adversos, o TOTG precoce pode ser utilizado em pacientes com SM para identificar aqueles que apresentam maior risco coronariano.
OBJECTIVE AND METHOD: To outline the direct and indirect approaches in the fight against blood doping in sports, the different strategies that have been used and are currently being used to fight efficiently against blood doping are presented and discussed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The paper outlines the different approaches and diagnostic tools that some federations have to identify and target sports people demonstrating abnormal blood profiles. Originally blood tests were introduced for medical reasons and for limiting misuse of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO). In this way it became possible to prevent athletes with haematocrit levels well above normal, and potentially dangerous for their health, competing in sport. Today, with nearly a decade of blood testing experience, sports authorities should be familiar with some of the limitations and specially the ability of blood tests performed prior to competitions to fight efficiently against the misuse of rHuEPO, blood transfusion, and artificial haemoglobin.
AIM To investigate the incidence of neoplasms in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients and the potential causative role of thiopurines. METHODS We performed an observational descriptive study comparing the incidence of malignancies in IBD patients treated with thiopurines and patients not treated with these drugs. We included 812 patients which were divided in two groups depending on whether they have received thiopurines or not. We have studied basal characteristics of both groups (age when the disease was diagnosed, sex, type of IBD, etc.) and treatments received (Azathioprine, mercaptopurine, infliximab, adalimumab or other immunomodulators), as well as neoplasms incidence. Univariate analysis was performed with the student t test, χ(2) test or Wilcoxon exact test as appropriate. A logistic regression analysis was performed as multivariate analysis. Statistical significance was establish at P values of less than 0.05, and 95%CI were used for the odds ratios. RESULTS Among 812 patients included, 429 (52.83%) have received thiopurines: 79.5% azathioprine, 14% mercaptopurine and 6.5% both drugs. 44.76% of patients treated with thiopurines and 46, 48% of patients who did not receive this treatment were women (P > 0.05). The proportion of ulcerative colitis patients treated with thiopurines was 30.3% compare to 66. 67% of patients not treated (P < 0.001). Mean azathioprine dose was 123.79 ± 36.5 mg/d (range: 50-250 mg/d), mean usage time was 72.16 ± 55.7 mo (range: 1-300 mo) and the accumulated dose along this time was 274.32 ± 233.5 g (1.5-1350 g). With respect to mercaptopurine, mean dose was 74.7 ± 23.9 mg/d (range: 25-150 mg/d), mean usage time of 23.37 ± 27.6 mo (range: 1-118 mo), and the accumulated dose along this time was 52.2 ± 63.5 g (range: 1.5-243 g). Thiopurine S-methyltransferase activity was tested in 66% of patients treated with thiopurines, among which 98.2% had an intermediate or high activity. Among the patients treated with thiopurines, 27.27% (112 patients) and 11.66% (50 patients) received treatment with Infliximab and Adalimumab respectively, but only 1.83% (7 patients) and 0.78% (3 patients) received these drugs in the group of patients who did not received thiopurines (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001 respectively). Finally, 6.8% (29 patients) among those treated with thiopurines have received other immunesupresants (Methotrexate, Tacrolimus, Cyclosporin), compare to 1% (4 patients) of patients not treated with thiopurines (P < 0.001). Among patients treated with thiopurines, 3.97% developed a malignancy, and among those not treated neoplasms presented in 8.1% (P = 0.013). The most frequent neoplasms were colorectal ones (12 cases in patients not treated with thiopurines but none in treated, P < 0.001) followed by non-melanoma skin cancer (8 patients in treated with thiopurines and 6 in not treated, P > 0.05). CONCLUSION In our experience, thiopurine therapy did not increase malignancies development in IBD patients, and was an efective and safe treatment for these diseases.
Foram estudadas as correlações lineares simples, múltiplas e não-lineares entre os parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada e as perdas de solo provocadas por chuvas erosivas num Luvissolo. Os dados correspondentes ao período de 1986-1990 foram obtidos na estação experimental de Sumé (PB), pertencente à Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB. Para determinar os parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada, foram analisadas chuvas individuais registradas em 136 pluviogramas. O volume de enxurrada isolado ou em combinação com características da chuva contribuiu, de forma significativa, para melhorar a estimativa das perdas de solo de chuvas individuais. Os parâmetros erosividade da chuva-enxurrada a(Vu α I30)b; a(Vu α I5)b; a(EIA)b e da enxurrada a(Vu)b foram os melhores estimadores das perdas de solo para chuvas individuais. Dentre os parâmetros da erosividade da chuva, os que melhor se correlacionaram com as perdas de solo foram aqueles que incluíram o produto do volume da chuva pela intensidade máxima em trinta minutos a(VrI30).
