1000 resultados para Hymenoptera - Brazil


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Epyris longus sp. nov., Epyris paramedius sp. nov., Epyris distinctus sp. nov. and Epyris variatus sp. nov. from Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas, Espírito Santo, Brazil are described and illustrated. Examination of additional specimens of Epyris crassifemur Evans, 1969 allowed to analyse the intraspecific variation as well as to widen the geographic distribution from Santa Catarina to Espírito Santo. Epyris Westwood, 1832 is recorded for the first time in Espírito Santo.


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Social wasp diversity in Semideciduous Seasonal Forests of the northeast of Sao Paulo State is poorly known, causing a lack of information on the diversity of these wasps from these areas which have been degraded. The objective of this work was to evaluate the social wasp (Vespidae, Polistinae) diversity in a Semideciduous Seasonal Forest of the northeast of Sao Paulo State and to compare three different kinds of sampling methodology. Surveys were conducted from August 2005 to September 2006 in the interior, edge and matrix of a Semideciduous Seasonal Forest fragment in Patrocinio Paulista city, Sao Paulo State. Three methodologies were used: 1. Active collection in flowers, 2. Searching for nests, 3. Active collection with attractive liquid. Thirty species of social wasps were collected in the fragment, but the diversity was highest in the edge. Active collection with attractive liquid was the most efficient methodology. Despite the high levels of deforestation, forest fragments in Sao Paulo State have a high diversity of social wasps, reinforcing the importance of their preservation.


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The present catalogue lists the type specimes of 112 nominal " poneromorph" ant species housed in the Formicidae collection of the Hymenoptera laboratory, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP). The catalogue includes types of Amblyoponinae, Ectatomminae, Heteroponerinae, Ponerinae, and Proceratiinae, that is, all poneromorph (sensu Bolton, 2003) but for the monotypic Paraponerinae, of which the collection bears no type specimens. We present here information on type categories (holotype, paratype, syntype, lectotype, and paralectotype), label data, nomenclatural changes since the original description and type specimens conservation status. At last we present indexes for the taxa names presented.


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The present catalogue lists the "dorylomorph" ant types (Aenictinae: Aenictus; Cerapachyinae: Acanthostichus and Cerapachys; Ecitoninae: Eciton, Labidus, Neivamyrmex and Nomamyrmex; and Leptanilloidinae: Asphinctanilloides and Leptanilloides) housed in the Formicidae collection of the Hymenoptera laboratory, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP), Brazil. In total, the collection includes types of 141 nominal species, of which 56 are still valid. The majority of types of dorylomorph species in the MZSP collection are syntypes (67 species), but there are as well 13 species represented by holotypes only, 17 by holotypes and paratypes, 43 species by paratypes only, and one species by a paralectotype. We record the label information, condition of the specimens, nomenclatural changes, type status, and provide indexes of the listed taxa.


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This catalogue lists the type specimens of 37 species of Pseudomyrmecinae ants deposited in the Hymenoptera Formicidae collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, which holds types of the only two genera that occur in the Neotropics, Pseudomyrmex Lund and Myrcidris Ward. We record the label information, condition of the specimens, nomenclatural changes, type status, and provide an index of the listed taxa.


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We studied the community ecology of trap-nesting bees in two forest fragments of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, during two years, utilizing bamboo canes and tubes made of black cardboard as trap nests. The traps were inspected once a month with an otoscope. One hundred and fifteen nests were obtained at Estacao Ecologica de Paulo de Faria, Paulo de Faria (EEPF). These included nine species belonging to five genera and two families. At Santa Cecilia Farm (SCF), 12 species belonging to seven genera and three families built 392 nests. Natural enemies reared from nests of both areas included Hymenoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera. Species richness was similar between the areas but the communities differed considerably in species composition. The higher diversity found at EEPF was due to more even distribution of the species. No difference was observed between the numbers of nests built in each year in each area. Although the species richness was lower in the cool/dry season of both years at SCF, and in the first year at EEPF, the nesting frequencies did not differ between seasons for both the overall community but for each of the most abundant species. No annual fluctuation in the frequencies of nesting was observed. As temperature and precipitation were not found to be significantly different between the two years of study in each area, we concluded that climatic stability resulted in population stability.


