972 resultados para Hypothesis Tests


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This paper analyzes whether standard covariance matrix tests work whendimensionality is large, and in particular larger than sample size. Inthe latter case, the singularity of the sample covariance matrix makeslikelihood ratio tests degenerate, but other tests based on quadraticforms of sample covariance matrix eigenvalues remain well-defined. Westudy the consistency property and limiting distribution of these testsas dimensionality and sample size go to infinity together, with theirratio converging to a finite non-zero limit. We find that the existingtest for sphericity is robust against high dimensionality, but not thetest for equality of the covariance matrix to a given matrix. For thelatter test, we develop a new correction to the existing test statisticthat makes it robust against high dimensionality.


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Acknowledgments This work has been undertaken with the support of the A*MIDEX project (n ∘ ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02) funded by the “Investissements d’Avenir” French Government program, managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR). We are grateful to Julian Williams, Editor Badi H. Baltagi and an anonymous referee for helpful comments. We are responsible for any errors.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Matemática, Estatística, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Catherine Comiskey CI and Hypothesis tests part 2 Hypothesis Testing   - Developing Null and Alternative Hypotheses   - Type I and Type II Errors   - Population Mean:  s Known   - Population Mean:  s Unknown   - Population Proportion  


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Catherine Comiskey CI and Hypothesis tests part 1 Hypothesis Testing   -  Developing Null and Alternative Hypotheses   -  Type I and Type II Errors   -   Population Mean:  S Known   -  Population Mean:  S Unknown   -  Population Proportion  


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Gene clustering is a useful exploratory technique to group together genes with similar expression levels under distinct cell cycle phases or distinct conditions. It helps the biologist to identify potentially meaningful relationships between genes. In this study, we propose a clustering method based on multivariate normal mixture models, where the number of clusters is predicted via sequential hypothesis tests: at each step, the method considers a mixture model of m components (m = 2 in the first step) and tests if in fact it should be m - 1. If the hypothesis is rejected, m is increased and a new test is carried out. The method continues (increasing m) until the hypothesis is accepted. The theoretical core of the method is the full Bayesian significance test, an intuitive Bayesian approach, which needs no model complexity penalization nor positive probabilities for sharp hypotheses. Numerical experiments were based on a cDNA microarray dataset consisting of expression levels of 205 genes belonging to four functional categories, for 10 distinct strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To analyze the method's sensitivity to data dimension, we performed principal components analysis on the original dataset and predicted the number of classes using 2 to 10 principal components. Compared to Mclust (model-based clustering), our method shows more consistent results.


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A absorção de água por carcaças de frango na etapa de pré-resfriamento da linha abate representa uma característica de qualidade importante relacionada ao rendimento do produto final. Uma forma de manter o padrão de qualidade de um produto é garantir que as etapas do processo sejam estáveis e replicáveis. Ao empregar o Controle Estatístico de Processo (CEP) é possível obter estabilidade e melhorias nos processos, por meio da redução da variabilidade. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi a aplicação de gráficos de controle, análise de correlação, estatística descritiva, testes de hipóteses e regressão linear múltipla na linha de abate de um abatedouro-frigorífico de aves para monitorar a variabilidade da absorção de água pelas carcaças de frango após a etapa de pré-resfriamento. Como resultado, verificou-se que o teor de absorção de água das carcaças de frango apresentou elevada variabilidade, sendo que 10% (8/80) das carcaças apresentaram absorção de água superior ao limite de 8% definido pela legislação brasileira. Do total de 16 variáveis de entrada analisadas, as mais impactantes no teor de absorção de água foram o “tempo de retenção da carcaça no pré-chiller” e o “tempo de espera da carcaça após a etapa de gotejamento”. Entretanto, o modelo de regressão obtido apresentou baixa correlação (R²=0,16) que foi associada à elevada variabilidade da variável-resposta. Os resultados da estatística descritiva demonstraram que as variáveis de entrada também apresentaram elevada variabilidade, com coeficiente de variação entre 7,95 e 63,5%. Verificou-se, pela análise dos gráficos de controle de medida individual e da amplitude móvel, que 15 das 16 variáveis de entrada se apresentaram fora de controle estatístico assim como a variável-resposta. Baseado no fluxograma e na descrição das etapas da linha de abate, previamente realizados, atribuiu-se à falta de padronização na condução das etapas e de procedimentos para o controle de qualidade das operações na linha de abate como fatores relevantes que poderiam estar associados à presença de causas especiais no processo. Concluiu-se que para reduzir a elevada variabilidade das variáveis e eliminar as causas especiais presentes são necessários ajustes operacionais para, dessa forma, obter um processo mais estável e mais uniforme garantindo o padrão de qualidade das carcaças de frango em relação ao teor de absorção de água.


