987 resultados para Hydrochloric Acid
PURPOSE: To compare the effectiveness of mechanical ventilation of supine versus prone position in hydrochloric acid (HCl)-induced lung dysfunction. METHODS: Twenty, adult, male, Wistar-EPM-1 rats were anesthetized and randomly grouped (n=5 animals per group) as follows: CS-MV (mechanical ventilation in supine position); CP-MV (mechanical ventilation in prone position); bilateral instillation of HCl and mechanical ventilation in supine position (HCl+S); and bilateral instillation of HCl and mechanical ventilation in prone position (HCl+P). All groups were ventilated for 180 minutes. The blood partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide were measured in the time points 0 (zero; 10 minutes before lung injury for stabilization), and at the end of times acid injury, 60, 120 and 180 minutes of mechanical ventilation. At the end of experiment the animals were euthanized, and bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) were taken to determine the contents of total proteins, inflammatory mediators, and lungs wet-to-dry ratios. RESULTS: In the HCl+P group the partial pressure of oxygen increased when compared with HCl+S (128.0±2.9 mmHg and 111.0±6.7 mmHg, respectively) within 60 minutes. TNF-α levels in BAL do not differ significantly in the HCl+P group (516.0±5.9 pg/mL), and the HCl+S (513.0±10.6 pg/mL). CONCLUSION: The use of prone position improved oxygenation, but did not reduce TNF-α in BAL upon lung dysfunction induced by HCl.
The inhibition of the corrosion of mild steel in 2M hydrochloric acid solutions by Pyridoxol hydrochloride (PXO) has been studied using weight loss and hydrogen evolution techniques. The inhibitor (PXO) exhibited highest inhibition efficiency of 71.93% at the highest inhibitor concentration of 1.0 x 10-2M investigated and a temperature of 303K from weight loss result. Also, inhibition was found to increase with increasing concentration of the inhibitor and decreasing temperature. A first order type of mechanism has been deduced from the kinetic treatment of the weight loss results and the process of inhibition attributed to physical adsorption. The results obtained from the two techniques show that pyridoxol hydrochloride could serve as an effective inhibitor of the corrosion of mild steel in HCl acid solution. The compound obeys the Langmuir adsorption isotherm equation.
The present study was planned to evaluate the anticoccidial activity of the different concentrations of the HCl against Eimeria tenella infection in broiler chickens in comparison with the amprolium anticoccidial. For this purpose, a total of 198 chicks were placed 11 per pen with three pens per treatment. The different concentrations of HCl (1000ppm, 2000ppm and 3000ppm) and amproilum (at the dose rate of 125ppm) were given to the experimental groups in drinking water from 10 to 19th days of age. One group was kept as infected non medicated control and one as non infected non medicated control. At the 12th day of age, all the groups were inoculated orally with 75,000 sporulated oocysts except non infected non medicated control. Anticoccidial activity was evaluated on the basis of performance (weight gain, feed conversion ratio) and pathogenic (oocyst score, lesion score and mortality %age) parameters. Among HCl medicated groups, the maximum anticoccidial effect was seen in the group medicated with 1000ppm HCl followed by 2000ppm and 3000ppm HCl medicated groups. Amprolium and 1000ppm HCl were almost equivalent in suppressing the negative performance and pathogenic effects associated with coccidiosis (Eimeria tenella) challenge. In summary, the lower doses of HCl have the potential to be used as alternative to chemotherapeutic drugs for Eimeria tenella control. It is therefore suggested that further studies should be carried out to determine the possible minimum safe levels of HCl with least toxic effects to be used as anticoccidial.
