8 resultados para Hypophthamus edentatus


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A desidratação osmótica de filés de mapará tem sido utilizada como pré-tratamento antes da secagem e refrigeração de alimentos como um meio de reduzir a umidade dos produtos. O objetivo do trabalho foi otimizar a transferência de massa ocorrida durante a desidratação osmótica de mapará através da metodologia de superfície de resposta. A desidratação osmótica foi realizada de acordo com um planejamento fatorial completo 23, com oito pontos fatoriais, três centrais e seis axiais, totalizando 17 ensaios, em que o valor das variáveis dependentes, a perda de peso (PP), a perda de água (PA), o ganho de sólidos (GS), GS/PA e ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBA), são funções das variáveis independentes, temperatura, concentração de NaCl e tempo de imersão. A análise estatística aplicada aos dados experimentais foi realizada através do erro puro e pelo SS residual. Aplicando a metodologia de superfície de resposta, a condição ótima de convergência de menor perda de peso, maior perda de água e menor ganho de sal correspondeu a uma concentração de cloreto de sódio de 22%, temperatura de 46 °C e tempo de 7 horas.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar sensorialmente o mapará in natura e com pré-tratamento osmótico antes da secagem. Para o teste de aceitabilidade do bolinho de músculo de mapará, foram utilizados peixes in natura e desidratados osmoticamente, nas melhores condições de processo, em soluções de NaCl, NaCl + sacarose e em solução de NaCl + xarope de milho e secos. Foram utilizados 25 provadores não treinados, de ambos os sexos, com idade variando de 20 a 60 anos. Os atributos sensoriais avaliados foram aparência, aroma, sabor, textura e impressão global. O aroma e a textura das amostras com e sem pré-tratamento osmótico foram os atributos que obtiveram maior aceitação por parte dos consumidores. Pôde-se concluir que as amostras tratadas com soluções osmóticas, com exceção das tratadas com solução de NaCl + xarope de milho, proporcionaram produtos com textura, sabor e aroma mais agradáveis.


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The present study investigates the δ 13C and δ 15N isotopic composition in frozen samples (control), samples in alcohol and in formaldehyde of Plagioscion squamosissimus and Hypophthalmus edentatus. From each individual we extracted a strip of muscle from the region above the lateral line, in the dorsal fin base, that was divided into three equal parts, each one was submitted to one type of treatment: freeze - control group (-15oC), conservation in alcohol 70% and fixation in formaldehyde 4%. Samples were kept under those treatments for 30 days, washed and submerged in distilled water for 4 hours. Afterwards, they were dried up in air oven at 60oC for 48 hours and macerated until the obtaining of a fine powder. A significant difference was found in isotopic values of carbon and nitrogen, between the control and the samples in alcohol and formaldehyde, except for δ 13C from the H. edentatus samples in formaldehyde. The carbon isotopic values of samples in alcohol were mostly enriched compared to control, whereas the samples in formaldehyde presented depleted values in relation to the control. The nitrogen isotopic values for both samples preserved in alcohol and formaldehyde were enriched when compared to the values of frozen samples, independently of used preservatives. Therefore, the isotopic correction should be accomplished according to the isotope and preservative employed for species of freshwater fish.


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Foram estudadas as comunidades de ácaros em indivíduos de Hymenaea martiana Hayne (Leguminosae) com diferentes tamanhos, localizados em fragmento de Mata Estacional Semidecidual com transição para o Cerrado. As plantas analisadas foram selecionadas com base no gradiente de altura e perímetro do tronco a 10 cm acima do solo. Foram realizadas coletas quinzenais no período de março de 2007 a março de 2008. em cada amostragem foram retiradas três folhas dos ramos externos e três dos ramos internos, ao redor da região mediana da copa de cada planta selecionada. Para comparar os padrões ecológicos das comunidades de ácaros entre as plantas, foram aplicados índices descritores da diversidade. em H. martiana, foram registrados 109.445 ácaros pertencentes a 28 espécies de 14 famílias. Nove espécies de ácaros, dentre as 19 classificadas como frequentes e acessórias, tiveram sua densidade populacional influenciada pelo tamanho da planta. Enquanto a densidade populacional de Chiapacheylus edentatus de Leon, 1962, Euseius cf. errabundus, Pronematus sp., Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) e Tarsonemus sp., apresentou correlação positiva com a altura da planta, a de Aberoptus aff. cerostructor, Euseius sibelius (De Leon, 1962), Typhlodromalus aripo de Leon, 1967 e Phytoseius nahuatlensis de Leon, 1959, apresentou correlação negativa. Não houve influência da altura da planta sobre a riqueza de espécies e densidade total de ácaros entre ramos internos e externos das plantas com diferentes alturas. As variações fisiológicas entre os indivíduos de diferentes estágios ontogenéticos de H. martiana, juntamente com fatores abióticos, podem ter influenciado a ocorrência e a distribuição dessas espécies de ácaros sobre essa planta.


