12 resultados para Hyeronima Alchorneoides
Este estudo teve como objetivos caracterizar florística e estruturalmente um trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana urbana e avaliar os fatores que contribuíram para a regeneração, a partir do último uso do solo para produção de banana, há 50 anos. Para a amostragem da área foram implantadas 25 parcelas de 100 m², totalizando 0,25 ha. O critério de inclusão adotado foi diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) > 5 cm. Foram amostrados 311 indivíduos de 92 espécies, 67 gêneros e 31 famílias. A área basal total foi de 34,18 m²/ha, enquanto a densidade, de 1.244 ind./ha. As espécies mais importantes na comunidade, representando 42% do valor de importância (VI) da área, foram: Aiouea saligna Meisn., Tachigali paratyensis (Vell.) H.C. Lima, Ficus insipida Willd., Bathysa gymonocarpa K. Schum, Chrysophyllum flexuosum Mart., Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) J.F. Macbr., Piper rivinoides Kunth., Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemão, Miconia cinnamomifolia (DC.) Naudin e Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer. O elevado valor do Índice de diversidade de Shannon (H'= 4,13 nats/ind.), bem como o de equabilidade (J = 0,91), compara-se aos valores referenciados para florestas conservadas e inventariadas no Sudeste brasileiro. A floresta amostrada encontra-se em processo de regeneração e representa um estágio intermediário de sucessão. O cultivo da banana, após seu abandono, permitiu a entrada de espécies com estratégias de estabelecimento e propagação em condições de pouca luminosidade. A presença de uma árvore remanescente, do gênero Ficus, está relacionada a uma crença popular que acabou influenciando a estrutura da vegetação. Dessa forma, as espécies amostradas neste estudo refletiram o uso do solo passado e a cultura local.
(Aspectos ecológicos de um trecho de floresta de brejo em Itatinga, SP: florística, fitossociologia e seletividade de espécies). No presente trabalho estudou-se um trecho de floresta de brejo localizada na fazenda Santa Irene, de propriedade da EUCATEX Ltda., no município de Itatinga-SP (48º38'52,2"W e 23º17'41,6"S), com uma área de 2 ha. O levantamento fitossociológico foi realizado através do método de censo de 1 ha do remanescente florestal, onde foram amostrados todos os indivíduos com PAP (perímetro à altura do peito) > a 15 cm. Foram amostrados 1310 indivíduos, pertencentes a 28 famílias, 34 gêneros e 39 espécies do estrato arbustivo-arbóreo. As famílias que apresentaram os maiores valores de IVC foram Clusiaceae (53,49), Burseraceae (41,30), Euphorbiaceae (31,42). Podocarpaceae (9,04), Caesalpiniaceae (6,99), Myrsinaceae (6,38), Melastomataceae (5,75), Anacardiaceae (5,70), Arecaceae (4,51) e Styracaceae (4,44). Estas 10 famílias somaram 74,50% do IVC total. As espécies de maior destaque em IVC foram Calophyllum brasiliense (53,49), Protium almecega (41,30), Pera obovata (14,46), Podocarpus sellowii (9,04), Hyeronima alchorneoides (8,68), Copaifera langsdorffii (6,99), Rapanea guianensis (5,72), Tapirira guianensis (5,70), Miconia ligustroides (5,62) e Sebastiania serrata (4,71). Tais espécies somadas perfazem 77,84% do IVC total. O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H') obtido foi de 2,751 nats/indivíduos. Baseado em critérios florísticos e fitossociológicos, as espécies amostradas foram divididas em dois grupos: a) espécies peculiares, com os subgrupos de peculiares exclusivas e não exclusivas e b) complementares, com os subgrupos de áreas secas e indiferentes.
