276 resultados para Hydrogenation
High-purity niobium powder can be produced via the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation processes The present work aimed at the effect of temperature and cooling rate conditions on the niobium hydrogenation process using hydrogen gas The hydrogen contents of the materials were evaluated by weight change and chemical analysis X ray diffraction (XRD) was performed to identify and determine the lattice parameters of the formed hydride phases No hydrogenation took place under isothermal conditions only during cooling of the materials Significant hydrogenation occurred in the 500 C and 700 C experiments leading to the formation of a beta NbH(x) single phase material (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquimica
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
Nanocrystalline silicon layers have been obtained by thermal annealing of films sputtered in various hydrogen partial pressures. The as-deposited and crystallized films were investigated by infrared, Raman, x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and optical absorption techniques. The obtained data show evidence of a close correlation between the microstructure and properties of the processed material, and the hydrogen content in the as-grown deposit. The minimum stress deduced from Raman was found to correspond to the widest band gap and to a maximum hydrogen content in the basic unannealed sample. Such a structure relaxation seems to originate from the so-called "chemical annealing" thought to be due to Si-H2 species, as identified by infrared spectroscopy. The variation of the band gap has been interpreted in terms of the changes in the band tails associated with the disorder which would be induced by stress. Finally, the layers originally deposited with the highest hydrogen pressure show a lowest stress-which does not correlate with the hydrogen content and the optical band gap¿and some texturing. These features are likely related to the presence in these layers of a significant crystalline fraction already before annealing.
A rapid, expedient and enantioselective method for the synthesis of beta-hydroxy amines and monosubstituted aziridines in up to 99% e.e., via asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of a-amino ketones and cyclisation through treatment with tosyl chloride and base, is described. (1R,2R)-N-(para-toluenesulfonyl)-1,2-ethylenediamine with formic acid has been utilised as a ligand for the Ruthenium (II) catalysed enantioselective transfer hydrogenation of the ketones.The chiral 2-methyl aziridine, which is a potentially more efficient bonding agent for Rocket Solid Propellant has been successfully achieved.
A series of Group VIII metal catalysts was obtained for the semi-hydrogenation of styrene. Catalysts were characterized by Hydrogen Chemisorption, TPR and XPS. Palladium, rhodium and platinum low metal loading prepared catalysts presented high activity and selectivity (ca. 98%) during the semi-hydrogenation of styrene, being palladium the most active catalyst. The ruthenium catalyst also presented high selectivity (ca. 98%), but the lowest activity. For the palladium catalyst, the influence of the precursor salt and of the reduction temperature on the activity and selectivity were studied. The following activity series was obtained: PdN-423 > PdCl-673 > PdCl-373> PtCl-673 > RhCl-673 >> RuCl-673. As determined by XPS, differences in activity could be attributed, at least in part, to electronic effects.
Ru-Sn/Al2O3 catalysts with different Sn loadings were prepared by the coimpregnation method. Several characterization techniques such as TPR, pyridine TPD and catalytic tests for dehydrogenation and hydrogenolysis were used to evaluate and compare such catalysts. TPR results indicate that Sn is deposited both onto the support and as species strongly interacting with Ru. Such non selective deposition modifies the acid and metallic functions of the catalysts. Both total acidity and acid strength distribution are affected: total acidity decreases and new sites of lower acid strength are created. Both dehydrogenating and hydrogenolytic activities are strongly diminished by the addition of Sn. Results of catalytic tests for methyl oleate hydrogenation indicate that methyl stearate is the main product, with only minute amounts of oleyl alcohol produced, and that the addition of Sn diminishes the hydrogenation activity.
Titania-supported Ir catalysts were used in the hydrogenation of furfural. Reactions were carried out in a stirred batch type reactor at 0.62MPa and 363K using a 0.10M solution of furfural in a 1:1 mixture n-heptane -ethanol as solvent. Catalysts containing 2 wt% of Ir were reduced in H2 flow at different temperatures in the range 473-773K. The catalysts were characterized by H2 chemisorption, TEM, TPR, TPD of NH3 and XPS. Conversion of furfural is higher at lower reduction temperatures, but leads to byproducts whereas reduction at higher temperatures shows selectivity to furfuryl alcohol close to 100%.