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A total of 24 male and female equines of mixed breed, 10-20 months of age and naturally infected with internal parasites was utilized in a controlled test to evaluate the efficacy of a moxidectin 2% gel formulation at the dosage of 0.4 mg moxidectin per kg of live weight and an ivermectin 1.87% commercial paste formulation at the dosage 0.2 mg ivermectin per kg applied orally Animals were allocated into three groups of eight horses each based on pre-treatment eggs per gram (EPG) counts and treatments were randomized among the groups. One group was kept as untreated controls. One animal in the moxidectin-treated group died before the end of the trial from a cause unrelated to treatment leaving a total of seven animals in this group. Fecal egg counts were performed three times post-treatment and the number of parasites remaining in each animal was determined. Statistical analyses using geometric means were performed at the 1% level of significance. Both moxidectin and ivermectin preparations reduced initial EPG from a mean of 1600 to 0 on Days 5, 7 and at the end of the trial on Day 14. Efficacy percentages of moxidectin and ivermectin against immature and adult nematodes were as follows: Trichostrongylus axel, Parascaris equorum, Strongylus edentatus, S. vulgaris, Triodontophorus spp. and Gyalocephalus capitatus, 100% for both products; Habronema muscae 99.5 and 99.6%, respectively, Strongyloides westeri, 100 and 99.2%, respectively; Oxyuris equi, 99.6 and 100%, respectively; small strongyles, 99.7% for both products. of the latter, the most numerous were: Cylicocyclus insigne, Cylicostephanus longibursatus and Cyathostomum catinatum. No Gasterophilus nasalis were found in horses from either treated group, while two of eight control horses had infections with this parasite. Moxidectin showed greater efficacy (84.9%) than ivermectin (67.8%) against Strongylus vulgaris larvae found in the mesenteric artery aneurisms, but the difference was not statistically significant. Total parasite counts for both treated groups were significantly lower (p<0.01) than in the non-treated group. No significant differences were noted between moxidectin and ivermectin. Efficacy against the 30 nematode species found in this study was very evident for both products. As expected, neither moxidectin nor ivermectin was effective in controlling the tapeworm Anoplocephala perfoliata. No adverse reactions were observed during the experimental period. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE


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With the aim of studying the endoparasite fauna of horses from the Formiga city, located in center-west region of the state of Minas Gerais, 25 animals that were naturally infected with helminths were evaluated. By means of parasitological necropsies, different endoparasites were found. The subfamily Cyathostominae presented the highest incidence, followed by Trichostrongylus axei, Oxyuris equi, Triodontophorus serratus, Strongyloides westeri, Strongylus edentatus, Habronema muscae, Parascaris equorum, Probstmayria vivipara, Strongylus vulgaris, Gasterophilus nasalis, Anoplocephala magna and Anoplocephala perfoliata. In the present study, if the species Probstmayria vivipara was not considered in the prevalence, the frequency of Cyathostominae was equivalent to 94.85%. The results obtained in this study allowed us to detect and identify different species of helminths in horses, and confirmed the high incidence of nematodes belonging to the subfamily Cyathostominae in the center-west region of Minas Gerais.


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By means of parasitological necropsies, the present study aimed to evaluate, in six experiments, the degree of susceptibility or resistance of different helminth species which naturally infect horses to ivermectin 0.2mg/kg, abamectin 0.2mg/kg, moxidectin 0.4mg/kg, trichlorfon 35mg/kg, ivermectin 0.2mg/kg+praziquantel 2.5mg/kg, abamectin 0.2mg/kg+praziquantel 2.5mg/kg and ivermectin 0.2mg/kg+6.6 mg/kg pyrantel. At experimental day zero, the horses were allocated to treatment groups based on average counts of strongylid eggs per gram of feces (EPG) obtained on days -3, -2 and -1. Oxyuris sp. infections were confirmed as positive or negative. All the animals in the six experiments were naturally infected by this helminth species. Each group (control or treated) consisted of six animals. All the assessed Habronema muscae populations analyzed were susceptible to ivermectin, abamectin and moxidectin. Of the six Trichostrongylus axei populations, four were susceptible to ivermectin, abamectin, moxidectin, trichlorfon and ivermectin+praziquantel, and two were resistant to abamectin+praziquantel and ivermectin+pyrantel. Both Strongyloides westeri populations analyzed were susceptible to ivermectin, abamectin, moxidectin and abamectin+praziquantel. For O. equi, resistance was found in four different populations treated with ivermectin, abamectin, moxidectin, trichlorfon and ivermectin+praziquantel. Only combinations of abamectin+praziquantel and ivermectin+pyrantel were effective against this parasite species. All the large strongyles diagnosed in the present study (Strongyus edentatus, Strongyus vulgaris and Triodontophorus serratus) were susceptible to all the chemicals tested, with the exception of trichlorfon. Of the Cyathostominae populations, one was diagnosed as resistant to ivermectin and another to trichlorfon. The remaining populations from this nematode group were considered to be sensitive to ivermectin, abamectin, moxidectin, ivermectin+praziquantel, abamectin+praziquantel and ivermectin+pyrantel. New studies should be performed in different regions to evaluate the efficacy of trichlorfon in others field populations of helminthes.