113 resultados para Hypoglycaemia


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Phosphoinositide 3-kinases produce 3'-phosphorylated phosphoinositides that act as second messengers to recruit other signalling proteins to the membrane(1). Pi3ks are activated by many extracellular stimuli and have been implicated in a variety of cellular responses(1). The Pi3k gene family is complex and the physiological roles of different classes and isoforms are not clear. The gene Pik3r1 encodes three proteins (p85 alpha, p55 alpha and p50 alpha) that serve as regulatory subunits of class I-A Pi3ks (ref. 2). Mice lacking only the p85a isoform are viable but display hypoglycaemia and increased insulin sensitivity correlating with upregulation of the p55 alpha and p50 alpha variants(3). Here we report that loss of all protein products of Pik3r1 results in perinatal lethality. We observed, among other abnormalities, extensive hepatocyte necrosis and chylous ascites, We also noted enlarged skeletal muscle fibres, brown fat necrosis and calcification of cardiac tissue. In liver and muscle, loss of the major regulatory isoform caused a great decrease in expression and activity of class I-A Pi3k catalytic subunits: nevertheless, homozygous mice still displayed hypoglycaemia, lower insulin levels and increased glucose tolerance. Our findings reveal that p55 alpha and/or p50 alpha are required for survival, but not for development of hypoglycaemia, in mice lacking p85 alpha.


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This study used the novel approach of statistical modelling to investigate the control of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and quantify temporal relationships between hormones. Two experimental paradigms were chosen, insulin-induced hypoglycaemia and 2 h transport, to assess differences in control between noncognitive and cognitive stimuli. Vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) were measured in hypophysial portal plasma, and adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) and cortisol in jugular plasma of conscious sheep, and deconvolution analysis was used to calculate secretory rates, before modelling. During hypoglycaemia, the relationship between plasma glucose and vasopressin or CRH was best described by log(10) transforming variables (i.e. a positive power-curve relationship). A negative-feedback relationship with log(10) cortisol concentration 2 h previously was detected. Analysis of the 'transport' stimulus suggested that the strength of the perceived stimulus decreased over time after accounting for cortisol facilitation and negative-feedback. The time course of vasopressin and CRH responses to each stimulus were different However, at the pituitary level, the data suggested that log(10) ACTH secretion rate was related to log(10) vasopressin and CRH concentrations with very similar regression coefficients and an identical ratio of actions (2.3 : 1) for both stimuli. Similar magnitude negative-feedback effects of log(10) cortisol at -110 min (hypoglycaemia) or -40 min (transport) were detected, and both models contained a stimulatory relationship with cortisol at 0 min (facilitation). At adrenal gland level, cortisol secretory rates were related to simultaneously measured untransformed ACTH concentration but the regression coefficient for the hypoglycaemia model was 2.5-fold greater than for transport. No individual sustained maximum cortisol secretion for longer than 20 min during hypoglycaemia and 40 min during transport. These unique models demonstrate that corticosteroid negative-feedback is a significant control mechanism at both the pituitary and hypothalamus. The amplitude of HPA response may be related to stimulus intensity and corticosteroid negative-feedback, while duration depended on feedback alone.


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Gluconeogenesis in livers from overnight fasted weaned rats submitted to short-term insulin-induced hypoglycaemia (IIH) was investigated. For this purpose, a condition of hyperinsulinemia/hypoglycaemia was obtained with an intraperitoneal (ip) injection of regular insulin (1.0 U kg(-1)). Control group (COG group) received ip saline. The studies were performed 30 min after insulin (IIH group) or saline (COG group) injection. The livers from IIH and COG rats were perfused with L-alanine (5 mM), L-lactate (2 mM)), L-glutamine (10 mM) or glycerol (2 mM). Hepatic glucose, L-lactate and pyruvate production from L-alanine was not affected by IIH. In agreement with this result, the hepatic ability in producing glucose from L-lactate or glycerol remained unchanged (IIH group vs. COG group). However, livers from IIH rats showed higher glucose production from L-glutamine than livers front COG rats and, in the IIH rats, the production of glucose from L-glutamine was higher than that front L-alanine. The higher glucose production in livers from the IIH group. when compared with the COG group was due to its entrance further on gluconeogenic pathway. Taken together. the results suggest that L-glutamine is better than L-alanine, as gluconeogenic substrate in livers of hypoglyceaemic weaned rats. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons. Ltd.


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We previously demonstrated an increased liver gluconeogenesis (LG) during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia. Thus, an expected effect of sulphonylureas induced hypoglycaemia (SIH) could be the activation of LG. However, sulphonylureas infused directly in to the liver inhibits LG. Considering these opposite effects we investigated herein LG in rats submitted to SIH. For this purpose, 24 h fasted rats that received glibenclamide (10 mg kg(-1)) were used (SIH group). Control group received oral saline. Glycaemia at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 min after oral administration of glibenclamide were evaluated. Since the lowest glycaemia was obtained 120 min after glibenclamide administration, this time was chosen to investigate LG in situ perfused livers. The gluconeogenesis from precursors that enters in this metabolic pathway before the mitochondrial step, i.e. L-alanine (5 mM), L-lactate (2 mM), pyruvate (5 mM) and L-glutamine were decreased (p < 0.05). However, the gluconeogenic activity using glycerol (2 mM), which enters in the gluconeogenesis after the mitochondrial step was maintained. Taken together, the results suggest that the inhibition of LG promoted by SIH overcome the activation of this metabolic pathway promoted by IIH and could be attributed, at least in part, to its effect on mitochondrial function. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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As a common side effect of insulin treatment for diabetes, hypoglycaemia is a constant threat and can have far-reaching and potentially devastating consequences, including immediate physical injury as well as more pervasive cognitive, behavioural and emotional effects. Moreover, as a significant limiting factor in achieving optimal glycaemic control, exposure to hypoglycaemia can influence diabetes self-management.