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8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. 18-20 November, 2015, Seville, Spain.


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The present study, covering students from public schools and a private school on the island of São Miguel (Azores, Portugal), aims to meet the difficulties of the students of the 3rd and 4th years of the primary education in solving tasks involving construction, reading and interpreting tables and statistical graphs, in the context of Organization and Data Handling (ODH). We present the main results obtained from statistical methods, among which we highlight some non-parametric hypothesis tests and the Categorical Principal Component Analysis (CatPCA), given the nature of the variables included in the questionnaire (mostly nominal and ordinal variables).


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A sample of 445 consumers resident in distinct Lisbon areas was analyzed through direct observations in order to discover each lifestyle’s current proportion, applying the Whitaker Lifestyle™ Method. The findings of the conducted hypothesis tests on the population proportion unveil that Neo-Traditional and Modern Whitaker lifestyles have the significantly highest proportion, while the overall presence of different lifestyles varies across neighborhoods. The research further demonstrates the validity of Whitaker observation techniques, media consumption differences among lifestyles and the importance of style and aesthetics while segmenting consumers by lifestyles. Finally, market opportunities are provided for firms operating in Lisbon.


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INTRODUCTION : The tuberculin test is a diagnostic method for detecting latent tuberculosis (TB) infection, especially among disease contact cases. The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence and evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among TB contact cases. METHODS : A retrospective cohort study was performed in a reference center for TB. The study population consisted of 2,425 patients who underwent a tuberculin test from 2003 to 2010 and whose results indicated contact with individuals with TB. The data were collected from the registry book of the tuberculin tests, patient files and the Information System Records of Notification Grievance. To verify the evolution of TB, case records through September 2014 were consulted. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). In all hypothesis tests, a significance level of 0.05 was used. RESULTS : From the studied sample, 435 (17.9%) contacts did not return for reading. Among the 1,990 contacts that completed the test, the prevalence of latent TB infection was 35.4%. Of these positive cases, 50.6% were referred to treatment; the dropout rate was 42.5%. Among all of the contacts, the TB prevalence was 1.8%, from which 13.2% abandoned treatment. CONCLUSIONS : The collected data indicate the need for more effective public policies to improve TB control, including administering tests that do not require a return visit for reading, enhancing contact tracing and encouraging actions that reinforce full treatment adherence.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Marketing e Estratégia


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The purpose of this paper aims at carrying out a study in the area of Statistics for classifying Portuguese Secondary Schools (both mainland and islands: “Azores” and “Madeira”), taking into account the results achieved by their students in both national examinations and internal assessment. The main according consists of identifying groups of schools with different performance levels by considering the sub-national public and private education systems’ as well as their respective geographic location. For this, we developed an alternative educational indicator for the so-called Secondary Education indicator rankings released since 2001 by the Portuguese media.


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It is common in econometric applications that several hypothesis tests arecarried out at the same time. The problem then becomes how to decide whichhypotheses to reject, accounting for the multitude of tests. In this paper,we suggest a stepwise multiple testing procedure which asymptoticallycontrols the familywise error rate at a desired level. Compared to relatedsingle-step methods, our procedure is more powerful in the sense that itoften will reject more false hypotheses. In addition, we advocate the useof studentization when it is feasible. Unlike some stepwise methods, ourmethod implicitly captures the joint dependence structure of the teststatistics, which results in increased ability to detect alternativehypotheses. We prove our method asymptotically controls the familywise errorrate under minimal assumptions. We present our methodology in the context ofcomparing several strategies to a common benchmark and deciding whichstrategies actually beat the benchmark. However, our ideas can easily beextended and/or modied to other contexts, such as making inference for theindividual regression coecients in a multiple regression framework. Somesimulation studies show the improvements of our methods over previous proposals. We also provide an application to a set of real data.


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The purpose of the present article is to take stock of a recent exchange in Organizational Research Methods between critics (Rönkkö & Evermann, 2013) and proponents (Henseler et al., 2014) of partial least squares path modeling (PLS-PM). The two target articles were centered around six principal issues, namely whether PLS-PM: (1) can be truly characterized as a technique for structural equation modeling (SEM); (2) is able to correct for measurement error; (3) can be used to validate measurement models; (4) accommodates small sample sizes; (5) is able to provide null hypothesis tests for path coefficients; and (6) can be employed in an exploratory, model-building fashion. We summarize and elaborate further on the key arguments underlying the exchange, drawing from the broader methodological and statistical literature in order to offer additional thoughts concerning the utility of PLS-PM and ways in which the technique might be improved. We conclude with recommendations as to whether and how PLS-PM serves as a viable contender to SEM approaches for estimating and evaluating theoretical models.