Toucans are prominent components of the tropical American avifauna. Although these birds are very conspicuous, there are few ecological studies focusing on them. In this study, the diets of four sympatric toucans (Ramphastos vitellinus, R. dicolorus, Selenidera maculirostris, and Baillonius bailloni) were assessed by recording feeding bouts at two altitudes in the Atlantic Forest of southeast Brazil. Our results show that toucans are predominantly frugivorous birds (96.5% of the 289 feeding bouts were on fruits). In the lowlands (70 m elev.), only fruits (48 species, 27 families) were recorded, while in the highlands (700 m elev.), toucans were observed feeding on fruits (25 species, 22 families), flowers, leaves, and insects. Non-fruit items were recorded only in the highlands, most of them eaten by B. bailloni. Cecropia glaziovii and Euterpe edulis, two abundant plants in the highland and lowland sites, respectively, and Virola oleifera, a plant that produces lipid-rich arillate fruits, were eaten heavily by the toucans. The number of feeding bouts recorded for R. vitellinus in the lowlands was positively correlated with lipid content of the fruits eaten. The diameters of fruits eaten by toucans varied greatly (range = 0.4-25.0 mm). While the large Ramphastos species not only ate tiny fruits (e.g., Hyeronima alchorneoides) but also large ones (e.g., Virola gardneri), the toucanets ate piecemeal the large fruits that exceeded their gape width, suggesting that gape size did not limit the use of any fruit by the toucans at our study sites.
Ants are often attracted to diaspores not adapted for dispersal by ants. These diaspores may occasionally benefit from this interaction. We selected six nonmyrmecochorous plant species (Virola oleifera, Eugenia stictosepala, Cabralea canjerana, Citharexylum myrianthum, Alchornea glandulosa and Hyeronima alchorneoides) whose diaspores differ in size and lipid content, and investigated how these features affect the outcome of ant-diaspore interactions on the floor of a lowland Atlantic forest of Southeast Brazil. A total of 23 ant species were seen interacting with diaspores on the forest floor. Ants were generally rapid at discovering and cleaning the diaspore pulp or aril. Recruitment rate and ant attendance were higher for lipid-rich diaspores than for lipid-poor ones. Removal rate and displacement distance were higher for small diaspores. The large ponerine ant Pachycondyla striata, one of the most frequent attendants to lipid-rich arillate diaspores, transported the latter into their nests and discarded clean intact seeds on refuse piles outside the nest. Germination tests with cleaned and uncleaned diaspores revealed that the removal of pulp or aril may increase germination success in Virola oleifera, Cabralea canjerana, Citharexylum myrianthum and Alchornea glandulosa. Gas chromatography analyses revealed a close similarity in the fatty acid composition of the arils of the lipid-rich diaspores and the elaiosome of a typical myrmecochorous seed (Ricinus communis), corroborating the suggestion that some arils and elaiosomes are chemically similar. Although ant-derived benefits to diaspores - secondary dispersal and/or increased germination - varied among the six plant species studied, the results enhanced the role of ant-diaspore interactions in the post-dispersal fates of nonmyrmecochorous seeds in tropical forests. The size and the lipid-content of the diaspores were shown to be major determinants of the outcome of such interactions.
We studied the relationships among plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal diversity, and their effects on ecosystem function, in a series of replicate tropical forestry plots in the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Forestry plots were 12 yr old and were either monocultures of three tree species, or polycultures of the tree species with two additional understory species. Relationships among the AM fungal spore community, host species, plant community diversity and ecosystem phosphorus-use efficiency (PUE) and net primary productivity (NPP) were assessed. Analysis of the relative abundance of AM fungal spores found that host tree species had a significant effect on the AM fungal community, as did host plant community diversity (monocultures vs polycultures). The Shannon diversity index of the AM fungal spore community differed significantly among the three host tree species, but was not significantly different between monoculture and polyculture plots. Over all the plots, significant positive relationships were found between AM fungal diversity and ecosystem NPP, and between AM fungal community evenness and PUE. Relative abundance of two of the dominant AM fungal species also showed significant correlations with NPP and PUE. We conclude that the AM fungal community composition in tropical forests is sensitive to host species, and provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that the diversity of AM fungi in tropical forests and ecosystem NPP covaries.
