20 resultados para Hypotrophy
Trisomy 13 was detected in 10% of mouse embryos obtained from pregnant females which were doubly heterozygous for Robertsonian chromosomes involving chromosome 13. The developing dorsal root ganglia and spinal cords were examined in trisomy 13 and littermate control mice between days 12 and 18 of gestation (E12-18). The overall size of the dorsal root ganglia and number of ganglion cells within a given ganglion were not altered, but the number of neurons immunoreactive for calbindin and calretinin was reduced. The trisomic spinal cord was reduced in size with neurons lying in a tightly compact distribution in the gray matter. In trisomic fetuses, the extent of the neuropil of the spinal cord was reduced, and may represent a diminished field of interneuronal connectivity, due to reduced arborization of dendritic processes of the neurons present, particularly of calbindin-immunostained neurons. Furthermore, the subpopulation of calretinin-immunoreactive neurons and axons was also reduced in developing trisomic gray and white matter, respectively. Thus, overexpression of genes on mouse chromosome 13 exerts a deleterious effect on the development of neuropil, affecting both dendritic and axonal arborization in the trisomy 13 mouse. The defect of calbindin or calretinin expression by subsets of dorsal root ganglion or spinal cord neurons may result from deficient cell-to-cell interactions with targets which are hypoplastic.
The objective of the present study was to investigate the structure of the arterial walls of the offspring stemming from nitric oxide (NO)-defective hypertensive parents. The parents were treated with N G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (40 mg kg-1 day-1) for 5 weeks. Blood pressure was measured noninvasively in six 30-day-old rats and nine age-matched controls. The cardiovascular system was perfused with glutaraldehyde at 120 mmHg. The thoracic aorta and carotid artery were processed for electron microscopy, and geometry was determined by light microscopy. Endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells (SMC) and extracellular matrix (ECM) were determined by the point counting method in electron micrographs of the carotid artery. The blood pressure of experimental offspring was 150.0 ± 2.3 vs 104.6 ± 2.1 mmHg (P < 0.01) for the controls and their heart/body weight ratio of 3.9 ± 0.1 vs 4.4 ± 0.2 (P < 0.05) for the controls indicated cardiac hypotrophy. The wall thickness (tunica intima and media) of the thoracic aorta and carotid artery of experimental offspring was decreased to 78.9% (P < 0.01) and 83.8% (P < 0.01), respectively, compared to controls, as confirmed by a respective cross-sectional area of 85.3% (P < 0.01) and 84.1% (P < 0.01). The wall thickness/inner diameter ratio was reduced to 75% (P < 0.01) in the thoracic artery and to 81.5% (P < 0.01) in the carotid artery. No change in endothelial cell volume density or ECM was observed in the tunica intima of the carotid artery, and SMC volume density was lower in the tunica media (37.6 ± 0.9 vs 44.7 ± 1.1% for controls, P < 0.01), indicating compromised SMC development. Interference with arginine metabolism, a decrease in NO, and other factors are possible mechanisms underlying the structural alterations of the cardiovascular system of offspring from NO-defective hypertensive rats.
We report on two Portuguese sisters with a very similar phenotype characterized by severe intellectual disability, absent speech, relative macrocephaly, coarse face, cerebellar hypotrophy, and severe ataxia. Additional common features include increased thickness of the cranial vault, delayed dental eruption, talipes equino-varus, clinodactyly, and camptodactyly of the fifth finger. The older sister has retinal dystrophy and the younger sister has short stature. Their parents are consanguineous. We suggest this condition constitutes a previously unreported autosomal recessive entity.
The Down syndrome (DS) immune phenotype is characterized by thymus hypotrophy, higher propensity to organ-specific autoimmune disorders, and higher susceptibility to infections, among other features. Considering that AIRE (autoimmune regulator) is located on 21q22.3, we analyzed protein and gene expression in surgically removed thymuses from 14 DS patients with congenital heart defects, who were compared with 42 age-matched controls with heart anomaly as an isolated malformation. Immunohistochemistry revealed 70.48 +/- 49.59 AIRE-positive cells/mm(2) in DS versus 154.70 +/- 61.16 AIRE-positive cells/mm(2) in controls (p < 0.0001), and quantitative PCR as well as DNA microarray data confirmed those results. The number of FOXP3-positive cells/mm(2) was equivalent in both groups. Thymus transcriptome analysis showed 407 genes significantly hypoexpressed in DS, most of which were related, according to network transcriptional analysis (FunNet), to cell division and to immunity. Immune response-related genes included those involved in 1) Ag processing and presentation (HLA-DQB1, HLA-DRB3, CD1A, CD1B, CD1C, ERAP) and 2) thymic T cell differentiation (IL2RG, RAG2, CD3D, CD3E, PRDX2, CDK6) and selection (SH2D1A, CD74). It is noteworthy that relevant AIRE-partner genes, such as TOP2A, LAMNB1, and NUP93, were found hypoexpressed in DNA microarrays and quantitative real-time PCR analyses. These findings on global thymic hypofunction in DS revealed molecular mechanisms underlying DS immune phenotype and strongly suggest that DS immune abnormalities are present since early development, rather than being a consequence of precocious aging, as widely hypothesized. Thus, DS should be considered as a non-monogenic primary immunodeficiency. The Journal of Immunology, 2011, 187: 3422-3430.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the heart weight and the heart weight/body weight coefficient of adults with and without chronic malnutrition. METHODS: In an initial case series of 210 autopsies performed in adults, we recorded body and heart weights and calculated the heart weight/body weight coefficients (HW/BW x 100). The exclusion criteria were as follows: positive serology for Chagas' disease, edema, obesity, heart diseases, hepatopathies, nephropathies, and systemic arterial hypertension. Malnutrition was characterized as a body mass index <18.5kg/m². Differences with p<0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: Individuals in the malnourished (n=15) and control (n=21) groups were statistically different, respectively, in regard to body mass index (15.9±1.7 versus 21.3±2.5kg/m²), heart weight (267.3±59.8 versus 329.1±50.4g), and the HW/BW coefficient (0.64±0.12 versus 0.57±0.09%). A positive and significant correlation was observed between heart weight and body mass index (r=0.52), and between heart weight and body weight (r=0.65). CONCLUSION: Malnourished individuals have lighter hearts and a greater HW/BW coefficient than non-malnourished individuals do. These findings indicate a possible preservation of the myocardium in relation to the intensity of weight loss associated with the probable relative increase in cardiac connective tissue and heart blood vessels.