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Five surveys of the bee communities in four "Cerrado" ecosystem reserves in Sao Paulo State were compared for species richness and similarity. These areas are fragment vegetation reser-reserves located in the Cerrado Corumbata Reserve (Corumbata), Jata Ecological Park (Luiz Antonio), Cajuru (Cajuru), and Vassununga State Park - ""Gleba de Cerrado de Pe-de-Gigante"" (Santa Rita do Passa Quatro). The methodology consisted of capturing bees foraging on flowers along transects, though with small differences between surveys. These ""cerrado"" areas have a large number of species of native bees, which are important pollinators in several Brazilian ecosystems. The community of bees varied among these different fragments. Based on 500 individuals (standardized by rarefaction), Cajuru, Corumbata 1 and Corumbata 2 were the areas with highest species richness, and Jata and Pe-de-Gigante had the lowest species richness in the bee communities. The bee faunas of Corumbata 2 and Pe-de-Gigante had the highest similarity, forming a group with the bee fauna of Cajuru. The bee faunas of Corumbata 1 and Jata were isolated from this group. We found that the bee species richness and similarity found in these ""cerrado"" areas cannot be explained by general factors such as the size of the fragment, the species richness of plants and the distance between the areas. Therefore, we suppose that local factors that differ among areas, such as interactions between populations, and competition and interference from surrounding areas influence and determine bee species richness and similarity in these reserves.


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Males of solitary bees usually spend the night in clusters on small branches of plants, cavities and flowers. The individuals usually return to the same location each evening during their life, exhibiting site fidelity to a particular plant. We report on the sleeping roosts of the males of some oil-collecting bees of the genera Centris, Paratetrapedia, Lanthanomelissa, Monoeca, and Tetrapedia, as well as the host plants. We discuss the role of the male clusters to the associated plants.


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This paper provides the description of Phaenocarpa neosilbae sp. n. (Braconidae: Alysiinae) reared from larvae of Neosilba perezi (Romero Ruppel, 1973) (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) in Brazil. Diagnostic characters are figured and the key to the Neotropical species of Phaenocarpa (Arouca Penteado-Dias, 2006) is modified to include the new species.


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A survey of Monomachidae species was carried out in anarea of Atlantic rain forest of the Biological Reserve of Duas Bocas, Espírito Santo State, Brazil between September, 1996 and August, 1997. Two species of Mollomachus Klug, 1841, M. fuscator Perty, 1833 and M. eurycephalus Schletterer, 1890 were collected from May to September. Both species are typical of winter time and showed the same parttern of seasonality.


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Apenesia quadrimera sp. n., A. rotunda sp. n. and A. clypeata sp. n. are described and illustrated. New geographic records and variation data of A. cusco Evans, 1966, A distinta Corrêa & Azevedo, 2001, A. funebris Evans, 1963, A. fusilis Corrêa & Azevedo, 2001, A. inca Evans, 1963 and A. transversa Evans, 1963 are added.


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Solepyris Azevedo é um gênero neotropical raramente coletado. O gênero é reconhecido dentre os gêneros de Sclerodermini por possuir a nervação das asas anteriores com apenas uma célula fechada grande. É descrita e ilustrada uma segunda espécie, Solepyris montuosus, sp. nov., do Brasil. Esta espécie é caracterizada por possuir a nervura radial da asa anterior longa. É incluída uma diagnose emendada de Solepyris unicus Azevedo. Foi fornecida uma chave para as duas espécies de Solepyris.


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Ten new species of Apenesia Westwood, 1874, from Brazil, Acre, are described and illustrated. They belong, respectively, to the following species-groups: nitida group, Apenesia lobata sp. nov., A. serrulata sp. nov. and A. subangulata sp. nov.; laevigata group, A. ocullata sp. nov. and A. rostrum sp. nov.; columbana group, A. apicilata sp. nov.; mexicana group, A. triapicalis sp. nov.; brasiliensis group, A. megaventris sp. nov., A. ventosa sp. nov. and A. triangula sp. nov. New geographical records and some morphological data on A. funebris Evans, 1963, A. nitida (Kieffer, 1910) and A. truncaticeps (Kieffer, 1910) are added.


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Five new species of Dissomphalus Ashmead, 1893 are described and illustrated, all from Espírito Santo, Brazil: D. h-ramus, D. verrucosus, D. laminaris, D. cristatus and D. scopatus. New geographic records and variation data of D. scamatus Azevedo, 1999, D. concavatus Azevedo, 1999, D. rectilineus Azevedo, 1999, D. vallensis Evans, 1979, D. gilvipes Evans, 1979, D. plaumanni Evans, 1964, D. napo Evans, 1979, D. truncatus Azevedo, 2003 and D. cornutus Evans, 1964 are included.


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Apenesia aurita sp. nov., from southeastern Brazil, is described and illustrated. Apenesia angusticeps Evans, 1963, A. tenebrosa Evans, 1963, A. pallidicornis Evans, 1963, A. quadrimera Leal & Azevedo, 2001 and A. crenulata Kieffer, 1910 are recorded for the first time to the State of Espírito Santo.