O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta de cinco espécies arbóreas nativas submetidas a extremos climáticos de geada em um sistema agroflorestal, na região de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina (latitude de 27º35' S , longitude 48º34' W e altitude de 1,84 m). O solo é do tipo Neossolo quartzarênico hidromórfico distrófico, textura arenosa, com elevada flutuação do lençol freático. Foram tomadas sete parcelas de dez árvores, seguindo o delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado. Os parâmetros analisados foram altura total, número de folhas, incremento médio em altura total e número de folhas de cada árvore (quantificados a cada quatro meses), porcentagem de árvores com folhas danificadas pela geada e sobrevivência de cada planta após a geada. Os parâmetros estatísticos analisados foram a média e o desvio-padrão. Para analisar os resultados utilizou-se o teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. Os ingás (Inga uruguensis e Inga sessilis) apresentaram tolerância à geada e um alto potencial para implantação em SAFs nas condições edafoclimáticas em estudo. A espécie tucaneira (Citharexylium myrianthum) apresentou pouca tolerância à geada, porém mostrou alta taxa de rebrota. As espécies corticeira (Erythrina falcata), olandi (Calophyllum brasilienses) e licurana (Hieronyma alchorneoides) apresentaram alta mortalidade em razão da geada, não se mostrando indicadas para compor um SAF na região em estudo.
The conservation of birds and their habitats is essential to maintain well-functioning ecosystems including human-dominated habitats. In simplified or homogenized landscapes, patches of natural and semi-natural habitat are essential for the survival of plant and animal populations. We compared species composition and diversity of trees and birds between gallery forests, tree islands and hedges in a Colombian savanna landscape to assess how fragmented woody plant communities affect forest bird communities and how differences in habitat characteristics influenced bird species traits and their potential ecosystem function. Bird and tree diversity was higher in forests than in tree islands and hedges. Soil depth influenced woody species distribution, and canopy cover and tree height determined bird species distribution, resulting in plant and bird communities that mainly differed between forest and non-forest habitat. Bird and tree species and traits widely co-varied. Bird species in tree islands and hedges were on average smaller, less specialized to habitat and more tolerant to disturbance than in forest, but dietary differences did not emerge. Despite being less complex and diverse than forests, hedges and tree islands significantly contribute to the conservation of forest biodiversity in the savanna matrix. Forest fragments remain essential for the conservation of forest specialists, but hedges and tree islands facilitate spillover of more tolerant forest birds and their ecological functions such as seed dispersal from forest to the savanna matrix.
Three sediment cores from the Bragança Peninsula located in the coastal region in the north-eastern portion of Pará State have been studied by pollen analysis to reconstruct Holocene environmental changes and dynamics of the mangrove ecosystem. The cores were taken from an Avicennia forest (Bosque de Avicennia (BDA)), a salt marsh area (Campo Salgado (CS)) and a Rhizophora dominated area (Furo do Chato). Pollen traps were installed in five different areas of the peninsula to study modern pollen deposition. Nine accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates provide time control and show that sediment deposits accumulated relatively undisturbed. Mangrove vegetation started to develop at different times at the three sites: at 5120 14C yr BP at the CS site, at 2170 14C yr BP at the BDA site and at 1440 14C yr BP at the FDC site. Since mid Holocene times, the mangroves covered even the most elevated area on the peninsula, which is today a salt marsh, suggesting somewhat higher relative sea-levels. The pollen concentration in relatively undisturbed deposits seems to be an indicator for the frequency of inundation. The tidal inundation frequency decreased, probably related to lower sea-levels, during the late Holocene around 1770 14C yr BP at BDA, around 910 14C yr BP at FDC and around 750 14C yr BP at CS. The change from a mangrove ecosystem to a salt marsh on the higher elevation, around 420 14C yr BP is probably natural and not due to an anthropogenic impact. Modern pollen rain from different mangrove types show different ratios between Rhizophora and Avicennia pollen, which can be used to reconstruct past composition of the mangrove. In spite of bioturbation and especially tidal inundation, which change the local pollen deposition within the mangrove zone, past mangrove dynamics can be reconstructed. The pollen record for BDA indicates a mixed Rhizophora/Avicennia mangrove vegetation between 2170 and 1770 14C yr BP. Later Rhizophora trees became more frequent and since ca. 200 14C yr BP Avicennia dominated in the forest.