Semi-hydrogenation of alkynes has industrial and academic relevance on a large scale. To increase the activity, selectivity and lifetime of monometallic catalysts, the development of bimetallic catalysts has been investigated. 1-Heptyne hydrogenation over low-loaded Pd and Ni monometallic and PdNi bimetallic catalysts was studied in liquid phase at mild conditions. XPS results suggest that nickel addition to Pd modifies the electronic state of palladium as nickel loading is increased. Low-loaded Pd catalysts showed the highest selectivities (> 95%). The most active prepared catalyst, PdNi(1%), was more selective than the Lindlar catalyst.
Hydrogenation of (-)-menthone and (+)-isomenthone was studied at 2.7 MPa and 100 ºC. The objective was to produce a liquid menthol mixture rich in (-)-menthol from dementholized peppermint oil. Ni-based catalysts were tested and compared for this reaction: a) 6 and 12% Ni dispersed into a nonstoichiometric magnesium aluminate (Ni-Mg-Al) with spinel structure; b) Ni-Raney catalyst. Both types of catalysts were active for (-)-menthone and (+)-isomenthone hydrogenation. Lower conversion but higher selectivity to (-)-menthol was obtained with Ni-Mg-Al catalysts. However, they rapidly lost their activity. Instead Ni-Raney catalysts kept its original activity even after several hydrogenation runs.
Low-cost tungsten monometallic catalysts containing variable amounts of metal (4.5, 7.1 and 8.5%W) were prepared by impregnating alumina with ammonium metatungstate as an inexpensive precursor. The catalysts were characterized using ICP, XPS, XRD, TPR and hydrogen chemisorption. These techniques revealed mainly WO3-Al2O3 (W6+) species on the surface. The effects of the content of W nanoparticles and reaction temperature on activity and selectivity for the partial hydrogenation of 3-hexyne, a non-terminal alkyne, were assessed under moderate conditions of temperature and pressure. The monometallic catalysts prepared were found to be active and stereoselective for the production of (Z )-3-hexene, had the following order: 7.1WN/A > 8.5 WN/A ≥ 4.5 WN/A. Additionally, the performance of the synthesized xWN/A catalysts exhibited high sensitivity to temperature variation. In all cases, the maximum 3-hexyne total conversion and selectivity was achieved at 323 K. The performance of the catalysts was considered to be a consequence of two phenomena: a) the electronic effects, related to the high charge of W (+6), causing an intensive dipole moment in the hydrogen molecule (van der Waals forces) and leading to heterolytic bond rupture; the H+ and H- species generated approach a 3-hexyne adsorbate molecule and cause heterolytic rupture of the C≡C bond into C- = C+; and b) steric effects related to the high concentration of WO3 on 8.5WN/A that block the Al2O3 support. Catalyst deactivation was detected, starting at about 50 min of reaction time. Electrodeficient W6+ species are responsible for the formation of green oil at the surface level, blocking pores and active sites of the catalyst, particularly at low reaction temperatures (293 and 303 K). The resulting best catalyst, 7.1WN/A, has low fabrication cost and high selectivity for (Z )-3-hexene (94%) at 323 K. This selectivity is comparable to that of the classical and more expensive industrial Lindlar catalyst (5 wt% Pd). The alumina supported tungsten catalysts are low-cost potential replacements for the Lindlar industrial catalyst. These catalysts could also be used for preparing bimetallic W-Pd catalysts for selective hydrogenation of terminal and non-terminal alkynes.