A capacidade erosiva da chuva pode ser estimada utilizando-se de alguns índices, dentre os quais o mais utilizado é o EI30, que representa o produto da energia cinética de impacto das gotas da chuva (E) pela intensidade máxima de precipitação em 30 min (I30). O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a erosividade, os padrões hidrológicos, o período de retorno e a probabilidade de ocorrência das chuvas em São Borja, RS, com base no período de 1956 a 2003. Foram utilizados pluviogramas diários da estação meteorológica da FEPAGRO, em São Borja, RS, a partir dos quais as chuvas individuais foram separadas em erosivas e não-erosivas. De cada chuva considerada erosiva foram cotados os segmentos de mesma inclinação, a hora e a quantidade acumulada, anotados em planilha, digitalizados e processados pelo programa computacional CHUVEROS, o qual calcula não só o índice EI30 da chuva e a erosividade mensal e anual, mas também determina os padrões hidrológicos de cada chuva. O período de outubro a abril concentrou 76 % da erosividade anual, o que coincide com o preparo do solo, semeadura e crescimento das culturas de verão. O pico mais notável no potencial erosivo ocorreu em março e abril (EI30 médio mensal de 1.260-1.269 MJ mm ha-1 h-1), quando, normalmente, as culturas praticamente estão em pleno desenvolvimento, enquanto o menor potencial erosivo ocorreu em julho e agosto (EI30 médio mensal de 268-271 MJ mm ha-1 h-1). Do número total de chuvas erosivas, 47, 25 e 28 % apresentaram padrões hidrológicos do tipo avançado, intermediário e atrasado, respectivamente, enquanto esses padrões perfizeram 50, 26 e 24 % do volume médio anual de chuvas erosivas e 53, 25 e 22 % da erosividade média anual das chuvas. O valor do índice de erosividade anual para São Borja, RS, foi de 9.751 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1 o qual representa o Fator "R" da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo. A relação linear e potencial, que expressa o Fator "R" da USLE, foi obtido de dados pluviométricos, representados pelo coeficiente de chuva, que pode ser utilizado para regiões climáticas semelhantes que apenas dispõem de dados pluviométricos. O valor da erosividade média anual de 9.751 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1 é esperado pelo menos uma vez a cada 2,2 anos, com uma probabilidade de ocorrência de 44,9 %.
As características físicas das chuvas determinam sua erosividade, que constitui importante fator nas relações de causa e efeito do processo erosivo dos solos, sendo sua caracterização fundamental para o planejamento conservacionista. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a distribuição dos atributos das chuvas (altura precipitada, duração, energia cinética, intensidade máxima em 30 min) e índices de erosividade (EI30 e KE > 25) em relação aos meses do ano e padrões de precipitação pluvial, para uma série de dados pluviográficos referentes à região de Ribeirão das Lajes (RJ). Os dados foram analisados em delineamento inteiramente casualisado em esquema fatorial do tipo 12 (meses) x 3 (padrões), e também, por meio da análise multivariada de componentes principais (ACP). Com os resultados obtidos, foi possível constatar que: o EI30 anual de 6.772,04 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 está concentrado de novembro a março, representando 81,3 % do total. De acordo com a técnica de ACP, as características das chuvas e índices de erosividade que estiveram mais correlacionadas com os meses e padrões de precipitação pluvial, foram: energia cinética, EI30, KE > 25, altura precipitada e I30. Os padrões de precipitação pluvial avançado e atrasado predominam na época mais chuvosa e na mais seca, respectivamente; e a ACP permitiu separar de forma adequada as características das chuvas e erosividade ao longo do ano e padrões de precipitação pluvial para Ribeirão das Lajes.