In this thesis, stepwise titration with hydrochloric acid was used to obtain chemical reactivities and dissolution rates of ground limestones and dolostones of varying geological backgrounds (sedimentary, metamorphic or magmatic). Two different ways of conducting the calculations were used: 1) a first order mathematical model was used to calculate extrapolated initial reactivities (and dissolution rates) at pH 4, and 2) a second order mathematical model was used to acquire integrated mean specific chemical reaction constants (and dissolution rates) at pH 5. The calculations of the reactivities and dissolution rates were based on rate of change of pH and particle size distributions of the sample powders obtained by laser diffraction. The initial dissolution rates at pH 4 were repeatedly higher than previously reported literature values, whereas the dissolution rates at pH 5 were consistent with former observations. Reactivities and dissolution rates varied substantially for dolostones, whereas for limestones and calcareous rocks, the variation can be primarily explained by relatively large sample standard deviations. A list of the dolostone samples in a decreasing order of initial reactivity at pH 4 is: 1) metamorphic dolostones with calcite/dolomite ratio higher than about 6% 2) sedimentary dolostones without calcite 3) metamorphic dolostones with calcite/dolomite ratio lower than about 6% The reactivities and dissolution rates were accompanied by a wide range of experimental techniques to characterise the samples, to reveal how different rocks changed during the dissolution process, and to find out which factors had an influence on their chemical reactivities. An emphasis was put on chemical and morphological changes taking place at the surfaces of the particles via X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Supporting chemical information was obtained with X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements of the samples, and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) measurements of the solutions used in the reactivity experiments. Information on mineral (modal) compositions and their occurrence was provided by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and studying thin sections with a petrographic microscope. BET (Brunauer, Emmet, Teller) surface areas were determined from nitrogen physisorption data. Factors increasing chemical reactivity of dolostones and calcareous rocks were found to be sedimentary origin, higher calcite concentration and smaller quartz concentration. Also, it is assumed that finer grain size and larger BET surface areas increase the reactivity although no certain correlation was found in this thesis. Atomic concentrations did not correlate with the reactivities. Sedimentary dolostones, unlike metamorphic ones, were found to have porous surface structures after dissolution. In addition, conventional (XPS) and synchrotron based (HRXPS) X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy were used to study bonding environments on calcite and dolomite surfaces. Both samples are insulators, which is why neutralisation measures such as electron flood gun and a conductive mask were used. Surface core level shifts of 0.7 ± 0.1 eV for Ca 2p spectrum of calcite and 0.75 ± 0.05 eV for Mg 2p and Ca 3s spectra of dolomite were obtained. Some satellite features of Ca 2p, C 1s and O 1s spectra have been suggested to be bulk plasmons. The origin of carbide bonds was suggested to be beam assisted interaction with hydrocarbons found on the surface. The results presented in this thesis are of particular importance for choosing raw materials for wet Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) and construction industry. Wet FGD benefits from high reactivity, whereas construction industry can take advantage of slow reactivity of carbonate rocks often used in the facades of fine buildings. Information on chemical bonding environments may help to create more accurate models for water-rock interactions of carbonates.
Starch is arguably one of the most actively investigated biopolymer in the world. In this study, the native (untreated) cassava starch granules (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) were hydrolyzed by standard hydrochloric acid solution at different temperatures (30 °C and 50 °C) and the hydrolytic transformations were investigated by the following techniques: simultaneous thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), as well as non-contact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) powder patterns, and rapid viscoamylographic analysis (RVA). After the treatment with hydrochloric acid at different temperatures, the thermal stability, a gradual loss of pasting properties (viscosity), alterations in the gelatinization enthalpy (ΔHgel), were observed. The use of NC-AFM and XRD allowed the observation of the surface morphology and topography of the starch granules and changes in crystallinity of the granules, respectively. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study evaluated by an in vitro model the effect of beverages on dental enamel previously subjected to erosive challenge with hydrochloric acid. The factor under study was the type of beverage, in five levels: Sprite® Zero Low-calorie Soda Lime (positive control), Parmalat® ultra high temperature (UHT) milk, Ades® Original soymilk, Leão® Ice Tea Zero ready-to-drink low-calorie peach-flavored black teaand Prata® natural mineral water (negative control). Seventy-five bovine enamel specimens were distributed among the five types of beverages (n=15), according to a randomized complete block design. For the formation of erosive wear lesions, the specimens were immersed in 10 mL aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid 0.01 M for 2 min. Subsequently, the specimens were immersed in 20 mL of the beverages for 1 min, twice daily for 2 days at room temperature. In between, the specimens were kept in 20 mL of artificial saliva at 37ºC. The response variable was the quantitative enamel microhardness. ANOVA and Tukey's test showed highly significant differences (p<0.00001) in the enamel exposed to hydrochloric acid and beverages. The soft drink caused a significantly higher decrease in microhardness compared with the other beverages. The black tea caused a significantly higher reduction in microhardness than the mineral water, UHT milk and soymilk, but lower than the soft drink. Among the analyzed beverages, the soft drink and the black tea caused the most deleterious effects on dental enamel microhardness.