Modifiering av metallytor med starkt adsorberade kirala organiska molekyler är eventuellt den mest relevanta teknik man vet i dag för att skapa kirala ytor. Den kan utnyttjas i katalytisk produktion av enantiomeriskt rena kirala föreningar som behövs t.ex. som läkemedel och aromkemikalier. Trots många fördelar av asymmetrisk heterogen katalys jämfört med andra sätt för att få kirala föreningar, har den ändå inte blivit ett allmänt verktyg för storskaliga tillämpningar. Detta beror t.ex. på brist på djupare kunskaper i katalytiska reaktionsmekanismer och ursprunget för asymmetrisk induktion. I denna studie användes molekylmodelleringstekniker för att studera asymmetriska, heterogena katalytiska system, speciellt hydrering av prokirala karbonylföreningar till motsvarande kirala alkoholer på cinchona-alkaloidmodifierade Pt-katalysatorer. 1-Fenyl-1,2-propandion (PPD) och några andra föreningar, som innehåller en prokiral C=O-grupp, användes som reaktanter. Konformationer av reaktanter och cinchona-alkaloider (som kallas modifierare) samt vätebundna 1:1-komplex mellan dem studerades i gas- och lösningsfas med metoder som baserar sig på vågfunktionsteori och täthetsfunktionalteori (DFT). För beräkningen av protonaffiniteter användes också högst noggranna kombinationsmetoder såsom G2(MP2). Den relativa populationen av modifierarnas konformationer varierade som funktion av modifieraren, dess protonering och lösningsmedlet. Flera reaktant–modifierareinteraktionsgeometrier beaktades. Slutsatserna på riktning av stereoselektivitet baserade sig på den relativa termodynamiska stabiliteten av de diastereomeriska reaktant–modifierare-komplexen samt energierna hos π- och π*-orbitalerna i den reaktiva karbonylgruppen. Adsorption och reaktioner på Pt(111)-ytan betraktades med DFT. Regioselektivitet i hydreringen av PPD och 2,3-hexandion kunde förklaras med molekyl–yta-interaktioner. Storleken och formen av klustret använt för att beskriva Pt-ytan inverkade inte bara på adsorptionsenergierna utan också på de relativa stabiliteterna av olika adsorptionsstrukturer av en molekyl. Populationerna av modifierarnas konformationer i gas- och lösningsfas korrelerade inte med populationerna på Pt-ytan eller med enantioselektiviteten i hydreringen av PPD på Pt–cinchona-katalysatorer. Vissa modifierares konformationer och reaktant–modifierare-interaktionsgeometrier var stabila bara på metallytan. Teoretiskt beräknade potentialenergiprofiler för hydrering av kirala α-hydroxiketoner på Pt implicerade preferens för parvis additionsmekanism för väte och selektiviteter i harmoni med experimenten. De uppnådda resultaten ökar uppfattningen om kirala heterogena katalytiska system och kunde därför utnyttjas i utvecklingen av nya, mera aktiva och selektiva kirala katalysatorer.
Under de senaste åren har intresset för utnyttjandet av förnybara resurser kraftigt ökat. I samband med detta utgör kolhydrater en viktig del av den tillgängliga förnybara biomassan och den har därefter blivit föremål för ett stort intresse inom hållbar kemi. Sockeralkoholer är en särskilt viktig grupp av molekyler som vanligtvis erhålls ur kolhydrater och som har mångsidiga tillämpningar som t.ex. lågkalorihaltiga sötningsmedel. Forskningen i doktorsarbetet omfattar hydreringen av naturligt förekommande sockerarter L-arabinos, D-galaktos, D-maltos och L-ramnos till respektive sockeralkoholer. Dessa sockeralkoholer kan användas bl.a. som hälsosamma sötningsmedel på samma sätt som xylitol. Grunden för detta arbete består av hydreringsexperiment som utfördes på en dispergerad ruteniumkatalysator i syfte att studera bildningskinetiken av de motsvarande sockeralkoholerna. Reaktionerna genomfördes vid temperaturer mellan 90 och 130 °C och vätetryck mellan 40 och 60 bar. Under dessa betingelser var det möjligt att åstadkomma sockeromvandlingar upp till 100 %. Reaktionshastigheterna modellerades matematiskt. Konkurrerande kinetiska modeller som baserades på Langmuir-Hinshelwood-konceptet föreslogs för att beskriva reaktionerna. Parametrar i hastighetsekvationerna bestämdes därefter genom icke-linjär regression. Dessa modeller kunde väl förutsäga hydreringsreaktionernas förlopp och de kan följaktligen användas för design av industriella anläggningar. Ytterligare hydreringsexperiment med sockerblandningar genomfördes för att fördjupa kunskaper i kinetik och reaktionsmekanismer av sockerhydreringen. Studierna genomfördes med syntetiska sockerblandningar av L-arabinos och D-galaktos (de viktigaste komponenterna i hemicellulosan arabinogalaktan). Fullständig omsättning uppnåddes med utmärkta