In order to identify early abnormalities in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) we determined insulin (using an assay that does not cross-react with proinsulin) and proinsulin concentrations. The proinsulin/insulin ratio was used as an indicator of abnormal ß-cell function. The ratio of the first 30-min increase in insulin to glucose concentrations following the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; I30-0/G30-0) was taken as an indicator of insulin secretion. Insulin resistance (R) was evaluated by the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) method. True insulin and proinsulin were measured during a 75-g OGTT in 35 individuals: 20 with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) and without diabetes among their first-degree relatives (FDR) served as controls, and 15 with NGT who were FDR of patients with NIDDM. The FDR group presented higher insulin (414 pmol/l vs 195 pmol/l; P = 0.04) and proinsulin levels (19.6 pmol/l vs 12.3 pmol/l; P = 0.03) post-glucose load than the control group. When these groups were stratified according to BMI, the obese FDR (N = 8) showed higher fasting and post-glucose insulin levels than the obese NGT (N = 9) (fasting: 64.8 pmol/l vs 7.8 pmol/l; P = 0.04, and 60 min post-glucose: 480.6 pmol/l vs 192 pmol/l; P = 0.01). Also, values for HOMA (R) were higher in the obese FDR compared to obese NGT (2.53 vs 0.30; P = 0.075). These results show that FDR of NIDDM patients have true hyperinsulinemia (which is not a consequence of cross-reactivity with proinsulin) and hyperproinsulinemia and no dysfunction of a qualitative nature in ß-cells.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study investigated the effect of slope and antecedent soil moisture on the water depth stored and percolated on extensive green roofs built in pilot scale. For this purpose, slopes of 10, 20 and 30% were investigated. Moisture was measured before and after each test to determine the differential moisture (ΔU). A rainfall simulator was designed and tested; the best arrangement presents a Christiansen Uniformity Coefficient of 56%. The results yielded that the slopes of 10% presented the highest values of water depth stored (59,88%), water depth percolated (77,15%), the slope of 30% presented the highest water depth drained (48,22%.) and there was no correlation between slope, water depth stored, water depth percolated and ΔU. It was verified the effect of dilution on the modules i10% between water depth percolated and apparent color (0.71%) in i20% between water depth drained and apparent color (-0.748%) and in the module i30% between water depth drained and turbidity (-0.76%) and water depth drained and apparent color (-0.93%). In i10% there was high correlation between pH and water depth percolated (0.94%) and between water depth drained and pH (0.71%). The data indicate that the module i10% had a greater reduction of runoff
Bei Schüttsiel (Nordfriesland) konnten die ersten Auswirkungen der postglazialen Meerestransgression durch eine Reihe von 14C-Bestimmungen datiert werden. Für den Beginn der Vermoorung (~ 485 cm unter NN) ergab sich ein Alter von 5630 ± 70 Jahren. Der Torf/Klei-Kontakt (~ 470-473 cm unter NN) konnte auf ein Alter von 5460 ± I30 Jahren oberhalb und 5520 ± 130 Jahren unterhalb des Kontaktes eingeengt werden. Auf Altersverfälschungen durch tiefwurzelnde Phragmites-Rhizome wird aufmerksam gemacht. An entsprechendem Probenmaterial durchgeführte l4C-Datierungen bekräftigen den Verdacht auf eine mögliche Datenverschiebung. Zwei tonreiche Schichten aus dem oberen Torfhorizont ('Upper Peat') wurden auf 1850 ± 50 Jahre (A: ~300 cm unter NN) und 1980 ± 50 Jahre V. Chr. (B: ~ 315 cm unter NN) datiert.
Magnetic properties of late Quaternary sediments on the SW Iberian Margin are dominated by bacterial magnetite, observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), with contributions from detrital titanomagnetite and hematite. Reactive hematite from eolian dust, together with low organic matter concentrations and the lack of sulfate reduction, lead to dissimilatory iron reduction and availability of Fe(II) for abundant magnetotactic bacteria. Magnetite grain-size proxies (kARM/k and ARM/IRM) and S-ratios (sensitive to hematite) vary on stadial/interstadial timescales, contain orbital power, and mimic planktic d18O. The detrital/biogenic magnetite ratio and hematite concentration are greater during stadials and glacial isotopic stages, reflecting increased detrital (magnetite) input during times of lowered sea level, coinciding with atmospheric conditions favoring hematitic dust supply. Magnetic susceptibility, on the other hand, has a very different response being sensitive to coarse detrital multidomain (MD) magnetite associated with ice-rafted debris (IRD). High susceptibility and/or magnetic grain size coarsening, mark Heinrich stadials (HS), particularly HS2, HS3, HS4, HS5, HS6 and HS7, as well as older Heinrich-like detrital layers, indicating the sensitivity of this region to fluctuations in the position of the polar front. Relative paleointensity (RPI) records have well-constrained age models based on planktic d18O correlation to ice-core chronologies, however, they differ from reference records (e.g. PISO) particularly in the vicinity of glacial maxima, mainly due to inefficient normalization of RPI records in intervals of enhanced detrital/eolian hematite input.