852 resultados para I22 - Educational Finance
Each number has individual title page.
This paper examines social sector expenditures in fifteen Indian states between 1980/81 and 1999/2000 to find out whether the far-reaching economic reforms that began in 1991 had any significant impact on the level and trend of these expenditures; and if there was any such impact, what were the reasons behind the ensuing changes. The empirical analysis in this study shows that revenue became a major determinant of social sector expenditures from the mid 1980s with the result that real per capita social sector expenditures in most states started to decline even before the economic reforms began as states' fiscal deficits worsened in the 1980s. Economic reforms, therefore, largely did not have a major negative impact on expenditures. In fact there was a positive impact on some states, which often were those that received more foreign aid than other states. By the late 1990s, states expending more on the social sector changed from states with a traditionally strong commitment to the social sector, such as Kerala, to states having higher revenues including aid from outside the country.
Using a unique dataset obtained from rural Andhra Pradesh, India that contains direct observations of household access to credit and detailed time use, results of this study indicate that credit market failures lead to a substantial reallocation of time used by children for activities such as schooling, household chores, remunerative work, and leisure. The negative effects of credit constraints on schooling amount to a 60% decrease of average schooling time. However, the magnitude of decrease due to credit constraints is about half that of the increase in both domestic and remunerative child labor, the other half appearing to come from a reduction in leisure.
Relato de experiência ocorrida na Escola de Lajes, em Piraí, Rio de Janeiro, patrocinada pela Light Serviços de Eletricidade S.A., através de convênio com a Prefeitura. Analisada do ponto de vista financeiro e pedagógico, a experiência destaca-se como um exemplo de melhoria da qualidade do ensino público sustentado por recursos empresariais, remetendo à necessidade de revisão da legislação sobre salário-educação para viabilizar iniciativas semelhantes.
Este artigo apresenta uma análise inicial do financiamento das ações do Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação - PDE -, lançado em abril de 2007 pelo governo federal, focalizando algumas expectativas, impasses e impactos. Muitas das inquietações e dúvidas aqui expostas foram manifestadas no Seminário Itinerante O Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação - PDE - em Debate nas Universidades Públicas Paulistas, em que especialistas de diferentes instituições tiveram a oportunidade de debater com os formuladores e responsáveis pela implementação do plano. Optou-se por organizar análise em três partes. Na primeira parte, discutem-se alguns pressupostos do financiamento da educação nacional, mostrando que o país pode e deve aplicar mais recursos para alcançar um desenvolvimento educacional e social adequado. Na segunda, analisam-se documentos do MEC que explicitam as concepções que fundamentam o PDE no que se refere ao financiamento das 40 ações propostas. Na terceira, os autores se posicionam quanto à forma de financiamento adotada e quanto aos recursos previstos ou alocados para a execução das ações. Para finalizar, uma série de questões sobre o plano são levantadas em perspectiva propositiva.
Reaudit report on the Bettendorf Community School District for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
Annual Condition of Education Report provides a rich tapestry of information about Iowa's Education system. The data presented in the report examines longitudinal trends about our students, our teacher and our schools from many perspectives. Information such as demographic characteristics, assessment results, college readiness, college readiness measures, courses taken, and financial health are just a few examples.
Audit report on Bettendorf Community School District in Bettendorf, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2015
Audit report on Bettendorf Community School District in Bettendorf, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2015
Report on a special investigation of the Melcher-Dallas Community School District (District) for the period July 1, 2013 through January 31, 2016
The purpose of this document is to provide assistance in finding appropriate financial resources and services for young children with special needs.
Audit report on Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2016
Audit report on Clarke Community School District in Osceola, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2016
Report on a special investigation of the girls’ basketball program and the Activities Department at Roosevelt High School within the Des Moines Independent Community School District for the period August 8, 2006 through November 30, 2016