The pathogenesis of protracted diarrhea is multifactorial. In developing countries, intestinal infectious processes seem to play an important role in triggering the syndrome. Thirty-four children aged 1 to 14 months, mean 6.5 months, with protracted diarrhea were studied clinically and in terms of small intestinal mucosal morphology. Mild, moderate or severe hypotrophy of the jejunal mucosa was detected in 82% of cases, and mucosal atrophy was observed in 12%. The intensity of the morphological changes of the jejunal mucosa correlated negatively with serum albumin levels. No correlation was detected between mucosal grading and duration of diarrhea or between mucosal grading and weight reported as percentile. After nutritional support was instituted, serial jejunal biopsies were obtained from 12 patients: five patients submitted to parenteral nutrition for 7 to 38 days, mean 17 days, and 7 patients receiving a hypoallergenic oral diet (semi-elemental formula, 3; chicken formula, 3; human milk, 1). In seven cases (58%) a progressive increase in villus height and a decrease in the number of inflammatory cells were noted. Recovery of the morphologic pattern was accompanied by clinical improvement in all patients
The objective of the present study was to propose an orthosis of light material that would be functional for the animal and that would maintain only the ankle joint immobilized. Male Wistar rats (3 to 4 months old, 250-300 g) were divided into 2 groups (N = 6): control and immobilized for 7 days. Rats were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (40 mg/kg weight) and the left hindlimb was immobilized with the orthoses composed of acrylic resin model, abdominal belt and lateral supports. The following analyses were performed: glycogen content of the soleus, extensor digitorum longus, white gastrocnemius, red gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior muscles by the phenol sulfuric method, and the weight, fiber area and intramuscular connective tissue of the soleus by the planimetric system. Data were analyzed statistically by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Student t and Wilcoxon tests. Immobilization decreased glycogen in all muscles (P < 0.05; soleus: 31.6%, white gastrocnemius: 56.6%, red gastrocnemius: 39%, extensor digitorum longus: 41.7%, tibialis anterior: 45.2%) in addition to reducing soleus weight by 34% (P < 0.05). Furthermore, immobilization promoted reduction of the fiber area (43%, P < 0.05) and increased the connective tissue (200%, P < 0.05). The orthosis model was efficient comparing with another alternative immobilization model, like plaster casts, in promoting skeletal muscle alterations, indicating that it could be used as a new model in other studies related to muscle disuse.
A low-protein diet leads to functional and structural pancreatic islet alterations, including islet hypotrophy. Insulin-signaling pathways are involved in several adaptive responses by pancreatic islets. We determined the levels of some insulin-signaling proteins related to pancreatic islet function and growth in malnourished rats. Adult male Wistar rats (N = 20 per group) were fed a 17% protein (normal-protein diet; NP) or 6% protein (low-protein diet; LP), for 8 weeks. At the end of this period, blood glucose and serum insulin and albumin levels were measured. The morphometric parameters of the endocrine pancreas and the content of some proteins in islet lysates were determined. The β-cell mass was significantly reduced (≅65%) in normoglycemic but hypoinsulinemic LP rats compared to NP rats. Associated with these alterations, a significant 30% reduction in insulin receptor substrate-1 and a 70% increase in insulin receptor substrate-2 protein content were observed in LP islets compared to NP islets. The phosphorylated serine-threonine protein kinase (pAkt)/Akt protein ratio was similar in LP and NP islets. The phosphorylated forkhead-O1 (pFoxO1)/FoxO1 protein ratio was decreased by 43% in LP islets compared to NP islets (P < 0.05). Finally, the ratio of phosphorylated-extracellular signal-related kinase 1/2 (pErk1/2) to total Erk1/2 protein levels was decreased by 71% in LP islets compared to NP islets (P < 0.05). Therefore, the reduced β-cell mass observed in LP rats is associated with the reduction of phosphorylation in mitogenic-related signals, FoxO1 and Erk proteins. The cause/effect basis of this association remains to be determined.