The object of this work has been to devise a method by which the different phases in the chalcocite-stibnite-galena ternary system may be identified. As the mineralogists have no precise methods for the identification of these phases, a hydrochloric acid-chromate trioxide staining solution was employed.
Lactic acid is the predominant acid present in the vagina. We evaluated the consequences of lactic acid, at physiological levels present in the vagina, on cytokine responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from 10 individuals in the presence or absence of bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Preincubation of PBMCs in 15 mM lactic acid before the addition of lipopolysaccharide resulted in a 246% mean increase in interleukin-23 (IL-23) secretion over that released in the presence of lipopolysaccharide alone (P=0.0068). The lipopolysaccharide-induced production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12 was unaffected by lactic acid. IL-23 stimulation was not observed if the lactic acid was neutralized before its addition to the culture medium or if hydrochloric acid was substituted for lactic acid. In the absence of lipopolysaccharide, lactic acid did not stimulate the production of IL-23 or any of the other cytokines. The increase in IL-23 production was proportional to the lactic acid concentration over a 15-60 mM range. We conclude that at body sites characterized by lactic acid accumulation, such as in the human vagina, exposure to gram-negative bacteria results in selective IL-23 production, leading to a subsequent preferential stimulation of the Th17 T lymphocyte pathway.
Nesta dissertação pretendeu-se estudar a viabilidade do uso de eletrodiálise com membranas bipolares (BM) na recuperação de ácido clorídrico e de hidróxido de sódio a partir de um efluente industrial que contém 1.4 mol/L de cloreto de sódio. Estas membranas mostraram ser uma ferramenta eficiente para a produção de ácidos e bases a partir do respetivo sal. Foi feita uma seleção de diferentes membranas bipolares (Neosepta, Fumatech e PCA) e aniónicas (PC-SA e PC-ACID 60) na tentativa de encontrar a combinação mais adequada para o tratamento do efluente. Dependendo do critério, o melhor arranjo de membranas é o uso de PC-ACID 60 (membrana aniónica), PC-SK (membrana catiónica) e membranas bipolares do tipo Neosepta para maior pureza dos produtos; membranas bipolares Fumatech para maior eficiência de dessalinização e membranas bipolares PCA para um maior grau de dessalinização. Tecnologicamente foi possível obter uma dessalinização de 99.8% em quatro horas de funcionamento em modo batch com recirculação de todas as correntes. Independentemente da combinação usada é recomendável que o processo seja parado quando a densidade de corrente deixa de ser máxima, 781 A/m2. Assim é possível evitar o aumento de impurezas nos produtos, contra difusão, descida instantânea do pH e uma dessalinização pouco eficiente. A nível piloto o principal fornecedor de membranas e unidade de tratamento “stack” é a marca alemã PCA. Sendo assim realizaram-se ensaios de repetibilidade, contra difusão, avaliação económica e upscaling utilizando as membranas bipolares PCA. A nível económico estudou-se o uso de dois tipos de unidades de tratamento; EDQ 380 e EDQ 1600, para diferentes níveis de dessalinização (50, 75 e 80%). Tendo em conta a otimização económica, é recomendável uma dessalinização máxima de 80%, uma vez que a eficiência de processo a este ponto é de 40%. A aplicação do método com a unidade EDQ 1600 para uma dessalinização de 50% é a mais vantajosa economicamente, com custos de 16 €/m3 de efluente tratado ou 0,78 €/kg Cl- removido. O número de unidades necessárias é 4 posicionados em série.