We analyzed the pollen content of a marine core located near the bay of Guayaquil in Ecuador to document the link between sea surface temperatures (SST) and changes in rainfall regimes on the adjacent continent during the Holocene. Based on the expansion/regression of five vegetation types, we observe three successive climatic patterns. In the first phase, between 11,700 and 7700 cal yr BP, the presence of a cloud (Andean) forest in the mid altitudes and mangroves in the estuary of the Guayas Basin, were associated with a maximum in boreal summer insolation, a northernmost position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), a land- sea thermal contrast, and dryness. Between 7700 and 2850 cal yr BP, the expansion of the coastal herbs and the regression of the mangrove indicate a drier climate with weak ITCZ and low ENSO variability while austral winter insolation gradually increased. The interval between 4200 and 2850 cal yr BP was marked by the coolest and driest climatic conditions of the Holocene due to the weak influence of the ITCZ and a strengthening of the Humboldt Current. After 2850 cal yr BP, high variability and amplitude of the Andean forest changes occurred when ENSO frequency and amplitude increased, indicating high variability in land-sea connections. The ITCZ reached the latitude of Guayaquil only after 2500 cal yr BP inducing the bimodal precipitation regime we observe today. Our study shows that besides insolation, the ITCZ position and ENSO frequency, changes in eastern equatorial Pacific SSTs play a major role in determining the composition of the ecosystems and the hydrological cycle of the Ecuadorian Pacific coast and the Western Cordillera in Ecuador.
Se describen las características de las principales maderas tropicales con uso en España. La descripción incluye el nombre científico, sinonimias, nombres vulgares, su distribución en el mundo y en España, la descripción del fuste y de las trozas, con sus defectos más característicos, la descripción de la madera, sus características físicas, mecánicas, resistentes y durables. También se incluye sus aspectos tecnológicos, en el sentido de indicar que aspectos deben considerarse a la hora de trabajar estas maderas. Por último se indican los usos más comunes de las distintas maderas, las ventajas e inconvenientes frente a otras maderas Las especies principales que se describen son las siguientes: Algarrobo blanco, Prosopis alba, Grisebach Andiroba, Carapa guianensis, Aubl. Balsamo, Myroxylon balsamun, Harms. Sandwith. Barba jolote, Pithecolobium arboreum (L), Urban. Bubinga, Guibourtia tessmanii Caoba, Swietenia macrophylla, King. Cedro, Cedrela odorata, L. Cenizaro, Pithecellobium saman, (Jacq.) Benth Chinchon, Guarea grandiflora, A. DC. Cocobolo, Dalbergia retusa, Hemsl Cristobal, Platysmicium polystachyum Elondo o tali, Erythrophleum ivorensis Espavé, Anacardium excelsum, Skeels Gonzalo Alves, Astronium graveolens, Jacquin. Guayabillo, Terminalia lucida, Hoff. Guapaque, Dialium guianense, (Aubl.) Sandwith. Guayacán, Guaiacum sanctum, L. Huesito Homalium racemosum, Jacq. Ipe, Tabebuia guayacan, Hemsl. Iroko, Milicia excelsa Sim Jatoba, Hymenaea courbaril L. Machiche, Lonchocarpus castilloi, Standley. Manil, Symphonia globulifera, L. Marupa, Simarouba glauca, DC. Melina, Gmelina arborea, Roxb. Mongoy, Guibourtia ehie J. Léonard Nance, Byrsonima crassifolia (L.), H.B.K. Nazareno, Peltogyne purpurea Nispero, Manilkara zapota, (L.) Van royen. Palo blanco, Cybitax donnell- smith , Seibert. Pino amarillo, Erblichia odorata Piojo, Tapirira guianensis, Aubl. Quaruba, Vochysia guatemalensis, Donnell Smith Quira, Platysmicium pinnatum. Redondo, Magnolia yoroconte, Dandy. Rosul, Dalbergia tucurensis, Donn-Smith. Sande, Brossimiun ssp San juan areno, Ilex ssp. Saqui-saqui, Bombacopsis quinatum, (Jacq.) Dugand Santa maría, Calophyllum brasílíense Camb. Sapelly, Entandrophragma cylindricum Sprague Tamboril, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Gris Teca, Tectona grandis, L.F.. Ukola, Tieghemella africana Ururucana, Hieronyma alchorneoides, Allem