Although hypoglycaemia is known to occur in Type 2 diabetes, its morbidity and impact on the individual are not well recognized. The aim of the current review is to examine published evidence to achieve a synthesis of the scope and significance of the potential detriment caused by hypoglycaemia to individuals with Type 2 diabetes. The implications of these observations for treatment and research have also been considered.

A narrative review was performed of empirical papers published in English since 1966, reporting the effect of hypoglycaemia on quality of life and related outcomes (including generic and diabetes specificquality of life, emotional well-being and health utilities) in Type 2 diabetes.

Research demonstrates the potential impact of hypoglycaemia on the lives of people with Type 2 diabetes, from an association with depressive symptoms and heightened anxiety, to impairment of the ability to drive, work and function in ways that are important for quality of life. Few studies consider hypoglycaemia as an explanatory variable in combination with quality of life or related primary endpoints. As a consequence, there is a pressing need for high-quality research into the overall impact of hypoglycaemia on the lives of people with Type 2 diabetes.


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Severe hypoglycaemia (SH) is one of the most feared complications of type 1 diabetes (T1DM) with a reported prevalence of nearly 40%. In randomized trials of Multiple Daily Injections (MDI) and Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) therapy there is a possible benefit of CSII in reducing SH. However few trials have used basal insulin analogues as the basal insulin in the MDI group and individuals with established SH have often been excluded from prospective studies. In published studies investigating the effect of Real Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring (RT-CGM) benefit in terms of reduced SH has not yet been demonstrated. The primary objective of this study is to elucidate whether in people with T1DM complicated by impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia (IAH), rigorous prevention of biochemical hypoglycaemia using optimized existing self-management technology and educational support will restore awareness and reduce risk of recurrent SH.

This is a multicentre prospective RCT comparing hypoglycaemia avoidance with optimized MDI and CSII with or without RT-CGM in a 2×2 factorial design in people with type 1 diabetes who have IAH. The primary outcome measure for this study is the difference in IAH (Gold score) at 24 weeks. Secondary outcomes include biomedical measures such as HbA1c, SH incidence, blinded CGM analysis, self monitored blood glucose (SMBG) and response to hypoglycaemia in gold standard clamp studies. Psychosocial measures including well-being and quality of life will also be assessed using several validated and novel measures. Analysis will be on an intention-to-treat basis.

Most existing RCTs using this study’s interventions have been powered for change in HbA1c rather than IAH or SH. This trial will demonstrate whether IAH can be reversed and SH prevented in people with T1DM in even those at highest risk by using optimized conventional management and existing technology.


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To determine the impact of structured education promoting flexible intensive insulin therapy on rates of diabetic ketoacidosis, and the costs associated with emergency treatment for severe hypoglycaemia and ketoacidosis in adults with Type 1 diabetes.


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Hypoglycaemia remains an over-riding factor limiting optimal glycaemic control in type 1 diabetes. Severe hypoglycaemia is prevalent in almost half of those with long-duration diabetes and is one of the most feared diabetes-related complications. In this review, we present an overview of the increasing body of literature seeking to elucidate the underlying pathophysiology of severe hypoglycaemia and the limited evidence behind the strategies employed to prevent episodes. Drivers of severe hypoglycaemia including impaired counter-regulation, hypoglycaemia-associated autonomic failure, psychosocial and behavioural factors and neuroimaging correlates are discussed. Treatment strategies encompassing structured education, insulin analogue regimens, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pumps, continuous glucose sensing and beta-cell replacement therapies have been employed, yet there is little randomized controlled trial evidence demonstrating effectiveness of new technologies in reducing severe hypoglycaemia. Optimally designed interventional trials evaluating these existing technologies and using modern methods of teaching patients flexible insulin use within structured education programmes with the specific goal of preventing severe hypoglycaemia are required. Individuals at high risk need to be monitored with meticulous collection of data on awareness, as well as frequency and severity of all hypoglycaemic episodes.


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Abstract Aims: To develop and evaluate a screening tool to identify people with diabetes at increased risk of medication problems relating to hypoglycaemia and medication non-adherence. Methods: A retrospective audit of attendances at a diabetes outpatient clinic at a public, teaching hospital over a 16-month period was conducted. Logistic regression was undertaken to examine risk factors associated with medication problems relating to hypoglycaemia and medication non-adherence and the most predictive set of factors comprise the Diabetes Medication Risk Screening Tool. Evaluating the tool involved assessing sensitivity and specificity, positive and negative predictive values, cut-off scores, inter-rater reliability, and content validity. Results: The Diabetes Medication Risk Screening Tool comprises seven predictive factors: age, living alone, English language, mental and behavioural problems, comorbidity index score, number of medications prescribed, and number of high-risk medications prescribed. The tool has 76.5% sensitivity, 59.5% specificity, and has a 65.1% positive predictive value, and a 71.8% negative predictive value. A score of 27 or more out of 62 was associated with high-risk of a medication problem. The inter-rater reliability of the tool was high (κ = 0.79, 95% CI 0.75 - 0.84) and the content validity index was 99.4%. Conclusion: The Diabetes Medication Risk Screening Tool has good psychometric properties and can proactively identify people with diabetes at greatest risk of medication problems relating to hypoglycaemia and medication non-adherence.