Unprocessed native starches are structurally too weak and functionally too restricted for application in today's advanced food technologies. Processing is necessary to engender a range of functionality. Naturals or natives starches can be modified by using several methods physical, chemical, enzymatic or combined, according industrial purposes. In this work, native corn starch was hydrolyzed by hydrochloric acid solution and investigated by using thermoanalytical techniques (thermogravimetry - TG, differential thermal analysis - DTA and differential scanning calorimetry - DSC), as well as optical microscopy and X-ray diffractometry. After acid treatment at 30 and 50°C, a decrease of gelatinization enthalpy (ΔHgel) was verified. Optical microscopy and X-ray diffractometry allowed us to verify the granules contorn and rugosity typical of cereal starches.
This paper describes the preparation of acid carboxymethylcellulose (CMCH), and the results of a study on the adsorption and preconcentration (using batch and flow-through column methods) of Cd(II), Cu(II), Cr(III), Fe(III), Ni(II) and Zn(II) in ethanol medium. The adsorption capacities for each metallic ion were (in mmol g(-1)) Cd(II) = 0.92; Cu(II) = 1.45; Cr(III) = 1.70; Fe(III) = 1.60; Ni(II) = 1.30; and Zn(II) = 1.10. By means of the flow-through method, a recovery of ca. 100% of the metallic ions adsorbed in a column packed with 2 g of CMCH was found when 5.0 mL of 1.0 mol L-1 hydrochloric acid were used as eluent. An enrichment factor of 20 (100 mt solution containing 50 mu g L-1 of the metallic ions, concentrated to 5.0 mt) was obtained by this preconcentration procedure. The sorption-desorption procedure applied allowed the development of a preconcentration and Flame AAS quantification method of metallic ions in fuel ethanol at trace levels.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this work we investigate the effect of hydrochloric acid (HC) addition on the structure and thermal and magnetic properties of iron-doped siloxane-polyoxyethylene (POE) hybrids prepared by the sol-gel route. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) results reveal the dominance of ferrihydrite nanoparticles and a mixture of this phase with FeCl4- species in the hybrid prepared without and with HCl, respectively. Thermal analysis reveals the existence of two crystalline polymeric phases in the hybrid prepared with HCl whereas hybrids prepared without HCl are amorphous. The 105 and 60 Angstrom sized ferrihydrite nanoparticles were detected by SAXS analysis of the composite prepared without and with HCl, respectively. The magnetic results suggest that in both samples antiferromagnetic nanoparticles coexist with small clusters/isolated ions. In the sample without HCl addition, larger particles dominate the magnetic behavior, while the opposite occurs for the sample prepared using HCl catalyst. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Acid erosion is a superficial loss of enamel caused by chemical processes that do not involve bacteria. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as the presence of acid substances in the oral cavity, may cause a pH reduction, thus potentially increasing acid erosion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microhardness of bleached and unbleached bovine enamel after immersion in a soda beverage, artificial powder juice and hydrochloric acid. The results obtained for the variables of exposure time, acid solution and substrate condition (bleached or unbleached enamel) were statistically analyzed by the ANOVA and Tukey tests. It was concluded that a decrease in microhardness renders dental structures more susceptible to erosion and mineral loss, and that teeth left unbleached show higher values of microhardness compared to bleached teeth.
The aims of this study were to characterize the microstructure of a commercially pure titanium (cpTi) surface etched with HCl/H 2SO 4 (AE-cpTi) and to investigate its in vitro cytocompatibility compared to turned cpTi (T-cpTi). T-cpTi showed a grooved surface and AE-cpTi revealed a surface characterized by the presence of micropits. Surface parameters indicated that the AE-cpTi surface is more isotropic and present a greater area compared to T-cpTi. The oxide film thickness was similar between both surfaces; however, AE-cpTi presented more Ti and O and less C. Osteoblastic cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase activity, and bone-like nodule formation were greater on T-cpTi than on AE-cpTi. These results show that acid etching treatment produced a surface with different topographical and chemical features compared to the turned one, and such surface modification affected negatively the in vitro cytocompatibility of cpTi as demonstrated by decreasing culture growth and expression of osteoblastic phenotype.