selektiviteter som överskred 95 % och dessutom inverkade varken temperatur eller vätetryck på reaktionens förlopp på något oväntat sätt. Antagandet av konkurrerande adsorption för en samtidig reduktion av båda sockermolekylerna gav en kinetisk modell som noggrant beskrev de experimentella resultaten. Idén om att utforska potentiella sätt att påskynda bildningen av sockeralkoholer ledde till utföringen av hydreringsexperiment med L-arabinos och D-galaktos i närvaro av ultraljud. Det visade sig att ultraljudets inverkan var oberoende av sockerhalten och vätetrycket och att bestrålningen gynnade hydreringen av D-galaktos trots att den inte förhindrade Ru/C-katalysatorns deaktivering överhuvudtaget. En kinetisk modell som beaktade deaktiveringen utvecklades. Kontinuerlig hydrering av L-arabinos genomfördes med tre olika Ru-katalysatorer på tre olika bärare: tyg av aktivt kol, kolnanorör på svampliknande metalliska strukturer samt krossade partiklar av en kommersiell Ru/C-katalysator. Det visade sig att det var möjligt att omvandla L-arabinos till arabitol med höga selektiviteter med hjälp av Ru/koltyg-katalysatorn. Dessa experiment demonstrerade att hydreringen av de valda sockerarterna är en helt genomförbar rutt till framställning av fin- och specialkemikalier, som kan förverkligas i större skala.
Iridium complexes with bidentate P,N ligands represent a class of catalysts that significantly expand the application range of asymmetric hydrogenation. New substrate classes, for which there have previously been no suitable catalysts, can now be efficiently hydrogenated in high conversion and enantioselectivity. These substrates are often of synthetic importance, thus iridium catalysis represents a significant advance in the field of asymmetric catalysis. Planar chiral ferrocenyl aminophosphine ligands in which both heteroatoms were directly bound to the cyclopentadienyl ring were prepared by BF3-activated lithiationsubstitution in the presence of a chiral diamine in 49-59% yield and 75-85% enantiomeric excess. Some of these ligands were recrystallized to enantiomeric purity via ammonium fluoroborate salt formation of the phosphine sulfide. A crystal structure of one of these compounds was obtained and features an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulfur atoms. Neutralization, followed by desulfurization, provided the free ligands in enantiomeric purity. Iridium complexes with these ligands were formed via reaction with [Ir(COD)Clh followed by anion exchange with NaBArF. These complexes were successfully applied in homogeneous hydrogenation of several prochiral substrates, providing products in up to 92% enantiomeric excess. Variation of the dimethyl amino group to a pyrrolidine group had a negative effect on the selectivity of hydrogenation. Variation of the substituents on phosphorus to bulkier ortho-tolyl groups had a positive effect, while variation to the more electron rich dicyclohexyl phosphine had a negative effect on selectivity.
This thesis describes the synthesis and use of an N-substituted ferrocene bearing a proline-derived chiral directing group and diastereoselective lithiation-electrophile quench of the pro-Sp hydrogen of the ferrocene to give planar chiral products in >95:5 dr. The auxiliary group is found to be stable to lithium bases of types RLi and R2NLi giving the same diastereoselectivity. The anti- epimer of the previously mentioned syn auxiliary induces lithiation of pro Rp rather than pro Sp hydrogen in >95:5 dr. Upon electrophile quench and elimination, the enantiomer of the syn-derived planar chiral imidazolone is obtained. Hence, this method provides a practical way to prepare planar chiral enantiomers in this series without the use of a more expensive D-proline derived starting material. The syn and anti epimers have β, γ-stereogenic centers and the origin of stereoselectivity in lithiation appears to be driven by the conformational bias exerted by the β-silyloxy moiety in each chiral auxiliary. In the thesis, this conclusion is supported using insensitivity of lithiation selectivity to the bulkiness of the base, comparison of enantiomers, deuteration experiments, nOe difference studies and computational modeling of the ground states and lithiation transition states for both substrates. The products are then converted to ligand precursors to make iridium and rhodium complexes. Among them, one of the cationic iridium complex is found to be effective in the asymmetric hydrogenation of 2-substituted quinolines with enantioselectivities up to 80% at pressures as low as 5 atm.