941 resultados para Hypercomplex geometric derivative


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The derivation and integration of hipercomplex functions have been investigated along the years, see [7], [11], [14]. The main purpose of this brief article is to give a geometrical interpretation for quaternionic derivatives, based on a recent determination of a Cauchy-like formula for quaternions, see [3]. © 2011 Academic Publications.


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We develop new algorithms which combine the rigorous theory of mathematical elasticity with the geometric underpinnings and computational attractiveness of modern tools in geometry processing. We develop a simple elastic energy based on the Biot strain measure, which improves on state-of-the-art methods in geometry processing. We use this energy within a constrained optimization problem to, for the first time, provide surface parameterization tools which guarantee injectivity and bounded distortion, are user-directable, and which scale to large meshes. With the help of some new generalizations in the computation of matrix functions and their derivative, we extend our methods to a large class of hyperelastic stored energy functions quadratic in piecewise analytic strain measures, including the Hencky (logarithmic) strain, opening up a wide range of possibilities for robust and efficient nonlinear elastic simulation and geometry processing by elastic analogy.


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Mebendazole (MBZ) is a common benzimidazole anthelmintic that exists in three different polymorphic forms, A, B, and C. Polymorph C is the pharmaceutically preferred form due to its adequated aqueous solubility. No single crystal structure determinations depicting the nature of the crystal packing and molecular conformation and geometry have been performed on this compound. The crystal structure of mebendazole form C is resolved for the first time. Mebendazole form C crystallizes in the triclinic centrosymmetric space group and this drug is practically planar, since the least-squares methyl benzimidazolylcarbamate plane is much fitted on the forming atoms. However, the benzoyl group is twisted by 31(1)degrees from the benzimidazole ring, likewise the torsional angle between the benzene and carbonyl moieties is 27(1)degrees. The formerly described bends and other interesting intramolecular geometry features were viewed as consequence of the intermolecular contacts occurring within mebendazole C structure. Among these features, a conjugation decreasing through the imine nitrogen atom of the benzimidazole core and a further resonance path crossing the carbamate one were described. At last, the X-ray powder diffractogram of a form C rich mebendazole mixture was overlaid to the calculated one with the mebendazole crystal structure. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 98:2336-2344, 2009


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We present a compact formula for the derivative of a 3-D rotation matrix with respect to its exponential coordinates. A geometric interpretation of the resulting expression is provided, as well as its agreement with other less-compact but better-known formulas. To the best of our knowledge, this simpler formula does not appear anywhere in the literature. We hope by providing this more compact expression to alleviate the common pressure to reluctantly resort to alternative representations in various computational applications simply as a means to avoid the complexity of differential analysis in exponential coordinates.


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A method for determination of lactose in food samples by Osteryoung square wave voltammetry (OSWV) was developed. It was based on the nucleophilic addition reaction between lactose and aqua ammonia. The carbonyl group of lactose can be changed into imido group, and this increases the electrochemical activity in reduction and the sensitivity. The optimal condition for the nucleophilic addition reaction was investigated and it was found that in NH4Cl–NH3 buffer of pH 10.1, the linear range between the peak current and the concentration of lactose was 0.6–8.4 mg L−1, and the detection limits was 0.44 mg L−1. The proposed method was applied to the determination of lactose in food samples and satisfactory results were obtained.


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The results of a numerical investigation into the errors for least squares estimates of function gradients are presented. The underlying algorithm is obtained by constructing a least squares problem using a truncated Taylor expansion. An error bound associated with this method contains in its numerator terms related to the Taylor series remainder, while its denominator contains the smallest singular value of the least squares matrix. Perhaps for this reason the error bounds are often found to be pessimistic by several orders of magnitude. The circumstance under which these poor estimates arise is elucidated and an empirical correction of the theoretical error bounds is conjectured and investigated numerically. This is followed by an indication of how the conjecture is supported by a rigorous argument.


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In this paper, we present a control strategy design technique for an autonomous underwater vehicle based on solutions to the motion planning problem derived from differential geometric methods. The motion planning problem is motivated by the practical application of surveying the hull of a ship for implications of harbor and port security. In recent years, engineers and researchers have been collaborating on automating ship hull inspections by employing autonomous vehicles. Despite the progresses made, human intervention is still necessary at this stage. To increase the functionality of these autonomous systems, we focus on developing model-based control strategies for the survey missions around challenging regions, such as the bulbous bow region of a ship. Recent advances in differential geometry have given rise to the field of geometric control theory. This has proven to be an effective framework for control strategy design for mechanical systems, and has recently been extended to applications for underwater vehicles. Advantages of geometric control theory include the exploitation of symmetries and nonlinearities inherent to the system. Here, we examine the posed inspection problem from a path planning viewpoint, applying recently developed techniques from the field of differential geometric control theory to design the control strategies that steer the vehicle along the prescribed path. Three potential scenarios for surveying a ship?s bulbous bow region are motivated for path planning applications. For each scenario, we compute the control strategy and implement it onto a test-bed vehicle. Experimental results are analyzed and compared with theoretical predictions.


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This paper serves as a first study on the implementation of control strategies developed using a kinematic reduction onto test bed autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The equations of motion are presented in the framework of differential geometry, including external dissipative forces, as a forced affine connection control system. We show that the hydrodynamic drag forces can be included in the affine connection, resulting in an affine connection control system. The definitions of kinematic reduction and decoupling vector field are thus extended from the ideal fluid scenario. Control strategies are computed using this new extension and are reformulated for implementation onto a test-bed AUV. We compare these geometrically computed controls to time and energy optimal controls for the same trajectory which are computed using a previously developed algorithm. Through this comparison we are able to validate our theoretical results based on the experiments conducted using the time and energy efficient strategies.


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This dissertation is based on theoretical study and experiments which extend geometric control theory to practical applications within the field of ocean engineering. We present a method for path planning and control design for underwater vehicles by use of the architecture of differential geometry. In addition to the theoretical design of the trajectory and control strategy, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the method via the implementation onto a test-bed autonomous underwater vehicle. Bridging the gap between theory and application is the ultimate goal of control theory. Major developments have occurred recently in the field of geometric control which narrow this gap and which promote research linking theory and application. In particular, Riemannian and affine differential geometry have proven to be a very effective approach to the modeling of mechanical systems such as underwater vehicles. In this framework, the application of a kinematic reduction allows us to calculate control strategies for fully and under-actuated vehicles via kinematic decoupled motion planning. However, this method has not yet been extended to account for external forces such as dissipative viscous drag and buoyancy induced potentials acting on a submerged vehicle. To fully bridge the gap between theory and application, this dissertation addresses the extension of this geometric control design method to include such forces. We incorporate the hydrodynamic drag experienced by the vehicle by modifying the Levi-Civita affine connection and demonstrate a method for the compensation of potential forces experienced during a prescribed motion. We present the design method for multiple different missions and include experimental results which validate both the extension of the theory and the ability to implement control strategies designed through the use of geometric techniques. By use of the extension presented in this dissertation, the underwater vehicle application successfully demonstrates the applicability of geometric methods to design implementable motion planning solutions for complex mechanical systems having equal or fewer input forces than available degrees of freedom. Thus, we provide another tool with which to further increase the autonomy of underwater vehicles.


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In this paper we analyze the equations of motion of a submerged rigid body. Our motivation is based on recent developments done in trajectory design for this problem. Our goal is to relate some properties of singular extremals to the existence of decoupling vector fields. The ideas displayed in this paper can be viewed as a starting point to a geometric formulation of the trajectory design problem for mechanical systems with potential and external forces.