Aim: Changes in skeletal muscle morphology and metabolism are associated with limited functional capacity in heart failure, which can be attenuated by neuromuscular electrical stimulation (ES). The purpose of the present study was to analyse the effects of ES upon GLUT-4 protein content, fibre structure and vessel density of the skeletal muscle in a rat model of HF subsequent to myocardial infarction. Methods: Forty-four male Wistar rats were assigned to one of four groups: sham (S), sham submitted to ES (S+ES), heart failure (HF) and heart failure submitted to ES (HF+ES). The rats in the ES groups were submitted to ES of the left leg during 20 days (2.5 kHz, once a day, 30 min, duty cycle 50%- 15 s contraction/15 s rest). After this period, the left tibialis anterior muscle was collected from all the rats for analysis. Results: HF+ES rats showed lower values of lung congestion when compared with HF rats (P = 0.0001). Although muscle weight was lower in HF rats than in the S group, thus indicating hypotrophy, 20 days of ES led to their recovery (P < 0.0001). In both groups submitted to ES, there was an increase in muscle vessel density (P < 0.04). Additionally, heart failure determined a 49% reduction in GLUT-4 protein content (P < 0.03), which was recovered by ES (P < 0.01). Conclusion: In heart failure, ES improves morphological changes and raises GLUT-4 content in skeletal muscle.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: High plasma uric acid (UA) is a prerequisite for gout and is also associated with the metabolic syndrome and its components and consequently risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Hence, the management of UA serum concentrations would be essential for the treatment and/or prevention of human diseases and, to that end, it is necessary to know what the main factors that control the uricemia increase. The aim of this study was to evaluate the main factors associated with higher uricemia values analyzing diet, body composition and biochemical markers. Methods. 415 both gender individuals aged 21 to 82 years who participated in a lifestyle modification project were studied. Anthropometric evaluation consisted of weight and height measurements with later BMI estimation. Waist circumference was also measured. The muscle mass (Muscle Mass Index - MMI) and fat percentage were measured by bioimpedance. Dietary intake was estimated by 24-hour recalls with later quantification of the servings on the Brazilian food pyramid and the Healthy Eating Index. Uric acid, glucose, triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol, urea, creatinine, gamma-GT, albumin and calcium and HDL-c were quantified in serum by the dry-chemistry method. LDL-c was estimated by the Friedewald equation and ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (CRP) by the immunochemiluminiscence method. Statistical analysis was performed by the SAS software package, version 9.1. Linear regression (odds ratio) was performed with a 95% confidence interval (CI) in order to observe the odds ratio for presenting UA above the last quartile (♂UA > 6.5 mg/dL and ♀ UA > 5 mg/dL). The level of significance adopted was lower than 5%. Results: Individuals with BMI ≥ 25 kg/m§ssup§2§esup§ OR = 2.28(1.13-4.6) and lower MMI OR = 13.4 (5.21-34.56) showed greater chances of high UA levels even after all adjustments (gender, age, CRP, gamma-gt, LDL, creatinine, urea, albumin, HDL-c, TG, arterial hypertension and glucose). As regards biochemical markers, higher triglycerides OR = 2.76 (1.55-4.90), US-CRP OR = 2.77 (1.07-7.21) and urea OR = 2.53 (1.19-5.41) were associated with greater chances of high UA (adjusted for gender, age, BMI, waist circumference, MMI, glomerular filtration rate, and MS). No association was found between diet and UA. Conclusions: The main factors associated with UA increase were altered BMI (overweight and obesity), muscle hypotrophy (MMI), higher levels of urea, triglycerides, and CRP. No dietary components were found among uricemia predictors. © 2013 de Oliveira et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of adding glutamine, fish oil or yeast cellular wall to the diet of weaned piglets on the expression of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the protein content and DNA in small intestine samples and on performance. In the first experiment, 24 weaned piglets were used to measure the performance at the phases prestarter, starter 1 and starter 2. Four diets were tested (T1 -basal diet (BD); T2 -BD + 1% of glutamine; T3 -BD + 0,2% of yeast cellular wall; T4 -BD + 5% of fish oil). At the second experiment 45 weaned piglets were used and distributed in a randomized block design, in factorial outline with four diets and three slaughter ages (on the day of weaning, on the seventh and fourteenth days postweaning). The tested diets did not alter the piglets' performance in none of the phases. There was reduction of the expression of the ODC enzyme, of the protein concentration and of the relationship protein/DNA to the seven days postweaning, with increase of the values on the 14th day, evidencing a state of hypotrophy of the mucous membrane, suggesting that the process of protein synthesis in the small intestine was diminished in the first week after weaning, but it presented recovery signs in the second week.